ReddittRefugee ago

As always, there's a link between a pedophilia network and the Clintons.

Many people forget that both Obama and Pentagon officials were opposed to the Libya intervention, and the European countries were not willing to go ahead with the war without at least US support for their planned bombings.

Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State at the time, personally intervened with the Obama cabinet and the Pentagon to get approval to proceed with the war in Libya.

As usual in these elite pedophile circles, one of the Clintons was the political insider who could make their designs happen.

new4now ago

Obama DOJ drops charges against alleged broker of Libyan weapons

A Turi associate asserted that the government dropped the case because the proceedings could have embarrassed Clinton and President Barack Obama by calling attention to the reported role of their administration in supplying weapons that fell into the hands of Islamic extremist militants.

Under the deal, Turi admits no guilt in the transactions he participated in, but he agreed to refrain from U.S.-regulated arms dealing for four years. A $200,000 civil penalty will be waived if Turi abides by the agreement.

Turi adviser Robert Stryk of the government relations and consulting firm SPG accused the government of trying to scapegoat Turi to cover up Clinton’s mishandling of Libya.

“The U.S. government spent millions of dollars, went all over the world to bankrupt him, and destroyed his life — all to protect Hillary Clinton’s crimes,” he said, alluding to the deadly Sept. 11, 2012 terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya

Turi was indicted in 2014 on four felony counts: two of arms dealing in violation of the Arms Export Control Act and two of lying to the State Department in official applications. The charges accused Turi of claiming that the weapons involved were destined for Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, when the arms were actually intended to reach Libya.

Turi’s lawyers argued that the shipments were part of a U.S. government-authorized effort to arm Libyan rebels.

It’s unclear if any of the weapons made it to Libya, and there’s no evidence linking weapons provided by the U.S. government to the Benghazi attacks

"When this equipment landed in Libya, half went one way, and the half went the other way," Turi said in an interview broadcast on Fox Business Channel. "The half that went the other way is the half that ended up in Syria."

Turi also said he came up with an idea he termed "zero footprint," where the U.S. would send weapons to Libyan rebels through Arab countries, like Qatar and the United Arab Emirates.

new4now ago

We came, we saw, he died. and then she laughed

mooteensy ago

just read the Brofman sisters recently bought an island in Figi…disinfo?

Hopevoats ago

Wow. Great post!

YogSoggoth ago

Keith told her sex was like playing the violin or tennis. It wouldn’t bother her if he played tennis or violin with another women. Why did it bother her if he had sex with another women? Sounds like a good way to get hit in the head with an inanimate object. Sorry, but someone had to say it.

new4now ago

I think the sex cult stuff is just a cover up to what was/ is really going on

YogSoggoth ago

I disagree. This has been going on for a long time, and most who have delved are dead. By what is going on being ritual sacrifice, and worse, well yes, but that has all been uncovered before PG.

argosciv ago

It's a bit of both, really.

cc: @new4now

new4now ago

as usual lol

new4now ago

I'm talking about the takeover of Libya, they trying to do the same in Syria

wouldn't surprise me if this is what happened in Iraq

if you read the posts and see all the connections you will see it

the root was in Switzerland

NXIVM has continued the trafficking done by Daddy, same lines used, and where does this end up at? the money?

media plays hard on the sex cult angle, but trafficking is becoming more solid

Who does the CIA work for?

heard said Bin Laden was CIA, ties with Bush family

where did the ISIS army come from?

who's in Syria right now doing war crimes?

it all ties together

sacrifices have been going on since the beginning, those people been in and out of the rock they hide under

who know this, some of us probably had, long down the road relative, who did this, I not talking about that

I'm talking about taking over middle east

starts with 9-11 and Iraq

3141592653 ago

Lotsa truth in this. Right on.

YogSoggoth ago

One thing that has been explained to me, in detail, is that you never talk about them, or they. Those are extremely dangerous words that can be directed back towards you. Those words only become charged with other words, so it seems.

new4now ago

realized Switzerland came up in a few places

I trying to remember how it came up with NXIVM

think it was a connected LLC that wasn't like the others

gotcha :) Thanks

septimasexta ago

" Post on Sarah, her husband and Libya... "

@new4now Your previous post is an amazing piece of investigation. Good job! We need to keep shining the light on those running the show from the shadows...Rothschild/Bronfman...Cafritz etc. They all represent a certain segment of the population: Internationalists/globalists. Secrecy is their strength. Their power is not tied to one country. Many are united by intermarriage. The original model was the East India Company.

new4now ago

I believe a plan was made in Switzerland

Rothschild/ bronsfam etc , Libya, NXIVM, etc

you have CIA, Clintons, Biden, McCain, and Rahm Emmanuel's Father, all involved

Switzerland been running on a impartial country is superficial

they are ground zero, and I going to prove it

and at the heart of it is Zionist, a group of them maybe?

that's where all the money is laundered

it all just hit me when carmencita reminded me that Rahms Father went to college in Switzerland

they all connect, it was right there in front of me

septimasexta ago

You might start with Basel. It has a lot of history.

"First Zionist Congress (Hebrew: הקונגרס הציוני הראשון‎) was the inaugural congress of the Zionist Organization (ZO) (to become the World Zionist Organization (WZO) in 1960) held in Basel (Basle), Switzerland, from August 29 to August 31, 1897. 208 delegates and 26 press correspondents attended the event.[1]

It was convened[2] and chaired[3] by Theodor Herzl, the founder of the modern Zionism movement. The Congress formulated a Zionist platform, known as the Basel program, and founded the Zionist Organization."

"Perhaps you have never heard of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) located in Basel, Switzerland. Perhaps you have never heard of the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS), a separate legal entity with headquarters at the BIS. But these two regulatory bodies play a considerably important role in the development of international banking supervisory standards. And, as it happens, they also put forward propositions on how gold is to be seen by the banks.

The BIS was set up in 1930, its goals and means have changed throughout the years and today its main scope of activity is to provide central banks with credit when necessary and to help in achieving monetary and financial stability on an international level. The BCBS was established in 1974 and is primarily concerned with coordinating banking supervisory activities."

"1291 Templars were Driven out of France by King Philip and formed the State of Switzerland in that year. They settled in and around Sion, Switzerland and they stored all their wealth from the years of raids during the crusades in mountain caves and soon setup banks to store their massive gold and related wealth. Today these robbers have become the ELITISTS’ TAX DODGING Banking Center of the World."

The History of the KnightsTemplar by Charles G. Addison "This is a mainstream history of the Knights Templars, writtenin the 19th century. Addison details the rise of the Templars to become,essentially, the first multinational corporation. The Templars were entrusted bythe Church and States of Europe to be the spearhead of the crusades. In theprocess they gained immense wealth and influence, although individualTemplars took a vow of poverty. Jerusalem was won and lost several times bythe crusaders through the 12th and 13th centuries."

new4now ago

wonder how much Rothschild has sitting in these banks

also wonder if there are any ties to the Vatican

think- ago

also wonder if there are any ties to the Vatican

You bet.

septimasexta ago

"As early as 1799, Nathan Mayer Rothschild (1777-1836) began to import and distribute Indian goods, and an ‘India Goods’ book, preserved in the Archive records dealings in cloth, indigo, spice, coffee and cotton between 1807 and 1812. Nathan is also reported to have dealt with the East India Company in connection with the famous ‘Waterloo Commission’, the contract from the British Government to supply Wellington's troops with gold coin in 1814 and 1815. In 1834, Sir Thomas Fowell Buxton wrote to his daughter recalling the dinner where Nathan told him of an occasion “when I was settled in London, the East India Company had 800,000 lbs of gold to sell. I went to the sale and bought it all. I knew the Duke of Wellington must have it… that was the best business I ever did.” Whilst no evidence exists that Nathan held East India Company shares, he did recommend the son John Roworth, his ‘Principal Clerk’for enlistment as a Cadet with the Company in 1818. " This was the beginning of the huge Rothschild profits and ascendancy in global banking.

Rothschilds and the Illuminati

septimasexta ago

Well done video on Bank of England/Rothschild history.

septimasexta ago

Let's not forget the Astor family:

"Most of the Astors took off for England, but one branch of the Astors that is clearly involved in Satanism and the occult is the Chanler family. The Chanler family have Astor blood via “Madie” Astor Ward. The Chanler’s parents died at an early age, and the Rokeby Estate in NY was given by the Astors so that a cousin Mary Marshall could raise the Chanler children. The Chanler family is one branch that clearly shows all the earmarks of the SatanIc hierarchy. The behavior of Robert Chanler, Elizabeth Chanler and Armstrong Chanler have ail the classic earmarks of having MPD, and having suffered SRA. The Rokeby mansion that the Chanler family lived in was a haunted house of the first rate. Fairies, ghosts, signs and potents, and all type of occult activity takes place at this mansion, When top rx-Illuminati members who have managed to escape Satanism describe their home life, they mention that occult phenomena was a natural part of home life. This certainly is what life has been lIke at the Chanler Rokeby mansion. The Chaniers are not well known publicly but have been part of the social scene of the elite. Theodore Roosevelt and Senator Henry Cabot Lodge (of the elite Cabot family) were good friends of the Chanlers. The Chanlers created the town Roanoke Rapids, North Carolina. (At some point I hope to do an expose on the resort area in that general area that is a “meat market” for the Illuminati. Families like the Bill Clinton’s go down there every year for vacation to mingle with other middle management families that the Illuminati use as lackeys. Illuminati “scouts” watch and choose who they want to use for political office, etc.) A Who’s Who of the Astor orphans--the Chanier family who are of interest to our study of the Illuminati will now be given.

John Armstrong Chanler-married mystic novelist and morphine addict Amelie Rives. “Once wandering in the twilight she asked wistfully, “Do you think If I drank a whole cupful of warm, bubbly blood, I would see a real fairy” ... Then there had been the period during which she suffered anguish over the thought that Satan was banished from Paradise forever; she prayed with tears that ultimately he might be pardoned and readmitted to celestial bliss.” (Thomas, Lately. The Astor Orphans: A Pride of Lions p. 76.) John carried on spiritual experiments in what he termed “esoteric buddhism”. Due to his obsession with this practice and a business fight with his brothers they put him in an insane asylum. He finally did get released. One has to wonder what the whole story was behind the incarceration. HIs esoteric buddhism or “x-faculty” was a trance state where a spirit spoke or did automatic writing through him. His eye color would change when this spirit worked through him.

Margaret Livingston Chanler retained the rights to Rokeby. She married into the Aldrich family, which is another Illuminati family. The Aidriches now own Rokeby.

William Chanler was a friend of Tom Foley who was the Tammany district leader of the Irish-Italian district east of city hall. Another friend was Jack Follansbee. Jack Follansbee’s cousin was WillIam Randolf Hearst, an Illuminatus of the 6° who got Billy Graham’s ministry going by financing the first several years. The Hearst family is in the Illuminati. One of the Rothschild descendants Don Hearst Bauer, has changed his name to Don Hearst.

Winthrop Chanler’s wife, Amelie Rive, her father William Cabell Rives studied law under Thomas Jefferson.


The Roosevelt family has been connected to the Delano family which Is a Black Venetian Noble family that goes back for many centuries. The lives of these families also intertwine with the Astors. Examples of the interweaving are: · Franklin Hughes Delano--heir to a massive whale oil fortune. He married Lavia Astor, daughter of the original William Buckhouse Astor. · James Roosevelt Roosevelt-married Helen Astor, daughter of William Backhouse, Jr. · James Roosevelt--a Freemason, he married the sister of Vincent Astor’s wife."

Read the detailed Astor family history:

new4now ago

Astor's name is bloodline of illuminati,

wish I could figure out one name for all these people

septimasexta ago

Astors, Rothschilds, Sassoons, and Cafritz all claim Jewish ancestry. However, some family members have married non-Jews from time to time. As a group, they have not forgotten Catholic Spain and Portugal kicking them out for not converting to Catholicism in 1492. Where did they go? Holland, America, Jamaica, South America and the Caribbean. This huge exodus of refugees is rarely mentioned in public school history books. In fact, some became the original "pirates of the Caribbean." They teamed up with the English "pirates" (who were also enemies of Spain) and used Port Royal, Jamaica as a base to attack the Spanish treasure ships laden with silver and goods obtained from the natives of South America. Slave trading was also a big money maker for both groups.

septimasexta ago

"Photographer unearths Jewish treasures of the Caribbean"

This book gives a detailed history: JEWISH PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN: How a Generation of Swashbuckling Jews Carved Out an Empire in the New World in Their Quest for Treasure, Religious Freedom - and Revenge by Edward Kritzler Anchor Books, 2008.

new4now ago

reading on Rothschilds now

a lot of names popping up since they changed there name

Loeb has popped up, who has ties to Bronfams in Canada

Loeb and Shiff, through marriage

Shiff and Gore through marriage

trying to figure if Adam Schiff in there too

Rothschilds had arranged marriage to change the name, but stay in family

Roths are way up there on the ladder, Is one of them the puppet master, I don't know

reading through a really good article, sums up Rothschilds very well and how they spread

knowing what I know, this article makes me ill

septimasexta ago

Rothschild’s want Iran’s banks

"Could gaining control of the Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran (CBI) be one of the main reasons that Iran is being targeted by Western and Israeli powers? As tensions are building up for an unthinkable war with Iran, it is worth exploring Iran’s banking system compared to its U.S., British and Israeli counterparts. Some researchers are pointing out that Iran is one of only three countries left in the world whose central bank is not under Rothschild control. Before 9-11 there were reportedly seven: Afghanistan, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Cuba, North Korea and Iran. By 2003, however, Afghanistan and Iraq were swallowed up by the Rothschild octopus, and by 2011 Sudan and Libya were also gone. In Libya, a Rothschild bank was established in Benghazi while the country was still at war." GOOD ARTICLE. READ REST HERE:

new4now ago

figured that out a while back

Cuba, North Korea, Iran and Syria are the only ones left

septimasexta ago

Check out Baron Lord James Meyer Sassoon (descendant of Rothschild/Sassoon marriage). He was/is on the board of directors of East India Co. replacement, shipping giant Jardine Matheson:

"James Meyer Sassoon, Baron Sassoon, FCA[1] (born 11 September 1955) became an executive Director of Jardine Matheson Holdings and of Matheson & Co. in January 2013. He is also a director of Hongkong Land, Dairy Farm and Mandarin Oriental. He is Chairman of the China-Britain Business Council.

Sassoon was the first Commercial Secretary to the Treasury from May 2010 to January 2013, a ministerial position in HM Treasury, the UK's finance ministry. Sassoon had a long career in the financial sector and previously served in various roles at the Treasury from 2002 to 2008, at which point he began advising David Cameron on financial issues.[2] He was appointed to the House of Lords as a Conservative in connection with his ministerial appointment.[3]"


OMG! THEY OWNED 80 PIZZA HUTS IN HAWAII! "Jardine is the biggest international Mercedes-Benz dealer and PIZZA Hut franchisee, according to the company, which also has operations in construction, engineering, retail, insurance brokering, real estate and consumer marketing. Last year, Jardine reported $352 million in net profit on $7.4 billion in revenue."

new4now ago

Sassoon another one of the familes

and don't forget, Bronfam was trafficking drugs from China via England with his liquor

septimasexta ago

It's All in the Family!

Because of Hebrew history, the Jews have generationally seen themselves as a people without a country. This served the major families well, as they were willing to concentrate wealth by generational intermarriage (first cousins), keeping the business in the family, and utilizing international family relationships to build global business. Also, many things forbidden to Christians were not forbidden in the Jewish moral code. Usury, is an example. Christians, on the other hand, became lazy and complacent, allowing themselves to be sold goods that satisfy the flesh, but not the spirit. They neglected God's Word and were easily deceived. Time to take the Red Pill.

septimasexta ago

"Bill Clinton campaigning in Roanoke Rapids, NC"

"ROANOKE RAPIDS, N.C. (AP) -- Former President Bill Clinton, campaigning in a former mill town struggling with job losses, said Friday the United States can bring back the manufacturing industry - as long as the nation can enforce trade laws.

"We can bring manufacturing back to America now," Clinton said on an outdoor stage, with the now-closed mill that was featured in the 1979 Sally Field movie "Norma Rae" looming behind him. "But we have to have a commitment."

Clinton did not mention the North American Free Trade Agreement during the campaign event for his wife, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton. The NAFTA trade pact was adopted while Bill Clinton was in office, but Hillary Clinton has repeatedly said she wants to change it.

Many have blamed NAFTA for accelerating the decline of North Carolina's once-vibrant manufacturing sector.

The former J.P. Stevens plant that served as Clinton's backdrop was the South's first major unionized textile mill, and the inspiration for "Norma Rae." The movie won Field her first Academy Award for her portrayal of a minimum-wage textile worker-turned-union organizer.

Textile mills once provided 5,000 jobs in Roanoke Rapids, but the last mill closed several years ago."

AIR DEFENSE COMMAND FOR THE ELITE? "Roanoke Rapids AFS was established in 1954 by Air Defense Command as one of a planned deployment of forty-four Mobile radar stations to support the permanent ADC Radar network in the United States sited around the perimeter of the country. This deployment was projected to be operational by mid-1952. Funding, constant site changes, construction, and equipment delivery delayed deployment.

This site became operational on 1 March 1956 when the 632d Aircraft Control and Warning Squadron was assigned and began operating AN/MPS-11 and AN/TPS-10D radars, and initially the station functioned as a Ground-Control Intercept (GCI) and warning station. As a GCI station, the squadron's role was to guide interceptor aircraft toward unidentified intruders picked up on the unit's radar scopes. Two years later, the AN/TPS-10D was replaced with a pair of AN/FPS-6 height-finder radars. "Over the years, the equipment at the station was upgraded or modified to improve the efficiency and accuracy of the information gathered by the radars. The 632d was inactivated on September 30, 1978 as part of a general reduction of Aerospace Defense Command air defense units.

Today the site is abandoned with deteriorating buildings. Two radar towers remain in poor condition. The housing area is in use by private individuals. The Gap Filler support buildings remain, however the radar towers were dismantled and removed." DO ELITE CONGREGATE AT CLOSED AFS BASE? "The housing area is in use by private individuals."

Billy Graham Recalls Help From Hearst June 07, 1997|JOHN DART "Evangelist Billy Graham recalls in his new book the pivotal point in his young ministry when, during a 1949 Los Angeles crusade, a two-word directive from publisher William Randolph Hearst to "puff Graham" made him an instant celebrity nationwide.

The sudden front-page coverage showered on Graham by Hearst newspapers in mid-October (after three weeks of little notice) was quickly matched by other newspapers and newsmagazines--literally a media circus descending on his rallies under a big tent."

"The evangelist had never met Hearst, but the magnate’s sons later told Graham that their father had come to the revival, in disguise, with his mistress, Marion Davies. Attendance swelled, and an estimated three hundred and fifty thousand people eventually passed through the canvas cathedral, as it came to be called, in the course of eight weeks."

new4now ago

HW Bush groomed Bill

septimasexta ago

Yep. Here's a famous photo of them together. EVEN SNOPES IS RIGHT ONCE IN A WHILE:

"On 16 February 2016, a photograph purportedly showing Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, and George Wallace at a table was posted to a Facebook group along with the caption “Planning for ‘The New World Order'”:" "in a gallery of images from Wallace’s political career, reported that the photograph was taken in 1983, at Bush’s residence in Kennebunkport, Maine."

septimasexta ago

"The Astor Family’s Rokeby Estate Has Become A Rundown Mansion"

septimasexta ago

The House Inherited Them

"Not long after Ania arrived at Rokeby, the two began to create pageants and spectacles that ricocheted around a grab bag of spiritual traditions from Africa to Tibet, Poland and the West Indies. Hundreds of people would participate, camping in the house and on the grounds.

“We did it all,” Ms. Fleming said, “with Santeria priests and Tibetan monks and Native Americans, and Ania cooking for everyone.”

“We wanted to make a life of celebration,” said Ania, who has dialed down her spectacle-making in recent years and is now studying shamanism.

The Rokeby events were an indirect precursor to the Halloween parade. (That event was created in 1971, and Ms. Fleming has been its director for 27 years.) Its puppets are now built here, in a two-month-long ensemble project, by scores of volunteers. For 12 years, Rosalind’s daughter Sophia Michahelles, 35, and her partner, Alex Kahn, have designed the puppet pageant for the parade, working out of one of the barns."

septimasexta ago

Reminds me of the Rothschild costume party in 1972....

new4now ago

Branfam's had multiple ties with Rothschilds

both of Edgars sisters were married into the Rothschild family

many other ties

think- ago

Branfam's had multiple ties with Rothschilds

Yes, don't forget the Bronfman E.L. Rothschild bank.

new4now ago

Thank You, was gonna start on Swiss history

I honestly dont know much of their Country

they are not in news a lot

septimasexta ago

"The Knights Templar initially arrived in the Holy Land on a mission to reclaim some treasure that they believed was rightfully theirs. According to the modern Templar historians, Tim Wallace-Murphy and Christopher Knight, the knights who banded together as the Knights Templar were part of a wave of European royalty descended from Jewish Elders that had fled the Holy Land around 70 AD, when it was invaded by the Romans. Templars of the Rex Deus Families Before leaving their homeland, these Elders had hidden their temple treasures and priceless Essene and Kabbalistic scrolls in strategic regions of the Holy Land so that the Roman invader Titus could not plunder them as the spoils of war. The Jewish Elders then immigrated to Europe. There, many of them married into the continent's noble families. Of these Elders, twenty-four would become the patriarchs of a group of European families known by the sobriquet of the “Rex Deus” or “Star” families."

septimasexta ago

"Freemasonry’s most popular book: Morals and Dogma by Albert Pike, reveals the Templar’s true purpose: In 1118 the Knights Crusaders in the East, among whom were Geoffroi de Saint-Omer and Hughes de Payens, consecrated themselves to religion and took an oath between the hands of the Patriarch of Constantinople, a See always secretly or openly hostile to that of Rome from the time of Photius. The avowed object of the Templars was to protect Christians who came to visit the Holy Places: their secret object was the rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon on the model prophesied by Ezekiel. In the object of the Templars was to acquire influence and wealth, then to ‘intrigue and at need fight to establish the Johannite or Gnostic and Kabbalistic dogma. They discovered a secret in the ruins of the temple.

The Knights Templars were corrupt from the beginning. They adopted the religious beliefs of the Gnostics. They represented the first wide-scale attempt to organize and mobilize the forces of occultism for the purpose of gaining control of the world."

Occult historian, Edith Starr Miller summarizes the demise of the Templars as follows: “Having embraced Gnosticism while in Palestine, and in touch with the sect of the Assassins, the Templar order degenerated, and some of its members were said to practice Phallicism or sex-worship and Satanism and to venerate “The Baphomet,” the idol of the Luciferians. The crime of Sodomy was a rite of Templar initiation.” (Ibid., 144). “In 1307 the Templars were charged with heresy and immorality by a former member of the order” (Collier’s Encyclopedia, “Knights Templars”). As a result, Philip IV of France launched an investigation looking into the alleged misdeeds of the organization (World Book Encyclopedia, 1969, “Knights Templars”). On 15 October 1507 the king had the Templars of France arrested and brought before the Inquisitor for France by whom they were examined (Webster, Secret Societies, 51-52). The knights confessed to a variety of notorious crimes and admitted to taking blasphemous oaths against Jesus Christ upon admission into the Order."

think- ago

The crime of Sodomy was a rite of Templar initiation.” (Ibid., 144). “In 1307 the Templars were charged with heresy and immorality by a former member of the order” (Collier’s Encyclopedia, “Knights Templars”).

As a result, Philip IV of France launched an investigation looking into the alleged misdeeds of the organization (World Book Encyclopedia, 1969, “Knights Templars”). On 15 October 1507 the king had the Templars of France arrested and brought before the Inquisitor for France by whom they were examined (Webster, Secret Societies, 51-52).

The knights confessed to a variety of notorious crimes and admitted to taking blasphemous oaths against Jesus Christ upon admission into the Order."

This might have been the case - but please keep in mind that the French king was interested in seizing the assets of the Templars, so allegations - at least against some of them - might have been made up.

Also, the Templars were tortured, so their confessions were basically meaningless. Not saying they were not into child rape and Luciferianism, just trying to be cautious, since the motive for seizing the assets of the Templars were clearly financial ones.

Don't forget that at these times, occultism was practised by nobility, so that behind the facade of the Christian religion aristocrats in general dabbled with sinister stuff.

septimasexta ago

The Templars have many conflicting things said about them. That is the problem when you are a "secret" society. Outsiders don't know what to believe. They do seem to have a connection with Switzerland, and Switzerland has always been a secretive country whose economy is tied to guarding the privacy of banking customers. Feel free to post info countering what I quoted. The research is ongoing.

think- ago

Outsiders don't know what to believe.

Yes, actually I'm glad that you mentioned the Templars, since it seems to be a fascinating topic. I'd love to read more about it.

The reason why I'm cautious here is that the motive of the French kings seems to have been obvious - financial greed - and that research has shown that the witch hunts that started around the year 1500 targeted innocent people, who were accused of similar stuff as the Templars.

People accused of witchcraft weren't 'wise women' (like many feminists claim), but rather ordinary people who were not into anything occult. And their 'confessions' were made during torture too, so they were meaningless.

new4now ago


a lot of players, but cant help to think plan to take over Libya was hatch in Switzerland, using many people already in network

was it 3 yrs between Iraq and Libya?

argosciv ago


carmencita ago

UPVOAT! Thanks for bringing this back, I don't think we have dug down deep enough on this.

new4now ago

we knew there was child trafficking, now theres more info coming out

when this blind came out, NXIVM was tops as answer

Later, will look through all the stuff on it

argo did some good posts on Libya

carmencita ago

More Rabbit Holes Again. This never ends.

carmencita ago

Keith Raniere owns of controls more than 400 domain names. These are linked – at least by a shared phone number – to the Independent Libya Foundation which in turn is linked to Basit Igtet, husband of Sara Bronfman.

By 2015, Robert Chiappone [for E-Mallard Web Corporation, 3431 State St. #201 Schenectady, NY 12304; phone: 518-859-2864] became the main registrant for Raniere’s domains.

By October 2015, all domains shifted suddenly from Chiappone to one Carl Hendricks, [[email protected]] for E-Mallard Web Corporation, [same address as above] But the phone number changed to 518-630-5086. This is the same phone number used for for the Independent Libya Foundation.

Is Carl Hendricks really Basit Igtet? was created: 2013-10-28

Registrant: Independent Libya Foundation 5 Southside Drive Suite 285 Clifton Park NY 12065 Phone: 518-630-5086 [same as Carl Hendricks phone.] Email: [email protected]

This same phone number is used for more than 400 domains owned by Raniere: i.e. NXIVM/ESP/Bronfman, etc. Coincidence or calculated?

400 businesses are named

It may be that Carl Hendricks is a real person who suddenly became the registrant all Raniere’s domains, right after Robbie Chiappone mysteriously dropped out of sight. But it is interesting that the same phone number used to register Basit Igtet’s domain two years earlier – under the name Independent Libya Foundation – has now been used to register hundreds of Raniere’s domain names. Why?

Clearly, more research is required. Perhaps our readers can contribute what they know or suspect. You will see this message: The Independent Libya Foundation website is currently unavailable. Please return shortly for further updates.

But they do have Twitter. ILF Twitter The Independent Libya Foundation: We are committed to help build a unified, free & autonomous Libya. RTs = Interest not endorsement. Founded by @BasitIgtet

Yes the head and founder of ILF is Basit Igtet, Sarah Bronfman's husband.

This all sounds so screwed up just like everything else they are running.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I wonder where they were able to cremate the body before the death was even reported. Wish I knew where this happened, so I could start looking into crematoriums nearby that may be on the take and see who owns them. Unless, they did a chop job, then set ablaze a 50 gallon drum...

new4now ago

wasnt the missing one in Alaska?

will be heading home soon, will look it up

am sure there has been plenty posts to look through

I researched a lot on this

will put up links as soon as I can

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I'm not sure, but let me know what you find as I'm going to be away from my computer for a few hours.

new4now ago

a lot on connections for you

you have to read comments, more ties


NoBS ago

Wood chipper and Mulchers at a nursery can spread DNA wide and far.

Yet today feeding them to pigs is so much easier. Hiding the bodies in pig food is also profitable.

The fuckers eat like pigs.

PS, slow boil the bodies first.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

True, and the smart way to contain the DNA is to drain the body of blood into a container or main drain such as a septic tank pipe, then freeze the body, then chop it up while it's still frozen, then burn the limbs, then pulverize the bones.

Edit to add: I'm not disagreeing with your pig theory. I'm just sticking with how the blind said the bodies were cremated and figuring out how that was done.

swordfish69 ago

Just plugging this article I wrote a little while back. The Cafritz name has also been linked to James Alefantis and most remarkably Charles Manson. Charlene Cafritz (with money from the Cafritz fortune) bought a Cadillac for Manson and helped him recruit people for his cult.

All three cults (Manson Family, NXIVM, Comet/Panda Head) are tied to the same major Jewish financiers (Bronfman/Rothschild/Cafritz) and all seemed to have engaged in practices involving dissociative identity disorder. I'll have to continue repeating myself to drive this point home because if all three are linked then it may provide some of the best evidence of a global sex abuse cabal existing in the highest rungs of power in the United States.

new4now ago

hey sword...

what if I told you this sex cult stuff is just a cover?

what if I told you once upon a time in Switzerland, a plan was made by some Zionist to take over the middle east

at the heart of it is a Swiss bank that launders the money from them?

is NXIVM another laundry drop too?


Did you know Rahm Emmanuel's Father went to college in Switzerland?

Rahm Emanuel’s Father Specialized in Terrorist Bus Bombings in Palestine

In the 1940s, Benjamin Emanuel interrupted his medical school training in Switzerland to take part in an unsuccessful scheme to smuggle guns from Czechoslovakia to the Israeli underground.

Igtet’s late father was a radical leader of Islamic extremists – although Basit denies this. But his father’s extremist activities soon caught the attention of Libya’s then leader, Muammar Gaddafi, and his Jamahiriyah government – which always took a zero-tolerance stance to any kind of internal terrorism. Particularly when those trying to subvert the Libyan state were doing so on behalf of foreign and Zionist agendas. Igtet Sr embezzled millions of dollars from the Gaddafi government and was sent to prison for doing so.

Basit Igtet ran off to Switzerland. He lived in exile for over 20 years – but he chose Switzerland for a very specific reason. For it was here that Igtet found his fathers’ embezzled millions. This is how Basit Igtet built his company and became a multi-millionaire by the age of 45 – although he would have you believe a quite different story.

Whilst in Switzerland, he joined with the wealthy Zionists and become a devout worker for Zionism. He seized his opportunity, when it came, to make the Jewess Sara Bronfman his girlfriend and later his wife. She is a daughter of a man who – until his death – was one of the world’s richest and most powerful Zionists, thanks to an empire based on trading in booze…

In our posts, we have a lot of names

CIA, Biden, McCain and others

I have to go through both mine and @argosciv posts

What do we know about Switzerland?

Hillary Helps a Bank—and Then It Funnels Millions to the Clintons

gonna start digging, have to look at timing

I think Switzerland needs a looking into

think- ago

what if I told you this sex cult stuff is just a cover?

I don't think it's a cover, money laundering, drug and sex trafficking / pedo crimes (and often arms trade as well) often goes together. It's convenient, you can use the same infrastructure (mid- and low-level perps).

Also, Luciferianism is a kind of religious belief for some of these people - while others may practise it just to please their buddies, or to use it as a pretext to rape and torture kids.


new4now ago

take Alison Mack

was she moving drugs and children while recruiting for NXIVM?

what about Catherine Oxenberg?

she joined, was it for the pep talks or was she part of a network?

She is Royalty, and there was a point NXIVM got way out of hand and sloppy, I think it could be when Mack took over after the deaths of Pamela and forgot others

media always points to it as a cult, even Edgar Bronfams said it a cult

is being a cult a cover for other things?

think Scientology or Kabbalah

or those church groups all over the world

thats what I mean by cover

new4now ago

I meant the big money pep talks, Raniers harems, his special harem

media first news on NXIVM would be the cover, but yet the more its looked into, the more coming out

NXIVM has solid nasty connections in Mexico

under the "structure" they have been doing a lot of things

I going to have to go back, see when the bad stuff started

Keith went from AR to NY after slap on wrist for ponzi

then they come up with the exspensive brain washing pep talks

did the trafficking and money laundry start when Bronfman sisters join?

are they the ones, advised by others, when stuff took off , when Mexico became a part of it?

Was Keith really that smart or did certain women do an end round on him, not that he minded, he was God and treated as such

is there another Club NXIVM provides for?

recruiting in Hollywood and Mexico

running same network as Grandpa used

drugs and children

just think Hillary as Secretary of State and all the miles she racked up

how many talks were really US buisness or her own networking?

think- ago

Since the children of three (!) former Mexican presidents have been involved in NXIVM, I wonder how deep it is rooted in Mexican's political structure, how much black mail material they have about Mexican politicians and businessmen, and what else they are involved in and connected to in Mexico we don't yet know about.

new4now ago

no coincidence, and how our government plays a part in it? SMH

its all connected

so far we see NXIVM connects US, Hollywood, Canada, London, Libya, Mexico

you also have Bronfam connections, which is heavy with the Rothschilds, Israel

This is really nasty stuff

I trying not to go too far back, but the network was established with Sam Bronfam and marriage to Loeb, I believe they are the Canadian Rothschilds

am sure there are more, have to go through all my stuff

Mexico a new one, compared to others, have to look when it started down there and what our government was doing at the time

think- ago

Kudos to you for doing all this research!

What a pity that @migratorypatterns isn't here anymore and can help digging.

new4now ago

where she go? Twitter?

with sara and clares mom have a connection to Kenya of all places, this from the guy who tried to kill her, I guess he liked women and young men, what age not sure

after this guy is when she hooked up with Havers

while in Kenya, Rita hooked up with one Richard Leaky, another good story there

have to backtrack and find out where sara and clare grew up and who took care of them

Sara was also married before Basit Iglet, Ronan Clarke, not sure if any connections there

in regards to NXIVM, found two items noteworthy....

Bronfams wired $500,000 to International Program Group who advertised themselves as ex CIA, this in regards to Kristin Snyders " suicide" supposivly to smear her name, did they kill her?

there is also Intertor, founder Juval Aviv, claims to be ex Mossad, the Bronfams hired to go after Rick Ross

have to look it up

this network a nice break from child organs :)

then you have them gett

think- ago

Richard Leaky

Leaky? Is he a member of the famous anthropologist family Leaky?

new4now ago

you got it....your good, The girls mother hooked up with him probably met him while she was spending so much time in Kenya with the guy that tried to kill her, have to look up his articles with a translator :) He was some penniless titled, turned into filmmaker They say her time with Leaky charitable :)

think- ago

where she go? Twitter?

Unfortunately, I have no idea. Hope she is coming back with another alt.

think- ago

Look at the Gotthard tunnel opening and the bank who financed it. It was a satanist ritual in public (the devil wins in the end), many EU leaders were present. (I didn't believe it until I saw the YT videos about it. Vigilant Citizen has a great report about it IIRC.)

Not sure, it might have been Credit Suisse. But in the end, all banks in Switzerland are fishy.

Also, John Podesta has property in Switzerland, IIRC, in Lausanne.

@swordfish69 @letsdothis2

new4now ago


septimasexta ago

Edgar Bronfman Jr. and Edgar Bronfman Sr. CONTRIBUTIONS | HARD MONEY 16,600 | SOFT MONEY 710,000 | CLINTON FOUNDATION: 10K to 15K Shortly after the billionaire businessman Edgar Bronfman Sr. died in 2013, Hillary Clinton spoke at a memorial service in his honor. She described a meeting she had arranged in 1996 between her husband and Bronfman, who then owned the liquor company Seagram and Son, which she said lead to years of negotiation over the return of Holocaust assets held by Swiss Banks. “He exuded a confidence and honesty that won him the friendship and support of Presidents and Popes and people everywhere,” Clinton said of the former president of the World Jewish Congress. His son, Edgar Bronfman Jr., has continued his legacy of political giving, making it difficult to distinguish their donations in federal records. The campaign donation totals above include both men.

"...negotiation over the return of Holocaust assets held by Swiss Banks."


"shadowstate1958 July 9, 2018 at 11:55 am Sara Bronfman is merely whistling past the graveyard with her silly Tweets.

My interest is in what Sara Bronfman might have done to whet the interest of the US government. Was Sara involved in laundering stolen loot out of Mexico?

Or is Uncle Sam interested in Sara’s activities concerning Libya?

And NXIVM itself seems to have an unusual interest in Libya and its riches. Allison Mack last year posted this picture to her social media account.

This picture shows Allison holding a camera phone decorated with the flags of Libya and America. It was posted about the time that Sara’s ambitious Libyan husband Basit Igtet was planning a big political protest in the Libyan capitol of Tripoli. At the bottom of the picture are brownish Arab prayer beads. What was Allison Mack praying for? A successful Libyan coup d e’tat?

Why would NXIVM be interested in Libya? Libya sits on a huge deposit of light sweet crude oil. Very valuable oil. Oil that requires little in the way of refining.

Moreover, if you Google “Colonel Gaddafi’s missing gold and money” you will find interesting stories about Gaddafi’s missing loot. It turns out that in the 42 years Gaddafi rule (1969-2011) he amassed a huge fortune in gold and money. 143 tons of gold alone. There are estimates that altogether Gaddafi spirited 200 billion dollars of money out of Libya.

Since Gaddafi’s overthrow and execution in 2011 no one, not Libya or the US or the United Nations, has found any of Gaddafi’s missing fortune.

Was NXIVM interested in tracking down this King’s Ransom of money?

And the story is that Gaddafi had Sara Bronfman’s father in law, a radical Muslim preacher named Hassan Igtet, executed for embezzling millions of dollars from Libya.

Does the Igtet family know where some of Colonel Gaddafi’s missing money is?

Is the NXIVM story really a great treasure hunt for Colonel Gaddafi’s money?"

IS LIBYA GOLD IN A SWISS VAULT? Just like the Templars?

MIDDLE EAST OIL: SUNNI VS SHIA ""The REAL Reason Sunni Governments Like Saudi Arabia Are At War Against the Shias While the Sunnis and Shias have been competing for more than a thousand years, they have largely co-existed peacefully until recently.

Why are they involved in an open war across multiple countries now?

Much of modern geopolitics is driven by hydrocarbons … i.e. oil and gas.

Is this true of the Sunnis-Shia war?

Yes, the U.S. and its allies are backing the Sunnis against the Shias … in order to wage war for oil.

And it turns out that the lion’s share of oil in the Middle East happens to be located in Shia countries … and in the Shia-minority sections of Sunni-majority countries."
"So the Sunni Gulf monarchies in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Kuwait are single-mindedly going after Iran and the Shia world – because the Shias are sitting on the oil and gas resources – and doing everything they can to start a Sunni-Shia war across the entire MENA area (Middle East and North Africa) in order to “justify” a resource grab."

septimasexta ago

Libya's Central Bank Has $184 Million In Gold In Its Vault... It Just Doesn't Know The Combination

Claims LIBYA's gold dinar coins are in state vault. Don't know if this is all of it, or if there were bars stashed away. Sounds like the coins will be confiscated as "payment", but to who? "Although the coins apparently have Gaddafi's face on them, El Hibri has already worked a solution to that little issue by already agreeing to liquidate the treasure through gold and silver merchants provided they melt Gaddafi's likeness off." House of Rothschild are gold merchants....

ALSO "Actually no, we take that back, we are surprised that the Fed hasn't secretly extended a lifeline to the Libyan central bank, yet. After all, it is no stranger to quietly bailing out other banks." Is this how they took control of Libya's central bank?

septimasexta ago

"An heiress to the Bronfman fortune and her Libyan fiancé have launched a trade initiative between Canada and Libya, saying they want to break the legacy of corrupt deals under Colonel Moammar Gadhafi.

Sara Bronfman, 35, daughter of the billionaire Edgar Bronfman Sr., met a former civilian pilot named Basit Igtet, 41, over lunch during the height of the Libyan revolution last summer while he served as a diplomatic envoy for the Libyan rebels, helping them gain official recognition from foreign governments. Ms. Bronfman became passionately involved in the country's troubles, even visiting the eastern city of Benghazi for what she calls "a few very intense days" in November.

On Monday, they announced the creation of the Canada-Libya Chamber of Commerce, with Ms. Bronfman as president and Mr. Igtet as chairman."

"Ms. Bronfman says she has taken a leave of absence this year from her position as a coach at NXIVM to focus on her Libya projects and her upcoming wedding to Mr. Igtet, who says he wants to help his country recover from war."

new4now ago

that helps to back what I been thinking

think Iran and Syria fighting for their lives over there

going to have to look at Iran, those 2 countries have seem to have been marked the enemy

Iraq and Libya sure were marked

septimasexta ago

The Sassoon/Rothschild HSBC Swiss Bank connection: NOTE: Hong Kong Shanghai Bank Corporation (HSBC) was originally established by Sassoon family opium lords (who intermarried with Rothschilds) to have a place to store and control their huge profits. It was established in The City of London (independent from the Crown) in the 1800's.

"The investigation into the HSBC Swiss bank scandal has been quietly dropped

"The Financial Conduct Authority quietly decided months ago not to take any formal action in its review of allegations that HSBC's Swiss private banking arm helped wealthy clients dodge tax between 2006 and 2007. This is the latest in a line of moves that suggest the FCA is returning to the "light touch" approach which led politicians and market experts to accuse it, and the FCA's predecessor the Financial Services Authority, of "falling asleep at the wheel" when it comes to keeping banks in check and rooting out wrongdoing."

"HSBC's skilled teams of bankers, accountants and lawyers at it's Swiss offices will gladly assist you to secretly protect your capital assets in zero-tax jurisdictions around the globe." MUST READ!

The Swiss Leaks "The largest and most damaging Swiss bank heist in history doesn't involve stolen money but stolen computer files with more than 100,000 names tied to Swiss bank accounts at HSBC, the second largest commercial bank in the world. A 37-year-old computer security specialist named Hervé Falciani stole the huge cache of data in 2007 and gave it to the French government. It's now being used to go after tax cheats all over the world. 60 Minutes, working with a group called the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists, obtained the leaked files. They show the bank did business with a collection of international outlaws: tax dodgers, arms dealers and drug smugglers -- offering a rare glimpse into the highly secretive world of Swiss banking."

Swiss prosecutors are shocked - shocked! - by HSBC's tax scandal "Materials leaked to the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists and a handful of other news organizations indicated that HSBC aggressively marketed schemes suitable for tax evasion to rich clients across the world, colluded with them in holding undeclared accounts and routinely allowed them to withdraw bricks of cash with no questions asked.

The materials come from a stash of files stolen from HSBC by Hervé Falciani, a former employee and whistleblower. Falciani’s files have already led to criminal investigations in France, Belgium and Argentina."

septimasexta ago

Clinton /Blumenthal email explains why we were in Libya:

"The email identifies French President Nicholas Sarkozy as leading the attack on Libya with five specific purposes in mind: to obtain Libyan oil, ensure French influence in the region, increase Sarkozy’s reputation domestically, assert French military power, and to prevent Gaddafi’s influence in what is considered “Francophone Africa.” Most astounding is the lengthy section delineating the huge threat that Gaddafi’s gold and silver reserves, estimated at “143 tons of gold, and a similar amount in silver,” posed to the French franc (CFA) circulating as a prime African currency."

The fall of Libya was to be a stepping stone to do the same in Syria, a proxy for taking out Putin/Russia. Libyan arms were being shipped to Syria via our ambassador?.....

"But there's growing evidence that U.S. agents — particularly murdered ambassador Chris Stevens — were at least aware of heavy weapons moving from Libya to jihadist Syrian rebels." "That means that Ambassador Stevens had only one person—Belhadj—between him and the Benghazi man who brought heavy weapons to Syria."

PROJECT FOR A NEW MIDDLE EAST: Did Trump disrupt their plans?

"This announcement was a confirmation of an Anglo-American-Israeli “military roadmap” in the Middle East. This project, which has been in the planning stages for several years, consists in creating an arc of instability, chaos, and violence extending from Lebanon, Palestine, and Syria to Iraq, the Persian Gulf, Iran, and the borders of NATO-garrisoned Afghanistan.

The “New Middle East” project was introduced publicly by Washington and Tel Aviv with the expectation that Lebanon would be the pressure point for realigning the whole Middle East and thereby unleashing the forces of “constructive chaos.” This “constructive chaos” –which generates conditions of violence and warfare throughout the region– would in turn be used so that the United States, Britain, and Israel could redraw the map of the Middle East in accordance with their geo-strategic needs and objectives."

REMEMBER MORNING JOE MIKA? THIS IS HER DAD: "Is there a Connection between Zbigniew Brzezinski’s “Eurasian Balkans” and the “New Middle East” Project?

The following are important excerpts and passages from former U.S. National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski’s book, The Grand Chessboard: American Primacy and Its Geo-strategic Imperatives. Brzezinski also states that both Turkey and Iran, the two most powerful states of the “Eurasian Balkans,” located on its southern tier, are “potentially vulnerable to internal ethnic conflicts [balkanization],” and that, “If either or both of them were to be destabilized, the internal problems of the region would become unmanageable.”10

It seems that a divided and balkanized Iraq would be the best means of accomplishing this. Taking what we know from the White House’s own admissions; there is a belief that “creative destruction and chaos” in the Middle East are beneficial assets to reshaping the Middle East, creating the “New Middle East,” and furthering the Anglo-American roadmap in the Middle East and Central Asia:"

new4now ago


theres a solid network here

just need to find the ties that bind

septimasexta ago

I think HSBC is the artery of globalist capital. It always gets back to drug and human trafficking. Don't forget the HSBC US/Mexico drug cartel money laundering/ Loretta Lynch/ James Comey link. LL went directly to being appointed AG and Comey went to head of FBI. Remember, IT'S GLOBAL.

argosciv ago


Like @swordfish69: "I'll have to continue repeating myself to drive this point home"

This goes beyond those Zionists who have sided with the path of global corruption(inc. human trafficking and worse); Zionists(/Jews) are being used as scapegoats by Islamic extremists hell-bent on dominating the Mid-East and by proxy, the rest of the world.

(With dominance of the Mid-East, control of the rest of the world is achieved via hostile takeover and turning powerful countries into vassals of their Caliphate, while making compliant 'Jews'(Amalekites, really) appear to be the true string pullers, thus perpetuating the propaganda that "(Satanists/Jews/Satanic Jews) are responsible for all the world's woes", thus deflecting public investigation away from the truth -- anti-Satanist and antisemitic propaganda are inherently tied to Islamic extremism; they are weapons employed to deceive and scapegoat)

3141592653 ago

TPTB Want us to think Islamic Extremisits are the problem. They are the problem. Who controls Isis? Hint: its three letters and starts with C. They want to control the middle east to steal all the oil.

argosciv ago

It's about more than that, what you're describing is but one aspect and ultimately the true benefactors are intended to be the extremists, in a way that the majority of us were never meant to notice.

You're not wrong necessarily, oil and the CIA are hugely involved, but this is part of something much older and more morbid at the same time -- that's the entire focus of this subverse even, understanding exactly what all of this is about and where sick shit like human trafficking and religious/cult corrutpion(under which falls Islamic extremism) fits in.

new4now ago

this is one big can of worms

looks like I will have to do a lot of research in history to understand

was hoping to avoid that

I read where China wants a pipeline from the middle east

everything seems to have multiple reasons

they dont just kill 2 birds with one stone, they kill flocks :)

think- ago

they dont just kill 2 birds with one stone, they kill flocks :)


new4now ago

I used Zionist because of articles

I agree, all the names we know are puppets, for whatever reason

but some are more valuable then others

some have seniority

will not use words again, can even cross them out, but too many ties with certain people, I dont care puppets or religion, I want to know who paying and setting up

why dont we hear much news about Switzerland?

why are they immune to what is happening in other countries?

because they are neutral?

argosciv ago

will not use words again, can even cross them out, but too many ties with certain people, I dont care puppets or religion, I want to know who paying and setting up

Not at all, my reply wasn't meant to put you on the spot at all, hence sending you essentially the same response in private first.

why dont we hear much news about Switzerland?

why are they immune to what is happening in other countries?

because they are neutral?

Valid questions, I'll let you know what I find.

Vindicator ago

why dont we hear much news about Switzerland?

I have wondered this since I was in middle school @newfornow. And here we are on Voat, owned by a Swiss dude.

new4now ago

priceless ;)

The only neutral Country in the world

In middle school, Switzerland was "Heidi", the book, lol

argosciv ago

Oh lol...

This is priceless. Guess who's positioned themselves there in a way to monitor anyone who might call out their involvement elsewhere ;)


argosciv ago

<insert smirk here>

Curioser and curioser...

YogSoggoth ago

I am normally against human sacrifice, but I hear tell there's an active volcano in Hawa'ii. Probably some others.

new4now ago

I know a lot of people I would like to see go to Hell via an active volcano ;)

YogSoggoth ago

Make a list, better be good, for goodness sake's.

new4now ago

CIA was involved in Sarahs husband rise in Libya

I think they were the ones set up Bengazi

Husband also has ties to the big Zionist in forgot what Country, think this is where the marriage was set up

when I get home will look for all the posts and links

YogSoggoth ago

Tanit, the Carthaginian Great Goddess - Thalia Took Tanit, acrylic on watercolor paper; ... Carthage was a city of the Phoenician colony in northern Africa, ... Tanit has Her own abstract symbol, ... Search domain North Africa.

new4now ago

could the real estate of the middle east have another reason to have it besides oil and power/ money?

something spiritual?

YogSoggoth ago

Whatever, they are Child Sacrificing wierdos running the place. They are in the USA. What are you gonna do when they come for you? Ya killem! Duh.

Kippering ago
