new4now ago

count changed when I edited it

I put link in for Q

no worries :)

Vindicator ago

New4Now, could you add links to or screenshots of the pertinent Q drops? A lot of people have trouble following Q here. It would really add to this post.

new4now ago


Vindicator ago

Cool. Thanks.

new4now ago

I will as soon as I find them

pby1000 ago

Wasn't there a mention of certain escape routes being cut-off?

new4now ago

escape route, that's what it was

I just couldn't remember, THANK YOU

pby1000 ago

Np. I remember that, too. I thought it was strange that there would be escape routes through obscure Pacific islands... Maybe that is why I remember it.

new4now ago

all I could remember was cut off

hate when my brain flatlines

all I could think was gardens, Fiji water and cut off

thanks for the brain shock lol

pby1000 ago

I have noticed that when a post like yours is made, someone will always help. This confirms what Mr. Rogers said. Look for the helpers.

new4now ago

help is always welcomed :)