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EricKaliberhall ago

Hey @darkknight111 I think you might be on to something here... Your post got the shills attention. I'm referring to @ESOTERICshade @wincraft71 and the most retarded of them all @rarepeeks.

ESOTERICshade ago

Hey @darkknight111 I think you might be on to something here... Your post got the shills attention. I'm referring to @ESOTERICshade @wincraft71 and the most retarded of them all @rarepeeks.

Sometimes a comment about working in campaign centers and eating food is, well, just a comment about working the phones at a campaign center for long hours and eating food. You obviously have never seen the inside of very many campaign center phone bank boiler rooms but I have. If you make more out of a comment than it is it makes us look stupid to the normies, whom we need.

EricKaliberhall ago

You obviously have never seen the inside of very many campaign center phone bank boiler rooms but I have.>

My uncle was a Senator and I have been around it.>

Everybody that has a different opinion from you is not a shill, but by all means, show us all how retarded you can be.>

You are full of shit!

ESOTERICshade ago

You are full of shit!

@carmencita has also worked around campaigns, I think, according to her comment. Ask her because as usual you don't know much.

EricKaliberhall ago

Now that I think about it... I thought you said your uncle was an astronaut!?

ESOTERICshade ago

Now that I think about it... I thought you said your uncle was an astronaut!? Strange...

Find that comment of mine, it does not exist. You are a disruptor and a distracting influence. Your kindergarten level one liner insults reflect your mentality. Your comments never carry any real information. You act like you are five years old. It is sad that you are a mod here and I too wonder how that happened. You sort of popped up out of nowhere and I am starting to wonder how you got here.

EricKaliberhall ago

Find that comment of mine, it does not exist. You are a disruptor and a distracting influence. Your kindergarten level one liner insults reflect your mentality. Your comments never carry any real information. You act like you are five years old. It is sad that you are a mod here and I too wonder how that happened. You sort of popped up out of nowhere and I am starting to wonder how you got here.

Queue the violin... Soon @ESOTERICshade will start with the emotions and if we are lucky he might play the victim as well... Shill.

ESOTERICshade ago

Queue the violin... Soon @ESOTERICshade will start with the emotions and if we are lucky he might play the victim as well... Shill.

You made the claim that I said my uncle was an astronaut. Produce the quote. It does not exist. People that call everyone they disagree with a shill, are usually shills, just sayin....

EricKaliberhall ago

Weasel words... You are a Media Matters whore @ESOTERICshade... And I sorta popped out of nowhere... Been here longer then you, you weasel.