new4now ago

Glad this back up, was excellent work done by many

paulf ago

He also has the tell tale black left eye of the Left Hand Path initiate.

pizzagatecharlotte ago

His company is called VIRGIN. That should be on the list deffo!

Vindicator ago

Thanks for doing this, ben. It's too bad Narcissism didn't want to edit. I'll give the topic a "Potential Lead" flair. :-)

Narcissism ago

I was off-line so just found out now that it was deleted.

Vindicator ago

Please feel free to post again on the topic, Narcissism. These round-up threads that consolidate research are really helpful for everyone...just gotta make sure they are accurate and fully sourced. :-)

Narcissism ago

OK will re-edit and re-post next week.


ben_matlock ago

Thanks, Branson (and Mr. Buffett) definitely needs more digging into

GreenDell144 ago

This is much better. It makes the site better when we make a little effort on our posts. This isn’t a typical chat platform. It seems like we are not here just to get quick likes, but for a cause.

millennial_vulcan ago

Contribution from original thread before it was deleted, linking RICHARD BRANSON, STORM Models Agency, former Storm Models head (and Richard Branson's business partner), SARAH DOUKAS and Sarah's sister, the recently deceased actress EMMA CHAMBERS, who many believe (as discussed on Voat) was 'suicided'...

  • Branson is a founding partner in the well known high fashion STORM Modeling Agency. ( based in the ultra expensive Chelsea area of London. It is best known for 'discovering' a pubescent 14 year old KATE MOSS in 1988. SARAH DOUKAS is the other founding partner (cough 'Madam') who - via Kate + Kate lookalikes - was single handedly responsible for launching the 90s UNDERAGE-LOOKING waif 'heroin-chic' (<---copyright Bill Clinton) aesthetic. Storm is a long rumored front for trafficking, drugging, pimping and all the usual deplorable goings on. Kate Moss herself has a well documented history with drink, drugs and violence all stemming from being repeatedly raped by pretty much the entire industry when she was just 14. Kate spent a lot of time with RB when she was 14.
  • Of note: Sarah Doukas sold her share in STORM Models to 19 Management in 2009. 19 Management was founded by the Spice Girls Manager SIMON FULLER who had a long running affair with pig-tails wearing BABY SPICE (Emma Bunton) when the group was starting out. Simon Fuller also founded 'American Idol' and is the boss of SIMON COWELL who has popped up on Voat many times.

  • BREAKING NEWS!!! It was just pointed out to me by my UK friend that the British actress EMMA CHAMBERS (Notting Hill film with Hugh Grant, Vicar of Dibley BBC show etc) was the SISTER of Storm Model Management's founder SARAH DOUKAS (See my earlier comment in THIS thread.) EMMA CHAMBERS died a few months ago at the very young age of 53 and of natural causes (uh huh) and was rumored (here on Voat/Pizzagate and elsewhere) to have been suicided because of her links to Clement Freud, Maddie McCann and more...


  • voat thread on EMMA:

  • Emma Chambers and sister SARAH DOUKAS (owner of Storm Model Agency, whose business partner is R BRANSON):

Vindicator ago

MV, you should also do a separate thread on Sarah Doukas and Storm rounding up all the evidence on that topic, so that researchers using can find it in the future. The search site only crawls headlines and the body of the post for keywords. All the juicy stuff in Comments is currently not searchable. DO include links to this and other relevant threads as well, with brief summaries, so that they can be found again quickly in the event of news we can take advantage of for meme war purposes.

millennial_vulcan ago

totally Vindi. Will repost. In my mind its vital info and I can't believe there's this outright connect between Chambers and R Bran

millennial_vulcan ago

guys, please can you upvoat this, not because I need the ego feed (LMAO!) but because THIS IS THE CRUCIAL, PREVIOUSLY UNKNOWN LINK BETWEEN RB, Sarah Doukas and (many believe 'suicided') UK actress EMMA CHAMBERS

SPREAD + SHARE. Tweet, FB etc

@carmencita @migratorypatterns @think- @new4now @neptunium1

think- ago

Done. ;-)

carmencita ago

Done! Amazing Find and will surely produce unknown evidence. Dig into Emma Chambers Death.

1Saturnwest ago

Emma C was raised by Ian McKellan as her father was always off working in Australia.

carmencita ago

If her father knew this, he had a responsibility to Emma to get her away from McKellan. That family is messed up.

1Saturnwest ago

Agree, she would have been enveloped in the whole mess.

carmencita ago

It saddens me greatly when these parents care not who their children are with. Any person that can seduce a child is not fit to be responsible or trusted with another child or young person. They can easily manipulate them to do anything. Grooming.

1Saturnwest ago

I agree. But it happens so often . Especially rich parents who leave their children in boarding school and work abroad. The elite are tainted yet think it is character building.

carmencita ago

So many people envy them and their offspring, all the money, travel. There children are sometimes the worst off. So much less personal time with their parents and being shuffled off to Fancy Elite Schools that really pit one child against another with way too much pressure to perform, for themselves, the school and the fear of disappointing their parents. Sad.

migratorypatterns ago

You sure this isn't for your ego? :)

millennial_vulcan ago

LMAO!! oh ok, I admit it....

migratorypatterns ago

I knew it ... all the brilliant revelations for personal glory alone ...

but it still works for me ... :)

carmencita ago

Eve Branson Foundation Pack for Purpose (Oh Yes, She Has One Too)

Project 1

Asni Creche is a community facility providing a free-of-charge, pre-school activity center for 150 young boys and girls living in remote Berber communities in the high Atlas Mountains of Morocco.

Project 2

Asni is a gateway for many travelers to the higher Atlas Mountains in Morocco. Asni has a large comprehensive secondary school, however transportation to the school from the mountain villages is very limited and as a result, many young students, particularly girls living in more remote villages, are dropping out of education.

Project 3

The Eve Branson Foundation develops community craft houses and vocational training programs for 70 young women in the high Atlas villages of Morocco.

Project 4

Berber communities are encouraged to build preschools and nurseries in the remote villages of the High Atlas Mountains, where children can thrive in a caring and stimulating environment. However, this is often with minimal financial support and limited resources to run activities and maintain the projects.

How To Pack

Pack for a Purpose provides travelers with the current information they need to take requested supplies for community-based projects around the globe. When you take your selected supplies you can drop them at your accommodation knowing they will be delivered directly to the project.

PACK for a Purpose (This org. is in 60 Countries!!!) ALERT! This is not just used by the Bransons. Needs Digging.

OUR IMPACT Since 2010

Pack for a Purpose travelers have taken over 101,475kgs (223,245 pounds) of supplies meeting essential needs in over 60 countries.

As Featured In:

In 2009 Rothney founded (Pack for a Purpose), a nonprofit that encourages those visiting places like Kenya or Belize to reserve five pounds' worth of space in their luggage—enough room for a stethoscope, blood pressure cuff, and 500 bandages, or five deflated soccer balls plus an inflation device—for items needed in schools and clinics near their destination. "Leaving one pair of shoes at home lets you bring 150 pencils or four solar calculators," Rothney says. The site lists lodgings in 31 countries that have partnered with local groups (who post lists of their needed items), letting visitors donate right at the front desk.

Read more:

Read more:

In 2009 Rothney founded (Pack for a Purpose), a nonprofit that encourages those visiting places like Kenya or Belize to reserve five pounds' worth of space in their luggage—enough room for a stethoscope, blood pressure cuff, and 500 bandages, or five deflated soccer balls plus an inflation device—for items needed in schools and clinics near their destination. "Leaving one pair of shoes at home lets you bring 150 pencils or four solar calculators," Rothney says. The site lists lodgings in 31 countries that have partnered with local groups (who post lists of their needed items), letting visitors donate right at the front desk.

Read more:

Read more:



Sharon Luggage



Scroll Down for Many More

Board of Directors ..

@millennial_vulcan @new4now @migratorypatterns @think- @Gothamgirl

millennial_vulcan ago

how is this old coot still alive? She looks like a CORPSE! Is she on her 19th heart like our old friend D Roths?

I read R Brans autioboagraphy years ago. He was bought up super upper class (so dont believe the he's self made part for a moment.) Ma Branson spoilt the heck out of him creating that unbelievable superego :/

carmencita ago

A dried up wrinkled old prune. I wonder what her favorite cocktail is? Possibly it is Blood Red.

think- ago

Very interesting, Carm, thank you!

carmencita ago

Virgin subscribes to Pack for a Purpose and so does Eve Branson site But this is a global org. in 60 countries. Who else is using them? Other Foundations? This could be another Rabbit Hole that we don't need. :(

Moray ago

Look into what Haitian activist Ezili Danto has dug up on the Clintons & Friends: Haiti: Brandt Busted as Clintons with Hollywood celebrate sweatshop

DeathToMasonsASAP ago


neptunium1 ago

Well I'll repost my comments here:

In this post: The MISSING PEOPLE UK Charity and some very questionable patrons - further connections to paedophilia you'll see Branson's involvement with a charity that Kate McCann is an ambassador for. It also mentions Pete Townsend and Simon Cowell.

In 2003, Who guitarist Pete Townshend was arrested on suspicion of possession of child pornography. Police officers impounded seven computers from his £15 million ($25.5 million) home in Richmond, Surrey. Four months later Townshend received a warning as no evidence was found on his computers.

It just so happens that Sarah Doukas has connections to Pete Townsend of the Who. In this article about her first husband :

Doukas met John whilst she was a young model, hanging out at The Who's Ramport Studio in Battersea where they were recording.

And the Simon Cowell connection is via Simon Fuller who bought STORM Simon Fuller snaps up Storm model agency

So, the McCanns, Missing People Charity, Porton Down, intelligence services, half of the British entertainment industry - they are all linked.


What should also be mentioned is Branson's part in the privatisation of the NHS. In this TED talk the speaker points out that in the future doctors working under Virgin Care may decide not to treat older people for a variety of reasons:

Remember that he was in Epstein's black book and Epstein is a eugenicist. This recent article details the £1Bn contracts Branson is getting out of UK healthcare:

and in this article he sues the NHS because he lost out on an £82M contract to provide children’s health services across Surrey !

Absolutely disgraceful.

luvgabe ago

Thank you, Neptunium, for the video.

carmencita ago

Phenomenal! Glad to see you here.

millennial_vulcan ago

See my comment in this thread for SARAH DOUKAS

neptunium1 ago

Yes MV. The info in your comment is what led to my comment. Upvoat for you!

carmencita ago

5) He was involved with the Clinton Foundation in Haiti and was at the opening of the disastrous Caracol Industrial Park

And Warren Buffett, another Clinton Foundation donor, was tapped to provide shelters that sickened displaced earthquake victims because they were laced with formaldehyde.

HE continues to Fly Under The Radar. @millennial_vulcan

millennial_vulcan ago

Lets see what this year bring, carm...

carmencita ago

Let's Expose His Sorry Arse! I have seen him mentioned more often lately. People are catching on, but it needs to be Pushed Hard.

derram ago :

Sex cult Nxivm 'partied on Richard Branson's private island twice' | Daily Mail Online

This has been an automated message.

ben_matlock ago

screenshots from the original thread




















millennial_vulcan ago

thanks Ben but isn't this just taking up valuable 'scrolling down' room? Folks attentions spans are less these days and if they feel they have to click on each 'png' then they'r enot going to read the comment. We original contributers to the now deleted thread have reposted our comments.

@think- is this a valid thought?

ben_matlock ago

For sure, everyone feel free to repost your original comments! I just snapped quick screenshots to make sure they were saved.