JackBlack1 ago

What is irony? Someone posts a picture of Obama getting a BJ from a five year old and nobody gives a fuck. Someone makes a post where Obama mentions the word pizza and everyone jumps on board analyzing the hidden meanings of it, taking what was said entirely out of context. Why should anybody take anything you guys say seriously? At one time I came here looking for the truth but it's apparent that You are all just playing a game. Count me out.

darkknight111 ago

Honestly, you should have told us exactly what that picture was when you first posted that link.

EricKaliberhall ago

Hey @darkknight111 I think you might be on to something here... Your post got the shills attention. I'm referring to @ESOTERICshade @wincraft71 and the most retarded of them all @rarepeeks.

ESOTERICshade ago

Hey @darkknight111 I think you might be on to something here... Your post got the shills attention. I'm referring to @ESOTERICshade @wincraft71 and the most retarded of them all @rarepeeks.

Sometimes a comment about working in campaign centers and eating food is, well, just a comment about working the phones at a campaign center for long hours and eating food. You obviously have never seen the inside of very many campaign center phone bank boiler rooms but I have. If you make more out of a comment than it is it makes us look stupid to the normies, whom we need.

EricKaliberhall ago

You obviously have never seen the inside of very many campaign center phone bank boiler rooms but I have.>

My uncle was a Senator and I have been around it.>

Everybody that has a different opinion from you is not a shill, but by all means, show us all how retarded you can be.>

You are full of shit!

ESOTERICshade ago

You are full of shit!

@carmencita has also worked around campaigns, I think, according to her comment. Ask her because as usual you don't know much.

carmencita ago

Sorry I wasn't around to answer earlier. Oh yes, I have been around campaigns. On and off. Hours of calling voters, finally someone comes in with a huge stack of pizza boxes. A welcome sight when you haven't eaten for a few hours. You finish up and have a couple slices, by the time you get back again, could be couple hours. Oops. Too late. It's cold. Oh, well, still tastes pretty good. Yeah, and those that come even later. It's really cold. And I never ate while talking to voters. Never with a mouthful. Totally rude.

ESOTERICshade ago

Thanx for validating my point. And my point was that people make phone calls and eat pizza at campaigns, maybe not at the EXACT same moment, but both happen at campaign call centers. Blacksmith21 is a slippery one and he will confuse issues with tedious details if not watched :)

carmencita ago

Totally agree. Yeah, there were quite a few times I had cold hard pizza. Still tasted good. Now I hardly EVER eat pizza.

EricKaliberhall ago

Now that I think about it... I thought you said your uncle was an astronaut!?

ESOTERICshade ago

Now that I think about it... I thought you said your uncle was an astronaut!? Strange...

Find that comment of mine, it does not exist. You are a disruptor and a distracting influence. Your kindergarten level one liner insults reflect your mentality. Your comments never carry any real information. You act like you are five years old. It is sad that you are a mod here and I too wonder how that happened. You sort of popped up out of nowhere and I am starting to wonder how you got here.

EricKaliberhall ago

Find that comment of mine, it does not exist. You are a disruptor and a distracting influence. Your kindergarten level one liner insults reflect your mentality. Your comments never carry any real information. You act like you are five years old. It is sad that you are a mod here and I too wonder how that happened. You sort of popped up out of nowhere and I am starting to wonder how you got here.

Queue the violin... Soon @ESOTERICshade will start with the emotions and if we are lucky he might play the victim as well... Shill.

ESOTERICshade ago

Queue the violin... Soon @ESOTERICshade will start with the emotions and if we are lucky he might play the victim as well... Shill.

You made the claim that I said my uncle was an astronaut. Produce the quote. It does not exist. People that call everyone they disagree with a shill, are usually shills, just sayin....

EricKaliberhall ago

Weasel words... You are a Media Matters whore @ESOTERICshade... And I sorta popped out of nowhere... Been here longer then you, you weasel.

ESOTERICshade ago

In this particular instance I don't see anything nefarious in Obama's comments. I have seen campaign boiler rooms. They sit around tables full of phones. Half eaten boxes of pizza and other assorted fast food scattered around. They sit there for hours making phone calls.

This past election cycle the Democrats tried to wow their voting base with rap stars and assorted glitz and glamour. Obama is simply telling them to cut the glitz and glamour and get back to brass tacks.

Blacksmith21 ago

Have you ever tried working a phone bank with a mouthful of pizza?

ESOTERICshade ago

Have you ever tried working a phone bank with a mouthful of pizza?

It varies. All the phone banks are not set up exactly the same. It depends on who the area coordinator is because they are usually in charge of how things are set up. My uncle was a Senator and I have been around it.

Blacksmith21 ago

Regardless, have you ever worked a phone bank with food in the mouth? Or allow pizza, carryout, etc. in your workspace?

Cara_C ago

I have worked a phone bank as a volunteer and free food was provided. You don't work the phones while eating. You take a lunch or dinner break and grab a sandwich or some pizza, which very well might be cold by the time you get to it. During the last few days and weeks of a campaign, some people are there for 12-16 hours and they have to eat.

Blacksmith21 ago


ESOTERICshade ago

Regardless, have you ever worked a phone bank with food in the mouth? Or allow pizza, carryout, etc. in your workspace?

Again, it depends on how the coordinator sets up the work space. Most of what I saw was tables full of phones, and then other tables against the wall for food. The phone workers would usually sit at the tables against the walls and eat, and sometimes they would take food to their phone table. It all depends on how the coordinator sets it up. But, I never saw one where the people did not eat, and pizza was the most common food they ate because of convenience.

rickman ago

I get what hes saying. That its not about the glitz and glamour. I'm surprised that the image of a church basement and cold pizza was the one that first came into his head though.

wincraft71 ago

Obama's full comment absolutely makes no sense if not in code.

It does in a campaign sense, many people working on political campaigns have to put in the legwork and make phone calls to talk to potential voters, donors, so on. In a basement might be hyperbole, or maybe they are literally in a basement. Eating cold pizza would be literal because conditions are tight and you're eating leftovers.

So overall context would be on one hand you have a celebrity singer performing at an event, that makes one imagine a spectacular, high end type fundraiser. Then on another hand you're in these less than ideal college student conditions trying to get people on the phone to donate. I think he's telling Democrats to get their head out of their ass and get back to the grind, "grassroots" and all that. He recently had a quote telling dems to "stop whining". So it fits the tough love theme.

EricKaliberhall ago

Exactly everything you just stated above is bullshit!

rarepeeks ago

Exactly everything you just stated above is bullshit!

Still waiting on you to say something intelligent. So far, nada, ever...How in the hell did you ever become a mod here.

rooting4redpillers ago

Not to detract from the content of this post, and I admire Laura Ingram and I watch her most nights. That said, Obama is famously bizarre and nonsensical about everything. Always has been. What a great relief to be rid of him, and the utterly depressing EIGHT long years of his America-hating, race baiting, globalist asshole presidency. What a great relief watching the dismantling of the “legacy” Obama and tptb thought they would build, and knowing that Hilary will NEVER be POTUS, and will never be of importance again. Obama would be pitiful, but he’s done too much unapologetic damage to deserve pity.

To your topic, it’s easy to believe he’s capable of abusing anyone vulnerable. He was propped-up and USED for years by TPTB, he failed, and now he’s no longer useful for anything of importance. Hard to give up such a feeling of power, even of was only faked, and built up in his imagination.

carmencita ago

I think he is talking about the elections. Cristina A is singing at an event. Sometimes you don't need all that, sometimes you are just making phone calls to voters in a church basement eating cold pizza. Believe me I have been there. Now, being the sick terms they sometimes use, it certainly could be a whole other thing. The Branson thing, yeah that IS weird. Maybe there is something going on with the two of them. A possible hint maybe.

letsdothis2 ago

It's called sarcasm. Something Obama always had lots off. And he's taking the piss out of communities like this one.

Vindicator ago

She then put up the graphic of him and Richard Branson (the pedophile) together in the water.

@darknight111 can you please add a link to a Voat post or other source examining suspicious pedoey Branson exploits? I was not aware he had made it fully into the probable pedo column. Also, we need a link to the referenced photo. I give you the grace flair so can edit. Thanks!

darkknight111 ago

Done. Much of the stuff on Branson comes from NXIVM threads. He's definitely suspect.

Gonna be busy for a while. Found out there's chatter regarding a shooting plot at Anime Expo in Los Angeles this week. Digging into the suspect.

think- ago

Thank you for editing, @darkknight111, I will remove the flair.


derram ago

https://snew.github.io/r/The_Donald/comments/8vp0ki/on_ingraham_angle_obamas_warning_to_dems_wtf_its/ :

On Ingraham angle. Obama's warning to dems.. Wtf??! Its always in plain sight. CP #pizzagate : The_Donald

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