fogdryer ago

Awesome post

millennial_vulcan ago

Gotta keep redpilling...right? :)

darkknight111 ago

Well what do you know. 13 hits for Bronfman in offshore leaks. Hits for the word Ethical (did come up in NXIVM leads). Found a hit for Rainbow Garden.

millennial_vulcan ago

@migratorypatterns Did you see this for your MIA post?

migratorypatterns ago

You mean using the link?

Or finding a connection between Stormy Daniels and STORM Models/Branson?

millennial_vulcan ago

Bronfman family and MIA connection :)

nzmc ago

Damn, I was transferring my mobile number few months ago and didn't want Virgin mobile because it was somehow not good, and this confirms my choice

Factfinder2 ago

Very nice sleuthing.

millennial_vulcan ago

Not exactly sleuthing. It HAS been out there in plain sight for years....

However, now knowing what we all know, it all takes on a different meaning, right?

think- ago

Please forward a virtual bottle of champagne to your Brit friend, millennial, from the pizzagate crowd. ;-)

millennial_vulcan ago

I feel like the Brits know half their country is totally perverted and somehow accepts it? They like, casually talk about the worst sex scandals like its totally normal! such a fascinating culture. Im obsessed with Megan Markle Sparkle. Whats her deal? So far I've heard the pops was either a drug smuggler or money launderer and that the Mom was in jail and all this is being covered up.

LMAO: HOW LONG before Markle Sparkles starts HANGING OUT WITH THE FREUDS!!!!!

@carmencita @new4now @darkknight111 @migratorypatterns @neptunium1


new4now ago

will take a bit time to organize what I have on London, also the great comments that have been made

had to take break, maybe post what I have and we can keep London all together in one post

would Love to see what others can come up with

migratorypatterns ago


I think it's part of their culture to not act out. That certainly isn't part of American culture, so we consider polite sort of weird under those circumstances. I mean, look at Telford ... but then again, almost half the population voted for a known scumstress SKANKLES! 5:5 video -- watch for it!

Markle Sparkle is such a troll. A bottom feeder, she's not working from the neck up. She screwed Matt Lauder and probably anything else that moved. Probably what Harry likes best. When they attend one of Sting's orgies, you know momma will give them all a ride ...

I can't stand to look at these Cannibal Elites anymore ... I just can't. I see them as swamp creatures.

think- ago

LMAO: HOW LONG before Markle Sparkles starts HANGING OUT WITH THE FREUDS!!!!!

LOL - maybe they already had her over for tea.... ;-)

Creepiest wedding ever, I must say. This lady is a joke. Kate, as much as I dislike her for being a Royal puppet, at least chose her stylist carefully.

And her creepy father, who won a bunch of cash 'in the lottery' cough will walk her to the aisle....brilliant! :-P

I feel like the Brits know half their country is totally perverted and somehow accepts it?

I'm afraid this is true. :-(

Same in Belgium, by the way - remember the Dutroux scandal - 300,000 people took to the streets at the time, now everyone has adjusted to the situation.

millennial_vulcan ago

great point Think. The Marc D scandal was so beyond gross and eerie I had nightmares reading about it. I think folk are still disgusted but are helpless as long as those who are in charge are still in charge...yes you are correct about Markle Sparks dad being a total weirdo. Hes living in hell on earth, aka Rosarito MX, where its widely known only low life dealers and pimps live. WTF is going on. Should start a separate thread on anothe rVoat board

carmencita ago

Since when is a heart attack a natural cause of death? I always thought of dying in your sleep as natural.

On 21 February 2018, Chambers died from natural causes.[9] The proximate cause of death was a heart attack.[14]

So, A heart attack is a natural cause of death, except when it is not. (Short Video Included)

A Secret CIA Weapon used for Assassination shoots a small poison dart to cause a heart attack, as explained in the Congressional Testimony in the video.

All possible causes must be considered.

millennial_vulcan ago

Heart Attack How UNoriginal

Neinlife ago

if there is any 'good' to come outta this site it will be evidence gathered by you people. fuckin a.

millennial_vulcan ago

thank you!

neptunium1 ago

Richard Branson's Virgin Care and children's health services:


Virgin Care Ltd was founded in March 2010 when Virgin acquired a majority stake in Assura Medical.

Virgin Care is ultimately controlled by Richard Branson and his family through a complicated network of companies in the UK and elsewhere including in tax havens. Baroness Morgan of Huyton, an ex-director of failed care home firm Southern Cross, is a paid member of the advisory committee board for Virgin Group Holdings Ltd. As Sally Morgan she ran Tony Blair’s office when he was UK prime minister.

Virgin Care now has contracts in a number of areas including musculoskeletal, dermatology, children and young person’s health and sexual health services.

Baroness Morgan of Huyton

Adviser, Board of ARK (Absolute Return for Kids; charity)

She is the former Chair of Ofsted (,_Baroness_Morgan_of_Huyton)

Ofsted chair Sally Morgan - husband with Liberty (NCCL)

Ofsted chair Sally Morgan – husband John Lyons (barrister who specialises in criminal defence, in particular white collar crime – in other words defends the corporate elite) is with Liberty (NCCL) which is or was linked to PIE (Paedophile Information Exchange) and PAL (Paedophile Action for Liberation)

OFSTED – the fish rots at the head

one of the honorary patrons of ARK is Sir Elton John. ARK is a very interesting study in itself.

For those readers who cannot believe that children are to be taught that heterosexuality is not normal, they should know that Kwabena Peat 54, a teacher, was recently suspended for challenging this statement during ‘Diversity’ training at his school.

Further evidence on the future for our children, includes the teaching of eugenics, or selective breeding. This is being done through a number of initiatives including ‘creative dance and drama’.

So that there is no understanding, the Department for Children, Schools and Families under the questionable hand of Ed Balls MP, fully approves of ARK, heteronormativity training and Neuro Linguistic Programming of children.

And there’s a name associated with ARK – Bernard Kouchner. One of Ark’s trustees, Bernard Sabrier had his own charity, Children Action and a partner of that was Bernard Kouchner. Kouchner himself was subject to allegations that he was involved in or at least knew of the KLA Organ Harvesting Atrocity. He was also involved in the lessening of penalties against a convicted paedophile.

Another interesting read: ARK, Common Purpose, Brad Pitt, Tavistock, NWO

More links for Virgin Care buying children's services:

think- ago

And there’s a name associated with ARK – Bernard Kouchner. One of Ark’s trustees, Bernard Sabrier had his own charity, Children Action and a partner of that was Bernard Kouchner. Kouchner himself was subject to allegations that he was involved in or at least knew of the KLA Organ Harvesting Atrocity. He was also involved in the lessening of penalties against a convicted paedophile.

Wow - I had no idea. Bernard Kouchner again.

Isn't ARK regarded as the safe haven for former PIE members?

Factfinder2 ago

Important connections made here. Good work.

carmencita ago

Thank You for Posting about Virgin Care. Saw it but did not have time. It scared me to death. This family is pulling out all the stops when it comes to using their fellow humans as a Cash Cow. Utterly Despicable.

carmencita ago

Her first filmed acting was in The Rainbow? You can't make this stuff up. DH Lawrence. I did you not.

In one passage, which was declared “unfit for family fiction” in a review by James Douglas for The Star and singled out in the courtroom, Ursula begins a lesbian affair with her schoolteacher Winifred, who at one point carries her naked into the sea:

Ursula lay still in her mistress’s arms, her forehead against the beloved, maddening breast. “I shall put you in,’ said Winifred. But Ursula twined her body about her mistress.

Emma Freud made the following statement on her death

“Our beautiful friend Emma Chambers has died at the age of 53. We’re very very sad. She was a great, great comedy performer, and a truly fine actress. And a tender, sweet, funny, unusual, loving human being.”

What was Emma Chambers’ official cause of death?

According to BBC, the agency confirmed that Chambers had died of “natural causes.” As mentioned above, she was 53 years old at the time of her passing and is believed to be survived by her husband. Her official date of death was Wednesday, February 21, 2018, although news of her death was not made public until the following Saturday.

Although News Of Her Death Was Not Made Public Until The Following Saturday

WHY? Time to develop a story? Why Wait?

millennial_vulcan ago

yes definitely Carm! All great points and even the original Voat post on her death was bombass

Rawrination ago

What if the "Storm" Trump was talking about is related to ?

Factfinder2 ago

Instead of Kate Moss you mean Sarah Doukas?

millennial_vulcan ago



Factfinder2 ago

Ok. That's them all right. Nice find.

millennial_vulcan ago

yes! Share!

Oh_Well_ian ago

When you see a choker around the neck you know that person is OWNED.

millennial_vulcan ago

Interesting. they are often used to cover up something more sinister, I agree

Honeybee_ ago

You should add that to post!

millennial_vulcan ago

LOL! I think whoever clicks on this post will inevitably come down here and read all the comments! Don't want to make the original text above too long so that folk get 'scroll fatigue'....

Thanks for commenting @Honeybee_ so good to see you here!

migratorypatterns ago


UppaVoat!!!! This is too important to get buried!!!!

millennial_vulcan ago

HELLO!! Emma Chambers has a direct link to BOTH RB AND The Freuds AND dies under suspicious circumstances??!!

Shades of Jill Dando going on here.....

carmencita ago

I have not found any proof yet, but I can't get her connection to the Freuds out of my mind. Clement was a convicted pedophile and his wife was accused of sexual abuse by a 16 yr. old boy. That family is perverted. Somehow being connected to Emma as a friend, I wonder if she had contact with her. Pree-verts.

millennial_vulcan ago

No such thing as a coincidence! Its all connected. Now, can we connect The Freuds to NXIVM cult and RB?


new4now ago

Emma Chambers was in the Movie Notting Hill which Emma Freuds husband Richard Curtis wrote it

Richard is interesting

In September Richard is working on the launch of the new Global Goals with The United Nations.

they also seem to make donations of books and toys to Oxfam

have a lot of links to go through

will see what I can find tomorrow

think- ago

Global Goals with The United Nations

I had no idea the UN is about to publish new 'Global Goals'. We should keep an eye on this.

fogdryer ago


Go to their website

millennial_vulcan ago

can someone flag/flair this, think-?

think- ago

You mean your post? I will discuss it with @Vindicator. Currently there is a high demand by OPs to get their posts flaired 'potential lead' ;-) :-).

millennial_vulcan ago

no, not MY post LOL @vindicator ! (LMAO - you guys are going to start thinking I have a huge ego!!!) I meant some of the other excellent points raised by @Factfinder2 and others in this thread!

think- ago

Ah, ok! LOL I guess I need a coffee, lol. Err.....unfortunately, it's not possible to flair or highlight comments. Would be a nice idea, though! :-)


Vindicator ago

No way to flair a comment. BUT the OP can edit the body of their post to mention/permalink to great contributions in the Comments. The current downside of this is that editing the post freezes the upvote count still, I think, because of that bug.

millennial_vulcan ago

thanks Vindi and @think- X

think- ago


carmencita ago

That is a Crock! I can't even look at it. It is making me sick. All this is a Bleeping Lie. They will twist and lie about these programs and behind them they will be taking away everything. They will plan on draining us of our water and people will die trying to get water for their children. They want to kill the next generation. People Need To Wake Up NOW! Sustainability Is The Key!

think- ago

Thank you, @new4now, I will read it!

new4now ago

I thought the world was so big

I'm realizing, by connections, it's much smaller then I thought

millennial_vulcan ago

carm, see this great comment by new4now


carmencita ago

Epic Statement. @new4now Regarding your link on sustainability, remember I told you this is The Key. The Key in Racine and to the connection as well with Bill C. There are a slew of jobs in sustainability in Racine right now. He is opening sites of Sustainability all over the globe. Haiti and next Puerto Rico @think-

millennial_vulcan ago

what is going on in Racine Carm! I really am beginning to think @WIC was totally right about everything!

carmencita ago

He Was as some are now finding out. I always had faith in him. Why pour his heart out over and over and over. He was not shill material. He never slammed anyone of us even when being taken down. He was a man of integrity. He will never come back now. But I am hoping. He always told me and others Sustainability is the Key. The Great Lakes are involved in this. There is a mayor that was ousted because of sexual abuse and I believe he is now in charge of the Great Lakes Sustainability program of sorts. Don't know the actual Title. Scary beyond words. It is all about our Water. Also Community Policing. These are two things that should be researched heavily and who is behind it. It started in Racine and now has gone nationwide. @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @fogdryer @new4now

millennial_vulcan ago

how is racine related to pgate, was what I never really understood. Or is it part of the bigger global elite evil: foxconn-wisconsin factory, apple, S Jobs, Tim Cook, San francisco Elon musk, tech, AI, google etc ?

carmencita ago

Yes. and the NWO.

new4now ago

I realized that after the fact carm, at the time the root root bothered me, but kept hearing his words and kept looking

now I'm digging hard, but hard to find smoking gun or what makes Racine different

the fact that Foxconn is going to build a huge plant down there really wakes me up

they have been known for their foul waste and disregard for its workers, fumes from work

Great Lakes Sustainability, nice lead carm, didn't know about that thanks

carmencita ago

He said that Foxconn with use the micro chipping. I remember that. That is the main reason they were brought here imo. I may not have it right, but I think I remember reading that they are already using it somewhere.

new4now ago

its Apple products

have to find it

In 2006, the Mail on Sunday alleged that sweatshop conditions existed in factories in China, where the contract manufacturers, Foxconn and Inventec, operate the factories that produce the iPod.[5] The article stated that one iPod factory, as an example, employed over 200,000 workers who lived and worked in the factory, and regularly performed more than 60 hours of labor per week. The article also reported that workers made around US$100 per month and were required to live on the premises and pay for rent and food from the company. Living expenses—a requirement of keeping the job—typically required that employees spend a little over half of their earnings. The article also said that workers were given buckets to wash their clothes in

A 2014 BBC investigation found excessive hours and other problems persisted, despite Apple's promise to reform factory practice after the 2010 Foxconn suicides. The Pegatron factory was once again the subject of review, as reporters gained access to the working conditions inside through recruitment as employees. While the BBC maintained that the experiences of its reporters showed that labor violations were continuing since 2010, Apple publicly disagreed with the BBC and stated: "We are aware of no other company doing as much as Apple to ensure fair and safe working conditions

Workers assembling iPhones, iPads and other devices often labor under harsh conditions, according to employees inside the Foxconn plants. According to company reports and advocacy, Apple's suppliers in China have improperly disposed of hazardous waste and falsified records

Forty-nine young men and women were poisoned at the Lianjian Technology factory in Suzhou Industrial Park by the toxic chemical hexane, used to wipe clean the iPad display screens and speed up efficiency. To save money, the factory did not provide proper ventilation during the cleaning process, and workers developed neurological problems, the loss of motor function, numb limbs, and complained of constantly fainting and being overcome by a debilitating fatigue. Some of these sick workers were eventually bought off with a lump payment of 8,000 or 9,000 yuan (US$1,200–$1,400), but only after signing an agreement stating they would not bring claims against Apple or its supplier companies in the future

( mind you, this is the same stuff HP leaked at the place where the Apple spaceship sits, and also HP in another place, in other place it cost a lot to clean it up)

carmencita ago

Look what Wisc. is in for: Jumping to their deaths. Cant believe I found it Horrid Horrid story. Everyone thought @Wisconsin_Is _Corrupt was a shill. WRONG.

new4now ago

there were more suicides there

Where Apple Products Are Born: A Rare Glimpse Inside Foxconn's Factory Gates

Q had posted about Apple and have a lot saved

Foxconn will pollute the ground it is on, make no mistake, just like Hewlett-Packard did

carmencita ago

This stuff makes one vomit. People are just accepting this. Mind boggling.

millennial_vulcan ago

unbelievable stuff carm. Worthy of own thread but how to tie to Pgate?

carmencita ago

Idk how. For now I am hoping people will see it in the comments and spread it. But most are interested in Trump news and reading about the sex cult. We have turned to T & A when our country is dying.

carmencita ago

Remember in China there was a place where people were trying to crawl out over the fence? I am not sure but somehow I remember GE? I am working on 3 different things and this right ow. Getting mixed up.

think- ago

Yes, fascinating in a way how our usual suspects are connected....

new4now ago

Emma Freud was also script editor on The Vicar of Dibley

new4now ago

Richard Armitage and Ian McKellen were both in the Hobbit Triology

Recently the have been strong rumors about Richard Armitage and The Hobbit costar Lee Pace being lovers due to various get-together pictures being publicized. When an interviewer in Comic Con asked Lee about his thoughts on Richard, Lee commented that Richard was an amazing man and that he loved him, which raised more suspicion about both the actors’ sexuality.

millennial_vulcan ago

Ian McKellen is a well known old ass, disgusting creepo pedo who loves the gay twinks 25 and under. I know this FOR A FACT. He and Spacey are famous for it. @Carmencita @think- @migratorypatterns

new4now ago

you also have to wonder about Emma Freud and her children

Emma Freud jokes that she'd French kiss her son, 20, if it 'wasn't so illegal' - and admits she demands as much physical contact from her children as possible

Read more: Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

heres one on daughter

Clement Freud's granddaughter on 'horrible things and bad bad news'

heres her instagram page

she has both looks of pics we have seen with the abused early girls and also a harem girl

Allison Mack did business in London and they have a garden there

there are ties, just have to put it all together

millennial_vulcan ago

Emma and Matthew grew up with Pedo monster Clement as dad so I would be amazed if either of them turned out normal.

new4now ago

as Q has said...they were born into it

migratorypatterns ago

Hmmmm ....

I take it you've been there and been felt there? Sounds like that's what you're hinting at.

carmencita ago

Also Emma Chambers has said that when she first started acting she lived with Ian McKellen for a while and called him a father figure. He walked her down the aisle at her wedding. Yuck. @new4now

new4now ago

I know, I was one that found it

carmencita ago

As usual you have come to the rescue! Tireless researching.

new4now ago

you know how you find stuff looking for something else, so you save it or forget what you were looking for and start digging on your new find?

happens all the time to me

need to put a post together, I have comments all over the place that need to be put together for a better picture

I can also ask for help in finding more stuff

have to organize it all, feeling out of sorts today, so much going through my head, but will give it a go

carmencita ago

Don't overdo. I did it and had to take a short rest. I am awful at writing things down. I keep thinking I should stop, and write, but there is always so much to do. I have many things to do in house. Mom has to be taken out on Sunday. Gifts, lunch and then dessert here. Have to clean house, but this always beckons me. Am going to wash floor now and come back. Make a note and take a breather. Then come back.

new4now ago

think I have the wrong Armitage, the one behind NXIVM is a woman lawyer

wish it was the actor, because what I finding out is making my blood cold

should have realized middle name was different

Lordy Cam, this isn't looking good at all

shell companies within shell companies and a lawyer who's expertise is got me thinking oh shit

gonna have to send out apologies , gonna have to work on this, so much I have to look into

haven't been using notebook, but have pulled out a new one

Not sure about the other Gardens, but think the one in London was a big front

this gonna take time

although the Chambers Freud is still a good lead, have no connect anymore to NXIVM

but what I finding might be bigger

Lord give me strength to work this all out :)

carmencita ago

Step Away for a bit. I find it always helps. It clears out the congestion and cobwebs.

new4now ago

Robert Armitage

guess what, he starred in The Vicar of Dibley

am I getting closer for you?

new4now ago

Information on the UK branch of Rainbow Cultural Garden LTD. can be found by searching public records on

Andrew Robert Armitage, Andrew Richard Lamb and Saule Voluckyte are or were directors of Rainbow Cultural Garden. All have the same address: 10 Saville Court, Saville Place, Clifton, Bristol, United Kingdom, BS8

They are not the owners, or involved in the operation of the company in any way. Yet they are listed as directors. These are also registered for dozens of other companies which suggest that it is nothing but a shell – an address of convenience for foreign owners – and that no actual business happens there.

Also see

The companies that control Rainbow are of interest:

The Trustees Of The Capital International Trust with a Swiss address. (Pfadhagstrasse 28a, Wallisellench-8304, Zurich, Switzerland) but incorporated in the infamous offshore tax haven of the Seychelles.


Events For Humanity Inc., a Delaware Corp. (Raniere-linked 2017/06/24/aging-harem-kathy-russell )

The phone number for Rainbow Garden’s operations in London goes through to a switchboard whose operator have never heard of them.

And the address is rented offices in London.

Their registered address is actually in a different city, Bristol.

But they are still active according to FB and Companies House, which is where all companies have to register in the UK.

The lawyer for the company appears to be Mischon de Reya, of Kingway, London.

( something to work on, offshore tax haven of the Seychelles., wonder if the name in Panama Papers? Will see where this comes up )

darkknight111 ago

Check latest post. Relevant material in it.

new4now ago

not at home, but Emma Freuds husband did work on The Vicar of Dibbley

he also did Notting Hill which Sarah Chambers was also in

Richard Armitage was in 2 episodes in the first season of Vicar

he also is a name behind NXIVM Rainbow Gardens in London

have links at hope, will put up when I can

millennial_vulcan ago

sarah chambers? Do you mean EMMA Chambers? (SARAH DOUKAS was her sister...)

new4now ago

thank you, it was so late

need to be more careful when its so late or early

think- ago

something to work on, offshore tax haven of the Seychelles., wonder if the name in Panama Papers?

Maybe @darkknight111 can help digging. It's his field of expertise.

So - what would be the purpose of setting up websites and phone numbers for Rainbow Cultural Gardens in the UK, that are only a front? Money laundry is a safe bet, I guess.

darkknight111 ago

Check latest post. Found some relevant material.

think- ago

Will do. Thanks!

carmencita ago

Oh, this is only my opinion, but I believe this is like the Rat Lines. It trails all over the country. Even all over the world. We know that Rainbow Cultural Center has UK and Mexico locations, etc. This is never ending. If there is money in it, they want in. Remember also, that the sons and daughters of Fox Nieto and Salas are involved, so why not our officials. I mean top ones. Big ones. This could get ugly. Yippee!

think- ago

We know that Rainbow Cultural Center has UK and Mexico locations, etc.

Do we already know who the NIXVM people in the Uk are that run the Centers?

fogdryer ago

I don’t know but I can try and look There are ties to Canada as ties to Bronfman family to Canada —- Cindy McCain 9th circle has Montreal ties Underground rail has ties to Canada as Rothschilds do. Idk

carmencita ago

carmencita ago

Idk but look what I found. https://uk.linkedin(com)com/in/sara-bronfman-95bab61a CEO. This was on the 4th page. They are hiding things now. Will keep looking.

think- ago

Thank you!

carmencita ago


millennial_vulcan ago

oh man. Wonder if there is more to today's take down of NY Atty Gen Schneiderman....I don't believe these women just 'randomly' came forward after years of abuse. Why NOW?

these shady ass rabbit warrens run hells deep...

fogdryer ago

They feel safe now Feel they might be listened to this time

carmencita ago

Possibly to replace him.

think- ago

Yes, like Weinstein. He was thrown under the bus by his buddies because his brother and some other people wanted to get rid of him. He really is a pig imo, but until recently nobody cared.

millennial_vulcan ago

totally, think-

Can we assume that when we hear of a big scandal nowadays that seemingly comes out of nowhere - and involving big names and long term known 'dirty secrets' associated with those big names - that the Elite has decided to cut (and possibly suicide) the deadwood...before further + bigger scandals are revealed?

Sorry if that didn't make sense, but you guys know what I mean!

@carmencita @migratorypatterns @vindicator @new4now

new4now ago

Thinking the clowns are running the show, and getting stronger every day

you make a VERY GOOD point

think- ago

Oh, it makes totally sense. Some scandals might be an 'accident' - something leaked, and it wasn't buried quickly enough - but most often, it's just the swamp ditching someone, or one swamp faction taking territory of another faction.

Maybe Keith Raniere (sorry, lol) has slept with the wrong woman, or he got in the way of some other traffickers - who knows.

carmencita ago

Well there has been a Mass Suiciding of Singers/Musicians and the Globe is Silent except for some Woke Folks. Yes, they will start killing them off to Erase Evidence. They will be falling one by one in fires, jumpings, and car accidents, heart attacks you name it. The cause of death will vary to calm suspicion. Business as usual.

millennial_vulcan ago

I promise you guys that Jack Nic + R Polanski will both have heart attacks this year. BOTH OF THEM KNOW TOO MUCH. This is why Polanskiperve has been kept on a very loose chain so far.

But as world gets more redpilled and their asses get older and less relevant, they'll be among the first to go.


carmencita ago

Yes, I have been wondering about NXIVM as well. Somebody crossed someone and now they are going to pay. We will have to see how high this goes. Whether the R&Rs are going to be named and the Clintons and Bushes and the Royals.

millennial_vulcan ago

heck yeah Carm! obviously THOSE are the holy grails! @think-

carmencita ago

Why do you think BB has either left this earth or getting a vacay on an island? Hmm. Let's see what happens to G if things start getting even hotter! My mind goes to the very edge where these people are concerned, for we all have discovered some of their darkest secrets. They have been outed here. @think- @new4now @migratorypatterns

new4now ago

will look

thinking London would be a start

Honeybee_ ago

Wow, great post. So you believe Sarah had something to do with Emma's death?! Do you think Clement pushed her to do it? Did Emma ever speak out against the underage models or talk publicly about Madeline McCann?

millennial_vulcan ago

I don't believe anything. Am just pointing out facts and coincidences!

BTW, Clement died in 2009. Emma only died a couple of months ago. Emma was very close with the Freuds (Bella Freud, Emma - another 'Emma' - Freud, Matthew Freud) all of whom have been discussed here before. Emma Freud'shusband Richard Curtis made the film Notting Hill starring Hugh Grant, Julia Roberts and Emma C played the sister (lol, nepotism!)

Its possible Emma Chambers knew too much (a) both about the Freuds and (b) about RB and her own sister and brother Sarah D and Simon who ran Storm Modelsactivities....

carmencita ago

Clement was accused by a few victims and I wonder if Emma C was a victim as well. These perverts do not stop until they have a Stake driven into their hearts and are 6 ft. under.

1Saturnwest ago

It says in the Hello article at the end that Emma was raised by Ian McKellan as her father was always in Australia.

carmencita ago

Yep. Bad choice. Ian M. is a known pedo. Mentioned many times here on voat.

millennial_vulcan ago

great thought Carm. I think Emma was too old for creepo disgustingo Clement. He preferred them ages 10-16. Vomit.

carmencita ago

Well, his wife liked teens. She was accused of abusing a 16 yr. old boy. That family is Royally Screwed Up. The Freuds for sure are connected to Hillary and possibly Branson as well. Those people are all connected somehow. Crime Pays.

millennial_vulcan ago

How are the Freuds connected to the Rottenchilds of England I wonder? Is there a direct connection?

carmencita ago

I have read, and just tonight that they were friends Sigmund and Jacob so I know there is a connection. Also found these two things Freud commissioned to paint Rothschild wine

https://www.linkedin(com)com/in/sigmund-rothschild-ph-d-37722354 A Rothschild named after Sigmund Freud

There has to be more

think- ago

Interesting line of research.....wonder what else you might dig up.

carmencita ago

I am convinced there is something like a friendship at least. If we could only stay awake all night with out turning into a Basket case.

think- ago

If we could only stay awake all night with out turning into a Basket case.


millennial_vulcan ago

The Freuds and Rottenchilds are intertwined up to their assballs, I know it. Think-, if ya know of any Brits who know more about this, would be awesome to get up to come on board here and spill what they know!


derram ago :

Emma Chambers obituary | Television & radio | The Guardian

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millennial_vulcan ago

Hey YTubers, bloggers and podcasters....if y'all follow up on this story, don't forget to credit the amazing moderators and folk at V/Pizzagate for their time + research.

Narcissism ago

Thanks to @millennial_vulcan for posting this new info and helping to shine a light on RB.

21yearsofdigging ago

True!Give credit where credit is due

Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago

Do we really want more reasons for them to shut us down? I was thinking about it after the last RB post. We might be on to something here but they could crush this tiny little corner of the internet if they wanted to.

millennial_vulcan ago


You are deluding yourself if you think they haven't been all over Voat from Day 1. We all contribute here bearing fully in mind that Alefucker + Co - well, certainly the Daily Mail - as well as many Youtubers (some of which have already credited us) are here on a daily basis, looking for juice.

If they wanted to shut us down, they would have done so a long time ago

@carmencita @think-

think- ago

If they wanted to shut us down, they would have done so a long time ago


millennial_vulcan ago


carmencita ago

Oh, yes. The are crawling all over this place day and night, day in and day out. Sometimes they comb the articles and Boom! a few days later, Low and Behold amazingly we discover they are writing about what we just covered. I don't care. If it helps get the news out, Great! That's why we are here, to Red Pill the Masses. If they want to help us So Be It.

millennial_vulcan ago

Ditto Carm, Im beyond caring. As busy as I am in offline world, helping find peace and justice for victims of abuse is a big part of who I am. I will help however I can.

Urrrgh. Im still so haunted by Heather :(

carmencita ago

I know, me too. It's getting to where I am having a problem reading posts about her. I have to skim. tears

millennial_vulcan ago

tears I always get a huge lump in my throat too. Like now. urgghhhh

carmencita ago

Me too. I became very afraid to read the post by dk the other day. I knew I could only skim it. There were some scary things in there. Fright.