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letsdothis2 ago

Gonna get a little esoteric now:

Enrico Fermi

Fermi began the Manhattan Project in Morningside Heights with the help of Szilard—and Columbia's 1939 football squad, members of which carried cans of uranium and graphite. "It really was a pleasure to direct work of these husky boys, canning uranium—just shoving it in—handling packs of 50 or 100 pounds with the same ease as another person would have handled three or four pounds," Fermi recalled. Three years later, Fermi decamped for the University of Chicago, where the Manhattan Project was completed. Luckily, he left the football players behind.

Dyncorp and the Child Mind Institute..yup, that's right...

After completing his undergraduate training in physics at Columbia in 1964 and receiving his Ph.D. in experimental particle physics from Princeton in 1968, Aronson joined the Enrico Fermi Institute of the University of Chicago, working at Argonne and Fermilab, followed by research and teaching at the University of Wisconsin.

UK commitment to Enrico Fermi Institute (Fermilab), the U.S. Smithsonian Institution, the UK Arts Humanities Research Council and William Draper Harkinsins

CERN’s American sibling Fermilab turns 50

NOvA: Building a Next Generation Neutrino Experiment

This video documents how collaboration between government research institutions like Fermilab, academia and industry can create one of the largest neutrino detectors in the world.

Neptunium - Periodic Table of Videos

We get a close-up look at Neptunium during a visit to the National Nuclear Laboratory at Sellafield. Neptunium has atomic number 93

Hillary Clinton Uranium Element 93 Society

Tags: neptunium 93, superconductivity, nuclear industry, Enrico Fermilab, Porton Down, SunEdison, Teslar, CERN

Warmest ever superconductor works at Antarctic temperatures

YogSoggoth ago

Sure I have mentioned this before., the Smithsonian was formed to mismanage First Nation artifacts, and other, just like National Geographic. Sorry to misdirect from our purpose here. Charles Fort was real in my opinion. Here is a made for TV series that makes him look silly. You must remind yourself that this is in no way part of his books, if you have not read one. Fortean TV episode Part 3. Watch that, and tell me it is not pizzagate related. I actually read someones comments about HP Lovecraft being a Satanist, when in fact he was warning literate people with fictional allegory. He even got the chants right! EEEeeYa.

carmencita ago

That is one of the most bazaar things ever. at ll 32 Baphomet jumps in and appears on and off til the end. I take it there is a lot of symbology in this. Really crazy. And if Merkel is their their must be something of importance to it.

letsdothis2 ago

The Gotthard Tunnel ceremony was actually in two parts (one inside of the tunnel and the other outside). The video I posted was of the second bit. Tunnels and bridges (to another world?). Here's the complete ceremony, this video starts with the first bit which is just as creepy. Full Bizarre, Demonic Gotthard Tunnel Opening Ceremony, Satanic, New World Order, Illuminati Ritual

exposethecriminals ago

Thank you for all that great information.

CERN's American sibling Fermilab

I'm looking forward to reading all of this