Fermilab http://www.fnal.gov/
UK commits $88 million to LBNF/DUNE in first-ever umbrella science agreement with U.S.
Building on the U.S.-UK partnership, the U.S. Smithsonian Institution and the UK Arts Humanities Research Council are extending a successful history of partnerships by developing a new collaboration, based at the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History, focused on increasing the use of digital research skills in museums. Enhancing these skills will benefit areas such as data analysis, curating, and accessibility of collections, and will also further audience engagement. This work will help achieve new best practices in digital scholarship and the application of digital technologies at research-led museums.
Enrico Fermi Institute https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enrico_Fermi_Institute
The Institute for Nuclear Studies was founded September 1945 as part of the University of Chicago with Samuel King Allison as director. On November 20, 1955 it was renamed The Enrico Fermi Institute for Nuclear Studies. The name was shortened to The Enrico Fermi Institute (EFI) in January 1968.
Samuel King Allison https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuel_King_Allison
He graduated in 1921, and then embarked on his PhD in chemistry under the supervision of William Draper Harkins, writing his thesis on "Atomic Stability III, the Effects of Electrical Discharge and High Temperatures", a topic closely related to experimental physics.[2]
William Draper Harkins https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Draper_Harkins
William Draper Harkins (December 28, 1873 – March 7, 1951) was an U.S. chemist, notably for his contributions to nuclear chemistry. Harkins researched the structure of the atomic nucleus and was the first to propose the principle of nuclear fusion,[1][2] four years before Jean Baptiste Perrin published his theory in 1919-20. His findings enabled, among other things, the development of the H-bomb.
Gates Cambridge Scholarship https://news.uchicago.edu/article/2012/02/15/fourth-year-michael-baumer-receives-gates-cambridge-scholarship