letsdothis2 ago

More information about Joel Lewis : https://twitter.com/ElizabethleaVos/status/1013596983007809536

In the wake of our initial report, astounding questions have been raised about Davis’s history as well as that of the organization he founded. Disobedient Media has learned that Davis, 22, is a two-time college drop out, (from both American University and Columbia University) and was pursuing a third attempt at completing his undergraduate degree at the time of his arrest.

Upon examination, it appears that Youth to End Sexual Violence (Davis’s NGO) is no longer a registered 501c charity. Records show that the 501c status of Youth to End Sexual Violence was revoked in May 2017 due to the group failing to submit relevant tax forms for three consecutive years.

Sackajahweeda ago

Wait so this guy not only took a year off but has gone to Columbia Oxford AND Juliard in his young 22 years on this planet? Serioulsy something is super fishy with this guy.

Blacksmith21 ago

Sheep dipped higher education. Just like Hussein. I'll guarantee that MFer doesn't have a degree to his name - Hussein or Davis.

I wouldn't be surprised if Davis gets offed in the jailhouse awaiting trial.

Sackajahweeda ago

Thats what I was thinking...these schools ALONG WITH the stupid Nobel mention (at 19!) I mean seriously how obvious is it? Stupid idiot still couldnt keep from trying demonic shit.

letsdothis2 ago


His organization Youth to End Sexual Violence Inc. is registered at 622 W 114TH STREET APT. 23A, NEW YORK 10025

Apparently, Obama used to live there too https://web.archive.org/web/20180628035704/https://www.trulia.com/p/ny/new-york/622-w-114th-st-23a-new-york-ny-10025--2171936491

Situated in one of the great historic buildings in Morningside Heights that was once home to President Obama and famed filmmaker Cecil B. DeMille, this building is brimming with history as well as glorious period details from the early 1900s.

Cecil B. DeMille https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cecil_B._DeMille

DeMille was a Freemason and a member of Prince of Orange Lodge #16 in New York City.

About the building: https://mhhc.coop/mhhc-history

Morningside Heights Housing Corporation (MHHC) became a reality under the auspices of the following institutions: Barnard College, Columbia University, Corpus Christi Church, International House, Jewish Theological Seminary, Juilliard School of Music (then on Claremont Avenue), Riverside Church, Teachers College, and the Union Theological Seminary.

exposethecriminals ago

That's huge that the Langley architects Harrison and Abramovitz designed Morningside Heights apartment buildings; there's a lot of concerning history in that area!

However I just noticed the building associated with Youth2ESV and Joel Davis, 622 W 114th St., named "Revere Hall," was designed by brothel architects Schwartz and Gross, in 1907. In 1924 S & G designed a 15-story brothel known as Majestic Towers, in NYC, complete with hidden back doors and secret staircases including down to the basement.

I wonder what if anything is hidden in the design of "Revere" Hall at 622 W 114th St.

Schwartz and Gross:


History of Revere Hall, 622 W 114th St. - registered address of Youth2ESV:

https://kek.gg/i/5GV5RW.png ; https://www.corcoran.com/nyc/Buildings/Display/150

Barack Obama is said to have moved to the fourth floor of Revere Hall in January 1984:


Majestic Towers' Dirty Little Secret:

https://kek.gg/i/4q7cky.png : http://www.215w75.com/html/1920s_history.html

Majestic Towers history:

https://kek.gg/i/3Szj4s.png ; http://www.215w75.com/html/history.html

@Blacksmith21 @Sackajahweeda

Sackajahweeda ago

BO certainly has made his rounds in the US hasnt he?

exposethecriminals ago

Lot of addresses and information in that article. I'll add the link to my comment, so people don't have to type it in if they want to read it


Blacksmith21 ago

An insane person would think that there was a long-standing pedophile ring, which owned a bunch or properties and has inflicted their curse among many. There's a good chance the the building was/is a pedo factory for the last 100 years.


Shizy ago

This stuff has just recently come into our consciousness, but it's been going on for a very long time! It's sickening to think about how many victims there have been through the decades 😤

Sackajahweeda ago

Well not to bring up that letter person but he/they said that SYMBOLISM WOULD BE THEIR DOWNFALL. You know how they love it. Buildings I am sure fit that list!!

Sackajahweeda ago

So clue me in...Do you think that he was low hanging fruit that was given up to deflect from the size of the group and it abuses is he just an individual working on his own or do you actually think that he is innocent? I read some of the things he supposedly said and he was quite graphic and disgusting VERY EMBOLDENED...Almost like he wasnt worried about getting caught.

letsdothis2 ago

Low hanging fruit. But maybe arrested to point the way to the ones higher up in the tree? Who knows - but we need to keep digging and circulating information.

exposethecriminals ago

Amazing finds!!!

letsdothis2 ago


letsdothis2 ago

George Soros and Neurologist Dr. Kathleen Foley attend the 2015 Physicians For Human Rights Gala http://www.zimbio.com/photos/George+Soros/2015+Physicians+Human+Rights+Gala/EWrJWBluwbY

letsdothis2 ago

George Soros with Kathleen Foley at 2015 Physicians For Human Rights Gala http://www.zimbio.com/photos/George+Soros/2015+Physicians+Human+Rights+Gala/EWrJWBluwbY

carmencita ago

WHAT? Rose hobnobs with Jeffrey Epstein? I thought only Trump did! Wow! What a revelation. Hmm. Of course Charlie Baby would never be interested in underage young girls, right. Wink. Wink. ( ()

letsdothis2 ago

Dr. Kathleen M. Foley, a neurologist in pain and palliative care at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center and a professor of neurology at Cornell University, was appointed to the board. So was Carl Anderson, head of the Knights of Columbus.

Joel's mother works for >> Remember Sandy Hook, Newtown? Connections with NXIVM, Cerberus/Dyncorp, the Lucis Trust, and United Nations Agenda 21. Yup, looks like they're all connected...

United Way and Salesforce.org have partnered to introduce a revolutionary new platform that inspires, connects and empowers employees and organizations to maximize their giving power.

The Jesuit order opened Fairfield University in Connecticut on the country estate of oil executive Brewster Jennings.

Brewster Jennings became closely associated with the CIA.

Fairfield University reportedly recruited people for the CIA.


We are the Knights of Columbus Ignatian Council #4203 of Fairfield University.

Vindicator ago

Giving this the "Share!" flair LDT2. Although I do think you are right, the guy was set up to be a scapegoat.

think- ago

Why do you think he was set up as a scapegoat? Given all his connections, you would think he would have been protected.

letsdothis2 ago

Thank you.

letsdothis2 ago

Related: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2610017/13155529

Joel Davis's mother Eve-Ann Davis volunteers in Venice, Florida as a dental hygienist at a Catholic brothers run Senior Center:



United Way is associated with the Friendship Centers https://friendshipcenters.org/locations/charlotte-county/

The Friendship Center of Charlotte County is headquartered in the Rebecca Neal Owens Center, 27420 Voyageur Drive in Harbour Heights/Punta Gorda.

Remember Sandy Hook, Newtown? Connections with NXIVM, Cerberus/Dyncorp, the Lucis Trust, and United Nations Agenda 21. Yup, looks like they're all connected...

United Way and Salesforce.org have partnered to introduce a revolutionary new platform that inspires, connects and empowers employees and organizations to maximize their giving power.

YogSoggoth ago

Black guy in the Clinton, Sirkin picture seems to be making a sign with his right hand. "As below, so above"?

letsdothis2 ago

Davis skipped college for a year to intern for Physicians for Human Rights

Physicians for Human Rights, Anthony D. Romero, JD - Board Member

Voat post: Background info on Anthony Romero, ACLU executive director who apparently had planned to go on the Sandler-Podesta trip to Martha's Vineyard ("handkerchief" with "pizza-related map" emails)

wasn't familiar with the name, but discovered with some searching that the ACLU's current executive director is named Anthony Romero, and he is likely the one mentioned in this email. In a number of John Podesta's emails released by Wikileaks, he writes to Podesta about ACLU business, and the Sandler Foundation has been a big donor to the ACLU, so he is likely well acquainted with the Sandlers. Even if somehow it's another Anthony Romero being referred to, this is still relevant information, given the ACLU's backing of censorship of "fake news."

Below are some links on Romero's background. He's been executive director of the ACLU since 2001, and many in the ACLU organization have accused him of being secretive and unprincipled while others have come to his defense. The previous executive director, Ira Glasser, has tried to remove him for improprieties:

The irony is that Ira Glasser created Anthony Romero. After heading the ACLU for 23 years, during which time he earned respect for a firm presence at the rudder and an almost bloodthirsty acumen on television debate programs, Glasser decided to step away in 2000. At the time, Romero was a young executive at the Ford Foundation who oversaw human-rights grants to the ACLU and others totaling $90 million a year. Though Romero had none of Glasser’s telegenic appeal, he is a lawyer by training—Glasser is a mathematician—and had something else going for him: a compelling personal narrative. Being Latino and gay made him a double minority and a trophy in the eyes of a place where diversity is a crucial value. ("Freedom to Backstab," link below)

Former ACLU board member Wendy Kaminer also accused Romero of improprieties, and the ACLU of compromising its principles to cover up for him:

exposethecriminals ago

So many connections, this is outstanding

letsdothis2 ago

Thanks again :-)

letsdothis2 ago


Joel Davis was the only United States Youth Representative to attend the Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict in London this summer. When he graduated from Port Charlotte High School in 2013, Davis skipped college for a year to intern for Physicians for Human Rights, a non-profit organization. This would introduce him to the issue of sexual violence in combat.


Chair of the Board of Directors, Kerry J. Sulkowicz, MD

Kerry J. Sulkowicz, MD serves as a trusted leadership advisor to some of the world’s most well-known and respected corporate executives and boards. He is the founder and managing principal of the Boswell Group LLC, a consultancy based in New York. Trained as a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, he counsels CEOs and boards on a range of issues

He's also the father of MATTRESS GIRL http://www.konbini.com/us/inspiration/paul-nungesser-wins-lawsuit-against-columbia-university-emma-sulkowicz-mattress-girl-rape/


These are Facebook messages that DIE ZEIT has and has partially published. On June 26, 2012, Emma wrote to Paul: "Ahhh Paul I miss you so much," and that when she was high at a party she had sex with a friend and his buddies. On Aug. 29, 2012, two days after the alleged rape, she wrote she wanted to see Paul. "We still haven’t really had a paul-emma chill sesh since summmmerrrr." And on Oct. 4 she wrote: "I love you Paul. Where are you!?!?!?!?!"

Emma confirmed that the messages were authentic when asked by DIE ZEIT for her version of the story, but she did not give a reaction. Her father, Kerry Sulkowicz, a well-known psychoanalyst, also did not want to comment.

think- ago

The 'mattress girl/woman' was praised by Marina Abramovic at the time for her 'innovative art project' (carrying a mattress with her to remind of the alleged rape she had suffered on it).

Shizy ago

A clinical professor of psychiatry and he's got that utter wack job for a daughter!?? He must be a crap doctor and a crap parent.

exposethecriminals ago

Oh my gosh, unbelievable. I never heard about evil mattress girl before. Wow.

letsdothis2 ago

Physicians for Human Rights - Vice Chair of the Board of Directors, Kathleen M. Foley, MD http://physiciansforhumanrights.org/about/people/board/kathleen-foley.html

In 1995, Dr. Foley became director of the Open Society Institute’s Project on Death in America, a $45 million, nine-year project focused on transforming the culture of death in the United States through initiatives in science, the humanities, education, and professional training. Recognizing a critical need for developing leaders and palliative care experts in order to facilitate change in patient care, Dr. Foley and her team created leadership programs for physicians, nurses, and social workers around the country, including at Memorial-Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

Burneracct5000 ago

Saw an advertisement for this law firm and couldn't tell if their logo is pizzagate related. https://m.facebook.com/accidentrecoveryteam Accident recovery team wichita ks I know this isn't related to specific topic but wanted others to check logo out and possibly them.

letsdothis2 ago

Joel Davis at the Woodrow Wilson Center : https://youtu.be/2LIcWMrjxVo?t=1h14m20s

Guy gets around, doesn't he?

letsdothis2 ago

Tweet by Inner City Press : https://twitter.com/innercitypress/status/1012439942298046464

On noon, Inner City Press asked about Joel Davis. Now @AntonioGuterres' spox Stephane Dujarric emails all press: “In response to the Noon Briefing, we clarify that the... SRSG on Sexual Violence in Conflict has no formal relationship with Mr. Joel Davis..." Oh

derram ago

https://hooktube.com/watch?v=4tHvD6151dc :

WorldLink 19th YTM - Speaker Joel Davis - YouTube

https://hooktube.com/watch?v=D8v0g4FM-_s :

On CAR Rapes by French Troops, UN Expert on Sexual Violence and Conflict Tells ICP No Jurisdiction - YouTube

None :

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YogSoggoth ago

Did I hear the crown and Anjolina Jolie mentioned as sponsors in the first video? UN shuffles off stage awkwardly.