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letsdothis2 ago

Joel Davis was the only United States Youth Representative to attend the Global Summit to End Sexual Violence in Conflict in London this summer. When he graduated from Port Charlotte High School in 2013, Davis skipped college for a year to intern for Physicians for Human Rights, a non-profit organization. This would introduce him to the issue of sexual violence in combat.

Chair of the Board of Directors, Kerry J. Sulkowicz, MD

Kerry J. Sulkowicz, MD serves as a trusted leadership advisor to some of the world’s most well-known and respected corporate executives and boards. He is the founder and managing principal of the Boswell Group LLC, a consultancy based in New York. Trained as a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, he counsels CEOs and boards on a range of issues

He's also the father of MATTRESS GIRL

These are Facebook messages that DIE ZEIT has and has partially published. On June 26, 2012, Emma wrote to Paul: "Ahhh Paul I miss you so much," and that when she was high at a party she had sex with a friend and his buddies. On Aug. 29, 2012, two days after the alleged rape, she wrote she wanted to see Paul. "We still haven’t really had a paul-emma chill sesh since summmmerrrr." And on Oct. 4 she wrote: "I love you Paul. Where are you!?!?!?!?!"

Emma confirmed that the messages were authentic when asked by DIE ZEIT for her version of the story, but she did not give a reaction. Her father, Kerry Sulkowicz, a well-known psychoanalyst, also did not want to comment.

think- ago

The 'mattress girl/woman' was praised by Marina Abramovic at the time for her 'innovative art project' (carrying a mattress with her to remind of the alleged rape she had suffered on it).

Shizy ago

A clinical professor of psychiatry and he's got that utter wack job for a daughter!?? He must be a crap doctor and a crap parent.

exposethecriminals ago

Oh my gosh, unbelievable. I never heard about evil mattress girl before. Wow.

letsdothis2 ago

Physicians for Human Rights - Vice Chair of the Board of Directors, Kathleen M. Foley, MD

In 1995, Dr. Foley became director of the Open Society Institute’s Project on Death in America, a $45 million, nine-year project focused on transforming the culture of death in the United States through initiatives in science, the humanities, education, and professional training. Recognizing a critical need for developing leaders and palliative care experts in order to facilitate change in patient care, Dr. Foley and her team created leadership programs for physicians, nurses, and social workers around the country, including at Memorial-Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

Burneracct5000 ago

Saw an advertisement for this law firm and couldn't tell if their logo is pizzagate related. Accident recovery team wichita ks I know this isn't related to specific topic but wanted others to check logo out and possibly them.