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ESOTERICshade ago

How Pamphlet accidentally outed himself as Q Anon, and Isaac Green confesses and apologizes for his role in the scam, and more "proofs" that Q Anon is a scam.

cutelobster ago

But do we believe these people when they say they were in on the scam? Or, rather, do we believe the picture that is being painted that Q is the work of some private individuals, somehow connected through 4chan and the like?

When Defango says he wrote half the original questions, we may have good reason to disbelieve him but, by the same token, should we believe what these other 'former insiders' are coming out with? The reason why I favour seeing Q as the work of the alphabet agencies is that it just got such a massive push - it was suddenly everywhere. Was the Youtube algorithm backing the phenomenon 'blindly' or was Youtube pushing it 'consciously'? The whole thing seemed/seems very organised across multiple platforms (including this one.) Surely you would need a big organisation to pull all that off? And how do we explain the fervent Trump support? - after all, if it was a bunch of private individuals wouldn't they be expected to have different views? It seemed/seems like a party line being followed. Then there's the link to Cicada 3301 (as Defango originally claimed, and seeming to be somewhat verified.) Surely CIcada is some kind of intelligence front - and not some private association of fun-loving puzzle-solvers? Plus the CBTS people were promoting Luciferian propaganda films like 'I Pet Goat II' - they seem to be occultists (just like Defango) and this again leads us back to the intelligence agencies. It's a different question: not 'is it a scam?' but 'what kind of scam is it?' and, while we can spend too long on the Q-rabbithole, I think it's worth asking.

ESOTERICshade ago

Plus the CBTS people were promoting Luciferian propaganda films like 'I Pet Goat II' - they seem to be occultists

Interesting observation. Did you watch the video I posted of how their marketing is set up? The guy that made this video said he found some occult looking stuff attached to the marketing arm of this fraud. I know that the mod Vindicator is a Zionist gatekeeper because he and I have been round and round about Zionism and he is a supporter of Israel and defends Zionism, and has to me in several debates over the last few months.

cutelobster ago

I haven't seen that - I will take a look. Yes, occultism and Zionism - these seem to be two of the major ingredients in the psyop. And, of course, they were also major ingredients in 9/11.