lamplight ago

With all these partners, suppose one was picked for a Veritas interview.

carmencita ago

https://www.linkedin(com)com/in/jennifer-tung-76272720 Employee of Bristol=Meyer Squibb

While at NOVARTIS Scientific Assistant III

•Provided assistance for dosing and organ and tissue harvesting for various other models


carmencita ago

Did you notice this? assistance for dosing and organ and tissue harvesting @neptunium1

neptunium1 ago

Just saw it.

carmencita ago

Bristol-Meyers Squibb also has a Partners in Health Connection! Partners in Health has a Clinton Connection

Bristol-Myers Squibb is joining the world community in providing immediate help for survivors of the massive earthquake that struck Haiti on January 12. The company has already shipped a large donation of antibiotics through Project Hope, an organization providing direct relief to disaster v ictims. In addition, Bristol-Myers Squibb France is sending medicine to help the injured through Tulipe, an organization that facilitates pharmaceutical company donations to provide an emergency response to people in distress as a result of acute health crises, natural disasters or conflicts.

If you Scroll Down at the end of the article you will see other org. as well. Ones that we know all too well. Red Cross, Save The Children.

neptunium1 ago

In addition to the medicines the company has shipped or is sending to help the injured, the Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation will donate a total of $200,000 to three organizations providing disaster relief. The organizations are:

  • The Catholic Medical Mission Board, which has been working in Haiti since 1912 to provide medicines and much needed supplies and support;

Records show that in 1978, CMMB began providing $5,000 worth of medicine each month to help Mother Teresa aid the 45,000 patients suffering from leprosy she and her Sisters cared for in the city of Calcutta alone. Mother Teresa was no stranger to CMMB.


Haiti is very special to CMMB, having served there for almost 100 years.

wtf have they been doing on this small Caribbean island for 100 years? Haiti still does not even have clean water.

carmencita ago

CMMB has been flying under the radar. Others have been mentioned many times. Their connection with Mother Theresa does not get them brownie points. She was not the Saint that the pope made her out to be. No wonder they were hooked up together. She is another one to be looked at. We can only imagine what they have been doing, possibly the donations they receive are not spent on the people of Haiti. Possibly the money is being siphoned off and sent to the V. The way things are going the rest of the world will soon be like Haiti. No clean water. This charity is beyond disgusting. They should hang their heads in shame. Thank you for looking further.

carmencita ago

New Horizons Adoption Agency is still in Business These places have 9 Loves just like Cats. Beats All.

carmencita ago

Laughter. She does not miss a trick the Witch.

carmencita ago

Partners for Alder Hey Children's Charity

There is a whole laundry list more starting with Bristol Meyers Squibb DIG DIG DIG!!! Well, DIG I did.

Bristol-Meyers Squibb has a Clinton Connection

Bristol- Meyers Squibb to Support Americares and the Clinton Health Access Initiative CHAI

(Boston, MA, April 13, 2016) – The Clinton Health Access Initiative, Inc. (CHAI) and Americares, with the aid of a multi-year product-donation from Bristol-Myers Squibb, have initiated a first-of-its-kind program in Africa and Asia aimed at curing hepatitis C (HCV) among patients co-infected with HCV and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Bristol-Myers Squibb has agreed to immediately begin providing enough of the HCV medicine Daklinza (daclatasvir) to treat 10,000 patients. A separate agreement made recently between Bristol-Myers Squibb and the Medicines Patent Pool will allow generic firms to develop daclatasvir under royalty-free license for sale in 112 developing countries.

neptunium1 ago

Good find.

neptunium1 ago

Whistleblowing at Alder Hey :


carmencita ago

Dame Jo Williams, chair of the health regulator, has resigned - just days before appearing in front of MPs to explain serious allegations about her conduct in office.

Dame Williams, chair of the Care Quality Commission since 2009, is expected to face tough questions from the Health Select Committee about her role in the attempted sacking of a fellow board member during the accountability hearing.

Counting the two Physicians in the video and this one Kay Sheldon that make 3 Whistleblowers. They two Gentleman had to leave to Australia. I have not looked up Kay Sheldon as of yet. This is Alarming at best.

The Independent last month revealed how Dame Williams had secretly commissioned a private psychiatric report about Kay Sheldon, the board member who whistle-blew about poor leadership and safety breaches at the CQC, and raised concerns about her mental state with the department of health.

carmencita ago

Yes, and Dame Jo Williams resigned from the CQC because of it.

neptunium1 ago

Article from 2001:


Chemical weapons were tested on human skin removed from NHS plastic surgery patients without their knowledge, a hospital admitted yesterday.

The skin, which was removed during breast and abdominal surgery at Salisbury district hospital, was used by scientists at the nearby Porton Down chemical warfare facility to test how human tissue was damaged by corrosive chemicals.

The practice began in 1995 and was stopped two weeks ago in the wake of the Alder Hey report.

neptunium1 ago

Costa Foundation partner: Imagine 1 Day

Imagine 1 Day International Organization is a Canadian Registered Charity (#83589 5475 RR0001)

The imagine1day USA Foundation is a US 501(c)(3) (Tax ID 46-0983910).

WE Charity is a Registered Charity in Canada (#88657 8095 RR0001), U.S. (501(c)(3) (Tax ID 16-1533544)), UK (1138645).

WE Charity partner - Tribe Learning - :


Thousands of schools throughout the United States, Canada, Australia and other countries have become Tribes Learning Communities, safe and caring environments in which students can thrive.


Tribes TLC has been chosen by the Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) as one of 22 SELect Programs, which is the highest possible rating.

Casel board chair: Tim Shriver

In 1994 Shriver co-founded and currently chairs the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL), the world’s leading school reform organization in the field of social, emotional and academic learning. He is President of the Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. Foundation, a member of the Council on Foreign Relations, a member of the National Advisory Child Health and Human Development Council at the NIH and a non-executive director of WPP plc.

He is the author of the New York Times Best Seller Fully Alive: Discovering What Matters Most, has produced 4 films, written for dozens of newspapers and magazines, founded Lovin’ Scoopful Ice Cream Company and has been awarded numerous honorary degrees and awards for his work in education and on behalf of persons with disabilities.

neptunium1 ago

Costa Foundation partner: Imagine 1 Day

Imagine 1 Day International Organization is a Canadian Registered Charity (#83589 5475 RR0001)

The imagine1day USA Foundation is a US 501(c)(3) (Tax ID 46-0983910).

WE Charity is a Registered Charity in Canada (#88657 8095 RR0001), U.S. (501(c)(3) (Tax ID 16-1533544)), UK (1138645).

WE Charity partner - Tribe Learning - :


Thousands of schools throughout the United States, Canada, Australia and other countries have become Tribes Learning Communities, safe and caring environments in which students can thrive.

neptunium1 ago

Doctor convicted of downloading child porn worked at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital

A DOCTOR caught with a stash of 5,000 child porn pictures has been working at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital.

Stuart Ruthven worked in the hospital last month as part of a training programme.

In 2003, the then ROYAL NAVY surgeon was convicted of making indecent photographs of children.

He was sentenced to an 18-month community rehabilitation order, and made to sign the Sex Offenders Register for five years.

neptunium1 ago

Alder Hey Hospital Trustee: Shalni Arora


Shalni Arora is a qualified accountant trained at Arthur Andersen and an entrepreneur. She is one of the founders of DxS Limited, a personalised medicine business which she spun out from AstraZeneca and then successfully exited.

Shalni also has a Masters in Genetics from Cambridge and a Masters in International Development. She works for a number of charities and not for profit organisations through her foundation. Her foundation works towards a more peaceful, equal and just global society, achieving this through supporting organisations with innovative and radical ideas for tackling issues around governance, accountability and transparency.

I only wrote about AstraZeneca a few days ago, including:

One of seven directors of the Find Madeleine Fund, Gerry McCann's brother has taken indefinite leave of absence from his job as a medical rep for the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca in order to administrate the £1m fund from his Glasgow sitting room.

Revealed: Big Pharma's hidden links to NHS policy, with senior MPs saying medical industry uses ‘wealth to influence government’

JMC Partners’ clients include blue-chip drugs firms such as Novatis, Astro Zenica, Sanofi and Pfizer. It also represents a number of medical device manufacturers and biotech companies who sell their products to the NHS, including Roche Diagnostics, Cyberonics and Bausch & Lomb.

neptunium1 ago

Costa Foundation partners with Ecom Agroindustrial Corp. Ltd

In 2000, ECOM bought the London-based coffee business of the Cargill company.

@fogdryer post Cargill in Wisconsin - lots of info

Brick was arrested in canada along with the Bishop. Accused of being among the Ninth Circle Satanic Child Sacrifice Cult members!.

carmencita ago

Brick was accused by the ICLCJ and by Kevin Arnett who they have continuously tried to discredit. Last year I could access their site. Now My Malware pops up and I cannot access. They are really getting worried and that is good. Judy Byington is an endless fighter. We must beware of all CEO's of Large Corps. They have been trying to infiltrated them with satanists. In many cases they have succeeded and Alder Hey Hosp. may be another conquest of theirs.


Great work @neptunium1 . "Partners" is the favourite word of NGO organised satanists. In early 2017 I put that word and "Haiti" into the twitter search engine, and looking through the tweets I noticed a lot of the logos of NGOs and charities had a symbol which was a palm print with a hole in it.

Then as I researched Pizzagate they kept cropping up. As I researched orgs that used the symbol, I sensed that it symbolised child sacrifices to satan. I made a tweet thread which is still pinned to my twitter account which I added to as the symbols appeared:

I am going to put "Alder Hey Partners" in the twitter search engine and see if any more Luciferian symbolism crops up.

Oh_Well_ian ago

I noticed a lot of the logos of NGOs and charities had a symbol which was a palm print with a hole in it.

JOHN 13: 16-17

' And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.'

Those logos are about RFID chips implanted into our palms. It will be the Mark of the Beast.


I was thinking it could have someting to do with the Kim Noble artwork with the one child nailed to the wall and another child with a pistol pointing at it. I think it's one of the rituals children of the elite perform.

carmencita ago

One thing that @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt begged me to never do, was to accept the Mark of the Beast. I promised him I never would.

neptunium1 ago

Interesting. This might be of interest to you then:

I've been planning to look more into it as I'm aware of the 'evil eye' meaning in occult terms, particularly obeah and voodoo. I've just been researching the Washington DC links with voodoo in the form of the Temple of Yehwe, not far from Comet Ping Pong.


I did a google image search of 'temple of yehwe" and it returned lots from a blog called "The Hedge Mason"


The psychological torment of local news during the Alfie Evans saga is to instill hopelessness in the population of northwest England. Behind it all is the installment of blacklists and redlists into the NHS's computer system during what the mainstream media called the WannaCry hack. In the UK your life chances are governed by Lucifer.

neptunium1 ago

Notice the promotion of Aviva in this Charities Trust video

From the FT article: "Aviva chief Mark Wilson spins off in unexpected directions"

“I do turnrounds,” Mark Wilson said shortly after his appointment as Aviva’s chief executive in 2013. It was just as well given the to-do list — in the wake of Andrew Moss’s unpopular tenure, capital needed boosting, costs needed cutting and the share price decline needed reversing. And do it all he did.

But after spending five years currying favour with investors, Wilson has just performed a less positive turnround. He has caused anger among investors, first with his aggressive plan to redeem “irredeemable” preference shares, and then with a bizarre decision to take a board seat at rival asset manager BLACKROCK.

derram ago :

Managing Charitable Donations: Leading with Heart and Head - YouTube

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