WhatevsFloatsYerGoat ago

She apparently does have one more set: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C-QgYEIXsAAalvX.jpg

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

That necklace, though. What's it say? "The power of girls" ? And then the blue chsrm looks like a little kid enclosed in a circle, very strange...

rooting4redpillers ago

it must be her only set...

No way it’s her only set. No woman owns just one set of earrings. It has to be her favorite set.

bobke ago

I saw this piece on VTM this afternoon and I can tell you hundreds of thousands of people saw those earrings on television. I freaked a little, paused the screen and told my girlfriend to take her tablet and google "fbi pedo symbols". You all know what showed up.

I would have let this slide if this was about a hit and run, crops failing, some wolf killed sheep, child seat belt laws, North Koreans winning no medals, etc. It would get a pass. There would be a high chance this person didn't know this symbol and thought it was just pretty or something.

Now this woman wears these in EVERY FUCKING PICTURE THERE IS OF HER. Seriously I challenge you to find a picture of her with different earrings. The context of this happening is far too coincidental. Look at this fucking article from yesterday. Consider fucking this. Is it possible to get better positioned?

Plan International should be in everyone's focus right now and those fucking earrings are the reason

WhatevsFloatsYerGoat ago

Well put.

carmencita ago

She wears them proudly. Every day.

scarlettm512 ago

I'm actually kind of surprised that the boy lover symbol would be what she chose. She looks more like she'd be into little girls (I know that is stereotyping her a bit, but just calling it like I see it). Unless of course, she is merely advertising that she specializes in procuring boys for her clientele. It may have nothing to do with her own preferences but just a signal that she has another business on the side.

carmencita ago

I know what you mean. She could be one herself, or a protector for monetary reasons. Greed. Or she is a woman pedo. They do exist. There were and are nuns that dealt out some of the most horrid abuse. It seems there are more women that used to be. I see it on my news. Gym instructors, teachers, etc. Very Sick and Sad.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Yeah, despite what that twit Votescam says there are definitely female pedos.

carmencita ago

Oh yes. There are. There are nuns that have done horrid things. I have read many accounts of the ones in Canada that did very bad things to the aboriginal children. Shameful.

YogSoggoth ago

Great find, and take a good look at those two weirdos in the bottom pic. My Gaydar went to 11 in half a sec.

HennyPenny ago

I'm sure she's quite aware of the unspoken message she's sending. Laughing in our face. Belgium has a culture of pedophile tolerance that is amazing. Oxfam Haiti head of mission was Belgian.

Alto quien vive! (Anyone on the battlefield who is still alive, get up and fight)

Fragnostus ago

all you have to do is look into the dutroux affair

bobke ago

Was the guy from Oxfam saying something when he said "well it's not like we're killing children or something"?

HennyPenny ago

'not like we murdered babies in their cots' Thanks for the link !bobke Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5412441/Oxfam-boss-issues-apology-mudrer-babies-comment.html#ixzz57rEXIdlj "it's not like we murdered babies in their cots" quote from Mark Goldring, Oxfam CEO

Goldring needs to step down. It's very clear where the Oxfam "culture of impunity" comes from, it starts at the head. To minimize Oxfam use of young,destitute prostitutes who are victims of a natural disaster violates their mission and violates victims who are already traumatized. And he can't see that. @carmelita

ESOTERICshade ago

"it's not like we murdered babies in their cots" quote from Mark Goldring, Oxfam CEO

You just ripped them from their cots and took them to the MK ultra center and did it there, very cute Goldring, you asshole.

carmencita ago

There is def something seriously wrong when someone can't see that what happened is so horrid. YES he does need to step down. Pronto. They need to start clambering for his Ousting. Petitions, Tweets, whatever it takes. I am shocked they have not demanded this. Yes. the like we murdered babies comment is Shocking at best. This is what they do. They mention something so heinous that it will lighten what they did. The problem IS, other people are not perverted like he is. They think the raped of children is already heinous enough. HE IS SICK. And Must Go. Now.

Vindicator ago

I think you meant @carmencita. :-)

carmencita ago

Very funny. Another name I really like. Maybe she remembers Carmelita Pope. Thanks!

HennyPenny ago

Can't read Flemish, Belgian? Don't see the name Roland van Hauwermeiren in the text. Can you translate? Van Hauwermeiren was guilty of hiring hookers in Chad before Haiti and Oxfam aware


HennyPenny ago

Where's the link on that quote? It needs archiving.

WhatevsFloatsYerGoat ago

A slice of pedo pizza, hiding in plain sight. Well spotted.

RageAgainstTheAmish ago

Use a different fucking image host

UnicornAndSparkles ago

As apossed to the one most of us use on here?

Any suggestions of another image hosting site would be helpful .. instead of being a negative dick. Or are you here with nothing more than insults because this is clearly fucking relevant!!!!

Vindicator ago

imgur is owned by Reddit and unreliable regarding censorship. Catbox.moe is a good one, and there are others.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Thank you for this @vindicator

Bad_Idea_Bob ago

not to mention it takes forever to load their mobile page

Doritosprite ago

Fuck off faggot

markrod420 ago

he did ask for an alternative... i feel like you are proving his point here.

bobke ago

Here is the url with the video where the first picture is from, the other 2 pictures came from image searches