carmencita ago

There is proof that the hospital has murdered Alfie by injection. This must be spread.

@UnicornAndSparkles @TrishaUK @Cc1914 @2impendingdoom

Pablolove ago

What a load of rubbish

neptunium1 ago

The UK Column has been doing some reporting on it. Here's yesterday's:

And a more indepth report from 26th April:

mattsixteen24 ago

I heard a story about vaccination. The stupid evil hospital vaccinated the kid probably putting him in that sick state. After months and months they take Alfie off life support, then somehow hushed up the parents and murdered him the next day. It's very strange how Alfie was doing fine for 4 days off life support and then the dad did a total reversal and said he didn't want to be bothered anymore and the next evening Alfie is dead right after some nurse gave him 4 different injections. It's downright satanic.

sunajAeon ago

No-it would not affect viability of organs

InnocentAngels ago

I believe they overdosed him with narcotics. Gave him enough to stop his breathing. This way his organs would still be usable.

carmencita ago

This whole business caused me to break down last night. Such evil. Vile. Evil. Same letters. Add a D and you have Devil. Beyond comprehension. Letting it all sink in. Even though we have read the most horrid things this is so shocking still.

InnocentAngels ago

Anyone who could do these things to an innocent little boy is truly evil. Just like we have discussed before, another example of parental rights taken away. It is a twisted world we live in to allow such things to happen.

carmencita ago

I know that you too have a broken heart after reading his story. It is even beyond comprehension. Yes, they want them born so they can live longer.

InnocentAngels ago

It does break my heart to see this abuse of these little ones. I'm so sad for the parents that had to go through all this too. If it had been one of Kate's little ones everything possible would have been done. It's sickening to think about it.

carmencita ago

This little man was so precious and was taken from the parents that loved him so. Kate is nothing but a baby farm.

InnocentAngels ago

Gotta keep that bloodline going. They don't care about the many, just the few.

carmencita ago

I am fearing for those children though. We know what fate will befall them. They got to William and Harry no matter how hard Diana tried. Lord Mount B got to Charles. It passed down like a family heirloom.

InnocentAngels ago

Yes, I believe it will continue too. It would take a miracle for it not too. The whole elite cabal would have to crumble first.

carmencita ago

If the inner works are exposed and part of their inner power structure is dismantled it may bring the whole house down. We can always hope. Hope is what we need to continue.

InnocentAngels ago

I agree there is always hope. We have to keep hope alive. I am so glad to see some of the younger generation aware of all this evil. I doubt I will live to see the downfall but, I will know many will keep going to fight and reveal it.

carmencita ago

Well there is longevity in my family so there is hope that I may have some good time left, but who know.s. Who knows how rapidly they will succeed. I think they are working harder and faster now that they know we are gaining with more people being red pilled every day. I showed my friend about Alfie and she was alarmed but I know she has problems of her own with her husband being out of work so you cannot expect people to just drop everything and pitch in. The depth to which this goes is just too hard from some to grasp. We started and took it in slowly, at least most of us. I am so glad to be woke.

InnocentAngels ago

My reasoning for believing I will not see it is there are still so many not awake to it. I believe it may take decades for the masses to grasp onto it. Just look how long it took to get to this point. I really hope I'm here to see it happen but unlike you longevity is not in my family. My spouse is fortunate to have many in his family live into their 80's or 90's. Mine not so much.

carmencita ago

You do your very best to stay around as long as possible. We want the best soldiers in our army.

InnocentAngels ago

Thank you for your caring comment. I do not want to check out anytime soon for many reasons. We have to keep the battle going for all of us and the children most of all. I wish the same for you too!

carmencita ago

I know what you mean about the young ones. They have been very slow at catching on. I am wondering if many older ones are afraid to clue in their kids, you know, afraid of frightening them. Or wanting to not burst their bubble. It is a horrid revelation. Especially if you have your whole life ahead. It is easier to pretend it is CT. I wonder how we are so much more realistic. I sometimes believe that we have seen so much more happen than they have, knowing how these evil doers can be, beyond what anyone can imagine.

InnocentAngels ago

I am one that just drops hints about this or that to family or friends. When I do it's always a ' it wouldn't surprise me if it was true" type of reaction. I mentioned recently about Alfie, and how socialized medicine can be a way for government to have rights over parents in decision making. The response I heard to that was how this government wants to have rights over a person having an abortion. I said that hasn't happened except for some federal funding of PP, but they still receive large donations. Plus, someone can still go to another medical facility for that. Ugh!

carmencita ago

Oh my God, people make me sick and tired. They used to wear me out. Now I pick and choose who to red pill them or let them in on the real truth. After they stare for a while, I say Well what do you think? It's always the same answer as before. I got such a silly answer the other day, and from a very smart woman that I really like and respect. People are just not ready. But then there is the other one, she is really woke. So, yes you are right. It will take a while. Unless something big happens that we can use as a Really Big Wake Up Tool you may be right. It could take a while. So sad.

InnocentAngels ago

Agree completely.

fogdryer ago

Why would they want Alfie organs? He was sick? The plan there’s always a dam plan!

carmencita ago

They have ways to do exactly what is needed. There were thousands of fetuses in jars kept from mothers and they were for research. They have perfected this. This poor child was not for research. I truly believe someone was waiting for those organs. They were for one of the elites, possibly and someone extremely wealthy. I know it is very painful but think of the money the pulled in. It said in the article that a heart can bring in as much as US $50K. That is just for the heart. Bloody Perverted Narcissistic Morons. Baby Killers.

lamplight ago

Human life has become a commodity. The British elite are a disgusting bunch. How blatantly arrogant of them to do this to little Alfie with the world watching. It shows that they think they are above everyone else, even God, and can and do decide who lives and who dies. Enough of this crap. I pray that they be punished for their crimes.

sunajAeon ago

Prayer is nice but .45 to the face is much more reliable

fogdryer ago

Never leave a child alone Ask questions No where to go in this world

Feeling hopeless

carmencita ago

Good advice.

carmencita ago

Alder Hey Overall Rating Page

Evidently All is Good Surgery and Outpatient Need Improving and One Outstanding Mark. There is a Report available if one wishes to read.

carmencita ago

Alder Hey Hospital Partners

Alder Hey has a number of academic partners including the University of Liverpool, Liverpool John Moores University, University of Central Lancashire, Lancaster University and Edge Hill University. Alder Hey is a member of Liverpool Health Partners and has collaborations in the UK and internationally with a large number of healthcare institutions, universities and commercial organisations.

carmencita ago

Partners for Alder Hey Children's Charity

Curry's PC World DAMS David Wilson Homes Fresenius Kabi Holmes- Naden Morgan Sindall Wongs Santander Tangle Teezer

There is a whole laundry list more starting with Bristol Meyers Squibb DIG DIG DIG!!!

neptunium1 ago

Okay, let's look at the Board of Trustees

Starting with the chair Sir Malcolm Thornton

Born in Manchester in 1939, he moved to Wirral in 1947 and was educated at Wallasey Grammar School and the Liverpool Nautical College, which is a foundation college of the present-day Liverpool Maritime Academy in the University's School of Engineering, Technology and Maritime Operations. In 1962, he became a River Mersey Pilot, gaining a Senior First Class Licence.

Note his maritime education and is a qualified pilot.


He developed his incisive understanding of the issues affecting education in the late 1970s, representing the Merseyside District Councils at national level, becoming Chairman of the Education Committee of the Association of Metropolitan Authorities, and of the Council of Local Education Authorities.

He seems to have taken a particular interest in the future of primary education

He is vice chairman of THE LEADERS CLUB

Amongst the many benefits of The Leaders Club is that it is entirely discreet. Membership details are never disclosed outside the Club. The Chatham House rule applies and access to data is restricted. No one is appraised; members can exchange experiences in privacy and confidentiality and often offer practical assistance when difficulties arise.

For 'discrete' read secretive.

President of this club is Admiral Sir Trevor Soar

That's the Royal Navy

Admiral quits job amid lobbying row

THE retired former captain of HMS Invincible has quit as a consultant for Babcock International after he was secretly filmed offering to ‘ignore’ a two-year ban on helping arms firms to win MoD contracts.

The Royal Navy has practising satanists

carmencita ago

Thank you for your work. I really appreciate it. I was much too affected last night to continue. I am looking into the SRA abuse report particularly. Possibly there are satanists on the board. I am corresponding with a SRA Survivor and we have become friends. It saddens me to no end when I try to explain to my other friends, and they think the story bazaar and CT. Are you sure this story is true, are you sure you are not being scammed? I feel really sorry for them that they have such a response. What in the world to do about this? This is exactly why we have not been able to expose them. I am looking into this. Do you feel that there are satanists on the board. I have been wondering if they have infiltrated hospitals now just like in LE and religions. Horrid. These people at the top tier of the Board and the Doctors need to be exposed. The English need to get out into the streets. Let's hope that there will be some journalists that will do the right thing. I highly recommend that people email this story to all their friends and relatives.

neptunium1 ago

Thank you. I've created a new post with more info.

In terms of your friends who question the satanism stories, in a sense I can understand them. I am a fairly logical person myself and it is that drive to make sense of what is happening in our world that has driven me to research. It is clear to me that the intelligence services have been interested in anything esoteric such as shamanism, the occult, etc - practices that help with manipulation and mind control. Separating fact from fiction can be difficult sometimes because they also use sensational stories as misinformation to bring ridicule to the truth information. Smoke and mirrors.

For people who don't take the time to look beyond CNN et al reports it can seem bizarre. But we are being governed by messed up people. Anyone who can't see that.. well, leave them to it...

carmencita ago

Yes, I have decided to move on with those, and try to work on others. It just boggles the mind when you know people in the med. field and they look at you like you have 3 heads. But But But....they can't do that. How can you, that is medically impossible. These people are way out of the loop. Evil people that do these things make sure these procedures are covered up. I am looking into others on the board. Dame Jo Williams had to resign from the CQC. Quality Control Reports, I believe.

neptunium1 ago

People in the med field are some of the biggest sceptics to 'everything' partly because of their 'scientism' tendencies and partly because of personality characteristics and the filtering system that Chomsky points out in this video:

carmencita ago

Wow. Pretty Powerful. We have been taught to filter. Also to not write or talk about what is the unspoken or what people may not want to read. He also says that the news or journalism is owned by powerful men and that some may try to squeeze in a bit of truth in their writings, but can never really tell the whole truth I believe. People just don't want to read it either. We need to teach our children to question authority and to keep an open mind and question everything. We need to explain to them about The Sheep.

neptunium1 ago

Founder of the Leaders Club: Stephen Fletcher

Bits from his bio

In 1987 he produced a business plan to launch Royal Insurance Education Services onto a commercial basis. The plan was accepted and the business was an instant success. During this period he managed to achieve the status of becoming Microsofts first authorised application training centre in the UK as well as that of Lotus.

In 1987 Stephen founded MERIT. Merseyside Information Technology was formed as a forerunner to TLC. Liverpool was very much in the doldrums but Stephen recognised the tremendous businesses that existed in the area. The first person that he sold training to externally was John Parkinson, HR Manager of one of Liverpool's great shipping lines - Ocean Management Services.

Before long Government became interested and Stephen and his wife Kay were invited to a Royal Garden party as an acknowledgement of the achievement. MERIT ran for 21 years.

Before too long the business was joined by daughter Shona, Steve Burrows and system architect, Colin Hill. Old friend, Sir Malcolm Thornton was invited to Chair. The business built strongly and in 2001 Henry Jodrell joined the Board as an investor and became Sales Director. About this time the decision was taken to change the name to BroadSkill ( there were a couple of other Intuitions around ). Amongst the key successes was winning the national training contract for the MoD and Airbus.

BroadCare was born and 5 years later and with a great deal of effort by a tremendous team, BroadCare is the No1 system within the NHS with a whole range of additional services being available.

neptunium1 ago

Upcoming events for the Leaders Club:

May 10th, Linda Minnis

No title for the event given.

They're 'discrete'.

Linda Minnis is CEO of the Charities Trust

Talks about their partnership with Alder Hey Hospital

GreenDell144 ago

And we thought this only happened in poor countries.

carmencita ago

Believe me the have this all down to a science. They have been perfecting this for years. They are light years ahead of what most people know or think that can be done. Besides, they are using them for research. They put them in jars. It's beyond disgusting. Read my post that I included in the comments about a Mother that thought her child was in the coffin and when it was opened it was empty. Ultimately there were 6K organs involved.

gentlemanadventurer ago

I hope these parents end up resenting the State and become violent and hostile towards their political and legal royalty. I know I would.

carmencita ago

This may just stir up the masses enough to create big push back. You can bet the Bushes Clintons and the Royals will be the first to benefit from these children's organs. Btw, George Sr. is still in the hospital even though they said he has recovered.

carmencita ago

I did a post before about the organ harvesting and fetuses. For 42 years a mother wondered about her child. I believe these are the ones that were lined up. Oh I can't write anymore. Have a look please if you like.

darkknight111 ago

Vile, simply vile.

Suggest digging into the leadership of this hospital and their connections.

carmencita ago

I am going to. This needs many eyes.

Blacksmith21 ago

It wouldn't surprise me one bit. So blatant and in our faces. Britain may need to be nuked when this is over.

TrishaUK ago

OY! There are 1,000s of good people here in the UK, please don't tar us with the same brush, we would never tar you with the elite sickos just because you are Americans :( We don't deserve nuking. We feel every bit as angry as you do. We need waking up fully for sure and getting rid of our tolerance, people here believe in live and let live without interfering in other peoples lives.....but this complacency has been our get sickos who take advantage of this freedom. Then you end up with a lovely country trampled on by people we opened our arms too help and people we trusted. - This is a disgusting report and I hope more people wake up here.........we are trying to do the right thing. Thank you USA for helping us.

carmencita ago

I see your comment now. Thank you. Please spread this horror story to as many as possible. I think also it would be good to send messages to those that are speaking out on the Telly and Twitter and in the News papers and sites. They need to know the people support the truth. I am hoping for an uprising. <3

TrishaUK ago


carmencita ago

I just looked at an old post I did on a woman who's baby son was missing from his coffin and it uncovered thousands of fetuses being stolen. In that post you tell the story of your sister and how the children made that difficult decision we may all have to make. It was a heart breaking story, but because of it, you learned so much. It started your awakening process. Prayers to the British People. Hoping they will find the courage to fight this. This is an opening that may not come again. We need an opening here as well. If people think it is only happening there, they have another thing coming. If you read my old post you will get an education about what is happening in Chicago. An organ operation as well.

Blacksmith21 ago

I know, I know. I wanted to see some Brits get their knickers in a bunch. There is a real problem though, in the UK. Y'all have been kid touching for a lot longer than here in the US. So many inbred kid-touching twits on your island. It's time to rise up. Maybe start importing firearms from the US so you can resist your government is what is needed.

TrishaUK ago

lol I thought 'kid touching' was a boxing term, like kid gloves etc., I see where you are coming from yes lots of perverts over here for years, but think about it Australia an America etc., ancestry is from here too so its world wide sadly. I wish more people here would wake up but nowadays most people stick to themselves living in their own 4 walls as long as they have a television, computer and phone, only interacting with people if necessary! :'(

Blacksmith21 ago

There is something seriously wrong with most people under the age of 25 here in the US. They were taught some bizarre "common core" mandated by the Dept of Education. No compliance, no money from USG. This method of teaching broke the kids' ability to think and problem solve and cope with issues. The wealth preponderance of their parents' generation spoiled them. Then add in social media, big pharma, rap culture, etc.

sunajAeon ago

That is good news that many Britts are awake

carmencita ago

There is huge demand and a market for body parts especially eyes, hearts and kidneys belonging to children. Estimates indicate that at least one million children have been kidnapped and killed in the past 20 years for organs. A kidney or eyes can fetch up to US $10,000 and a heart could cost US $50,000 or more. Estimates further indicate that money laundering in this deadly trade accounts for up to 10% of the world’s GDP, or as much US $5 trillion. As a result, the black market for children’s organs is expanding and more and more children are kidnapped and killed.

fogdryer ago

What are the parents saying ?

carmencita ago

The father has to know. It's all over the news. Have not seen his reply as of yet.

GreenDell144 ago

I’m going to hug my babies and cry now. 🙏

fogdryer ago

Hugging isn’t enough 😢 We must get this mainstream!

carmencita ago

There have been some Tweeting about this, but it has to go viral. Should be tweeted to top people here in the country. Trump would be one. The Real Donald Trump. Tweet Him. All you Q followers that have Twitter Accts. Get Active Now!

carmencita ago

I think those that have them will be doing the same. Yes, people need to get out in the streets on this one. The Royal Wedding can get Bleeped!

new4now ago

makes me remember MS BHO worked at hospital and worked on the side where they sent the poor folks

This has to be happening in too many hospitals

RIP Little Ones

carmencita ago

“A subsequent inquiry into the retention of organs from babies and foetuses born at Alder Hey found that more than 100,000 body parts, many of them taken illegally, were being held in hospitals around Britain,” reported the UK Independent in 2004. “[T]he remains of 1,000 unborn infants, discovered during the scandal over organ retention at the city’s Alder Hey hospital, [will be] laid to rest.”

fogdryer ago

This is really sick shit !!

carmencita ago

I know. There is also a book they are recommending to get completely red pilled but this is about all I can take. So sad.

carmencita ago

[A] nurse entered the child’s cubicle after his father Tom had been called aside and gave him four drugs. A source close to the family told LifeSiteNews that these were injections that were administered to Alfie after Tom had been summoned for an unusual middle-of-the-night meeting with the hospital. The child died two hours later.

God this is horrible. Thank you for posting this even though our hearts will be heavy while reading it. We must stay informed. UPVOAT!!

neptunium1 ago

It looks like the story of administration of lethal drugs may not be true.

However, there is speculation that his illness was due to vaccine damage:

carmencita ago

According to Burchett Tweet: Vaccines cause demyelination - this child was vaccine injured an this appears to be a giant cover up of vaccine injury!! We know from research what Bill G and Bill C have caused in Africa with their vaccines. This is also what is going on with the flu shots as well. People need to become alarmed. This is extremely frightening. The murders of that couple in Toronto and their company Apotex could be connected to GSK. That is a Smoking Gun.

neptunium1 ago

And here's an example of 'they' muddy the waters of the vaccine debate: Just seen on Twitter this article from the fake news website Yournewswire: Study Shows Aluminium Was Present In Baby Alfie Evans’ Brain

Closely followed by a Snopes article debunking the aluminium claim

So that the sheeple will dismiss any vaccine stories pertaining to Alfie instead of looking into it.

carmencita ago

One more thing. YNW has been thought of as disinfo. But possibly it is disinfo that YNW is disinfo. Possibly there is more truth to their writing than many are telling us. Just a thought. If anything, Shopes is disinfo.

carmencita ago

One Of My Recent Posts.

A new study shows newborns are injected with 17 times the allowable level of aluminum. Action Alert!

ANH-USA has been raising the alarm about aluminum in vaccines for a number of years. As the researchers note, safety testing proving aluminum adjuvants to be safe when injected into children has never been conducted. Established safety levels for aluminum exposure that are often referenced are based on ingested aluminum, of which only about 0.25% is absorbed, rather than injected aluminum, where almost all of it is absorbed over time—accumulating in various organs, including the brain. Animal studies have also demonstrated a link between repeated inoculation with aluminum-containing vaccines and severe neurobehavioral outcomes (restlessness, muscle tremors, loss of response to stimuli), the presence of aluminum in central nervous system tissue, and altered expression of certain genes in the brain.

carmencita ago

It does my heart good to know that Brian Gerrish is standing up for the truth and speaking out. This is what it will take. I will tell you one thing. life news is printing it how it is. But there is still an element of doubt if you have a brain and think for yourself. The words of Terry Schiavo's brother says it all. If the hospital forced Alfie's poor Daddy speak those horrid words at the beginning, then I believe they have written this speech of lies as well. They have threatened him within an inch of his life. They are beyond evil, we must remember that and they have no trouble telling lies to protect Squibb and GSK and the money they receive from them. A Bunch of Bleeping Liars. Michael Schiavo knows as well as anyone what Jeb Bush can do with executive power. He thinks you ought to know too.

neptunium1 ago

I just had a look at The Liverpool Brain Infections Group and found the most bizarre links with Roald Dahl, Opehila Dahl and P.I.H (Partners in Health)

Group Leader Prof Tom Solomon

Posted on their facebook page is a link to

Roald Dahl's Marvellous Medicine by Professor Tom Solomon

Tom Solomon talks about his new book Roald Dahl's Marvellous Medicine @ Sky News, 13/09/2016

Roald Dahl was a British spy

His niece Ophelia Dahl founder of Partners In Health

Elton John Aids Foundation and The Clinton Foundation and Partners In Health

Partners In Health website. The logo looks like the Child Lover logo.

Just wow.

carmencita ago

Hah. Tom Soloman says they fussed and fawned over him. More than they would do for others. This was a man that wrote about his medical breakthroughs and never had a medical degree. More idolatry. I am sure this Tom Guy has learned the same rules Dahl lived by.

neptunium1 ago

carmencita ago

Who knows why he says he likes children. He could like them because he is molding and brainwashing their minds to the New Science-Babble. Or something far more sinister. If we see the huge Teddy on the sofa we can imagine why.

neptunium1 ago

He spends a lot of time in the media pushing vaccines. Here's an article written by him about a measles outbreak which started at Disneyland of all places

I had the measles as a child TWICE and I'm still here.

carmencita ago

The title of the article says it all. It shouldn't take the death of a child for people to realize the importance of vaccines. Think about THAT.

carmencita ago

This is how he makes his money. A legalized drug pusher. Fear sells. Get people so scared that they will buy anything to help their children. We have so many diseases today that we did not have decades ago. There is a reason for that. Use your brains people. They want to kill off the old people for they remember. My parents are 90 and 91 and they have not had the flu shot now for years. I have a nurse friend that got the shingles after she had the shingles shot. It was a very bad case. She now believes her doctor and will get another one. I love her dearly but have given up on this. Again as you say these are the hardest ones to convince.

carmencita ago

I had them as well. There were traditional methods of care taken many decades ago. Now I believe they may have killed off some children in order to scare people into believing it is a killer disease. There was no staying home for my mother with me. I was at home alone for three days from school. A neighbor looked in on and off and brought me soup. We were Immigrants and my parents were afraid of losing their jobs. A fever is what I had and it was gone in 5 days entirely. The same thing with the flu today. They have scared people to death of getting sick from normal illnesses. The reason people are so frightened is because they do not have sick days. It is a vicious circle. The flue - Lots of liquids, Crackers and soda until you can eat chicken soup. Lots of it. But here is the corker. Plenty of rest. People cannot sit still. They would rather take a shot and get it all over with. We do not need vaccines. They have created diseases to sell vaccines. I will include here a very valuable book on vaccines They have completely scrubbed his book Education of Slavery. You will find nothing on it.

carmencita ago

Yes, It is sad. Another person many idolized and a writer of children's books, is suspect. I have suspected him for a while. But what you have uncovered really is the handwriting on the wall. Connections to Elton John Found. & CF is highly suspect. And then it is perpetuated by his family of today. These people have no soul. It is solely for greed and possibly peppered with satanism as well sometimes. These traditionally idolized criminals need to be outed. Child Lover Logo. The final nail in the coffin after all the other info. Yes, I had briefly read about him being a spy but coupled with this it says so much more about him and what he really was. The logo denotes pedophilia.

neptunium1 ago

I just found another video with Dr. Tom Solomon. Only saw the first few seconds and thought I'd post. Note the teddy on the sofa..I can't cope: Sex, drugs and emerging viruses

carmencita ago

Geeze. He says getting in a car is risk every day. Not to worry about small things like emerging viruses and those ugly things we are feeding animals. Ugh. More Brainwashing. Yes this guy is making it hard to cope.

carmencita ago

It just occurred to me that he is trying to brainwash them into believing that the HPV Vaccine is the only way kids and people will be protected. How about moral responsibility. This is something they do not want to suggest. Also think about the fact that when pedos rape children this vaccine may kill the viruses and no one is aware that something has happened to the child. No alarms will go off. Yuck.

neptunium1 ago

He says they don't know how pathogens like ebola spread. Maybe he should ask the UN.

carmencita ago

I am sure he idolizes the work of the CF and Bill G. Watered down vaccines.

neptunium1 ago

CF works with Ophelia Dahl's P.I.H.

carmencita ago

Omg. This should not be surprising, but it is. Another Wicked Collaboration.

carmencita ago

TED Technology Entertainment Design. I think it is short for Teddy as in Bear. Another one of their Hiding in Plain Sight. Why have him there in the first place. Subliminal Brainwashing. The people listening to him and others like him, will be newly indoctrinated in their "new discoveries". Frightening. He should be outed as a Quack.

srayzie ago

Omg I can’t even watch the news when he comes on. I have to turn it off. It just breaks my heart.

carmencita ago

I know. It's horrid. I am hoping this comes out here. I don't know how we can stand this stuff, really. It is beyond comprehension.

fogdryer ago

The only way out is to get this info out !!!

carmencita ago

The people must retaliate at once. And forcefully. This is an extremely serious matter and this may be the only chance.

carmencita ago

I knew it. I just knew it. I had a sickening feeling they would do something like this. AND that murderous pervert sitting in the Vatican that offered to take Alfie to an Italian Hosp. would probably end the same way. @Gilderoy had a post about an Italian Hosp. that was shady as heck. This is beyond disgusting.

fogdryer ago

I’m so dumb. Here I just thought it was socialism. Which hospital in England was this I heard Italy offered help.

carmencita ago

Alder Hey Hospital in or near Liverpool. It's just plain evil. The doctor doing most of the removal of organs was charged in Canada and left to do the same in another hospital and now in the UK. The parents were threatened in order to make them read some made up speech. My heart is hurting for those poor parents.