Dmacleod ago

How do you do forensic tests on organs that arent there because theyve all been carved out....? and if youre the right type at the right time, and youre an organ donor....and youre at say, Medstar..... etc....

carmencita ago

You can't really do a forensic test if the organs are removed, really. Falsification? As in the case of Seth Rich the Death Certificate could be falsified. These people stop at nothing, imo. Also I am not an expert but I believe autopsies are against the Jewish Religion. I have also heard strict Jewish people also do not believe in Cremation. Correct me if I am wrong, though.

EngineeringReverse ago

No fucking way. I dont want my heart, liver, kidneys going to to some nigger/jew/spic. Fuck that. I dont even donate blood.

carmencita ago

I have news for you. Look up Henrietta Lacks. If you have had an operation or ever need one you will have her DNA in you. I hope you are never in a bad accident. I bet you won't ask who's blood you are getting.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

Lol. So true. I can only wonder how many racist idiots are unaware of this.

EngineeringReverse ago

Nope, never had an operation. I guess you can go fuck yourself, fuckface.

carmencita ago

Hope you never need one. Thanks for your kind words 😊

Blacksmith21 ago

Wasn't there a MAS*H episode about that douche ^^^

You can always tell the douches who've never been in battle.

izze ago

morgue/funeral homes should definitely get more spot light, i think they must be apart of the large trafficking scheme. It took me a while, but i found a story from a while back that has always stuck with me. This guy at a funeral home was removing and selling parts from people that were to be buried. A mother found her sons bones were replaced with PVC pipe!

carmencita ago

Whoa. That guy Mastromarino was the same guy in my link. The one that stole Alistair Sims body and sold it. That guy really got around. I think he is probably part of the Mafia. Remember Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt said the Mafia is involved in all of this.

Smokrates ago

They weren’t just satisfied with the organs. That is going too far.

carmencita ago

They are a disgusting bunch. They want all of us and our off spring.

badastrid ago

The Body Brokers Informative book that illustrates pretty much zero regulation in this area.

carmencita ago

Thank you for that. I will take a look at it.

argosciv ago

Lydia Reid sat graveside on the day that her infant’s body was being exhumed. Since his funeral in 1975~


carmencita ago

Oh, no. Another one.

argosciv ago

Gets annoying sometimes, ey? xD

10650389? ago

What is the significance of 1975?

argosciv ago

hahaha, shit man... fucking heaps.

Just to pick a good one though...

Jimmy Hoffa: Courtney Love: Kurt Cobain: WI root of 'evil'

James Riddle Hoffa (February 14, 1913 – disappeared July 30, 1975)

Enjoy (no I'm not trying to serve you a nothing burger, there's just a FUCKTONNE of reading) :)

10650695? ago

Thank you

argosciv ago

You're most welcome :)

carmencita ago

Yes, it sometimes seems never ending. Like the Beatles said, A Long and Winding Road.

argosciv ago


carmencita ago

OOPS. That could lead to another Rabbit Hole?

argosciv ago

not anything that I wasn't already, er, following xD

Piscina ago

And they have the f'ing gall to call it 'organ RETENTION'--like the little babies' bodies went to the cemetery agreeing to leave their organs behind with the hospital.

carmencita ago

Ugh. That reminds me of Retention Ponds. I am thinking they have a form for them where in their minds they are checking off a box for the baby. Yeah, The YES Box. Disgusting Vermin all of them.

Dmacleod ago

I'm going to a funeral tomorrow .... she was a senior in high school who dropped dead on the soccer field last week.... never sick/athletic........the family is COMFORTED by the fact that she was an ORGAN DONOR. No autopsy.

carmencita ago

People must be woken up. They just can't believe that humans can be so horrible to their fellow man. Ugh.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

What's wrong with organ donating?

argosciv ago

Nothing's wrong with organ donation, assuming the organs are indeed being stored/used for helping those in need; rather than being 'plucked' for private use, whatever that may entail.

she was a senior in high school who dropped dead on the soccer field last week.... never sick/athletic

This is odd, yes, strange things happen without there being a need to get paranoid, but, indulging in a bit of intrigue MIGHT lead to something more.

No autopsy.

Even stranger... you would think an autopsy is imperative in such a strange death and especially if the organs are intended for donation, no?

@Dmacleod, are you able to confirm if an autopsy will at all be performed prior to the organs being set aside as "donated"? (bit hard to get the organs without an autopsy?)

@carmencita thoughts?

Mr_Wolf ago

I had a high school cousin drop dead after a run, they certainly required an autopsy due to the strange nature of death.

The police even took computers from the house to investigate, the whole thing was treated like a murder.

My cousin was generally healthy and ran track, they ended up finding something wrong with a valve in his heart.

argosciv ago

The police even took computers from the house to investigate, the whole thing was treated like a murder.

Certainly strikes my "what the fuck?" bone...

fogdryer ago

No autopsy on a healthy girl who dropped dead ???? I don't think so

Law states otherwise

argosciv ago

Really? It's even law to perform an autopsy?

Mr_Wolf ago

Healthy looking kid randomly dropping dead? That's going to get treated like murder. My family went through a similar thing, I made another comment about it.

merica_fk_yeah ago

the autopsy ruins the organs and the organs have to be harvested right after death. sometimes before death but they don't tell you that do they. I am not ever signing my donor card. I know that is selfish but I don't want my organs in anyone unless it is my choice, but I think they let you die just for the organs. there is something not right about any of this.

argosciv ago

Thanks for the clarification, muchly needed before I got too stuck into it.

Still odd to avoid an autopsy, though.

carmencita ago

Please read this whole thread and think about it. They are taking our organs for themselves. They won't be for us. For the Elite.

TrishaUK ago

Grief will make you cling to anything for comfort. I am guessing the family is not involved here on voat?

Dmacleod ago

I remember a case where there was a crematorium...Maybe in Georgia...? Where the operator just dumped the bodies in a heap, instead of cremating them...this was a few years ago... How about the stories of dead soldiers bodies...???? I'm sickened by this.

carmencita ago

There was also a case somewhere in Illinois a few years ago. Bodies found (skeletons) bones, not buried, floating in water because of rain. It was a mess. Can't remember the place. It went on for a while til it was solved. And yes, the Soldiers. It makes me think of how whenever they need something they pick a soldier somewhere and he dies. They have all of their Medical Info. I want to cry.

TrishaUK ago

There seems to be more outcry when people find out that their pooch or kitty are not actually being buried correctly. All of this is very sad.

carmencita ago

Ugh. Gag me with a spoon! I love animals but people need to get real, and start paying attention to what is happening with THEIR bodies.

fogdryer ago

in La. coroners are paid so low that they are legally allowed to sell a cadaver etc. for up to 10K without the consent/knowledge of the family

10649437? ago

Wow. I couldn't find anything on that -- but I found this startling piece of information:

  • Many of Louisiana's corpses are shipped to Dr. Frank Peretti in Little Rock, Arkansas for autopsy:

Article: "Watchdog: Local bodies shipped for autopsies" archived here

He signed Clinton body count victim Kathy Ferguson's coroner's report (two others signed as well)

(You may need to click the down arrows in the upper right corner to expand)!topic/alt.current-events.clinton.whitewater/Dkuzzt_sc2Q

And Dr. Frank Peretti reportedly interfered with the investigation of Satanic ritual child killings in the West Memphis Three Arkansas murder case:

Article: "Devilish Questions" archived here

fogdryer ago

Really ??????

10651126? ago

Also, if Dr. Peretti is involved in body parts harvesting, his work address is gruesome:

3 Natural Resources Drive, Little Rock (the Arkansas Crime Lab.)

10650878? ago

Here is an excerpt from the article in my comment "Watchdog: Local bodies shipped for autopsies":

"There's no reason for bodies to be leaving the state [of Louisiana]," Traylor said. "I don't think it's any cheaper and I don't think the quality is any better."

In the past, cadavers from Caddo have been sent to Dallas and even Jackson, Mississippi, for autopsies. Thoma said most parishes [counties] that currently choose to send bodies out of state go through Little Rock and forensic pathologist Dr. Frank Peretti.

Peretti became involved with Caddo following the death of Caddo coroner Dr. George McCormick in 2005. There were hundreds of backlogged cases at that time, Peretti said. He helped close more than 800 backlogged cases and offered his autopsy services because few other parishes wanted to get involved. The relationships he formed with Caddo lasted even after Thoma became coroner.

"I did all this hard work for Caddo Parish. When I started doing this in 1993, Caddo Parish came to me," Peretti said. "The main thing is doing the cases for the families and the criminal justice system. We're here to serve families."

Peretti said he's done autopsies for Bossier, Webster, Ouachita, Lincoln and Claiborne parishes. While Peretti's Louisiana patrons stand by his reputation and the quality of his services, many smaller parishes don't have the resources to ship bodies hundreds of miles to Arkansas, nor do they have the resources to hire a salaried forensic pathologist for their staff.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

Can you link/point to a law that says this?

fogdryer ago

Well I lived there for 25 yrs It was in the paper I could dig

Dmacleod ago

No EFFING Way ????... Really?

carmencita ago

WHAT? I am horrified, even though I know what I know. The American People have no idea what is going on and the deals and laws being hacked out behind closed doors. Their loved ones are treated like a piece of garbage. Do you remember Alistair Sims? He was on PBS as a host. His daughter found that they had sold his bones. A few guys in NJ were sent to jail. I believe 60 min. did a piece on it. Horrid. EDIT; HERE is an article about Alistair Sims. It is horrible. Stolen and sold by a gang.

fogdryer ago

funny but not funny the county says it saves tax payers dollars..............the family sees it different

Jem777 ago

In Chicago there is a full blown bodies for sale Operation. You can drag a dead body to certain places and get $5000... check out Biological Resource Center....HOLMAN square which is a CIA blacksight... not allowed in the US but who follows the constitution anymore?

It happens anyway. There was a statistic that 7000 people have disappeared from Holman Sqaure since 2008 when Obama took office then his bathhouse buddy Rahm Emanuel took over the City....The murders skyrocketed in Chicaho Obamas home town? Did he ever mention Chicago? Did he ever go to the inner cities petsonally in 8 years? No he did you not find that suspicious.

No because heroin was being transported to O'hare airport in C130's. They gave some to street dealers to make money, & possible gun walking for their masters and set up the organ trade for the dead bodies.....Holman Square CIA black site....suspects go in and dead guys come out turned in for organ harvesting...organs go to top hospitals for Rich to get transplants...everyone makes more victims are actually worth even more because the process the melanin from thier is highly valuable. See Haiti.

Holman Square

Obama knew his best bath house buddy Rahm Emanuel was put in charge...

Same company...

HERE is what is really going on in America....Holman Square to Fusion Centers. Explanation of enimies list and why Obamacare is essential as way to place value on your life for targeting.

@Dressage2 @jangles @ESOTERICshade

Dressage2 ago

bravo!! I love how you just you just lay it out there bath houses and all😎. This is reality everybody.

Truthseeker3000 ago

Unbelievable. More people need to be aware and question what really goes on in their own city. Thanks for this, u are a wealth of knowledge.

Question: Can u tell me what u mean by the melanin in skin being highly valuable, like what they actually use this for???

Jem777 ago

Melanin is produced in the Pineal Gland or activates it. The Pineal Gland is considered the "third eye" It is in your brain and can access your subconscious. In Germany when NAZI's occupied the country they learned that fluoride would calcify the Pineal Gland to (dumb down) population. Therefore they poured fluoride into drinking water.

They also had ancient mystery school knowledge that sodomy would put pressure on the base of the spinal cord which also activates the Pineal Gland for trauma based mind control.

When Americans (CIA) discovered this they poured fluoride into drinking water and sold the lie about toothpaste. They also developed MK Ultra using this knowledge which is why sodomy is the number one factor in MK Ultra.

Fluoride is a toxin and damages the body..they know this and are intentionally harming us.

Melanin activates the Pineal Gland so it is extremely valuable. The Pineal Gland in Afican Americans is also larger due to the melanin they possess. The Pineal Gland is consumed in Satanic Rituals especially after trauma because the adrenaline is so high in this Gland.

This is true for adrenochrome as well...adrenalized blood.

Dressage2 ago

This is beyond outrageous. if the folks in Chicago knew what was happening to their relatives there would have been Hell to pay.

Dmacleod ago

I'm dropping dead..... this is .... I have no words,,,,, My God.....

Cigarette5mokingman ago

Don't believe everything you hear, especially on /pizzagate voat. Ask for a source and watch them squirm. People have verbal diarrhea around here.

carmencita ago

Stop it. @Jem777 is a highly reliable source. I have a friend that lives in Chicago and we talk about Homan Sq. every once in a while. We did not know about the organ harvesting possibly going on there, but it has been mentioned as a CIA Black Site. She calls me and we discuss Chicago because it upsets her so. Yes, if people only knew. I hope he does not win the election again. The will see to it probably with Election Fraud which is committed by the govt. not by the voters.

Cigarette5mokingman ago

A person is not a source unless he/she is a first hand witness. I question anything anyone says, especially if what they say comes without a citation or source. I don't care if it's my mom, dad, preacher, rabbi, president or even Jem777.

I suggest everyone else do the same.

carmencita ago

You certainly are entitled to your opinion.

Dressage2 ago

carmencita ago This shows that the Cook County Morgue may be into organ harvesting. If not, they are at least selling the bodies of the poor. @Jem777

Dressage2 ago

Thx, notice they are poor people. Perfect set-up for making money. These people are worth far more money dead than alive is what the nefarious operations are thinking. Pathetic! Chicago is so poorly managed and in such debt I can only imagine what a hell hole that morgue is.

Jem777 ago you see where it lists body donation location in Rosemont? Guess who is from Rosemont...HRC

If you research all the different businesses surrounding this location you will find gold...unless they change their name.

carmencita ago

That girl found in the Freezer in the Crown Plaza Hotel, that occurred in Rosemont. I did a little research on it and the area is ripe for for the type of operation they need for the harvesting. The Lutheran General Hospital with Heliport, Ohare Airport nearby, there is a Large Shopping Mall there and Casinos. Also Rosemont is known as a mafia (La Cosa Nostra) hangout for years. @Dressage2

Dressage2 ago

Rick Rizzulo was running strip clubs in Vegas and was in tight with Joey the Clown. Mob was very involved. They would shake patrons down at the strip clubs by strong arming them to pay more money than what they really would spend. If they resisted they would be beaten in the parking lot. One guy was left paralyzed and sued. He won big judgment, but Rizzulo said couldn't pay. IRS was running the strip clubs and shut Rizzulo out of biz. Sold them for peanuts. I think Rizzulo just went back to prison for hiding money from Feds. The mob huge in Chicago. Everybody is shaken down.

I think there is more to that story. The video shows her staggering in the hotel kitchen, but found in freezer so wonder how she got in there.

carmencita ago

In one of the videos it shows her walking past a kitchen that looks like it is completely unused. Also why have a freezer that is unlocked if the kitchen is no longer in use. I wonder who gave the party she was at. Was it the hotel or a friend or someone that just promised a few kids free drinks. Such a sad story for that family.

carmencita ago

They always have answers for what they are doing that is wrong. And we usually get the wrong end of the stick. I don't know what it will take for people to rise up. They are stealing their kids organs and selling the bones of their parents. C'mon People.

Pixel_loves_Polygon ago

Holy fuck what absolute nightmare fuel. I was first turned onto the horror that is childbirth in hospitals by Jeanice Barcelo. She's really worth checking out.

carmencita ago

I could barely force myself to finish the article for I have read and researched so many. You see, I knew what might lie ahead. The worst part is not just the organ stealing, but there was never a baby to bury. This could make a person be driven to insanity. I really don't know how these mothers and parents cope with this. And where did they arrive at the figure of $6,700 for the price of a child. HORRORS. The nerve of the people acting like What is the big deal. The problem is that the governments are letting them think that our children are theirs for the taking. If they die, they can do whatever they want. This Must Stop.

merica_fk_yeah ago

exactly and the science back when he died was new.. so what happened to his body for real.

Mylon ago

Signing up people to be organ donors by default isn't all that bothersome. But is what I find terrifying is the idea that a wealthy individual might have the connections to be notified if a living person has a matching organ and arrange that person's sudden status as an organ donor. With the massive amounts of money these people have, a lot of people can be persuaded to forgo ethics to facilitate this behavior.

Truthseeker3000 ago

U bet they do. Look at all the people paying and sending in the Ancestry DNA and 23 and Me with their DNA. Do people not know that when u sign the form sending it in that the company owns the DNA sample u sent them and they can do with it what they want to. WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!

Dmacleod ago

I recently renewed my drivers license...I had to pay extra to have the little organ donor heart removed from my new copy..... they tried to tell me it wouldnt matter as long as I didnt fill in the organ donor box... Yeah...Right....

carmencita ago

Guess What? That is the exact purpose that was intended. They are masters at hiding what they really are intending to do. Steal Our Organs or those of Your Children. Wake Up People. Don't get lazy. Get busy and OPT OUT.

TrishaUK ago

Same in UK. They say its not compulsory, YET, but still give you a tick-box to 'opt out' it used to be 'opt in' - I ALWAYS 'opt out' as I am of the opinion if you tick 'opt in' if there is a wealthy person needing an organ or someone the medic knows needs an organ that matches yours, you are toast! Any number of 'medical conditions' for your sudden death is possible! My sister, 55, got ill on the Friday, septicemia they said, which was through her body, as a result she suffered multiple organ failure and was put into an induced coma, the following Tuesday. Her 2 children in their 20s were consulted to switch off the machine as they said their was no chance of survival. My mom and other family members were on our way down to the hospital, but for some unknown reason they had managed to persuade her children that the machine had to be switched off. When the family arrived she was already dead. I will never understand the urgency to switch it off. Maybe my mom would have been able to convinced her grandchildren to wait longer instead of being pressured by the 'professionals'. We will never know. (my sister was a drinker and smoker which could have contributed, but my dad was too and he lived to 88, so like I said, they can use any reasonable reason)

carmencita ago

Trisha. What a heartbreaking story. I can feel why you suspect there is some trickery at play here. We have all heard and read of so many stories where they are not only stealing the organs, but in general just taking away our rights. How horrible when you are standing there and must take their word for it, that there is no hope. I will be very careful when the time comes for my parents. I am so very lucky to still have them at 89 and 90. I love them so. I can only hope for dignity. That is all we want to be respected and to leave this world in one piece. The dirty criminals. But I had a laugh out of all of this when I heard that Hugh Hefner died at 91. With all of their medical tricks and organs available and all his money he could not live to 100 like Rockefeller. We must keep fighting for our rights. That is the most important thing. I am so sorry for your sister and your family.

TrishaUK ago

Thank you for your kind words. Yes it was very sad, and yes, we without any medical learning are at the mercy of their honesty. Its when you wish you were a doctor. I do like your point that even all the blood transfusions, organ transplants etc., they cannot cheat death, as my mom used to say, there are 2 things in life we can be sure of ... you're born and you die. I never liked that saying, but its true!

Mylon ago

Sad to hear that story. In your case, I don't think septicemia deaths can donate their organs so I doubt they would like about that.

TrishaUK ago

Thanks, while I agree with your comment about septicemia, my point is how do we know 100% that it was septicemia? Thats what the Dr told my niece and nephew........... we know no one in the medical field lie (sarcasm). If we have learned anything since Podestas leaked emails its that all sorts of professional people are lying a whole lot of the time.

carmencita ago

Lydia Reid sat graveside on the day that her infant’s body was being exhumed. Since his funeral in 1975, she’d come to the grave almost every week and almost always with flowers. But last month, she came only with hope for an answer.Call it a gut instinct, but something about the baby’s burial 42 years earlier, along with events before and after, nagged at her over the years. She’d long sought permission for the exhumation. With the help of a member of Parliament, she finally reached this moment.Reid watched the dirt fly and the grave unearthed with a heavy heart. Six feet down came the sight of a disintegrating coffin and a promising sign — a plaque bearing her baby’s name. It was misspelled: “Garry.”Soon after, a noted forensic anthropologist studied the coffin’s contents: baby garments, fragments of the coffin and a little cross. But there were no human remains. No bones. Nothing. SHE was going to discover a heartbreaking truth. Her baby and others had their Organs Harvested. Read the story for this is what we have been working on. The only good news is that this appears in the Washington Post. Of all things. Here is a picture of a beautiful plaque with Words From A Mother's Heart

TippyHome ago

Since a close family member is a heart transplant recipient, it is, for me, an ethical dilemma, unlike any others. I do know that the medical profession is aware of the horrors and "look the other way" medical facilities. For the most part, it is ethical in the USA. So many stopgaps in place to not have it handled with morals. Heart transplants did not start in earnest until 1988. Our family has met the donor family for our family member. The donor died in an accident and the family wanted to provide life to someone else, who otherwise would not have it. The program in place is rigorous and had a checklist of requirements on our part that was quite long. So, I don't know if there are backroom deals with the extremely wealthy, but, not with your regular person who is listed with UNOS. The medical profession in America does know about ISIS and other terrorist groups harvesting organs from their prisoners and their families, though. It is part of the continuing crisis of human/child, organ/blood, money, and drug trafficking. I had at one time thought that celebrities just "jumped the line" for organs, like Crosby, etc., but it is possible that people are targeted.

carmencita ago

I understand where you are coming from about your relative. Not everything is criminal, but some are. This is the problem. They are not to be trusted is what IS the problem as well. Yes, there are top doctors, mainly corrupt surgeons that know about the harvesting and profit from it. It is a disgusting practice and life.