Lastlist ago

Thanks for replying recently to my comment on the Q post at Pizzagate. There was a link to an arrest of the guy who has voat young ladies. Child porn. The fact that the mods are banning me every single time I call attention to it, I think is big. Voat is scary to me in this respect.

You know, I hope you know I did not post child porn. I tried to share that with you. All your posts are on point. I had found the pedo code and felt like taking action on Twitter so i posted about it here using the screen shot of the Twitter follower that I got after sending out hashtag PANCAKEDAY all day along with release the memo. I sent the image to the fbi before posting it here, and the blocked out the links it showed when mods said it had links. The image has a computer graphic based dick in hole as the background to the sex ad banner. It is not based in photography and is cartoony. The image can still be found on twitter, so I doubt it is illegal, I also shunted it along to @twittersafety and its still up.

I like your posts I think you should start digging into the underbelly of voat, bc they are making more money there. Clearly mods o pizzagate, don't want that out.

Not do they want people knowing about that Twitter top trending pedo codes. Pancakeday= littlegirltitsday

Thanks for being amazing you @carmencita

carmencita ago

Thank you for not giving up. That is the secret around here. I think you have definitely connected the dots on the Pancake mystery. Do you remember Chelsea Clinton? She made a statement about the Pancakes as well. That is something you should look into I think a very famous singer also chimed in as well. Her initials are BS and she is a huge HRC supporter. Those are my hints. Now, I have to tell you that I just happened on here for a few short min. I am taking a rest for a few days or week. Too many sleepless nights. Will be back soon.

psyclop ago

Bhasma: The ancient Indian nanomedicine

Dillpkumar Pal, Chandan Kumar Sahu, and Arindam Haldar

millennial_vulcan ago

India has extremely low cancer rates. That should tell you everything


carmencita ago

Too early. Please explain.

millennial_vulcan ago

The original comment above mine that I replied to. Bhasma is natural ayurvedic medicine, used primarily in india. It is why cancer rates are lower than global averages, there. Of course, Western doctors would never tell you that.

carmencita ago

No money to be made on natural cures. Surprised the Govt of India has not clamped down on it. Why can’t we do that here? FDA would frown 😞 on it for sure.

carmencita ago

@srayzie. You need to see this

srayzie ago

I know 😢 It makes me sick. Like I’ve told you, in California we don’t have a choice. We aren’t allowed to leave the hospital until the baby is vaccinated. There have been babies taken from their parents who refused.

carmencita ago

I know. It’s so sad Brown should be strung up.

srayzie ago

I wish I could move to Texas

carmencita ago

I know people there I will ask them what they do. Since you say that parents must have freedom to choose.

srayzie ago

I would be too scared knowing how they took kids away for that. You never know who you are dealing with and which crazy person chooses your fate.

carmencita ago

Good old CPS. To the rescue.

srayzie ago

Yup. Do they can go to foster care and be molested.

carmencita ago

It's really disgusting how they have set up this sweet little deal for themselves. We are caught in a trap. I think getting to the Moms is the best way to go. If this is really spread around I believe there will be Heck To Pay.

srayzie ago

Yeah because what’s more precious to a normal mother than her children.

carmencita ago

I am going to inform that family in Texas this weekend. She has a large group of friends and networks. Time to spread the manure.

Cc1914 ago

Thanks for sharing ... yes there is and always has been a plan to control the population and or experiment on us all with these heavy metals in vaccines , dental fillings , and our food ! there is no "safe" level .. Contrary to what they tell us . Vaccines are causing autism and I've known this for years .. after birth , I quit vaccinating both children ..

carmencita ago

How do you get away with this? Does the school not demand it? Don't you have to fill out a form and show they were vaccinated for school? I would like to know, for I used to volunteer at a school and still am in contact with some parents.

Shizy ago

Each state has different regulations concerning vaccines. You can not be forced to vaccinate a child merely Because they exist. All states have exemptions for school enrollment and those can be one of three things: medical, philosophical, or religious.

California recently did away with. It's the religious and philosophical exemptions however they still have the medical, so essentially you are at the mercy of a doctor to grant you that.

I stopped vaccinating my children very young. They have a religious exemption for school. All I have to do is submit a letter saying vaccination is against my religious beliefs (which it is). You do not have to state why you believe it or what your religion is.

Cc1914 ago

I simply said " it's against my religious beliefs " .. (12years ago) I signed a waiver and no more questions .

Shizy ago

If you really examined vaccines, and what the Bible teaches regarding health you probably would find that your religious beliefs really do conflict with vaccination

Cc1914 ago

I'm sure they do ..the most notable warning we have regarding health is to " obstain from blood" .. knowing what we know now!? It boggles my mind to think the reasons behind that command were maybe because of what we are seeing today with all the cannibal stuff..

carmencita ago

I don’t think most parents know that is available. What a great idea. I will pass that along 😘

Cc1914 ago

Most parents just give in , but don't realize it's within their rights to choose not to vaccinate . As we have seen people get away with just about anything in the name of religious beliefs .. why not use that to protect ourselves? That's how I look at it 😊

carmencita ago

Yes and they are finding out they can take your kids. Scary.

migratorypatterns ago

The link between autism and vaccines has long been established. Robert Kennedy openly talked about it before a muzzle was put on the press by powerful drug companies. They'd rather suppress the truth than create a safe vaccine.

carmencita ago

He was muzzled alright. He was our hope and they shut him up. There was also a doctor from the UK that spoke out and 60 min. boiled him in oil. The shut him up too.

migratorypatterns ago

Yup, labeling someone as crazy is very effective. Especially when it's from an "authoritative" source. How 60 Minutes became "authoritative" is yet another mystery. It just proves that you sometimes can make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

I just thought of another example .. two of them: Dr. Liinus Pauling and Pierre Salinger. These were two esteemed gentlemen, and you would think that the inventor of the polio vaccine would get a pass for being brilliant for the rest of his life, but not when you run afoul of the drug companies. Linus incurred their wrath by touting the miraculous benefits of vitamin C. Instantly tagged: CRAZY -- and it stuck.

carmencita ago

I never believe any of the FDA OR CDC lies anymore. We must all do u our own research. It is getting harder though for they are scrubbing and lying more and more each day. Notice the Petition.

migratorypatterns ago

Yes, but what concerns me is the number of deaths of doctors involved in nutritional-based cures/treatment. They're all murders/staged to look like suicides and no one is doing anything to prevent the rampage being carried out. They are the best and the brightest in the field and they're being slaughtered.

new4now ago

They really think a "whoops" is efficient?

And now they are making it a law to have the shoots

Don't think my generation ever had trouble with the shots

carmencita ago

I don't trust any vaccine. None of them. I believe they are inserting all kinds of nefarious things into them. I believe they have created Alzheimers as well.

millennial_vulcan ago

carm what about doctors and teachers who legally have to take flu shot. What if they don't want to?

Shizy ago

I have friends who work in the medical field at our local hospital. The hospital strongly urges them to get a flu shot, however they don't technically force them. If they choose not to get the shot they are required to wear a face mask their entire shift! It's so ridiculous and difficult to work like that so they get the shot

carmencita ago

I have a friend who was told she MUST get a flu shot since she is a dental tech. So they are forced under law now. Our rights have been taken.

new4now ago

Mad scientists working on population control

carmencita ago

That’s a scary thought and vision. Maybe those really old science fiction movies had more truth than fiction. They were sending a message with Frankenstein and MK Ultra.

new4now ago

Remember, the Nazi mad Scientists, which many were brought here after the war, have done some wicked things

carmencita ago

Scary. Never knew til last year. All these years out of the loop.

new4now ago

everyone I know has had immunizations

from young to old, several generations , and not a one thing has popped up from those shots and oral polio, maybe we were all lucky

it was a must have, as my generation and those that came before saw what happened when people came down with the diseases the shots are to protect you from

as I have said, the measles almost killed me, fever so bad for so long went into convulsions, had to go to ER, I was very young, but remember how sick I was

the old ones know what Polio did, as what the others did

something has changed

carmencita ago

Yeah I had the shots decades ago but have not had one shot since I can remember. Ages. I will never get a shingles shot. Had a friend that got one last year and was she ever sick. She had it real bad and she is a nurse. She had a very hard time getting rid of it. She used some very organic methods. I am trying to convince her to never get one again. She's starting to listen.

new4now ago

I did a flu shot once, I got so sick I missed work for 2 dys,

I don't care if people say you cant get it from shot, I'm not the only one that got sick from it either

carmencita ago

I got the flu when I was a kid and we used home remedies. My husband got one about 5 yrs ago and he was sick for 4 days. Dr said Oh you were coming down with it already. That is the dumbest thing they ever came up with. But people believe it. No more flu shots for us.

fogdryer ago

Absolute horrendous No excuse and some institutions are still demanding this vaccine before school! Unbelievable

carmencita ago

This is my worry. Parents have not choice or cannot refuse. I also know from a

Shizy ago

We fight it by withdrawing our consent. More people need to understand their rights and say "NO". The medical field, schools, etc bully parents into giving their consent for vaccines and that is wrong.

i got so sick of being harassed, talked down to, and argued with at my kids well child appointments that I stopped going. My kids go to the doctor if they are ill or in need of medical attention of course, however they are extremely healthy and rarely get sick, whereas their overly vaccinated peers are constantly sick and have chronic health issues and allergies. Hmmmm

carmencita ago

Yes, you are courageous. I too believe parents just cow tow now to the masters. They think they have to do it or children will not be let into school. Yes, Cal. has strict rules now, but if people band together at a school and confront the lawmakers and make a scene I think things will shine a light on the gov. who is one of the worst govs. in the land. Many years ago I thought he was pretty good but he has sold out, possibly they found what they could blackmail him with. But again, they have made parents afraid that their children will be taken from them. You were smart to stand up for your children's rights, and I believe if parents do that, they know that people will not stand for it. I too believe the shots make the children sick.

Gothamgirl ago

My son has autism I always suspected the vaccines.

Shizy ago

I have seen a parent be able to reverse most of the autism symptoms with the GAPS diet. Maybe it could help?

Gothamgirl ago

Well my kid used to not talk but now he is fully fuctional. He actually didn't like any of the food he should stay away from anyways, so I am lucky there. I will lokk into it. Thank you for sharing that with me.

jesspietre ago

I'm sorry to hear that. Take all sugar and all grains (breads, pasta) out of his diet. Have his diet be meat and vegetables. No fruit juices either (they're all sugar). Improvement will happen over time.

Gothamgirl ago

Thank you.

carmencita ago

I am so sorry. My friend is a Special Ed teacher that works with someone that has autism and he is about 20 years old. He can't be put into any type of place now she has tried to help his father get him into some kind of school but he is too old now. It is very frustrating. It really is heartbreaking. After what we have been reading on here about what the Gates and BC have been doing in Africa we know that they have been doing their horror here as well. What damage will they do before people really wake up to this. I am totally convinced they have been creating autism. Maybe they have been doing this for decades and that is what creates the Alzheimers as well. But in smaller doses.

Gothamgirl ago

No reason to be sorry he is a high functional and brilliant. This shouldn't be happening though it's awful.

carmencita ago

In that respect you are lucky but children should be how they would have been without that vaccine. I saw something on the news about how they are being sought after in certain jobs because of their autism. They could be doing this for some specific selfish reason. Possibly to hire these kids at a much cheaper rate. I hope to look into this.

Gothamgirl ago

Yes I am very lucky. Agreed this shouldn't be happening to any child.