R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

The tunnels exist, count on it. It's the only way to survive a strong hurricane on a tiny island.

Lovethelight ago

So was this island inhabitted before Epstein bought island? Were tunnels there before he got there? Are there other little islands with tunnels? Ie for surviving hurricanes?

PizzaStreamerLive ago

Mentions of "Cariisjames"

Old PG post of 1.3 years ago. (comments mention rape drug / pain dulling drug) https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1435385

Hashtag on twitter https://twitter.com/hashtag/carisjames

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Can anyone explain to me how anyone is still following Q? I am starting to think when Q says these people are stupid, he's not talking about the pedos.

Bad_Jubies ago

Can you toss me some updoots so I can make a post? Newfag here that's done some digging but can't make a post yet.

SoSpricyHotDog ago

Word. Gotchu bro.

dundundunnnnn ago


SoSpricyHotDog ago

Dammit, does anyone remember the satellite/GPS image that showed the phone tracking paths of the underground tunnels? I thought* it was data from Little St. James, but, perhaps it was a government/underground installation on the continental US.

Just trying to crack the relationship to "phones" and his "tunnels"... assuming it's either surveillance based, or* they were able to retroactively trace the GPS coordinates through the tunnel systems and apply that data to the device owners.

Dressage2 ago

If you bring a phone you do not even have to have it turned on. NSA can listen in, run video for you, and track GPS. Even if you take SIM card out, your phone can track and give Name location of where you have visited real time. And you thought your phone was only for saying hello and email. Ha! I bet a Hillary video might have been recorded. High Priestess SRA vids anyone?

letsdothis1 ago

Speaking of the Virgin Islands, I see that the Pizza Pi boat is still going strong with a recent article in the local press advertising their services:

Making waves with Pizza Pi

It’s the quintessential story of living the island dream. Tara was a special education teacher in Indiana who came to the islands to become a scuba instructor and ending up as an award-winning yacht chef. Sasha, a graduate of MIT who worked on Wall Street, gave it all up to come down and become a boat captain. Working week-long term charters, they lived on board during their time off.

Their website: https://www.pizza-pi.com/

Kristina_Gilliam ago

Anyone know where he got the $29mil figure?

dundundunnnnn ago

That's what I'm trying to source ;) I cannot find a source to confirm the information so I came to voat to ask for help. I'll update if I find something, of course.

Micheal84 ago

"Phones were allowed in" maybe this means someone secretly took a video with their phone. And now hes trying to cover his tracks.

sore_ass_losers ago

v) I was also intrigued by the “heat map” posted later on this same twitter feed. I believe that’s just Fitbit tracking. There’s a purple line from main Puerto Rico to one of it’s sub-islands, poster implies it’s a tunnel:


That’s probably just some guy on a boat; I doubt the Fitbit tracker works from underground.

(Also nothing happening at Little St.James.

https://kek.gg/i/5t35vY.gif )

sore_ass_losers ago

Maybe he’s just working on his Evil Genius/Moloch Worshipper Island Lair:


@migratorypatterns posted a Twitter feed:


Someone drew a cartoon with a pipeline from Haiti to Epstein’s Island. Hmm. I always think of Epstein molesting 12+ white girls, not the young black boys and girls trafficked by Clinton’s associates. But it got me working on the puzzle:

sore_ass_losers ago

v) I was also intrigued by the “heat map” posted later on this same twitter feed. I believe that’s just Fitbit tracking. There’s a purple line from main Puerto Rico to one of it’s sub-islands, poster implies it’s a tunnel, e.g. under construction headed to Little St. James, we presume.


That’s probably just some guy on a boat; I doubt the Fitbit tracker works from underground.

(Also nothing happening at Little St.James.

https://kek.gg/i/5t35vY.gif )

sore_ass_losers ago

iv) Buzz killer:

Here’s a very recent article about how cheap tunneling is and everyone is doing it:


As an example of low cost it says "tunneling 3 miles under Second Avenue with giant machines cost about $19,000 per foot”, so as a very rough estimate $28 million buys you only 1526 feet which is about a quarter of a mile. It’s about one and a quarter miles to the nearest part of St. Thomas.

Maybe you could build a tunnel from Little St. James to Great St. James, but why? Less scrutiny? Keep the kids elsewhere? Great St. James is owned by a Christian Kjaer, Danish politician, lawyer, and co-owner of FL Smidth & Co., by the way.

(Criticism by the math and geography nazis welcome.)

sore_ass_losers ago

iii) Geography Lesson

Here’s the Caribbean with big island Cuba, slightly smaller Hispaniola (half Haiti, half Dominican Republic), then smaller Puerto Rico:


After that comes the US Virgin Islands.


Here’s some detail, SW of St. Thomas is Pedo Island, also known as Little St. James (named after Ghislaine Maxwell’s nickname for his tiny ovoid penis j/k).


Here’s a satellite view, Domican Republic, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands


Detail Virgin Islands, Little St. James is about in the middle


sore_ass_losers ago

ii) GPS

I interpreted the Q posting as, people have phones, someone took a picture that has some sort of incriminating visual evidence which is about to be revealed. But sometimes photos have GPS location (hidden GPS EXIF tags in JPEGs). Just the location of where the photo was taken might be incriminating.


Here is Musk’s Instagram:


And the recent underground picture he posted:


Could it be!? Drum roll… No tags can I find. Anyway Musk is digging test tunnels in DC, he’s not likely digging tunnels for others for $28 million.

(Highly technical:

Does GPS even work underground. It could if you could get a cable to the surface

"You probably already know that location technology (especially those powered by satellites) has a really hard time working underground.”

“In theory it seems simple enough: extend a GPS antenna through the cave roof. In practice it’s not that easy. GPS signals can degrade over the length of the cable or be affected by other RF signals such as microwave radio, WiFi, TV or FM. Low antenna gain and loss from the cable and splitter can also affect the final signal strength.”

"With the antenna, cabling, repeaters, power supply and internal antenna setup it was time for the system to be tested and the results were even better than expected.

As good as ground GPS

If there were any concerns about the channeled GPS signal being too degraded to allow proper testing of GPS hardware they quickly disappeared.

"The solution worked so well ... it was actually better than the surface location where the outside antenna was placed."

“The coverage in the space far exceeded expectations and almost covered the entire Ground Effects factory, which was a lot more than just the validation area originally requested. Even when using just a simple phone app, the signal is actually as strong, or stronger, than on the surface.”


Here’s a different system from 2011, I don’t think it uses repeaters, but it does have a wireless link from underground to surface now. (If you dug an undersea tunnel this might be underground to boat or ocean buoy.)

Musk must be doing something, wouldn’t GPS be essential to figure out where you are? I can’t find what he’s doing. Here’s a GPS industry site that talks about the project but doesn’t ponder what they are doing for GPS.

In the actual hyper loop concept cars drive onto sleds that descend into the hyper loop tunnel system. Sleds are used because they are faster than the cars. It would make sense if they could repeat the GPS signals in the tunnels, because then the ordinary satnav systems in the cars would just work.

(Hyper loop concept video:

https://hooktube.com/watch?v=u5V_VzRrSBI )

GPS would be useful during the actual dig. How do you know where you are? If he is using such a repeater system it is possible that photos taken in the tunnel would have GPS EXIF tags.)

sore_ass_losers ago

i) Is this really feasible?

Here’s a story from a month ago, about Elon Musk’s Boring Co, Elon posts a photo of a tunnel dig in Instagram:


(Interesting, eh, after all the discussion we’ve had about tunnels in D.C.: "The firm was recently granted a permit by Washington DC's Department of Transportation that will allow digging to begin within a designated area in the district.” But then, it is well known Musk wants to build a hyper loop from Washington to New York, he claims he has verbal permission.

septimasexta ago

Mystery Above Orgy Island 2 : Epsteins got tunnels https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jpLPyWWnQ7Y

Vindicator ago

Giving this a "New Evidence" flair now, dundundunnnnn, due to the Caris James discovery. DAMN!!!

dundundunnnnn ago

Right?! Fucking unreal. Still no source for the money or plans to bury the tunnels, though.

Vindicator ago

So far, Q is the only source of the info. As with many of the things he has said. Hopefully, future will prove past and news will confirm them all.

We should probably look at the news sites for the nearby islands -- he or a company he owns may have listed an ad for laborers. The S. Florida papers might have something related as well.

sore_ass_losers ago

If the dirt to fill in was sourced locally (seems most cost effective, but maybe shipping it in inter-island would be why its so pricey) there will be excavations in future satellite photos.

dundundunnnnn ago

Thank you. This is the kind of thinking and suggesting I was hoping for.

rarepeeks ago

Somebody should take you Q bytes out behind the woodshed and give you a sound beating just for existing and wasting oxygen molecules that a real human could be breathing.

Shizy ago

Go blow your dad!

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

People who are a "waste of breath" aren't because they consume oxygen, put out CO2 which feeds trees, which create more oxygen. Also, they serve as a reminder for the rest of us not to get sucked into vain jangling.

auralsects ago

What discovery, that Caribbean island include the sequence of letters Car and Is? LMAO dude I have always told you to be less obvious in your disinfo peddling. Always gaslighting when u shouldnt and trumpeting the biggest reaches. You are simply the worst at this.

Any nickname or codename they have for an island would not include WHAT SEA ITS IN, that would be totally redundant.

Shizy ago

Speaking of nickname or code name, why did you change your name to "oral sex" from donkey bitch!???

You're not fooling anyone fat ass😂😂😂🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻🖕🏻

rarepeeks ago

What discovery, that Caribbean island include the sequence of letters Car and Is? LMAO dude

I'm so sick of these Q people that I don't keep up with this forum like I once did. The Q people are a scar on the face of common sense. I wish these people would drown in their own stupidity and get it over with.

Shizy ago

Good, go away. No one cares

dundundunnnnn ago

You're upset that I'm asking for info on Epstein island?

rarepeeks ago

You're upset that I'm asking for info on Epstein island?

Not really. I just want all the Q people to kill themselves and free up the airwaves for real life. The Q people are a cancer.

sore_ass_losers ago

You don't like all the Q tips?

dundundunnnnn ago

post number 999


Vindicator ago

@dundundunnnnn: This is an unsourced discussion post, which we don't allow. Please edit your post to include at least on supporting link, or repost in v/pizzagatewhatever. Thanks. Please reply to this comment when you've added some source material and I will remove the flair. If not, we'll have to remove per Rule 2.

dundundunnnnn ago

Hear me out first?

I'm asking for help finding supporting evidence that the tunnels are being filled because I'm coming up with nothing.

With that said, does it still belong in calzonedoorwaywhatever?

Vindicator ago

Well, the bare minimum you need is the link to the Q posts that mention Epstein, which is easy. Here's the link to the github if people want to track back: https://qanon.pub/index.html? Here's a screenshot: https://kek.gg/i/88VPDD.png

Also, you've got 24 Hours to gather everyone's ideas about what he's talking about to beef up the post further.

Lovethelight ago

Looking at the shape of the island, it really stands out as X shaped, extending in four directions. Does anyone know in what directions these parts of the island point? Ie may be why 'they' chose this island for their purposes? Also does anyone know how long it has been owned br Epstein? And who owned it before that? A history of this island might pull up a few clues...

new4now ago

Satan | Leviathan | Lucifer | Belial



Cardinal: South

Freud: Ego!

Character: Infernals

Lord of Fire and the Inferno Adversary, opposer, accuser The unified rebellion



Cardinal: North

Character: Practicals

Being without a master. Mastery of the Earth. Independence. Community. Flesh.



Cardinal: East

Freud: Super ego

Character: Evangelists

Bringer of light. The morning star. Intellectualism. Enlightenment.



Cardinal: West

Freud: Id

The serpent out of the sea. The oceans. Sex, love, desire, emotions. Coiled serpent. Twisted subconscious.



4 Cardinal Directions

Ars Theurgia: The second book of the work known as the Lemegeton, Lesser KEY of Solomon. The word theurgia comes from a Greek root meaning Sacramental right or mystery. Theurgy itself is a type of magic that involves the invocation of beneficent spirits. It was originally practiced by the Neo platonists. During the Renaissance, theurgy came to have the connotation of white magic as opposed to the Goetic Arts which were generally viewed as black magic. The Ars Theurgia contains an extensive list of demons associated with the points of the compass. These demons are arranged in hierarchies and each hierarchy is associated with one of the cardinal directions. And Infernal Emperor ever sees each of the cardinal directions in the Demonic princess Kings and Dukes he served beneath him are in turn associated with aspects of that direction such as Northwest and South by Southeast...........They are invocated into a scying glass or a specially prepared crystal know as a SHOW STONE.

dundundunnnnn ago

Thank you for the information. I wouldn't have known this otherwise. With that said, this stuff sounds stupid as fuck.


It does, doesn't it? You made me laugh!

carmencita ago

Upvoat! Thanks and I hope we found out the answer.

carmencita ago

Putting this hear for you all to enjoy from Data Lounge. These are the New Illuminati Cards for 2018 and are the Hot! Someone is Woke!


UnicornAndSparkles ago

They are the old illuminati cards Carmencita. Plenty more related to PG too if you search online.

carmencita ago

Oh No! It was so late last night and I was so excited. I was shocked that anyone one on Data Lounge would post that. Fiddlesticks! Glad someone is awake. Just starting to wake up here.

new4now ago


Little St. James island (Epstein's) HAS a visible UNDERGROUND ENTRANCE


does anyone have these saved? please reupload somewhere.

Fun_Crusher_XL ago

Archive.is has them:

http://archive.is/http://picgur.org/image/F07 http://archive.is/http://picgur.org/image/F0X http://archive.is/http://picgur.org/image/F0n http://archive.is/http://picgur.org/image/F0v

Lavender7 ago

Peter Rotter for Judge??????

exposethecriminals ago

I found them. Someone archived @RhymesWithPizza's Apple Maps 3D modeling images:

Underground 1

Underground 2


Clear photo of another underground entryway, in the center on the left:


bnope ago


while they're not directly saved, someone did a video, talking about that thread on YT. I strongly suggest saving the video while it's still online.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Pictures have gone :(

carmencita ago

They have been scrubbed. Remind me of the Under tunnels of St Charles Borromeo Seminary our SRA Survivor told about. There were two sets of tunnels as well. The SRA was committed under the first set. Might be a thing with these Sick Satanists.

carmencita ago

Thanks a bunch! Wish these guys would just give us the facts without the Silliness. Bad Guacamole. Really. But thanks for finding it. Wow.


Caris James!

migratorypatterns ago

Why am I doing the OP's work? But do you mean this?



There's something about the Pope, too. Let me find it .... yes ... here:



pizzagatecharlotte ago

Never noticed that before - wow

Earthbalance2 ago

That is a very clever analysis of carisjames.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Okay. Who put those red underlines on the text in the picture?

AJ-Styles ago

holy shit

dundundunnnnn ago

Did you make this connection? If so, bravo! If not, at least THANK YOU for bringing it to my attention. I've not seen this before.

ben_matlock ago


Vindicator ago

Holy shit!!!

sore_ass_losers ago

What kind of architecture is that? Atlantean? j/k

dooob ago

Cari is James, why is this familiar, please refresh my memory.

Edit: http://archive.is/9FN8n found

resurgence ago

I am glad we're talking about Alefantis again. His name doesn't get mentioned in here as much anymore.

Onetime1 ago

That picture of the poor little girl, Caris James, provides "Smoking Gun" evidence that Alefantis is lying as per his nationally televised interview with Megyn Kelly. When Kelly asked Alefantis about that little girl, he dismissively said her sister did the taping.. LOOK at that little girl's arms, people. 16 pieces of painter's masking tape are holding her arms down. 16. The differences between the left and right arms clearly indicate 2 people did the taping (while a third probably held her in place). One sleeve rolled up, hand position, torso pressed against table immobilizing the girl from moving. Blatant lie told to the nation that a young child stayed still for several minutes while a single young sibling did the taping.

carmencita ago

.Why is it familiar? It is from JA Instagram and taken in CPP It is horrid actually. Look at the puffs under her eyes. They are way too puffy for a child. Old people get eyes like that. Or if you have been cramming for your college test all night. Sad for this little baby.

AJ-Styles ago

yeah those puffs appear unnatural

carmencita ago

Could be a sure sign of sexual abuse. Since they are so very noticeable, it would be severe sexual abuse. This child has always haunted me, and now I have the boy Devonte, one of the missing children that supposedly went over that cliff, I have him haunting me too. These children have both been abused. Caris and Devonte where are you?

dooob ago

Xanax is a hellofadrug

carmencita ago

What's it for? I don't take any.

irontrashcan ago

Makes you not give a general fuck about anything. And happy while it's happening. They give it to kids. Sick fucks

LightlyToasted ago


Additionally, this is out of the McMartin playbook.

sore_ass_losers ago

In Belguim Marc Dutroux had underground chambers too, beyond dispute. He hid the girls in there (one time the cops were over and heard the kids (yelling for help?) but Dutroux convinced them it was the neighbors.)

LightlyToasted ago

Of course! You're right, thank you.

dundundunnnnn ago

Can you help me understand what you mean by that?

LightlyToasted ago

The SRA survivors of the McMartin preschool case described tunnels and sacrifice. The tunnels were said not to exist, used to discredit the child victims. Years later, despite prior attempts to fill the tunnels, they were discovered.

https://ritualabuse.us/ritualabuse/articles/mcmartin-preschool-case-what-really-happened-and-the-coverup/ The traumatic crimes reported by the toddlers bear an uncanny resemblance to mind control programming, a specialty of certain classified federal agencies and cult cut-outs on the black budget payroll.8 The children are often ridiculed because some of their charges are impossible. Tunnels under the preschool? Too ludicrous to consider. But as it happens, there were tunnels, confirmed in 1993 by a team of five scientists from leading universities.

The unearthing of the tunnels, like much of the critical evidence, never made it to the courtroom. They have been discreetly excluded from newspaper accounts. Filling the void, Debbie Nathan, a widely published skeptic of ritual abuse, heaped ridicule on the tunnel allegations in the Village Voice in June 1990. She maintained the McMartin site had already been “painstakingly probed for tunnels. None were found”9 Nathan’s account is a fabrication. In fact, recalls Dr. Roland Summit, who contributed to the final report on the tunnel excavation, parents started digging and prosecutors, reluctantly forced to a showdown, “commissioned a superficial search of open terrain.” District Attorney Ira Reiner then declared the tunnel stories unfounded “without going under the concrete floor of the preschool.”Once the tunnels were officially discounted, attempts to explore for an underground reality were instant targets for ridicule.

http://mds.marshall.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1006&context=psychology_faculty: Stickel’s dig was conducted from May 8 to May 31, 1990. His conclusions were stunning. “The most substantial evidence for a tunnel was discovered under the north (E/W) axis of the preschool. The apparent entrance was located under the west wall of classroom #4…the signature of the entrance was clear and it was clear that it had been filled back in with soil and debris…Beyond the entrance, this northern tunnel meandered under classroom #4 and then under most of classroom #3…” (See Figure 1.)

The tunnel was indicated by many factors, according to Stickel. These included distinctive soil color, soil texture, soil compaction, the “human sized architecture” permitting passage, presence of an earthen roof, possible shoring, and the presence of a great number (1603) of artifacts found “densely intermixed in the artificial fill within most of the tunnel.” Archeologist Stickel concluded, “There is no other scenario that fits all of the facts except that the feature was indeed a tunnel…Therefore, this project’s goals or objectives were met with data which probabilistically corroborates reports made by the children regarding the site” (p.96)


GreenDell144 ago

Also, more than one victim is still maintains their original story, if I remember correctly.

dundundunnnnn ago

Thank you! Gosh, you weren't wrong with your original statement. Yikes.

LightlyToasted ago

Sadly. I'd love to be wrong about all of this stuff :-\

turitelle ago

I wish you were wrong too.

Trismegistus- ago

That's interesting.

logjam ago

That's an understatement.

elitch2 ago

Why don't you lazy fucks proof read your titles before posting?

I think that's the real question here.

Fancpanz ago

Go take a nap viejo

Vindicator ago

The "h" is missing on purpose. The very next post, Q replies to himself and says "H" Q to make sure the anons don't miss the hint. H is probably Hillary, whose initials he incorporates into the final of the Epstein posts.

dundundunnnnn ago

I pulled it directly from the board, simple bitch.



Why is Epstein spending $29mm to bury the tunnels underneath is temple on Epstein Island?


Phones were allowed in.

These people are stupid.



elitch2 ago

Ooh, edgy.

Grammar matters, son. You don't want to sound like a nigger, do you?

Fancpanz ago

Get off this board

dundundunnnnn ago

Read slowerrrrrrrrrr https://archive.is/4664z

elitch2 ago

Good grief. Enjoy your Q larping.

dundundunnnnn ago

I bet you're fun at parties.

What is it like to only think in single variables?

elitch2 ago

What's it like to speak in word salad like a nigger?

dundundunnnnn ago

I'd love to have a talk with your father. Is he around, honey?

elitch2 ago

So, another of these time waster retards. Nigger's gonna nig, I suppose.

dundundunnnnn ago


Fancpanz ago

Calm down fool

migratorypatterns ago

Q is asking?

Where's the link? Is there a pic you can post?

YogSoggoth ago

Geology. These islands are propped up by tectonic plate movement as is Florida, but his island is a piece of low lying cheap real estate in practical terms. I am calling B+S. right now, unless proven wrong.

sore_ass_losers ago

I was thinking, are underground tunnels on an island even possible, as if they would go below sea level. But it's hillier than I recall, someone posted a picture of the temple up on a hill.

YogSoggoth ago

Geology. Where they are at is weathered coral reefs from the ice age(not too long ago). If this turd has tunnels they would be high cost or shallow. Yes they did come up from the sea bottom a long time ago by tectonic plate movement, and maybe he got the one Key that actually had hard rock under it. These guys operate like low life coke dealers, so I am calling BS until I get proven wrong.

sore_ass_losers ago

On the satellite photos it seems like the area surrounding the Virgin Islands is a deeper blue, with no detail, like it's way deeper around there than it is around those huge islands Puerto Rico and Hispaniola. It sounds like this accords with what you are saying.

I agree. The idea of long distance tunnels captured my imagination (well it was late at night) but seems like total science fiction now. As you say, the geography of Little St. James makes it improbable. Also it doesn't seem like $29 million would get you very far, anywhere.

YogSoggoth ago

If you are using Google earth remember that they commonly block/change certain areas on the globe. From what I gather it can be as simple as changing shade or actually copy and pasting terrain from somewhere else. I was trying to look at where the new Mena drug operation was when I first noticed it. I got a tip from someone in town that they bought a huge piece of property on the north side of 59 with black ops money and made a bunch of tunnels for making crystal meth/other. He said he tried to take a look for himself, and saw men with machine guns guarding the woods surrounding.

migratorypatterns ago

Nope, Q talked about the tunnels. Just posted the links and snapshots.

Talked about the Pope, too.

This is going to be HUGE!!!!

Holy fucking shit!!!!

YogSoggoth ago

Q. I could call on my own sources. The common denominator is moot for now.

migratorypatterns ago

Hey, if you have those kinds of sources, more power to you!

YogSoggoth ago

I will tell you this .Do not reveal your sources. Think about it for a second or two. I have,(Aand still), face death from my investigations. Don't push it if you can't back it up.

migratorypatterns ago


migratorypatterns ago

Holy shit!

This really is going in unexpected directions. It's a global draining, but then it would have to be.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Link to links and snapshots?

migratorypatterns ago

Are you talking to me?

I provided the twitter links.

dundundunnnnn ago



Why is Epstein spending $29mm to bury the tunnels underneath is temple on Epstein Island?


Phones were allowed in.

These people are stupid.



dundundunnnnn ago



Why is Epstein spending $29mm to bury the tunnels underneath is temple on Epstein Island? Problem. Phones were allowed in. These people are stupid. Q

migratorypatterns ago


I posted different links having to do with princes and directions.

This is going to be HUGE!!!

Dickface808 ago

Not to be a downer but we've been psyched a million times by q thinking something massive is around the corner and still to this day nothing substantial has happened. What makes this different?

migratorypatterns ago

Something substantial did happen.

Our POTUS confirmed Q by saying, "Tippy Top". That is not a phrase anyone uses, least of all our POTUS. While the White Rabbit could have been explained (it was Easter), our POTUS repeating a phrase Q put in writing and stating it was suggested for our POTUS to use is undeniable proof.

And a lot's been happening. The arrest of Raniere is HUGE. It was one of the sealed indictments ... only one ... and there were 6,000+ more last month. This needs to be staged. Bolton needs to fire the last traitorous stragglers and then it's a go.

Be patient.

Dressage2 ago

That was said because we had asked through 8chan. Q asked if we had been listening tthat Easter Roll Day speech. jzhrbjs3h/

migratorypatterns ago

Awesome! Pretty conclusive.

Add in Q talking about the military being used to protect the border and KAPOW! No doubt.

That means April showers and letting it rain. And the Pope having a bad May. I'm getting pumped to wake up in the morning again. Especially now that Q is talking about knowing this cabal is Luciferian. It would be great if Skankles was captured participating at a ritual.