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think- ago

Nice try, @ferfrendongles, you didn't change the post - you were told by @Vindicator you could repost to v/pizzagatewhatever unedited, not to v/pizzagate.

Removing per Rules 1, 2 - and 4.

Happy Easter.

ESOTERICshade ago

i disagree. i did my research on this subject.

Vindicator ago

So you are pushing this with an alt. The lameness here is amazing.

There is nothing verifiable in this thread that has any connection at all to the mission of this subverse, which is to document and boost public awareness about elite child sex trafficking to break through the media blackout and corruption that prevent law enforcement from taking action. Nebulous posts stringing genetic diseases together with faery tales, legends and superstitions threaded together with racist innuendo is worse than useless. It's being posted either to create an excuse to bitch about censorship, or to satisfy the MSM pizzagate is hate speech agenda.

It doesn't meet our submission requirements. It's never been on topic. Nor will it ever be. Posting it over and over again is spamming the board and will get you banned.

ESOTERICshade ago

So you are pushing this with an alt.

Lame. I do not need alts. If I wanted to post it I would do it in my own name. Its not my thread but it is relevant. I agree that he could have left the word "jew" out of the title but other than that its relevant. me and jangles researched this topic extensively and this is exactly how the blood drinking started thousands of years ago. You know we researched it. You know what all we found. We found a lot. As usual, I like you, but you aint real bright sometimes.

Vindicator ago

You know we researched it. You know what all we found.

I have never seen a medically/scientifically/pharmacokinetically plausible explanation laid out on any of these "blood" related theories, though I have asked. Not one time. You know what happens when you "drink blood"? You digest it. Numerous cultures use it as food. If it had some powerful property that somehow wasn't destroyed during digestion, y'all would be able to explain the pharmacokinetics. Yet...crickets. I've told @jangles this. I've told you this. I've told the scores of spamalek alts pushing this shit this.

Meanwhile we predictably get waves of ambiguously sourced disinfo pushing Rh- blood and Joooos, Coloboma mutations and (((adrenochrome))), Jooooos and vampires, Masons, Jesuits, Knights Templar, Knights of Malta, and all of the above being secret Jooooos.

Why? It's called Flooding Fake. The real question is, what genuine truth are you attempting to blur, bury and discredit with hokey, inflammatory, baffle-with-bullshit "research" that is similar? My money is on parabiosis and probably organ harvesting. This, of course, explains why you lose your mind every time someone makes a QAnon post, because he has talked about this:

If you were genuinely serious about this, you would not be posting about legends from thousands of years ago. You would be submitting verifiable research following the names, associations and money of those behind the corruption of medical science, not bloviating about whether they are Jews or Masons or Jesuits.

What I find fascinating, Esoteric, is that this whole series of comments from you implies you believe anyone actually respects what you have to say after your completely ham-fisted attempt a month ago to get research by gamepwn about the CIA/NSA spy war deleted because it was not relevant to pizzagate, smear me and other mods as corrupt because we left it up, and claim Q is a shill by posting fake leaks, as I documented in detail, here, then delete the evidence of your dishonest machinations.

@think- @Blacksmith21 @Honeybee_ @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock

ESOTERICshade ago

I'm gonna tell it to you like @crensch would. Fuck all this jew love. The jew is your enemy, my enemy, and the enemy of the whole world. You need to get that in your head.