Vindicator ago

please refrain from ridiculing the fact that jews are behind most of the problems plaguing western society

Interesting conclusion. Perhaps you didn't read my original comment, which ES conveniently took out of context (a pattern of his I have documented multiple times). The opposite, in fact, is true. I was ridiculing the disinfo "flooding fake" tactic of embedding smeary discussion of Jews in spamaleki threads loaded with unproven claims that read like a Dan Brown novel and make it easy to dismiss real, hard-hitting research -- especially about Jews involved in the pornification of kids' TV and the media coverup of pizzagate -- as mere bigotry. Here is what I actually said:

Meanwhile we predictably get waves of ambiguously sourced disinfo pushing Rh- blood and Joooos, Coloboma mutations and (((adrenochrome))), Jooooos and vampires, Masons, Jesuits, Knights Templar, Knights of Malta, and all of the above being secret Jooooos.

Why? It's called Flooding Fake. The real question is, what genuine truth are you attempting to blur, bury and discredit with hokey, inflammatory, baffle-with-bullshit "research" that is similar? My money is on parabiosis and probably organ harvesting. This, of course, explains why you lose your mind every time someone makes a QAnon post, because he has talked about this:

If you were genuinely serious about this, you would not be posting about legends from thousands of years ago. You would be submitting verifiable research following the names, associations and money of those behind the corruption of medical science, not bloviating about whether they are Jews or Masons or Jesuits.

No need to open yourself up to accusations of bias.

This is good advice in general, but I think it's ill advised to remain silent when I see disinfo being pushed. These threads remain available to all via the Removal log and and are continuously recycled and pushed as "what they don't want you to see." The only real answer IMO is to counter deceptive, dishonest, manipulative free speech with direct, logical, critical speech calling it out. Of course, that means taking a definitive position -- which I guess could be considered bias, or spun that way.

ESOTERICshade ago

The jew is the problem. We know that. I will stand on that. Fuck the jew.

Blacksmith21 ago

FWIW if I graded papers for a living I would have given this sub an F for a total lack of empiricism in a 4/4 spot check.

Blacksmith21 ago

FWIW there is no connection between porphyria and Jews or drinking blood. The known cases associated with medieval period - what is considered the link to werewolves and vampirism due to disfiguration - are all English nobility or Turks (catalyst found in organotoxins).

ESOTERICshade ago

are all English nobility or Turks

Yep. I think Turkish bloodlines play a larger part in all this than we realize.

Blacksmith21 ago

Well, if we are to incorporate the Khazarian theory, that lands them smack in Turkey/Constantinople. Funny you mention Basque though - the predominance of Jews from that region are Sephardic in "bloodlines" and a very small percentage of Jews, compared to Ashkenazi and one other obscure sect I don't recall.

ESOTERICshade ago

Now we are getting into "Frank's Bistro" which is very dangerous territory.

Blacksmith21 ago

Frank's Bistro - Was that part of the Hours thing? Child delivery service? How'd we make that jump or did I miss something?

ESOTERICshade ago

If you don't believe "Chabad" is real I will not try to convince you. All you have to do is research it. I am only giving this to you because you seem like a smart dude. Chabad is the "hoffjuden" to the Vatican. The Jesuits own this show and the Hoffjuden run it.

ESOTERICshade ago

Frank's Bistro - Was that part of the Hours thing?


Child delivery service?

mmmm...not really. More like a directory of affiliated peoples.

Blacksmith21 ago

That article is specious at best. There is absolutely no sourcing or citations. It is all unfounded claims as best as I can tell. And looking at the "hands picture" - Is there another way or posing for a photo op? Crossing your arms? Seems like a big stretch to me.

Every religion has its own extremist sects replace the words "chabad" and "jew" with "Wahabbi" and "muslim" or "christian" and "aryan" and the article is just as applicable IMO.

ESOTERICshade ago

@pby1000 is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to all these connections. He turned me on to Walter Veith. The jesuits own this big show and they dont play. The Jesuits started, funded, and own Hollywood. Lot, stock, and barrel. The Jesuits invented the "magic lantern"

WALTER VEITH 3 Jesuit Theater, Ocultism and Hollywood

@vindicator i'm just passing this knowledge on because i'm bored today.

ESOTERICshade ago

you would rather get a two minute "hopium endorphine hit" to the brain than learn history. Get a clue. Learn history. you Q bytes are hard to train because you wont spend TIME. It took me thousands of hours to learn what I know. argosciv is mis guided missle in this world and argosciv is an idiot. Learn history. Spend the time. I think you are a good person but you have to SPEND TIME to learn what I know. I can give you books, upon books, upon books, upon books. But you would have to spend TIME to absorb it.



ESOTERICshade ago

You are the most programmed "christian zionist" on the block. I'm not sure how that happens.

Vindicator ago

LOL. You sound like argosciv. All of this esoterica is interesting, but it belongs in v/pizzagatewhatever.

ESOTERICshade ago

All of this esoterica is interesting

that is what makes you stupid. the rest of us are wondering when you will look up the definition of "esoteric"

ESOTERICshade ago

You are a jew lover though, so you are still suspect.

ESOTERICshade ago

we are reading between the lines. we are watching you stagger around like a blind man in the dark. wake up nigga. "trumps jews" are not your friend.


ESOTERICshade ago

LOL. You sound like argosciv.

Your intelligence quotient drops by the day but for some reason I still think your heart is in the right place. You are dumber than a box of rocks but I support you because I think you are a good person. You have zero idea how secret societies work though. You are the blind leading the blind.

ESOTERICshade ago

Every religion has its own extremist sects

Yup. And the most influential among them run to the same water source. "Currency" money and he who creates and decides what money is. The Khaballah is about the current. The Cabal is about water, the current, the currency, the money..........These same Chabad type characters hang their shingle in every country under a different name. Same game though.

ESOTERICshade ago

and one other obscure sect I don't recall.

That might be the "Donmeh" or "Donme" The "Donmeh" are referenced in Wikileaks emails. Those are the "Frankists" and the "Shabbateans" same folks. Nasty little brood of folks to say the very least. These are probably your Turks.

Blacksmith21 ago

I was thinking it was one of the African lines maybe? Lost tribe?

Blacksmith21 ago

I didn't say there wasn't a pathological root. All I said is it not linked to a specific genetic marker. You do understand the basics of what we are speaking of, right?

ferfrendongles ago

Yep and you're playing dumb. Also I like how you replied with 4 of these same type of comments, but after I proved each wrong, you chose to go stay in Jew mode and don't even bat an eye. You guys are so dishonest, man. I don't even think you can tell you're doing it, then you're like "how many Jews have you known?!?!?!", and the whole world is like "umm. Well, there's you, and how you're being right now. That's a good example", but you. just. can't. stop. Jewing.

Blacksmith21 ago

You're an idiot. Thanks for proving it to everyone. Have some dick flavored downvoats.

ferfrendongles ago

"Durr I can't address any of his arguments halfway to their conclusions much less refute them so... He's an idiot. Yep. Has to be. Ha, that idiot almost got me, but he's an idiot so.. ha I win".

Blacksmith21 ago

No, I'm just not falling into the trap of wasting time in a never ending argument. HAve a nice day.

ferfrendongles ago

Riiiiight. Take care, Chaim.

Blacksmith21 ago

FWIW hemophilia has no ethnographic pattern. The only hemos I've known were both Christian descent.

Blacksmith21 ago

FWIW dead 8ch link.

"Here's a very suppressed book"

Blacksmith21 ago

FWIW there is no evidence Countess Bathory was Jewish. (I feel like I need to edit a paper now...)

ferfrendongles ago


ESOTERICshade ago

for whats it worth we don't care what you think about the "people that pretend to be jews and are not." This is a thread about people drinking the blood of children and why they might be doing that.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'll ask again, how many Jewish people do you know? I'll take it as zero since you've dodged the question once already.

ESOTERICshade ago

I'll ask again, how many Jewish people do you know? I'll take it as zero since you've dodged the question once already.

I'm not the OP. I'm just a really old grey headed guy that did all this research many years ago. There is a "blood" reason for all this bloodshed and it has to do with something in the blood of children. Stem cells from the umbilical cords of a fetus are the top prize. I could keep explaining this if you want me to....but its pretty gruesome

Blacksmith21 ago

I totally get it. I think I've asked before, is there any meaning behind blood types?

ESOTERICshade ago

I totally get it. I think I've asked before, is there any meaning behind blood types?

Me and jangles think the answer is probably "yes." We understood that they were lacking something in their blood. So, they drank blood to replace what they are lacking in their own blood. Porphyria is an important disease in this whole picture. jangles has narrowed it down to some peptides in the blood and jangles understands that better than I do. jangles is a smart mother fucker.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm curious about frequency of blood types and potential properties of said blood types. Are rare blood types sought after more than others beyond the obvious reason of "need"?

ESOTERICshade ago

Kushner (trump's son in law) is mainline Chabad member. "Chabad" might be the Turkish link. I suspect this is Turkish bloodline, maybe, but I really do not know for sure.

ESOTERICshade ago

There is also a curious connection to the Basque region and the people from that region. That whole area is pedo heaven. That is the area of the Isle of Man and the Jersey Island. That is also the basic regional area where the Freuds hang out. The man, Ignatius Loyalas that was one of the main Jesuit players is from the Basque country. Within this subject is a lot of knowledge.

ESOTERICshade ago

I'm curious about frequency of blood types and potential properties of said blood types. Are rare blood types sought after more than others beyond the obvious reason of "need"?

I have not been able to figure out the "blood type" thing enough to satisfy my own curiosity but my gut, and my research, says "probably yes." @jangles has narrowed it down to some peptides in the blood but I don't totally understand it. There are supposedly 8 steps in the process of breaking down peptides. Should the body fail at any of these 8 steps it causes illness. It is very complicated and I am not as smart as jangles when it comes to explaining this.

Blacksmith21 ago

It's all about context, Sparky.

ESOTERICshade ago

It's all about context, Sparky.

I will give you that point :) The headline in the post was a bit lame. But, the premise, on the blood drinking is solid. Very solid.

Blacksmith21 ago

Drinking blood bad. Posting un-sourced, ill-sourced disinformation scat bad. I'm not going to let you post bullshit. You're better than that. I'll call you out every time. Personal mission.

ESOTERICshade ago

Number one. I did not post this thread

Number two. Me and @jangles ran this route and we are convinced that there is a physical reason these peeps drink blood and it goes back thousands of years.

Number three, this poster is over the target. Think "stem cells" and "planned parenthood."

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm not discounting that theory either. You forgot to add Red Cross in there as well. Strange things are afoot at the Circle K.

ESOTERICshade ago

Strange things are afoot at the Circle K.

ten four good buddy

ESOTERICshade ago

jangles ago

this is spot on, but disjunct. The truth is upon us, I have to wait till convictions are made before my big red pill plan

Blacksmith21 ago

Let me ask you ask question OP, how many Jewish people do you know closely?

ESOTERICshade ago

Let me ask you ask question OP, how many Jewish people do you know closely?

That is not the issue. The issue is that there is a historical precedent in blood drinking. That precedent is based on a physical need to drink the blood of the young. There is a reason FAR BEYOND fucking little kids in their assholes. That reason was their blood and what it contained. @jangles has done extensive research on this and it goes back to some peptides and other things such as Hemophilia B type

ESOTERICshade ago

Nice try at reposting but it didn't grab traction. This is too much truth, I guess.....I did my research on this. Its solid. It was once almost allowed here but I guess this is just too much truth for the masses.

think- ago

Nice try, @ferfrendongles, you didn't change the post - you were told by @Vindicator you could repost to v/pizzagatewhatever unedited, not to v/pizzagate.

Removing per Rules 1, 2 - and 4.

Happy Easter.

ESOTERICshade ago

i disagree. i did my research on this subject.

Vindicator ago

So you are pushing this with an alt. The lameness here is amazing.

There is nothing verifiable in this thread that has any connection at all to the mission of this subverse, which is to document and boost public awareness about elite child sex trafficking to break through the media blackout and corruption that prevent law enforcement from taking action. Nebulous posts stringing genetic diseases together with faery tales, legends and superstitions threaded together with racist innuendo is worse than useless. It's being posted either to create an excuse to bitch about censorship, or to satisfy the MSM pizzagate is hate speech agenda.

It doesn't meet our submission requirements. It's never been on topic. Nor will it ever be. Posting it over and over again is spamming the board and will get you banned.

ESOTERICshade ago

So you are pushing this with an alt.

Lame. I do not need alts. If I wanted to post it I would do it in my own name. Its not my thread but it is relevant. I agree that he could have left the word "jew" out of the title but other than that its relevant. me and jangles researched this topic extensively and this is exactly how the blood drinking started thousands of years ago. You know we researched it. You know what all we found. We found a lot. As usual, I like you, but you aint real bright sometimes.

Vindicator ago

You know we researched it. You know what all we found.

I have never seen a medically/scientifically/pharmacokinetically plausible explanation laid out on any of these "blood" related theories, though I have asked. Not one time. You know what happens when you "drink blood"? You digest it. Numerous cultures use it as food. If it had some powerful property that somehow wasn't destroyed during digestion, y'all would be able to explain the pharmacokinetics. Yet...crickets. I've told @jangles this. I've told you this. I've told the scores of spamalek alts pushing this shit this.

Meanwhile we predictably get waves of ambiguously sourced disinfo pushing Rh- blood and Joooos, Coloboma mutations and (((adrenochrome))), Jooooos and vampires, Masons, Jesuits, Knights Templar, Knights of Malta, and all of the above being secret Jooooos.

Why? It's called Flooding Fake. The real question is, what genuine truth are you attempting to blur, bury and discredit with hokey, inflammatory, baffle-with-bullshit "research" that is similar? My money is on parabiosis and probably organ harvesting. This, of course, explains why you lose your mind every time someone makes a QAnon post, because he has talked about this:

If you were genuinely serious about this, you would not be posting about legends from thousands of years ago. You would be submitting verifiable research following the names, associations and money of those behind the corruption of medical science, not bloviating about whether they are Jews or Masons or Jesuits.

What I find fascinating, Esoteric, is that this whole series of comments from you implies you believe anyone actually respects what you have to say after your completely ham-fisted attempt a month ago to get research by gamepwn about the CIA/NSA spy war deleted because it was not relevant to pizzagate, smear me and other mods as corrupt because we left it up, and claim Q is a shill by posting fake leaks, as I documented in detail, here, then delete the evidence of your dishonest machinations.

@think- @Blacksmith21 @Honeybee_ @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock

ESOTERICshade ago

I'm gonna tell it to you like @crensch would. Fuck all this jew love. The jew is your enemy, my enemy, and the enemy of the whole world. You need to get that in your head.

ESOTERICshade ago

Jooooos and vampires, Masons, Jesuits, Knights Templar, Knights of Malta, and all of the above being secret Jooooos.

You are either a Jesuit, or the dumbest mother fucker walking the face of the earth. Secret societies do not exist according to you. Secret societies are a fiction. This is why I never know how to take you. I don't take you seriously because you are Q byte. We are waiting on you to wake up from your sleep.

ESOTERICshade ago

@kevdude see parent. we have dumb bastard that does not belive in secret societies.

jangles ago

WTF..... I get drug into these things because there is a real and documented concern with the commodification of humans. The market is huge and the profits as well. I don't know particulars and only speculate that there could be criminal biopharmaceutical ventures involving some of the key people in pizzagate. Eg. all the doctors in TP's close circle, look who he goes to the Bohemian Grove with. With regards to blood type things, most of it is hokey and disinformation. Thanks @vindicator for doing a good job being rational about the convolution of this matter. Hard crash on my comp a month ago, trying to piece stuff back together to get a worthy post both debunking the shill related blood stuff as well as the construct of how 'medicine' is involved. No hurry on my end as the issue is under better control now than ever before. MEGA

Vindicator ago

Great to hear, jangles. You know I support serious, well-researched, critical investigation of these subjects. We will keep working on this.

ESOTERICshade ago

I do not have the patience to educate you today, but i will not give up on you. Even Trumpers can be trained. yes, its true

ESOTERICshade ago

What I find fascinating, Esoteric, is that this whole series of comments from you implies you believe anyone actually respects what you have to say after your completely ham-fisted attempt a month ago to get research by gamepwn about the CIA/NSA spy war deleted because it was not relevant to pizzagate, smear me and other mods as corrupt because we left it up, and claim Q is a shill by posting fake leaks, as I documented in detail, here, then delete the evidence of your dishonest machinations.

@think- @Blacksmith21 @Honeybee_ @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock

That was fascinating, but not really. I have things to do in the real world. Again try real history. I am watching this again for the forth time because I still don't truly grok it all. You are a good person but stil asleep.

jangles ago

thanks, this has nothing to do with race. Time families are of a specific race and their crimes don't represent the entire race.

derram ago : :

Born to the Purple: the Story of Porphyria - Scientific American : :

Jewish Woman Talks About Ritual Killings - YouTube : : : :



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