worshipfulmaster ago

Added bonus that it is peer reviewed I usually search on google scholar

worshipfulmaster ago

I’m still amazed that those in the mental health field don’t acknowledge the role trama plays in psychopathology

Interesting how the term multiple personalities had to be changed to dissociative identity disorder

carmencita ago

I have it on good recommendation to research Ellen Lacter. She is a Therapist specializing in RA and Mind Control. Her website http://endritualabuse.org/ on the 1st page includes an homage to Empirical and Forensic Evidence of Ritual Abuse and Her Personal Introduction. His is what Ellen Lacter, Ph. D. has to say: This chapter is, to my knowledge, the most thorough, scholarly, and recent review of the Empirical and Forensic Evidence of Ritual Abuse. I wish every psychotherapist, psychiatrist, and traumatologist, every law enforcement and child protection official, every judge, every Family Court attorney, every person in the media, every artist, musician, film maker, and producer, would read this chapter and feel moved to let the harsh reality of the existence of ritual abuse into their personal consciousness and advocate to bring this awareness into the large social consciousness. These atrocities are unbearable and we need to stand together to demand that the systems in place to help crime victims do more to rescue these people and to heal their aching souls. THIS is a wonderful homage and verification that SRA is real and not imagined by so many Victims and Survivors.She is another Soldier in our Army. Thank you Dr. Lacter. @StcharlesSeminary @Jane58 @314592653

carmencita ago

Please notice all the comments that were down voated. I have upvoated all comments to counter act it. This has been happening all over the board, not just on posts but comments as well. STRIKE BACK.

StcharlesSeminary ago

Ellen Lacter is a good friend of mine. I wish I had known you were unaware of her work. Ellen has devoted her life to working with RA and mind control survivors. She is NOT MY THERAPIST as she is my friend. I met her when I spoke at the UN in 2007..

I wish I knew how to attach photos to this site, I have a baby photo of myself, that Ellen has told me often 'will flash before her eyes before her death" It is that upsetting. Most people think anway

Thanks for posting.. again, I wish I had known. I don't have the health or time to read most of the things posted here.

3141592653 ago

Thank you so much for sharing

carmencita ago

I will look into her work. I know you do your best to be involved on here and do what you can. Thank you for your wisdom and help, my friend. I am crying again, for I am so thankful for having you as a friend. I have a new awakening about SRA thanks to you.

guinness2 ago

Congratulations @3141592653, this post was mentioned in this YouTube video: https://youtu.be/2L1uHU9nmkw?t=720

You are a star!!!

3141592653 ago

still excited about this

3141592653 ago

Wow... Thank you!!!

ESOTERICshade ago

This is very detailed and interesting.

This is the infamous lecture by D. Corydon Hammond, originally entitled "Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse" but now usually known as the "Greenbaum Speech," delivered at the Fourth Annual Eastern Regional Conference on Abuse and Multiple Personality, Thursday June 25, 1992, at the Radisson Plaza Hotel, Mark Center, Alexandria, Virginia, United States of America.


Piscina ago

When I have spoken of ritual abuse to others, I have often got 'but that doesn't exist'. It was only when one of the group who had been abused said that, yes, it did happen, did others believe me. I think that often it's too much for people to take in; it's too horrible for them to contemplate so they pretend it doesn't exist.

StcharlesSeminary ago

So you were abused too? Honestly if this group is just finding out about Ellen Lacter, they are not 'too with it'.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXN33qB_mSk


I believe there are several groups I belong to on Facebook for support of other RA and mind control victims, survivors? Are we ever survivors? There are several psychologists and psychiatrists that only deal with this???

There are many sites online for support, for God's sake the District attorney knows about RA, and you were not believed here??? Two agents from the Attorney General's office believed me enough to spend two hours in my home and two hours from their headquarters, meaning a day of their time. I am sorry about this Piscina


DAMN, THIS MAKES ME ANGRY. I HAVE NOTHING TO GAIN HERE??? I have exposed my vagina to the world, there is nothing in this for me? I won't have a lawsuit, I won't have a book or a movie deal?

I held several supervisory positions in my life, despite what happened to me.. no one knew? meaning if I were 'insane' I doubt this would have taken place.

carmencita ago

You are a God Send. That is all I can say. Yes, anyone that does not believe now after witnessing your words has been and is from now on wasting their time on here, unless they are a Shill. Those not believing are perhaps here for the RCC to counter SRA. Whatever, we that have a real brain have all along known the truth that you speak. Thank you.

Vindicator ago

@9217 You might be interested in this if you haven't already seen it.

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

Can we beat back all the censorship happening because of Q or is all lost?

Theytookoutgodslaw ago

The biggest ammunition is crying to God, and not Jesus. FBI, YOUR LOCAL police, your federal government will not do anything. I'm your devoted advisor.

bgrenual ago

Anyone remember the name of the banker that had that 2-3 part interview last year? He claimed to have been involved with all this shit and got out when they wanted him to kill or that is what he implied. I want to research that guy more. At the time it was hard to tell if it was legit or not. He seemed honest but you never know.

3141592653 ago

he really did seem so believable

3141592653 ago

I have seen that one! very glad you posted the link

bgrenual ago

Good looking out. I know I am in the right tiny corner of the internet if I can post a question like that and get an immediate and accurate response lmao. God bless.

ESOTERICshade ago

Interviewing Deprogrammers: In the House of the Strong Man Sodomy is the Key

Interview with Marion Knox by Elana Freeland


3141592653 ago

thx will check this out

bgrenual ago

The index at the end of all the books and other sources is pretty undeniable. I honestly had no idea there was so much literature out there on this subject. You can probably go down to your local library and find at least a few books on this in the psych section. It is all probably dirt cheap on Amazon too.

notdivided ago


good overview of several cases

3141592653 ago

yes, when I was in school the library there had multiple books on it too

3141592653 ago

thank u

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

u welcome

dundundunnnnn ago

Wonderful contribution. Thank you.


Have you seen this?

3141592653 ago

thanks much, and no I've never read this. I will tonight

dundundunnnnn ago

It's fucking dark. I cried reading it. Heads up.

3141592653 ago


carmencita ago

The part of the infants was heartbreaking, but I came away with something very valuable. They have been telling us that we cannot communicate with an infant during pregnancy that they cannot hear, but they have lied to us. They can penetrate with pain and when they are born they will have emotional problems. Well, now we know that we can use different tactics but with good outcomes. They have lied to us about so many things. They are also lying about the abortions. All of these things can affect our children.

dundundunnnnn ago

That's RIGHT! Good catch.

3141592653 ago

you are right about the fetus being able to feel/hear things. I saw a video of a fetus (a real ultrasound) reacting to domestic violence shouts, and it jumped every time the man screamed and slammed a door. true. and heartbreaking.

carmencita ago

Imagine the mother and the father rubbing the mom's tummy and talking to the baby sweetly. The baby will come out with a feeling of love for the voices of her/his parents. There should be writing on this subject and research as well as these lies that they feel nothing.

Shizy ago

I took child development classes in college and we were taught that studies have shown that babies can hear in the womb and are born being able to recognize their parents voices. Years later my OB told me to sing and talk to my baby while I was pregnant. When you go in for an ultrasound you can actually see the baby moving away or turning from the doctors push or poking when they are trying to get the baby to move for a better angle.

People who actually believe the bs that unborn babies aren't really babies are just science deniers! What we know now from technology vs what was known in 1973 is vastly different. How row v wade hasn't been overturned based on these proven facts shows me that abortion is a sacrament to these evil sickos and they will protect it at all costs

carmencita ago

They will protect it at all costs yes, because of the money they can make. They tell women who at at their wit's end that it is just a blob and lie through their teeth. The women are never told that the baby they are aborting has parts already. If this news comes out, stand back. I shudder to think about the women that will be sitting on their beds sobbing and crying. I know I would be. I hope they will suffer the consequences the Lousy Liars that will have to answer to God for this.

Shizy ago

Completely agree! I feel most of the women who have had abortions are also victims, in that they believed the lies that were fed to them by those at the top who profit from the abortion industry.

3141592653 ago

good news is, there is writing and research on this! thank goodness

carmencita ago

It sure is worth all the work when you hit pay dirt. Thanks for all your research!

3141592653 ago

Thank you!

carmencita ago

Ha Ha! Better late than never. I just sent someone the link to your post about False Memory Syndrome. Came in very handy for a SRA Survivor. Thank YOU

carmencita ago

I sometimes wonder if we should warn people about the information in videos and articles but how are they ever going to know. I have read about the most horrid things, things that I thought my brain could never handle. Then I realized that we are only reading it. They have lived it. I had ideas in my head what SRA might be, but the horrors are much worse than one can imagine. Yes, you are right it is difficult to read. Thanks for finding the courage to get through it. It's not easy. I will read your link. Thank you.

3141592653 ago

I agree. I cannot watch videos on human trafficking. I can still get the info tho from reading about it.

carmencita ago

Yes reading is the way to go. I like watching old movies without violence and black and white is better. I need to stay away from the bright red blood.

YogSoggoth ago

In my town we still burn witches at the stake. Pretty darn happy about it too.

carmencita ago

I do better with the written word. If I see it, it is imprinted in my mind. I am very visual and reading is enough for me. If I watch it, then I go to bed and it replays over and over. Reading is much better.

think- ago

Thank you so much for posting this!! :-)

Here's a short bio of one of the authors. Interestingly, he worked as a clinical psychologist for the Air Force, where he met a RA survivor:

Randy Noblitt, formerly an Air Force clinical psychologist, is a Professor of Clinical Psychology at Alliant International University in Los Angeles where he teaches ethics, adult interventions, and a fourth year advanced clinical elective, Trauma and Dissociation.

Randy fell into the field of trauma by accident.

He shares an early story of his experience as an air force psychologist working at an air base in England with the belief that trauma and dissociation was rare.

However, a young male client came to Randy and explained to him what Randy would later understand to be ritual abuse.

It wasn’t until years later when Randy was in private practice and began seeing clients actually dissociate in session that he realized trauma and dissociation weren’t as rare as he’d been taught to believe.


sharpedge42 ago

I highly recommend this book by Randy Noblitt and Pam Perskin. Google books allows you to read a certain number of pages.

Link: Cult and Ritual Abuse

think- ago


sharpedge42 ago

Here's a Power Point slide deck from a talk that Nobllitt gave in 2014. It has the same title as the book

Link: Cult and Ritual Abuse

3141592653 ago

I appreciate your support very much.

thanks for the info, and I will check out that link shortly

carmencita ago

Thank You. The more verification we can post the more we can counteract their propaganda against SRA. Our Survivor that has posted on here will be grateful to you and your added information.

think- ago

Thank you Carm, how very kind of you to say this! :-)

carmencita ago

I mean it. :)

think- ago


3141592653 ago

you two rock

think- ago

You too! ;-)

carmencita ago

Couldn't wait to UPVOATU!!! Thank You! I have a request from our SRA Survivor @StcharlesSeminary to post a video. It is right up the alley of your post. It is titled Satanic Panic Propaganda https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6uVzQrj7mY0&feature=youtu.be It is regarding Child Ritual Abuse and in it you will see Dr. Richard Kluft. Our Survivor has spoken to Dr. Kluft. Pay special attention to the mention of a "finger" this is about how they instill fear in the child or person. They are made to wear the finger to remind them of what can happen to them. Thank you again from me and from Our Survivor. I will send her the link to this thread.

StcharlesSeminary ago

My own mother carried a finger of my dead brother in her purse and a red plastic belt. My brother was murdered in 1955, I was three years old and my sister and I had to witness it. My brother had polio, he wore braces and had to use a wheelchair. He did not live at home with us, and I have no idea where he lived, I was so young.

This all came back to me in a dream..

I was at a catholic funeral, I was sitting on one side of the church and my mother and sister on the other side... I had to divorce myself from my mother and sister at that time to get well, thus I am guessing the different sides of the church.

I walked up to the casket, again this is all a dream, and it is a young boy with dark hair.. I walk past the altar ( I believe I am spelling this right) this is the church where I was reunited with my perpetrator all those years later.. and I went up to the back wall of the church, and it opened up.. there was a cliff.. straight down..not true in real life.

Anyway I told this dream to a therapist who was not trained in RA, I said this was my brother in the dream in the casket, she said it was my 'wanting to have a brother'???

i told this to my psychologist at the time, who only dealt with RA, she wanted to hear more, it turns out, it was my brother in the dream and my brother was drowned.. by my father. I was born into generational cult.

So, the finger of my brother, or could have been the finger of anyone dead, the sick freaks.. was to remind my sister and myself it could be us.

I am pretty upset, I need to hush now. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

I am so sorry Jeffrey (my brother) I am so sorry. My brother was about 9 years old, depending on his birthday and I don't know that. I know where he is buried in an unmarked grave in a family plot of my stepfather's. I could take you to it now. I have not forgotten

Thank you Carm for being so kind to me. I truly appreciate it.

Nunquam-Dormio ago

You've left little doubt in my mind that you have some serious issues. Crying out for help from total strangers now? Is that because everyone IRL is sick of your shit?

My words sound meaner than intended, I admit, text carries no tone. I'm poking you, is all, please don't take it personally. You've got me a little curious, like a black box- what goes in, what comes out? what comes out?

carmencita ago

I sobbed after reading this. Do not feel bad for making me cry. Sometimes it is good for the soul. Yes, they are sick freaks. That is what distinguishes us from them. They don't realize that they are. I don't know how you manage from day to day. I believe you have Divine assistance. You are the most courageous person I have ever known. I am fortunate to have you as my friend. God Bless You.

3141592653 ago