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think- ago

Thank you so much for posting this!! :-)

Here's a short bio of one of the authors. Interestingly, he worked as a clinical psychologist for the Air Force, where he met a RA survivor:

Randy Noblitt, formerly an Air Force clinical psychologist, is a Professor of Clinical Psychology at Alliant International University in Los Angeles where he teaches ethics, adult interventions, and a fourth year advanced clinical elective, Trauma and Dissociation.

Randy fell into the field of trauma by accident.

He shares an early story of his experience as an air force psychologist working at an air base in England with the belief that trauma and dissociation was rare.

However, a young male client came to Randy and explained to him what Randy would later understand to be ritual abuse.

It wasn’t until years later when Randy was in private practice and began seeing clients actually dissociate in session that he realized trauma and dissociation weren’t as rare as he’d been taught to believe.

sharpedge42 ago

I highly recommend this book by Randy Noblitt and Pam Perskin. Google books allows you to read a certain number of pages.

Link: Cult and Ritual Abuse

think- ago


sharpedge42 ago

Here's a Power Point slide deck from a talk that Nobllitt gave in 2014. It has the same title as the book

Link: Cult and Ritual Abuse

3141592653 ago

I appreciate your support very much.

thanks for the info, and I will check out that link shortly

carmencita ago

Thank You. The more verification we can post the more we can counteract their propaganda against SRA. Our Survivor that has posted on here will be grateful to you and your added information.

think- ago

Thank you Carm, how very kind of you to say this! :-)

carmencita ago

I mean it. :)

think- ago


3141592653 ago

you two rock

think- ago

You too! ;-)