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PedoHunter12 ago

Q is an intelligence agency psyop, that is designed to not only merge conspiracy theorists with conservative politics and support for trump, but to get us to sit on our asses, hoping some unverifiable anon is going to take care of everything.

Stop following the circus, and start organizing yourselves. You're being tricked, they're playing upon your desperation for a savior..

Vindicator ago

but to get us to sit on our asses, hoping some unverifiable anon is going to take care of everything.

Just going to point out I've heard this talking point from at least twelve different accounts since the first Q post by @alphabravo last fall.

I will also point out that anyone who has been in this subverse for any length of time is aware that this statement is completely inaccurate on its face. The Q Leaks have totally energized this subverse and spawned at least two others, possibly more. It has reinvigorated research here, and even though it has magnified the level of toxic trash talk from certain accounts, it has increased user engagement, Comments, and inspired numerous people to be willing to step forward and take the heat as mods, some of whom had turned the job down in the past.

People are more on their toes and posting serious research than they have been since the early days of the subverse. No one is "sitting on their ass" and waiting for "some anon to do everything." Even the shills have a fire under their butts.

Honeybee_ ago

Was waiting to read how this relates to CST, CSA, or pedogate in general, maybe I have to reread.

GreenDell144 ago

Yeah, at the very least, Q is acting as a coagulant or catalyst. This has energizing effects on everybody, like a high tide raising all ships. Stirring up us busy bees. I’ve seen lively posts and comments from Australia, UK, etc. Q is not hurting that at all. On the contrary. But I’m still with my grain of salt. That said: we were never gonna change this in a day. Choosing our battles, waxing our strengths, sharpening our arguments, exposing truth... reading posts from anons... these are all things that fit right in here.

Vindicator ago

I’m still with my grain of salt

Yep. How could anyone of us not be at this point?

I judge by fruits, the objective effect of words and actions. There are no negative effects of the Q Leaks or researching them that I have seen, other than the vicious chorus of toxic commentary and downvoting unleashed like clockwork by a small contingent that wants to shut down speech.