urbanmoving ago

LOL Calm Before The Stormy Daniels

migratorypatterns ago

Yes. and there's something I've been meaning to post about her.

GreenDell144 ago

I think this post gives plenty to think and talk about. It’s a great post and a worthy dialogue. I find your point respectable and compelling, but I withhold judgement. I don’t condemn Q, but neither do I fully endorse.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks for the good words.

I feel your point is perfectly expressed and I'm appreciative of you objectively considering my opinion and the evidence I posted.

There's a part of me that's unsure about this. But the words he uses:

"My Administration will focus on ending the absolutely horrific practice of human trafficking. And I am prepared to bring the full force and weight of our government, whatever we can do, in order to solve this horrific problem."

Those words ... and others ... it does seem he's on a mission. Yes, other presidents have promised a lot, but even at his rallies:


There it is.


GreenDell144 ago

Trump never bought the official 9/11 thing. He’s been speaking out against that forever. I speculate that is why he changed his mind form his old 80’s interview saying he wasn’t interested in being prez. He talked about the steel used to build the towers, citing his eye witness account of their construction. He also recounted his witnessing of mossad agents celebrating (if I remember correctly). He saw them and conversed with them briefly because they were in the same place when the towers fell. I am recalling this from an old YouTube vid. One of the originals that came out after “Fahrenheit 9/11” got big.

Nana66 ago

What if the very expensive ACA Marketplace is somehow involved in trafficking or something.....or maybe tells them about kids and their health info...

migratorypatterns ago

You know what, it could very well be.

If someone had suggested this ten years ago, I would have been skeptical, but now? Anything is possible.

cutelobster ago

How was there a gatekeeper over NY on 9/11? If there was a gatekeeper present then they spectacularly fell down on the job - unless you mean an enabler holding the gate open rather than closed. Trump is indeed connected to 9/11. Through interviews at the time and his closeness to some of the principal players if nothing else. On the campaign trail, he indicated that he knew who was really responsible (remember "you may find it's the Saudis") - and he probably does know who was really responsible, but that doesn't mean he will be ordering a new 9//11 commission. Most likely, the cabal that brought Obama and Trump to power, is the same cabal that perpetrated 9/11 and gave us Wikileaks, Anonymous, Project Mayhem, Cicada, and Q. There's a reason why the Calm Before The Storm people promote a Luciferian film, 'I, Pet Goat II'released in 2012, which predicts Trump coming to power and which looks forward to a second 9/11 - it's because they are Luciferians. There's a reason, too, why Trump appeared in an advertisement giving a thumbs-up to a bunch of sheep with 911 printed on their backs. Sheep? Goats! Linking Trump to 9/11 continues to be part of the programming as the meme warriors, here and elsewhere, tell us to wait for a follow-up catastrophe variously figured as WW3, a superbug, a supercrash, a New York tsunami etc. Hopefully, we won't be subject to all of these things at the same time.

migratorypatterns ago

If there was a gatekeeper present then they spectacularly fell down on the job

You have no idea of what you're talking about because you don't know any of what transpired. Why did he have a view of that area? Or had he picked his residence with the mindset of being able to watch any area chosen?

Trump is not aligned with or a member of any secret society. It's what's made him so dangerous. He doesn't owe anybody anything. And yet he's willing to put his cushy life on hold to be insulted, metaphorically spit on, debased, and lied about by a perverse, diabolical group bent on taking over the world.

Everything has a purpose ... everything a plan. Trump was anointed. I don't know how ... why ... when it happened .... but he was anointed by Our Lord. He's a flawed individual and not the one you or I might pick, but God is never wrong. Our POTUS was chosen and doing God's work.

Projecting and painting Trump as evil is all the Luciferians have done.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Ugh. This is all crazy talk and completely embarrassing to credible researchers. A sad thing to witness.

Are_we__sure ago


Why do you believe any this ?

This man is a lot more than just a man. He is anointed and that gives him the courage and tenacity to fight on. He's been touched and blessed by the Lord and doing what no one else that was not so blessed could do

TRUMP is THE GATEKEEPER. He was watching over New York that day. How I don't know. What he did, don't know.

Trump is a gatekeeper who looked over new york on 9/11? By doing what? Looking at the World Trade Center? Like millions of people in this area? What did he do? He called into TV https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcKlPhFIE7w

And I'll tell you something else. It came to me while this was revealing itself. That fight with Storm Daniels? She's part of the plan. She's playing a noble role in being a distraction and actually pull media attention away from issues where our POTUS might be vulnerable. She's doing Trump's bidding.

Think about it, she's porn star. She knows things. The media is so clueless that they have no idea of what damage she'll do to their false idols if she's given the opportunity.

I'll admit, I was furious at her. If you read her earlier remarks on this so-called affair, you'll see why what she's doing looked so traitorous .. like a real betrayal, but it's not. She's a dangerous weapon that the media is too dumb to recognize.

First off, breaking a nondisclosure agreement about an affair is not treason. Treason is not saying things about the president that make him look bad. It's about betraying your country. Secondly, this sounds like you convincing yourself of something.

Do you think Donald Trump had an affair with Stormy Daniels while his wife was pregnant with his son and then had his lawyer pay her $130,000 to keep quiet about it?

If so, how does this fit it with your view that Donald Trump being annointed?

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Tfw I find myself agreeing with Are_we__sure ... God I hate today. Upvoat for aws because fair is fair. 😑

GreenDell144 ago

He does a very good job of keeping us on our toes, at the very least. I find immense satisfaction in the ideas that stand after being challenged to a severe degree. AWS sometimes helps that process.

migratorypatterns ago

The GATEKEEPER in religious matters is.

And that's what this. Faith-based.

It would be the one that watches out for us.


Vindicator ago

The niggling tingle from this morning

MigratoryPatterns, I got a niggle myself in January. (I even called it that exact same thing when I described it at that time to my family). It woke me out of a dead sleep in the middle of the night almost like a knock on the door, with a sense of dread and the very specific premonition that "What is coming is so bad, it could make "America" a by-word like the Nazis." It was three days after Q said this: https://8ch.net//qresearch/res/130072.html#130638. It's a pretty alien thought for me, because I don't actually know a lot about the Nazis.

It was a sense of dread, but not fear. Like "Get ready." I actually checked my investments to see if I needed to make any changes.

I about crapped on Saturday when Q posted the stuff about Merkel. :-) I was ready, though. It's not the first time I've had a niggle.

I wouldn't call it a niggle, (which is sort of 'from outside' like a knock on the door or a nudge in the ribs)...more a strong hunch generated from everything I've learned, but I will not be surprised in the slightest degree if we find out Q is Trump himself. ;-)

"Wait until you learn who has been talking to you here."


You'll notice this statement directly implies Q's identity will be revealed. And Q is excited about it.

GreenDell144 ago

I get those too. Frequently since the election. Alwayturns out something heavy is happening.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks for this.

It's so strange that most of us don't give credence to premonitions. Intuition is a tool that allows us to sense things our conscious mind to grasp a hold of things that it hasn't recognized. It's a channel for the diivine.

Yes, that Merkel stuff is creepy as hell. The pictures of her with May as children are beyond bizarre and show the intricate pattern of intricate planning decades ahead of schedule.

I'm so glad you shared this. It's funny that some are so resistant to the idea of this heavenly inclusion into the discussion.

And the quote is perfect. It lends validation to my revelation.

Thanks so much.

153sdsd ago

Obvious troll is obvious

migratorypatterns ago

Yes, obviously.

Thanks for stopping by.

153sdsd ago

Been here almost every day since they shutdown pizzagate on reddit, keep up the good fight!

migratorypatterns ago

Me too.


Phenomenonanon ago

Is this the same video that he says trump will be a wrecking ball to Washington on 2007? And a Trumpet will be in the WH

migratorypatterns ago

It says many things.

It's worth a listen. I believe it was recorded in 2007. That's when this prophesy was spoken.

Really, the part that's confusing is Bill Gates. Since Trump did become POTUS, that part of the prophesy is fulfilled, but Gates? He would really have to have a change of heart, but it's what God does best. He can see into our hearts and knows who will be receptive to the call.

dundundunnnnn ago

Nice catch!

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks so much.

migratorypatterns ago

MAJOR pushback.

Thanks, guys!

huhWHAThuh ago

What may be an interesting addendum to this is that Stormy Daniels' attorney was widely quoted yesterday as telling Trump to "buckle up." That immediately perked my antennae as a quote from the Q board. If i remember correctly Q posted that more than once.

migratorypatterns ago

You mean this?


“Buckle up, we’re going where we’ve never gone before”

I believe that is one of his/her phrases. You're right! UpVoat for you for being so smart!

And there's this:


and this:


This was another of Q's phrases.

huhWHAThuh ago

Yes, and thanks for the links. Those vivid phrases stick in my mind like a neon sign.

Vindicator ago

As they are designed to, I am sure. :-)

PedoHunter12 ago

Q is an intelligence agency psyop, that is designed to not only merge conspiracy theorists with conservative politics and support for trump, but to get us to sit on our asses, hoping some unverifiable anon is going to take care of everything.

Stop following the circus, and start organizing yourselves. You're being tricked, they're playing upon your desperation for a savior..

Machz ago

You have low shill skills bro. What alphabet agency you working for?

PedoHunter12 ago

Aww, anyone who doesn't think daddy Trump is going to take down the New World Order is a shill, huh? single tear

You'll wake up someday, champ.

Machz ago

No response?? That's what I thought🤣🤣

Machz ago

You even use the common shill tactics "if I can't convince them with bs I'll act like a 12 year old and throw sticks and stones" your too obvious, better and more experienced shills have been called out and you think your 3rd grade tactics will work in here? smh

Vindicator ago

but to get us to sit on our asses, hoping some unverifiable anon is going to take care of everything.

Just going to point out I've heard this talking point from at least twelve different accounts since the first Q post by @alphabravo last fall.

I will also point out that anyone who has been in this subverse for any length of time is aware that this statement is completely inaccurate on its face. The Q Leaks have totally energized this subverse and spawned at least two others, possibly more. It has reinvigorated research here, and even though it has magnified the level of toxic trash talk from certain accounts, it has increased user engagement, Comments, and inspired numerous people to be willing to step forward and take the heat as mods, some of whom had turned the job down in the past.

People are more on their toes and posting serious research than they have been since the early days of the subverse. No one is "sitting on their ass" and waiting for "some anon to do everything." Even the shills have a fire under their butts.

Honeybee_ ago

Was waiting to read how this relates to CST, CSA, or pedogate in general, maybe I have to reread.

GreenDell144 ago

Yeah, at the very least, Q is acting as a coagulant or catalyst. This has energizing effects on everybody, like a high tide raising all ships. Stirring up us busy bees. I’ve seen lively posts and comments from Australia, UK, etc. Q is not hurting that at all. On the contrary. But I’m still with my grain of salt. That said: we were never gonna change this in a day. Choosing our battles, waxing our strengths, sharpening our arguments, exposing truth... reading posts from anons... these are all things that fit right in here.

Vindicator ago

I’m still with my grain of salt

Yep. How could anyone of us not be at this point?

I judge by fruits, the objective effect of words and actions. There are no negative effects of the Q Leaks or researching them that I have seen, other than the vicious chorus of toxic commentary and downvoting unleashed like clockwork by a small contingent that wants to shut down speech.

migratorypatterns ago

Nobody is sitting on our asses. We're aware to take action. I've posted I don't know how many times for people to run for office, to vote along people advancing our goals, and to volunteer for positions in schools, city government, etc., etc. Definitely get on school boards.

Q is a galvanizing force. He's not telling anyone to sit back and neither am I. And I will not let the media shape this movement and what I think. To advance such an outrageous theory, they're only trying to get us to scatter. It worked in the past. It worked in PedoWood. Note they always called people quote crazy unquote to get them to behave. There have been enough cases where they did that. Since nobody wants to be so tagged, it works, and people pull back from following or talking or behaving in what is considered a bizarre way. But this is not bizarre. Drinking blood to stay young is bizarre. Having pictures of a man carving up another man for the purposes of eating him is. Speaking in code is also as is throwing children in the pool. Then there's protecting pedophiles. Decidedly weird, bizarre, and perverse.

I ain't buying what you're selling. We'll put tags on what we want to put tags on and choose and not choose based on what works and doesn't work for us.

GreenDell144 ago

I’m of the school of thought that says there is something weird about trump. He shouldn’t be here. He shouldn’t have won his party. He shouldn’t be prez. It’s all super odd. There is no reason to ignore Q, but keep an eye, with a grain of salt.

KushPush ago

Q is an intelligence agency psyop,

i've been considering this lately too. Especially once he said "TRUST SESSIONS". I think this obsession with Q is going to do more harm than good when we look back on it. It seems to just be dividing us and creating a partisan-right bias. Dangerous stuff, take it with a grain of salt.

PedoHunter12 ago

If only we could get the "Great Awakening" folks and self proclaimed "Patriots" to realize this. We need to be unified, not divided like this. Although, i'm sure that is part of the intentions of the psyop..

avgwhtguy1 ago

what if Bill Gates is the Gate-Keeper? what if he has superAdmin access to every windows device worldwide and therefore the only one who can out hack the NSA? if the matrix is built on Windows/DOS, Gates is the keymaster. If you can flip Gates, you can retake your country.

Melinda looks like a witch, maybe a tranny.

migratorypatterns ago

First, thanks for the comments. Always appreciated.

Bill Gates wasn't THE GATEKEEPER of NY and doesn't now watch over the nation.

The description is off.Gates also isn't now transfiguring the marketplace does not have a stake in telling The View what to say. Remember, he was on Ellen. He's already liked because he's always been quote one of them unquote. So it's interesting that the prophesy cites him as taking on the role of finance this new church that will be established. And if Gates is flipped, it would be an unbelievable powerful ally. He does have a literal window into just about every home in America ... and the world.

Vindicator ago

I doubt Gates flipped. The guy is fucking evil. Trump would have had to have pulled off a financial castration miracle to get that kind of leverage. Also, Q said "No Deals" for the bad actors, only for the middlemen who had little choice.

avgwhtguy1 ago

He does have a literal window into just about every home in America

so maybe he is watching over the nation?

migratorypatterns ago

No. He's not watching over the nation. He was spying on it like Bezos.

It's not the spirit of what is being discussed. Trump was directly involved in watching 9/11.

Notice how the building he was living in had the PERFECT view of the World Trade Towers.

Coincidence? I think not.

avgwhtguy1 ago

my story is better than yours

migratorypatterns ago

It might be.

New_FoundingFathers ago

Thanks for the post, I have never seen this and in addition to Q's posts this is amazing to me. My intuition is definitely leaning this direction. And that video is fucking crazy, as we say no coincidences

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks so much.

I'm glad this is reaching some members. It is a leap of faith, but not entirely. Think about this:

The article Michael posted positively states that Trump considered running before 2016, but didn't. Why? And why did Oprah continually ask him when this would happen? Now if 9/11 were the catalyst, why didn't he run against Bush? Well, because of Killary. In the same article, it clearly states that Killary's rise to power was initiated by 9/11. Then there was JFK's plane going down. Coincidence? I think not because with him in the senatorial race, she didn't stand a chance in hell. So what was Trump waiting for?

I believe he was interpreting a sign. He was waiting for it. It's how scripture and the divine work. It falls on us to interpret and only someone worthy can. That's the safeguard again God selecting the wrong person for the job. It makes His decisions are always correct because if the person so blessed can't interpret correctly, they can't be relied upon to carry out the heavenly mission.

So our POTUS was waiting for a sign. So 9/11 was part of it, but there was more. It's only something he knows, but if we go through Q's posts he may have made reference to it. I don't know because I wasn't really following s/he that closely. Or it may be something to be spoken when everything is accomplished.

Crisis_Actors_Matter ago

So our POTUS was waiting for a sign. So 9/11 was part of it, but there was more. It's only something he knows,

I have heard Roger Stone comment on the exact moment Trump decided to run for President. They were at the Obama Press dinner where the reporters roast Obama, then he takes the podium and comments about the people there. Obama made a comment about Trump disparaging his conspiracy theories, and Trump being an informed man, and a man with some degree or morals and humanity in his soul, didn't like it at all. Trump looked at Stone and said, "I think I'll run." And he did. Now you know too. :)

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks for this.

TrishaUK ago

Thanks for the Kim Clement encouragement .I had no clue in the slightest about ANY of this red-pilled stuff, Trump or even America. I came across this prophesy online in April 2016 and I was hooked - I was amazed at all he said. 2 years later I am so grateful that I am not blind to all this going on in the world, though it is not nice, it feels like I am so awake and find it hard to watch the MSM etc., pull the wool over peoples eyes, including most of my family. Very sad. Ex-Firefighter Mark Taylor Its long but it was riveting to me at the time! very very encouraging! - https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=mark+taylor+prophecy+2011&view=detail&mid=D67B17DA15E4F0B9D076D67B17DA15E4F0B9D076&FORM=VIRE

UnicornAndSparkles ago

My goodness me. Well done for following your gut. Something in your subconscious aching to get out. Amazing. There are no coincidences.

Storm. Stormy. Of course Trumps joke on the MSM.

Popcorns ready .. #releasethevideo !!

PedoHunter12 ago

Storm. Stormy. Of course! Trumps joke on the MSM.

LOL You are so gullible dude....Are you this desperate to believe the Trump administration are "good guys" and that Q is legit?

What happened to the critical thinking in this sub? Stop using this as a platform to parrot your political partisan bias.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

I am that desperate yes! I have studied and followed “conspiracies” for longer than I care to think about. As most here have. And know of the true horrors in the world. Mainly from bankers.

For so long it has broken my heart to see what an unfair world we live in and unnecessarily so! Not just pizzagate. But killing and hunting animals. Fracking. Poisoning our food and water. Third world hunger. Wars to profit the rich. You get the picture.

I am from the UK this has nothing to do with political bias. If Trump opens America’s eyes. The UK will be forced to follow.

Vindicator ago

Stop using this as a platform to parrot your political partisan bias.

@PedoHunter12, this exact same call to censor political speech has been posted at least four times in the last month. Try to remember you are not on Reddit. Censoring free-speech is unacceptable here. Disagree, use offensive language, but it's obvious as fuck that you are not from around here and do not share the values of the Voat community. No one is ashamed of their politics here and we have a WIDE variety of political views in this subverse.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Awwww @vindicator thank you ☺️ xxxxx

Vindicator ago

Just doin' my job :-)

GhostOfSwartz ago

So Stormy says she has a video and the goons at msm jump all over it and it turns out to be the Hillary video? Lol. Priceless.

migratorypatterns ago


I appreciate the comments and it does all fit.


This is the life's work of /CFG/. Over 440 pages of research on the Clinton's and a vast web of connections with them including U1, Saudi Arabia, pedos, trafficking, etc. Should be useful for research.


https://docs. google. com/document/d/1ihJEzb1trreKPgWlpW9m_CY9z0kQ6vXm4dqnbb8Xa4U/edit?usp=drivesdk


migratorypatterns ago



Micheal84 ago


Where was Trump:

"Trump was in New York, on Fifth Avenue in Trump Tower, where he works and lives, and he watched first on TV and then out his windows, staring four miles south at the black smoke in the blue sky."


"Clinton, meanwhile, was down in Washington, at her home on Whitehaven. She had CNN on as she talked on the phone with her legislative director when the first plane hit."


So Trump was litteraly watching over New York from the Tump tower when it happened.


GreenDell144 ago

Right. He talked about that with Howard Stern. Was it him, or Stern, or somebody else that mentioned the Mossad agents celebrating? Also, the Carlyle investment group (saudis and council of foreign relations ghouls) were watching out the window from their skyscraper while they held a secret meeting in their evil hq... “Fahrenheit 9/11”

septimasexta ago

Don't forget, Trump is a real estate developer. He builds towers. He's probably seen a few demolitions. If he saw the towers go down and then visited the site, he probably knew something didn't add up.

Here's a history/timeline of the World Trade Center:

"1939 World's Fair, Flushing, NY "World trade center" pavilion is dedicated to "world peace through trade." 1959 Downtown Lower Manhattan Association is created by real estate developer David Rockefeller to revitalize lower Manhattan and begins to promote the idea of a "world trade and finance center" in New York City. January 1960 David Rockefeller presents a plan for a world trade center along the East River of Manhattan. The Port of New York Authority is commissioned to study the plan.
March 1961 On March 10, Port Authority issues a favorable report on the feasibility of developing a world trade center. February 1962 New York and New Jersey authorize the development of the World Trade Center. December 1962 World Trade Center location moves to West Side amidst protests by displaced business owners. November 1963 The Port Authority wins legal challenge to the development of the WTC. " SEE THE REST https://www.panynj.gov/wtcprogress/history-wtc.html

Matt_Helm ago

There's video of Trump the day after he said there had to be bombs in the towers it's on YouTube look for Trump 9/11 interview I think it was for Inside Edition. He also lost a lot of friends who worked in the towers guys he knew for decades who worked in the big stock brokerage offices there. Trump could expose 9/11 for the false flag fake terror attack it was but if he does expose it he might be assassinated. He might be waiting until the very end of his 2nd term to expose it or the end of his first term if he loses in 2020 and he could lose the vote will be so rigged against him Soros and the Cabal will make sure the voting machines are as rigged as they can be.

UnicornAndSparkles ago



If Trump saw it all then he would be a witness to "no planes".

TrishaUK ago

He heard it on the TV news he said, so that would be after the fact? He wasn't looking out before it hit as far as I can see.


Thats true. I was assuming maybe the second "plane crash" he saw? I don't know all the specifics, but is it possible he could've been watching out his window as the second "plane crashed"? If Trump was watching the building's before the second plane hit , maybe he would have been able to view that plane if it was there or not? I don't believe there was one based on the footage that was captured. The plane merged into the building, there was an explosion, then the building turned into dust.

GreenDell144 ago

I have been trying to find him saying one way or the other. My hunch is that he didn’t see in time and/or speculates that there were no planes, BUT it doesn’t behoove him to publicly take that stand. MSM destroys 9/11 deniers with super intense virtue signaling.

TrishaUK ago

Not sure I will have to watch a few videos of him talking about it. I have seen the footage you are talking about, and it certainly looks like it was not a plane at all.

bopper ago

I'm of the same opinion, you're not alone.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks for this.

I'm sure this is right. Why it goes back to 9/11, I don't know. But that's was the catalyst. I know it was a catastrophic loss of life, but there've been other incidents that totaled more in innocent lives. Was it someone they murdered? A company they eliminated? Or was it the rumored robbing of gold?


Because 9/11 had no plane crash. At least the videos shown, there is no plane crash. And it put us into perpetual war.

Think about how funny that would be if you were a sick globalist. I could imagine if I had sick humor how hilarious it would be to do a controlled demolition of 2 of the tallest buildings in the country, fake the planes, and use "terrorists" as boogey men to go into war so they can conquer and control even more.

They love to see what they can get away with and prove how dumbed down the population is. The Brotherhood Of Death, that George Bush was a member of, was revealed (by a daughter of the order) to have a plan to deliberately dumb down the masses.

So we literally had a member of The Brotherhood Of Death as president as 9/11 happened. So in everyone's faces.

9/11 was is a big inside joke to the globalists. They got away with so much.

Lordbananafist ago

3 of the tallest buildings...

fucking zog shill





Lordbananafist ago

"Of the tallest" doesn't mean "the three tallest". Building 7 was one of the tallest buildings in America. Like you said. Read what you wrote.

migratorypatterns ago

Excellent point.

It was staged. I do believe that eyewitnesses described small planes -- possibly remote-controlled ones -- but nothing of the size the media pushed.

And if you read the article posted by Michael, you'll see how this event pushed and propelled Killary's career. And remember, Killary only became senator before JFK's plane went down. Of course, it was due to pilot error. How dare he fly in that weather? And the official story went out that way even though people swore they saw something -- something like a missile -- hit it.

No wonder there's such animosity felt towards Killary. If what we're thinking is true, she has a lot of blood on her hands.


We need to take the witnesses into account, but they could be plants or just scared/confused people that are just going with the flow. The video footage shows no plane crash. Just a plane merging into a building, an explosion, then the building turned into dust. I appreciate the short notes on the article, because I was only able to skim it for the moment.

migratorypatterns ago

I tend to believe them. These were the first to be interviewed. They weren't influenced. But the building didn't explode, nor did they say that. They only described a small plane(s) hitting the building.

Micheal84 ago

You should read that link i posted above, its very interesting.

Trump walked at ground zero the next day, while HRC wasn't even there.

GhostOfSwartz ago

And Hillary couldn't even stand at the memorial. It's like God was sending a message.

migratorypatterns ago

I will, my friend.

I'm multi-tasking and didn't have the chance, but I will.


Micheal84 ago

I know, its hard keepin up to date sometimes. ;-)

derram ago

https://archive.fo/BHZ5j :

Bill Chapman -JESUS is THE ANSWER on Twitter: "I always had skepticism about Kim Clement - however - this video rocked me just now. Go to :31 if you can't take the whole 2:30 to watch this video FROM 2007. YES TWO THOUSAND SEVEN. t.co/7YBqczJoTc @potus t.co/61PCW5Zg53"

https://archive.fo/d9ZHl :

Bill Gates to meet with Trump at White House

https://files.catbox.moe/h0i3ha.jpg :

https://archive.fo/DNj6H :

Brenden Dilley on Twitter: "Hmm... I wonder who the Gatekeeper is? #TheStorm #QAnon #HRCVideo #DrainTheSwamp… "

This has been an automated message.

chromedome69 ago

For the love of fuck...

When we look back and wonder why nothing ever came out of our investigation into elite human trafficking and sexual abuse of kids, it will be because they effectively subverted and destroyed our momentum with this fake ass pro-trump "Q anon" shit, folks...

This is such an obvious ploy to get us all divided and inject a partisan bias into our investigation/online culture.

"Q" is the CIA, holding the laser pointer, and we are all the cats being led around by his "prophetic" ramblings.

Vindicator ago

Just a heads up @chromedome69, you're the fourth or fifth account in the past few weeks using the "partisan bias threatens our investigation" talking point. We're counting.

chromedome69 ago

Good, you can count.

twistedmac11 ago

I've also talked about that, Vindicator. Are you counting me too? Don't assume that you're always on the right side of things. There are plenty of people who have been here for longer than a few days/weeks who are saying the same thing. Once you wake up and realize all you are your own savior, you will see the entire world differently. Until then, they are happy to continue supplying you with their own saviors to ensure you follow their leads. As long as people feel as though someone is fighting for them, they're complacent. Talking on a forum to a hundred other like-minded people isn't enough. There needs to be a full on revolution.

Imagine a room full of braindead zombies. If you feed them and keep them contained, you essentially have them under control. You get into trouble when they realize there's so much more to be had on the other side of the glass. Everyone here is being fed and controlled and most don't see beyond that, including you.

TrishaUK ago

Thanks for your 'advice' mr/mrs 5 day old voat member! lol You may not be aware, but we are wise when it comes to focus. Our ONE MAIN goal is to see these SICKOS PEDOS, who hurt, abuse and kill children are put behind bars, and if possible, put on death row.

Madwack ago


migratorypatterns ago

Thanks, Derram.