migratorypatterns ago

Oh, they're really pushing this hard.

Earthshaking Prediction of Incredible Accuracy: It won't work. Killary's cankles will give her away, and The Cannibal Queen will forever be known as SKANKLES.

momadona ago

Oh dear gods, the use of the terms, " HRC" combined with "sex tapes" makes my stomach churn.

migratorypatterns ago

Ha! I hear you. I feel the same way.

But I will watch it and share it so others can gag and probably throw up. If it's what it takes to get some to rid themselves of that creature having any scruples or high-minded purpose in life, I will do what's necessary to rub it in her followers faces ... and doesn't that bring up a lot of unpleasant imagery!

Projectile vomit be damned! This is about


dundundunnnnn ago

God is good and I will be patient.

Crisis_Actors_Matter ago

The #s I have been hearing bantered around are 7 or 8. I assume the or to mean something like if necessary. Maybe one or 2 are just totally unfit to reflect light into the human eye. But Q has indicated the first one to watch for will be the tarmac vid with Hilary on Skype offering Lynch the Supreme Court seat after they 187 Scalia if she is somehow fortunate enough to slip through her debacle of the week. Looks like bribery and murder come first to ease the public into a mindset capable of digesting some of her less seemly escapades in installments to come.

migratorypatterns ago


I guess the plan is to just keep dropping videos until her followers are sufficiently red-pilled to wake the hell up.

Thanks. This sounds about right. There's no way this is not going to happen. And think about it. The midterm elections are coming up. These have to be timed to our advantageous. Then there's all the other arrests going down. The timing has to be right. I was one of the biggest complainers about these sorts of teases, but this is not a tease. That meme I posted shows the original story of a Russian troll faked HRC video was advanced by Newsweek. That's not a small little paper in Podunk. There's no way they'd publish fake news on that subject without a reason to publish it.

Crisis_Actors_Matter ago

Not only Newsweek. Don't forget our favorite Mexican drug lord, Carlos Slim and the NYT. This was just a week ago: https://www.nytimes.com/2018/03/04/technology/fake-videos-deepfakes.html. Definitely the Clinton M.O. is rearing it's ugly head. That means it's coming.

migratorypatterns ago

Not forgetting. Just stating that Newsweek was where I first saw this narrative emerge -- for no reason. There was no talk about it so why the need to invent an elaborate cover story?

Crisis_Actors_Matter ago

Yes, no reason. The Clinton M.O. is all over it. It's odd how things just automatically translate when your eyes are open: "oh the Clintons again."

migratorypatterns ago


It's like those strange suicides. When you're awake, you read the account and immediately think, "Ah, another Arkancide. Let's put this on the list."

Phenomenonanon ago

The gatekeeper is probably kissinger

migratorypatterns ago


This_Ruined_Pizza ago

Been away for a few months. Glad to see nothing has changed.

I'll return in another few months to see another BOMBSHELL about to explode, I'm sure. Clinton's, Podesta's, Alefantis will all be exposed and headed to prison in a matter of days... 3 months from now.

Don't you guys get sick of these shills trolling you?

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

I don't think of migratorypatterns as a shill, just an overly hopeful soul. But yes it is tiring.

migratorypatterns ago

Personally, I love the pushback. It tells me I'm onto something.

They're so used to be bullies, they think this is going to work. No. It only alerts us to the importance of the story.

This_Ruined_Pizza ago

If thinking you're a FOS alarmist is pushback... Guilty.

If you're onto something, I'd welcome it. But you're not and time will prove youre a liar and those who believe you will be made to look like fools

You're not the first I've seen over the last year, make an ass of themselves. I imagine you won't be the last. But her, I've been wrong before.

migratorypatterns ago

Yeah, and all the talk about the Podesta's was alarmist shit, too. Oh, but wait!



tech-adm ago

They should put it out or it never happened - enough with the endless teasing, hints and "portents of the future" that never materialize.

migratorypatterns ago

I agree with you, but not in this case.

If there are several tapes ... or at least two ... it's appropriate to let her and her minions ... and handlers ... sweat.

wincraft71 ago

Why are many of your posts sensationalist, light on evidence, and full of multiple exclamation marks? Heresay on twitter isn't really proof of anything, and you haven't been this excited since the Podestas were "in custody".



ESOTERICshade ago

Why are many of your posts sensationalist, light on evidence, and full of multiple exclamation marks?

Thank you for having a brain.

haghammadi ago

I agree. sensationalist posts that say very little. doesn't seem like stuff a genuine person would post. seems like it is trying to distract with strong emotional appeals/to use emotional sensationalism to force us in an ultimately futile direction.

the mere fact that so many posters are giving credence to an anon on 4chan from whom nothing tangible has materialized...tells you all you need to know.

ESOTERICshade ago

I agree. sensationalist posts that say very little. doesn't seem like stuff a genuine person >would post. seems like it is trying to distract with strong emotional appeals/to use emotional >sensationalism to force us in an ultimately futile direction.

the mere fact that so many posters are giving credence to an anon on 4chan from whom >nothing tangible has materialized...tells you all you need to know.

Thank you for having a real brain. These Q people are just totally making up shit every day. None of it is real.

migratorypatterns ago

Your point being? Oh, that's right. You don't need a point.

Newsweek was the faux news outlet that advanced the Russian trolls produced the HRC sex tape narrative. Why would they do that? Maybe they're sensationalists too?


And thanks for following my posts. It's appreciated.

wincraft71 ago

My point being you seem to be hyping us up on things that are misleading and false (the "PODESTAS IN CUSTODY" thread) and hearsay like this thread (some guy said on twitter).

migratorypatterns ago

It wasn't "some guy". He has a name. I often pass things along that "other guys" say because it's important to keep on top of things. This is also attached to what "some guy" using the handle Q has posted and so it has validity because a lot of people believe him.

Dang! I just saw another post from "some guy" alleging something happened. There was no news about it soooo should I post it or should I not? It's a well-known pizzagater. Hmmmmm ....

haghammadi ago

"it has validity because a lot of people believe in him" lmfao since when does that indicate validity? for anything?

migratorypatterns ago

It's what gets people elected.

Debunk that.

Tallest_Skil ago

Why are many of your posts sensationalist, light on evidence, and full of multiple exclamation marks?

It’s how Q-LARP’s paid shills operate.

ESOTERICshade ago

It’s how Q-LARP’s paid shills operate.

The Q Larpers will make this sub unreadable after a while. Its gonna pollute this place and its gonna get worse before it gets better.

wincraft71 ago

It seems like he's ragging us around and GETTING US REALLY HYPED UP!!!!!! But most of the hype recently has again and again lead to disappointment so we must be skeptical

Gilderoy ago

I think there may be 5 Clinton videos because Q said: "raw vid 5:5"

Is the stage set for a drop of HRC +++ + +++++(raw vid 5:5)

migratorypatterns ago

I thought it referred to the time ... either the place in the video she comes in ... or the length of the video five minutes and five seconds.

Tallest_Skil ago

For fuck’s sake, you stupid fucking LARPers.

ESOTERICshade ago

For fuck’s sake, you stupid fucking LARPers.

The Q people are just totally making up their own stories out of thin air and they are polluting the truth movement. I have tried to tell them to stop this shit but you can't make sense to these people. Smoking Hopium is a strong drug.

generationnoah ago

So this is 6 months past when Q & Co was 100% on that Podesta was going to jail?

migratorypatterns ago

Q has been wrong. No one should argue that. It's when I fell off the Q train.

I don't know why he has, but he has. It could have to do with legal maneuvering. He said no deals, but maybe people are talking. Or, more likely, one things timing is dependent on another. Think of herding cats. Just when you think you've got them together, they go in different directions. It could also be plain ole gamesmanship. Throwing them off guard.

haghammadi ago

these are literally the mental gymnastics a cult member goes through to justify the cult leader's failures.

"so the Pleaidians didn't return THIS YEAR to whisk us off to the fifth dimension but Pastor Zorgle isn't a liar, it's just that the Pleaidians decided to wait another three months to gather more followers" you can swap key buzzwords for the cult of choice but it's all the same.

you're not willfully this ignorant. I hope more people here see this for what it is.

migratorypatterns ago


Uhm ... yeah ... okay ....

Astrotheologist ago

theres probably 10 full seasons of Bill and Hillary videos... New netfilx series? oh god

migratorypatterns ago

UpVoat for making me laugh!

And that's on Orgy Island alone ... Epstein has videos of that pair for days .. weeks ... years ...

DerivaUK ago

“I'm literally going to be running to the computer each morning and check for cankles”. This = Big Smile

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

C'mon you guys. This is another blatant lie. Nobody is releasing any video.

migratorypatterns ago

The details are filling in, but I get what you're saying.

I am convinced there is not only a video, but videos. Why? Because, previously, when there was a lot of talk and smoke, there was no confirmation. Take the story about Tony Pedosta's plane being turned around. To me, it's just a story that went viral. So that's talk and smoke, and something we want to true, but that's it. But Killary?

This is entirely different. The fake news has responded. They've been pushing the angle that fake videos are easy make. With the new technology,you could slap anybody's face on a double. Then there's the story floated about Russia manufacturing a fake sex tape ostensibly showing her with a man and a woman. Then you have the post where a handler is confirming there is a sex tape with Bill and Hillary shagging the same woman.

I'm convinced there's not one, but at least two.

GeorgeT ago

Epstein and JA are part of the operation. I am sure there are tapes on Dennis Hasterd, Skippy and the rest.

migratorypatterns ago

No doubt. Skippy has to have been videotaped many times.

janet58 ago

So drop it already!!!

migratorypatterns ago

Well, evidently, they're timing this. It makes sense. This need to be dropped at the right time.

Ms. Cannibal Queen was heading to NZ next month. The fake news alleged it was to start drumming up support for a 2020 run.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

They're not timing anything. There's literally nothing coming. Again. For the fiftieth time.

Lag-wagon ago

Don't cry... It hasn't been released yet. So, it may not be real.

migratorypatterns ago

Yes, it is real.

Just wrote a big long reply to BLOODandHONOUR explaining why.

Lag-wagon ago

Why do you think we are flooded with deepfakes all of a sudden?

migratorypatterns ago

It's another signal we've hit paydirt.

These Soros-paid hyenas only come out when there's something to hide. They're a distraction.

It's another reason I'm confident this is genuine. The thing is, it doesn't matter how disruptive they are, this is going down. Their Cannibal Queen will be exposed.

Dickface808 ago

You make a fine point.

Blacksmith21 ago

From @bchapman151 - Anon found that the key drops from JA have a "5774" in the header. The key may be one of the videos: https://twitter.com/bchapman151/status/972494033779085312


migratorypatterns ago

Thanks for this! Will be on the lookout for it.

Have a feeling that once this drops, it's gonna spread like wildfire. And love the part about the escape route being blocked. That is not random. I feel good about this being a certainty.

Womb_Raider ago

inb4 Deep Fakes excuse

I told you autists that you're developing an alibi for them.

Dickface808 ago

What do you mean?

ponyfriend ago

I replied to one of your comments above what deepfakes is, basically an open source (or otherwise free, not sure honestly) software suite that allows anyone with a decent PC to do face-swapping CGI that looks very convincing. it has been a problem for celeb PR people as the whole "deepfakes" thing is almost always used to make porn, but the technology isn't new. just the fact that it got released to tens of thousands of people in the past few months is new.

Hortance ago

But then again, why would the sex video be on Carlos Danger's laptop? NYPD cops would be able to confirm it was Hilz and Huma while it was in cold storage.


It’s gonna wipe me out, you mean like with a cloth?

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

Maybe with a pizza related map.

migratorypatterns ago

Perhaps ...

It's gonna be good.

GeorgeT ago

I actually heard that in one video Huma and Killary are engaged in a sexual torture of a minor. It's all on Weiner's laptop.

migratorypatterns ago

I hadn't heard that one.

That'll be painful to watch. I've seen some of this child torture that mercenaries are using to blackmail parents into sending money. Some of them are posted on twitter and I'm sure not the worst. There was one where this naked little boy was put in a sink with the water running. A big monster kept hitting his legs and making him fall down. It was excruciating to watch. I can't imagine the fiends that would do this. My philosophy?

Not for all the money in the world.

janet58 ago

There will be blood in the streets if those are released. Maybe that's what it will take to rid the earth of this scourge.

migratorypatterns ago

No, there will not be blood in the streets.

It's a lie concocted to keep secrets buried. Nobody needs that whore in politics. We never needed her. Democracy never needed her. There will be no damage other than broken dreams, but there'll be a nice lesson.

Don't Vote for a Whore

WhatevsFloatsYerGoat ago

Something tells me the name Vince Foster is about to reappear in the news.

GeorgeT ago

And perhaps Monica Petersen...

WhatevsFloatsYerGoat ago


migratorypatterns ago

Oh, that would be splendid! If she had a hand in that, she deserves time in Gitmo.

Then there's Seth Rich. I'm sure if JA has anything, it's gonna be dropped in a coordinated effort to bring the mutha down.

Blacksmith21 ago

Awaiting the video. Been down this road before. From our mouths to God's ears that it is something which removes any doubt of the evil and corruption of HRC. Fingers and toes crossed.

migratorypatterns ago

This has all those intangible and tangible telltale clues that this is one hundred percent true. I'm even jumping aboard the Q being real train.

Blacksmith21 ago

And what clues are you seeing?

migratorypatterns ago

Wrote a big long reply to BLOODANDHONOUR. Here it is in part:

I am convinced there is not only a video, but videos. Why? Because, previously, when there was a lot of talk and smoke, there was no confirmation. Take the story about Tony Pedosta's plane being turned around. To me, it's just a story that went viral. So that's talk and smoke, and something we want to true, but that's it. But Killary?

This is entirely different. The fake news has responded. They've been pushing the angle that fake videos are easy make. With the new technology,you could slap anybody's face on a double. Then there's the story floated about Russia manufacturing a fake sex tape ostensibly showing her with a man and a woman. Then you have the post where a handler is confirming there is a sex tape with Bill and Hillary shagging the same woman.

I'm convinced there's not one, but at least two.

That's my reasoning. There are multiple sources and pushback from major fake news outlets even before anything happened. And again, the first big pushback came regarding the Russians faking a sex tape. Next, was the software push.

Dickface808 ago

The only thing really that has given me hope is the fact those news stories about video manipulation dropped. Curious timing seeing that was already news about 2 years ago, so why would they spread it now?

GeorgeT ago

Could this be part of the truther purge? To limit the exposure?

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

^^THIS! @Dickface808 I literally said this same thing to someone 2 days ago. Seriously. Telling.

ponyfriend ago

yea the whole "deep fakes" thing going on in the porn world right now, peoples home PC's can take an actress and put their head on another video's person (in this case pornography) and for whatever reason this software went open source or something, now anyone can download it and with a decent computer you can make very convincing footage. but you're right this tech isn't that new as much as it got released to the public and flooded the celebrity porn lookalike market with CGI versions of the real celebrities. it doesn't look like CGI as much as there can be some glitches if the person turns to fast, etc. filming carefully and having more time, its possible a video could be flawless.

Crisis_Actors_Matter ago

It alwaysleaves artifacts. It can fool the eye, but not the computer.

Vindicator ago

for whatever reason

LOL. I think we know the reason.

lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

death to pedos

migratorypatterns ago


lordbeatlejuicethe1 ago

gas the (((liberals)))

Podge512 ago

Sing Hosanna!

derram ago

https://archive.fo/Yj3pg :

Brenden Dilley on Twitter: "Apparently this HRC Video is lit! #QAnon #TheStorm #ObamaGate #DrainTheSwamp… "

https://archive.fo/Yj3pg :

Brenden Dilley on Twitter: "Apparently this HRC Video is lit! #QAnon #TheStorm #ObamaGate #DrainTheSwamp… "

This has been an automated message.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks, derram!

Kristina_Gilliam ago

Here's how I would distribute a Hillary video. Name it "Trump-Stormy-Video" and put a password on it like Assange did with Vault 7 and tell all of the Twitter zombies that the password will be leaked soon. Get somebody that has some left-wing street cred like Glenn Greenwald to post it on his Twitter. Grab the popcorn.

pby1000 ago

Devious. Very, very devious. Only a woman could think of something like that. Well done!!

GeorgeT ago

...and black out the face(s) of the minors....

Vindicator ago

Nice 😎

racmo ago

i daresay that might be the ticket!

YogSoggoth ago

Good idea. My thoughts were to gather the emails of every law enforcement authority in the entire world and send it to them. Why not both, all at once.

GhostOfSwartz ago

Lol. I like the way you think!

migratorypatterns ago


That certainly would get the people we want red-pilled. They'd be expecting one thing, and get cankles shoved up their wahoos!

Yup, I'm liking this.