Matt_Helm ago

Okay if NYPD had videos of Hillary torturing and killing kids surely they would have leaked this video before the election to destroy Hillary and give Trump the biggest landslide in history. I can't believe all the NY Cops are such Cowards that they would keep this video locked up. Not possible. I think the whole story of the cops being so horrified they wept and puked is an urban legend. There would have been at least one courageous infuriated cop who would have leaked this video in 2016

migratorypatterns ago

They didn't do anything about Weinstein.

telleveryoneyouknow ago

It’s so interesting that the big data mining whores haven’t realized that their censorship only fuels our fires.

It also, sometimes, pushes us to research into something with even more confidence that we’re on the right track.

migratorypatterns ago


It's tantamount to Luciferian Anderson Cooper whining about being called out. What followed was an avalanche of unwelcomed investigation into his very sordid background.

GeorgeT ago

They still don't get the Streisand effect. Psychopaths don't get anything.

migratorypatterns ago

They can only project.

mtlmjk ago

Remember prior to the election when Weiner was arrested, there were people high up in the NYPD that stated if nothing was done about the info on the laptop, thay they would send the contents to Wikileaks. I hope they did send it! I followed that intel and have it archived somewhere. Will dig up and post a link.

GreenDell144 ago

I’ve been anxiously waiting for us to come back to that. That’s the spot where the plot gets hot.

migratorypatterns ago

Yes, I do remember that. Again, the sources for those statements were kept anonymous so I wasn't quite sure what to believe. But you are correct. Someone could have easily copied it and sent it along.

I hope so and I'd love to see what you have.


migratorypatterns ago

Ah, these handlers.

They're good at doing their job, but BOOM there it is.

Thanks. UpVoatie for you.

migratorypatterns ago

Another dog and pony show and doesn't the fake news love it.

DerivaUK ago

I immediately followed Jessie once I read your post. I have a feeling many others may have done the same, which also may have contributed to the closedown of her reports. Things that make ya go hmmm!

migratorypatterns ago

It very could well be that she was flying under the radar and that the post, and the resultant increase, put her on the radar.

Or it could be that Jack and his minions actually keep their eye on what's going on in the pizzagate world. Could be a staffer read the post and alerted him.

In any event, s/he can make a new fake account and continue to tweet info. Although I do have to say I like @blacksmith21 's theory that the fan account was a burner account. With the mission accomplished and the account suspended, she moved on to a new one.

DerivaUK ago

Mission accomplished indeed!

Blacksmith21 ago

Intelligence flows both ways. They (DS) knows a lot of whatnis about to hit. T is an integral part of the master plan. Its why POTUS taunts JD.

migratorypatterns ago

As our POTUS said: "The stage is set."

That's a hint for us. Once a stage is set, the show goes on as does the drama.

Keep your popcorn handy because this is going to be spectacular.

Blacksmith21 ago

Big news hits on Friday afternoons nowadays....hoping for something juicy soon....

migratorypatterns ago

Fridays, eh?

Will keep my eye out for shackled cankles being led away.

Blacksmith21 ago

I wouldn't be quite so hopeful. (Tech upgrade complete)

migratorypatterns ago

Okay. I'll ratchet it down until it happens.

Blacksmith21 ago

I have a very fine, well-kept bottle of champagne for the day she is indicted.

o0shad0o ago

Why? Because the account of jessieKUSA has been SUSPENDED. There were no outrageous messages ... no hate speech ... just posts about criminal cases involving children ... except for the HRC VIDEO tweet!!!

Obviously a Russian bot. You know, the Russian bots lie by telling the truth, right? Don't tell me that doesn't make sense, it makes perfect sense!!!!11!!!!

TrishaUK ago

Seems it is NOT the pizzagate video on HRC anyway........this video gives a good suggestion/explanation that "Q" is referring to the tarmac meeting tape. Q Anon Update - The Hillary Video -

duhiki ago

I heard tell of a video recorded by Huma for Saudi Arabia, in which Hillary lists various people willing to sell out America to the Saudis.

TrishaUK ago

This would also make sense. All the videos being suggested are probably on that laptop. At the end of the day HRottonC has has decades to have a library full of corruption on video. Hang on........has anyone checked Billys Library, it was custom made, bet it has a secret vault full of his 'entertainment' videos! Heard he spends time there.

DerivaUK ago

Ive just posted this where Max Clifford claims to have a sex video of Killary and Bill and another woman

EvaEverywhere ago

Why would we care? That's like when people gossip about Trump having consensual sex, it hurts two years of them noting he is a consent violator. I don't see how that would help the cause other than being a limited hangout that causes the masses to decry Trump supporters as petty.

Shizy ago

Any chance the other woman is pouty horseface huma???

migratorypatterns ago

Ive just posted this where Max Clifford claims to have a sex video of Killary and Bill and another woman

That's for including the info in here, but that deserves its own post.

TrishaUK ago

Excellent! This obviously is great news! Thanks for that. Btw who on earth is downvoting these GREAT comments and links? someone not liking this news hilarious the trolls have been downgraded to looking for posts to downvote........that person will not enjoy the **'show' BUT WE WILL! **

migratorypatterns ago

Yes, I read that theory of what it's about. I don't think that would do the damage a sex tape would.

Oh, I just remembered the other reason. I doubt I saved the link, but one of the fake news outlets started this ball rolling by saying that Russia produced a fake sex tape targeting Killary. They said Putin had paid for a body double (there are TWO WOMEN that look like that?!!!) and that they were going to release it. Now it didn't say the sex was with children. I got the impression they were hinting at a three-way or something shocking.

That's where I got the impression the tape was sexual in nature. I mean, why did they bother to advance a sex tape was faked?

That article spawned this whole barrage of how video can now easily be altered by putting someone's face on it. But the original story was about a double.

darkknight111 ago

I'd be inclined to agree with Trisha on this one, though your logic is sound as to why a sex tape.

Reasoning: while the tape would directly prove pizzagate, a sex tape tends to only directly implicate a few people.

Something like a conference call on The Tarmac regarding plotted corruption and talking about Arkancide would directly implicate a larger amount of people. While such a scandal would cause a massive blow to the democratic party, the real irreversable fatal blow would be the "red pill domino effect"

By that, I mean once people start seeing this, people will start to believe the other "conspiracy theories" about the democratic party.....including pizzagate. This would create a chain reaction that as Q says "the final nail in the coffin for the democratic party".

migratorypatterns ago

It's a good point.

But it would have to be something like an Arkancide. If it were just selling arms, there's so much wiggle room. It could be why the stories are emerging that old voice clips could be used and spliced. But there's always a problem with too much splicing. You put words together that weren't spoken in one breath and the emphasis is wrong. I'm sure an audio wizard could fix it but it's dicey.

My view that I'll take anything that will: (1) Show her to be what she really is; and (2) Get her locked up. Locked up for treason and murder would be the icing on the cake.

fusir ago

Pretend to have the Donald Trump urination video?

migratorypatterns ago

And see if they suspend that account?

Hell, they'd give it a blue verification!

Blacksmith21 ago

Looks like it was a semi-burner T acct. She got the message out and found out T is watching for any mention of the video to censor. Two birds one stone. Fall back to regular T account.

Also worth noting that she is the US Attorney for DC (field office)

septimasexta ago

Been reading Q-commentor's version of video and release. Some claim alleged sex video is so horrific it would traumatize viewers and it would be illegal to publicly release (CP). There are claims that Weiner "insurance" file also contained damning video of Clinton/Lynch tarmac meeting (with Hillary Skyping in). I believe the pilot of that event was murdered. Allegedly, there was mention that Lynch was offered Supreme Court position for protecting Hillary. This was before Scalia "died". Indicate govt. has positive proof of events. No "faked" video. Claim this evidence will destroy Clinton cabal for good.

"They unleashed this tech because of weiners laptop "insurance files" the video is reportedly of killery cutting a kids face off and raping them alone while wearing the skin of the child. Sounds crazy and not sure but the NYCPD had stated if this doesn't come out they will release it themselves. This video reportedly made officers weep, hurl, and need counseling. It was talked about a year or so ago through a Nypd source investigator on the Alex Jones show. This tech was released to discredit the hill vid when it surfaced. Hopefully they keep thier word and release this. They are infuriated. This is crazy guys. Q says those who know cannot sleep."

"Possibility they are going to drop tarmac video that Bill and lynch Video conferences with HRC. Discussing replacing AS with LL. And AS was very much alive at the time. Expand your thinking."

"Amelia Samu 1 hour ago Babylon falling Hillary loves her snuff films. This could never reach MSM, though. The only place it could be viewed is in a courtroom."

"Michele Moneywell 1 hour ago Probably more than one video. The tarmac one can be released. The Satanic Ritual Abuse one made the tough NYPD cops hurl, it was so bad. A SRA survivor said she was forced to watch these types of SRA, and they included eating the heart as the child died, and drinking the blood. The child is terrorized first. The blood is then rich with a certain hormone ( ? ) released when in such a state (fear, terror, pain, panic). Oh, adrenaline. Drinking such blood keeps the sicko young and pleases Satan. Adrenochrome or something like that is what the blood is called. It's beyond imagination that people can be so sick. Maybe demon possessed. Possibly no longer fully human."

"Amelia Samu 35 minutes ago BornA HawkEye If it was skyped, it could have been lifted. You know the military was pissed off enough to have eyes on these guys for years. I wasn't trying to rag on ya. Just saying the world that still follows MSM couldn't handle the truth- and HRC is already covering her butt in the media talking about how the Russians doctored a video."

"They do have that technology but what you're talking about putting faces on bodies that is Hillary's way of saying what she did wasn't in that video but the video was seen by the police directly off of humas computer so that WAS her face"

"Attention Patriots. Q says WE must organize. OUR voice they hear. Remember when #releasethememo went viral/trending? what happened? They heard OUR voice and responded. So I call on you now to get #RELEASETHEVIDEO trending by any and all means necessary. When we do the video will be released. Then we move on to the next. Spread the word far and wide!! Copy and paste this message EVERYWHERE and tell EVERYONE!! GOD BLESS "10-19-4"

letsdothis1 ago

Some claim alleged sex video is so horrific it would traumatize viewers and it would be illegal to publicly release (CP)

At this point, I don't believe it. All the tweeting and the discussions on the internet but nothing has dropped yet. Think about it, if you thought that there was a tape of you somewhere committing heinous crimes and it was an open secret on the internet, wouldn't you get on the next private jet and disappear to some South American country?

Blacksmith21 ago

Excellent thoughts. I agree that the alleged SRA videos would likely traumatize a large chunk of the country. I have also seen the theory about the tarmac meeting. Q's reference to a video format from a screen scraping program may strongly indicate the tarmac meeting. Imagine what was said during that phone call.

Cc1914 ago

I wonder what would happen if we all tweeted about this ? Would they ban all of us ? 🤔

Shizy ago

Whenever I hear of someone being banned on twitter, I always retweet whatever they said.

Dismal_Swamp ago

This makes the most sense. Who would make a fan page for a person that 99% of the Country doesn't even know. Plausible deniability but it still let's everyone know where the message is coming from. You know you're over the target when you start catching flack. The only problem I see is it makes it easy for twitter to delete it. If people ask why they deleted it they can just say that they were getting rid of a fake account that didn't belong to that specific person. But the message is out there and recorded for posterity.

Blacksmith21 ago


Dismal_Swamp ago

According to the United States Census Bureaus most recent pop. estimate that would be 119,192 and a half people that know who she is. 0.03642% s/

Blacksmith21 ago

Nice math. i thīnk maybe 99.9963254

migratorypatterns ago

Ah, interesting.

Thanks for that. Now I'm really confident.

derram ago :

Bill Chapman -JESUS is THE ANSWER on Twitter: "It had to have touched a nerve for sure. A fan account. The real Jessie Liu account is here @USAO_DC Ms. Liu why would @Twitter suspend your fan account? #FridayFeeling @POTUS…" :

Deplorable Rach on Twitter: "Why has @jessieKUSA account been suspended? @jack please explain as she only tweets about arrests, indictments & actual court cases? @FedupWithSwamp @teenyboxes @MrsPatriot3 @_SSSteiner_ @SusaninARK @kbk3n3 @eriley1970 @MnmsurfinLang Unbelievable!!…"

This has been an automated message.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks, derram!

Syndicalism ago

I wonder what it feels like to have your mechanism for societal control commandeered and turned against you with no reasonable recourse to regain the platform.

So how does that feel, Jack? Are you frightened?

migratorypatterns ago

I wonder what it feels like to have your mechanism for societal control commandeered and turned against you with no reasonable recourse to regain the platform.

Something tells me he's going to soon find out!

This is going to be huge .... HUMONGOUS ...