eucalyptus_spearmint ago

@migrpatterns still think there's a video coming?

scarlettm512 ago

I'm sure that they have something on HRC, but I'm cynical enough to think that the only reason they would release something like this would be to cover up something even worse. This type of video (if it exists) is enough to spark a civil war in this country (at best) or completely demolish our current government at worst. They would likely cover up shit like this at all costs. Just think about the bank bailouts. The "too big to fail" banks were threatening that they would collapse the economy and there would be chaos in the streets if they didn't get their billions in bailouts (which they didn't deserve because they were basically running a con with those mortgages). They did this despite the fact that it was the first time I can remember (and I'm nearly 50) that I have ever seen Republicans and Democrats agree almost unanimously on an issue (I think it was 90% of Americans were against those bailouts). Now, just imagine the embarrassment and scandal playing out in the foreign press if the Clintons are really involved in pedophilia. You think that they wouldn't cover that up at any price?

Plus, I know everyone loves Assange, but his family's connection with that weird Family cult and his dismissal of 9/11 conspiracy theories makes me think that he is most likely involved with the CIA. What he releases is real -- but it is what he doesn't release that would really change the world. If you were the CIA and you wanted to control the information that whistleblowers have, it would make sense to promote someone like Assange as THE go-to guy to leak info to. That way, you know who is sending it and you can take out anyone who might complain that their info wasn't released. I just don't trust the guy. Of course, I don't really trust anyone ... so maybe I'm wrong about him. I just get tired of people promising to release big secrets that turn out to be snooze fests of data dumps.

migratorypatterns ago

Your analysis of Assange sounds a lot like what they did with Feldman. You can't even do a search for Pedowood or Corey Haim without that sack of shit's name coming up. It's the ultimate betrayal that the person who allegedly set Haim up to be raped was Feldman. That according to a director and two eyewitnesses to a fight between Haim and Feldman where Haim alleged just that before slamming his buddy-buddy up against a wall.

Since I am unabashedly an Assangist, I'm don't know what I think. There's his strange alliance with Pamela Anderson who must be a CIA asset, don't you think? Her close, close, close, creepy-as-hell relationship with Hef would point to that. But she is a honey pot and does have that magnetic X factor that makes men jump off cliffs and go crazy in the brain soooooo it may just be he loves being in her company. but Assange ... Assange. Since he seems to be against everyone, and until he proves unworthy of my admiration, I'm going to continue to support him and back him with the whole of my being. He is the one responsible for leaking the emails that made us aware of The Clintons, and some other notables, weird predilection for pizza. Those emails were what leaked the rumors/debunked conspiracy theory about more going on than mozzarella cheese.

In terms of civilization collapsing because of proof that the rumors are true about HRC and her alleged rapist husband, not going to happen. That's the excuse advanced for keeping things quiet. Yes, there would be an outcry for some, but there should be an outcry. After all, almost half the country would have voted for someone involved in the darkest, most heinous of secrets. If the press handled The Kenyan being American (ha!), and heterosexual (double ha!), and married to a wo-man (triple ha!) who had two children even though s-he has a penis???? (quadruple ha!), I think they could handle the sheeple. Might even dust of twenty-five-year-old David Hogg to do another video in the closet (man, what kind of metaphor is that?)

In terms of your mentioning Assange holding back intel, all people involved in the sinister world of politics do. Andrew Breitbart touched on this subject many times. You see, most people have consciences. Therefore, if you find out something sordid about a key figure ... or a nothing burger ... you hold this pervert's life in your hands. Most people do not take pleasure from doing this. They do not. Then there are the lives of those innocents surrounding this POS. Of course, there's an even greater reason for silence and that summed up in one word quote Arkancide unquote. Most people don't want to die. So to be put on a hit list is not something they'd welcome. This comes into play as it relates to who you give this information to. Take Harvey Weinstein for example. Until pizzagate opened the floodgates for all us nutsos to talk openly about pedophilia and rapists in PedoWood, actors and actresses kept their mouths shut. The ones that did open it were vilified or taken out. Hence, Randy Quaid's use of the term STARWHACKERS. Journalists like Breitbart ran the same risk. Who the hell could he safely pass that info to? Certainly not the police. It seems they were on these biggies' speed dial. So they'd more or less, let a small circle of friends know and keep them apprised. Then, somewhere down the line, when there was an opening, this info might be used to leverage this scumbag to drop out of politics or show biz and never be seen again. In other words, because of the corruption/infiltration of law enforcement and the justice system, it was done undercover. And remember, this is a global conspiracy, so there's no place to hide.

I guess this is a long-winded way of saying that I appreciate your comments and do understand EXACTLY what you're saying. I sorta agree and sorta don't, but really, I don't have enough info to make even an educated guess. So I'll go by faith and who has taken action. Yes, I know the bad guys sometimes put putzes in these roles, but take Feldman ... please ... He's really never said anything. That session with the LAPD where he was supposed to have given all the big names running the pedophile ring, he didn't. He's been using that fantasy as a crutch to limp around and garner praise. Probably even cemented the friendship with Haim and made Haim overlook all the shit he'd done, but it was a lie. I'm using this as an example to prove my point that someone whose heart delivers. Our POTUS (bless his heart) delivered. Breitbart delivered. Assange delivered. And that's how I'm discerning who my heroes are and who is worthy of my faith.

Until something better comes along, that's what I'll use as a divining rod of who to trust and who not to. It goes back to the Bible and you can't do better than relying on scripture, and that's what I'll use until something better comes along.

WhatevsFloatsYerGoat ago

Why would Hillary-porn be found on Weiner’s laptop, of all places? She strikes me as being a bit out of the age range he prefers... it’s about as likely as it having been recorded in the tunnels below comet ping pong (you know, the pizza shop she’s doing human trafficking out of). Let’s get real.

scarlettm512 ago

Well, some of HRC's emails were on his laptop (as they discovered while investigating the whole Clinton e-mail thing). They also found pics of underage girls. If HRC is into young girls, too, there could be photos of that which Weiner and Huma kept as an insurance policy of sorts. It is alleged that the file folder name with these images was actually labeled "Insurance policy".

How much of that is true is anyone's guess. But, I do think that they found something incriminating regarding HRC and have been covering it up for some reason. Of course, it could just be photos of his wife and HRC since there are plenty of rumors that the two of them were involved in an affair.

Voopin__Voopin ago

weiner shagged pink?

as in the musical artist named "Pink"?

migratorypatterns ago

Oh, yeah! Found out on a show with Andrew Breitbart. It was pretty funny the way they gave hints ... lost all respect for her at that point. Can't remember the name of the show ... but Pink was slutshamed.

Voopin__Voopin ago

well i'll be damned.

thank you for the elaboration :)

migratorypatterns ago

You're welcome.

TrishaUK ago

My favourite saying from Q went something like this 'they asked for a deal'.......... 'We said NO' - This little sentence keeps me hoping, when my husband says she/they won't go to jail!

Phenomenonanon ago

Q said something about this the other day. That's likely the reason

migratorypatterns ago

Q is late in this game.

This has been discussed and speculated about for months ... it's why I don't believe him/her. I do enjoy the posts and what he's accomplished, though. It ain't easy to have that many people hanging on your every word.

Gothamgirl ago

You see what they're doing here is showing the sheep the new tech, to get ahead of the real Hillary video. If it drops they will try to blame AI.

saakey ago

They typically can do the AI when it's just a head shot and the person talking strait into the camera, right? I assume with this video there will be different angles and not much talking... just my thoughts on this.

Gothamgirl ago

I hope others think as logical as you.

migratorypatterns ago

But it won't work. They're also laying out the theory that old clippings of recordings can be used. Therefore, if they used voice identification, it would show it was Killary's nasally whine.

It only means that this is going to be spectacular.

Thanks for the heads up, alt-left. Now we'll be sure to be on the lookout for it.

Gothamgirl ago

I really never been excited for something that might make me sick, but here I am praying for it.

migratorypatterns ago

Phrased that just right.

I'll just skip lunch that day and hope it helps the old gag reflex.

Crikes ago

Ah, so this is why all the fake vids all the sudden.

migratorypatterns ago

Suspicious minds think it is.

And the talk of fake videos is really ratcheting up.

ssaa6oo ago

If this were true HC would have been on the run by now.

migratorypatterns ago

Hope she has friends in NZ.

GreenDell144 ago

Either way: expect more wag the dog until/if it comes out. The good guys wanna release it right away. We’re gonna be up to our eyeballs in false flags and fear porn until they do.

migratorypatterns ago


The bulk of the Draining of the Swamp will be the yoeman's work that we hope our POTUS and Sessions are involved in making happen. It's laborious and time-consuming to bring an indictment. But the video, IF there's a video, will tear away the cloak of righteousness that these cabalists wear like nothing else. That's why I'm hoping it's true.

Vindicator ago

She also says:

Many people are in trouble and they know they are. Most know what's coming and they're being monitored. Tony Podesta was turned right around when he thought his passage out of the U.S. was secured.

migratorypatterns ago

Hmmm .... since I don't know if that story is true, it doesn't help in ascertaining what this person knows. For me, it sort of casts doubt on the tape prediction, but then I'm not privy to TP's comings and goings.

Vindicator ago

Yeah...the foiled Podesta escape claim is one of the unverified data points from /qresearch/. I thought it was interesting that this account was making it. Those are bold claims which will completely ruin the account's credibility if proven wrong...much like all the Q Leaks' claims.

It is consistent, however, with what FBIAnon, Steve Piesczenik and True Pundit have said.

migratorypatterns ago

Yes, but as you of all people know, just because someone says it doesn't make it true.

I've been wary of that claim. Doubt the media would cover it and that could be one reason why I'm so leery of the story. I'm remembering back ... oh, right into the good old days of about two years ago when the press was still covering news. I suppose because it wasn't on MSN or CNN I'm suspicious, but then nothing is on those outlets except propaganda. It's one of the ways this cabal keeps you off your balance. You can't rely on what you used to to legitimize what you hear. If I heard a crazy rumor, all I'd do is look at what the media said, but I can't do that anymore.

I guess that means I'm still keeping my fingers crossed and the champagne nearby.

Vindicator ago

It's been more than two years since you could rely on the press to cover the news. I left journalism in the 90's because I couldn't stand the bullshit and the lies.

migratorypatterns ago

True. But there was reporting. Even in California, I've run into articles linking CPS and child trafficking.

Didn't know you were a journalist ... nice.

Matt_Helm ago

I want to believe this but I won't believe it until I see it. I think it's too good to be true now. Too much hype never comes true.

Tzitzimitl ago

an alleged sex video with HRC is about to surface and spew cankles all over our monitors.

well this is fucking horrifying.

birds_sing ago

Will it be a pedo or satanist video. Or could it be a video of her rigging the primaries and screwing over Bernie Sanders?

I want to see the global blackmail ring taken down. But what is there that points to this being a pedo/satanist thing, and not just a rigged primaries and your vote doesn't count thing?

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

This better not be bullshit. Please god please.

GoodGodKirk ago

they're probably going to claim that fakeapp was used to create the video.

you heard it here first.

darkknight111 ago

If this is indeed true, then it's my responsibility to keep my promise when it gets out.

The one about "taking one for the team". The horrors that might be contained are my burden to bear.

Q2anon ago

Good news! There is no tape. You're being manipulated for fun and profit.

Blacksmith21 ago

I know how you feel @darkknight111. I'm so tied to this mess, I'm not sure how I get through each day sometimes. But I do. I'm ready for the fight.

darkknight111 ago

I get through because I'm an anti-nihilist. This pretty much sums it up.

"Tragedy and sadness will never truly disappear. Even so, this is a place worth protecting. I remember that, and I will never, ever forget it. That's why....I keep fighting."

telleveryoneyouknow ago

We have your back mate. Pray.

Doc_Brown_Lives ago

speaking of which - where is cankles these days?

migratorypatterns ago

I understand she's preparing for a trip to New Zealand ... lots of sheep there.

dassaer ago

Don't joke about that stuff man, them sheep(all named Shaun and Jeffery) are only things that NZ hasn't sold to the overseas corporations.... yet

migratorypatterns ago

True enough.


Shizy ago

Lots of elites have been buying compounds and airstrips there in the past few years. Guess they think they will be safe thee... not!!'

dassaer ago

HAHAHA .Come to New Zealand, Where everybody knows your name ....

Lag-wagon ago

So... Uh... Deepfake?

migratorypatterns ago


It seems so.

ESOTERICshade ago

May as well make this announcement now. We are getting ready to enter the zone of "fake video proof of pedophelia." The proof will be real. It will be real pedos. But, it will be called "fake news."

It will be used as an excuse to shut down the internet free speech. You heard it here first.

Userly ago

Would explain the “deep fake” main stream news, that was pushed like no other. They could now get away even with video ”evidence “. Explanation of deep fake:

need2tlkaboutsayanim ago

This^. The groundwork has been laid... If the video exists, this is absolutely how it will be played publicly

septimasexta ago

They might release it to Congress, like the FISA memo. If they didn't act, it could go mainstream. Just a thought.

RedPillEh ago

as if the lamestream media still controls the narrative

dontmindthemess ago

Time stamp that shit. Run it through filters that show it’s not tampered with. Blot out the victim and show her face. Let the suicide weekend begin. And do the same with Bill. I’m sure they have him on film saying “I’m going to fuck up this kid” and run his ass the flagpole too. I’m sure they have something on the Bushes, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and everyone else. Black out the victims and ruin these animals. Better yet, have the living victims narrate the blackmail films and let them pull the lever to the electric chair or noose. We all know the movies exist, let the executions begin.

Kristina_Gilliam ago

Obama's phony BC was debunked by countless experts and a large chunk of the Adobe Photoshop forums on the internet but the media simply declared anyone that thought it was forged as a conspiracy theorist and it was swept under the rug.

lipids ago

phony bc?

pizzawithgreenchile ago

BC = birth certificate

Mad_As_Hell ago

So true, and most normies who actually heard about it wrote it off because of the messenger i.e. Arpaio. I fear it'll be exactly the same with "Russian" Wikileaks and "Cheeto Hitler"

Vindicator ago

That would be glorious

TrishaUK ago

I don't even want to see the video, hearing it is genuinely these sick people will be good enough for me. Sadly I doubt there will be any victims to narrate, when you are that high up the chain of command you go the whole hog. (according to the Dutch bankers video). This is what would make the video the ultimate one, ending a life on video.

Madwack ago

I need to see it just to finally put my mind at rest :)

All this stuff has freaked me out.

Blacksmith21 ago

This ^^^

dontmindthemess ago

You got the whole hog part spot on. If she’s executing a child on tape, that would be a hard one to spin.

gaystapo ago

How do you think it'll get distributed? It's illegal so who will have the courage to host it?

Kristina_Gilliam ago

As somebody else mentioned, maybe everybody has it the encrypted insurance files.

wtf_is_happening ago


migratorypatterns ago

That's a good question, but I don't know why it would be illegal to show. If she were in a compromising position with a minor, she'd be the one subject to arrest.

It would only be illegal if someone hacked into the computer since in possession of the police, no? Other than that, it was a personal computer.

gaystapo ago

It's illegal to possess and distribute. Even emailing links to the FBI is risky as the honeybee documented in one of her earlier pizzagate videos. Anyone that shares the video is at risk of being charged with possession of CP. I just can't imagine how that ball will start rolling?

migratorypatterns ago

Like I said, they'd have to blot out that child ... only show parts where she's talking to the minor.

There was a discussion about it this morning with a SRA survivor. She's an adult now so she fully gives her permission if it is her featured. Damn, what is her name! Don't remember, but my opinion is that the child would be blotted out.

Blacksmith21 ago

Oh please God no. Not an HRC + HA home vid. Time to bleach my mind's eye.

migratorypatterns ago

I know.

And to think that Weiner got off on it. It's too horrible to contemplate. Why should we be punished?

Madwack ago

th another woman ... reptilian ... creature ... and it was his c

That was good :)

migratorypatterns ago


She makes me grasp for words.

gaystapo ago

Yeah, that's true. I think people need to see this shit. Just a few videos of various idols the sheep worship to accelerate mass awakening. I saw that discussion on Twitter with the sra survivor. Not sure if it was the same chick.

migratorypatterns ago


It would have to be something like this. Someone discussed her being videotaped bribing someone ... or being bribed. If it lands the bitch in jail .... fine. But if it is a sex tape? It would destroy that facade she's carefully built over the years.

dassaer ago

Buy if it is a sex tape, it Might open up a whole new revenue stream for her in prison . RETRIBUTION PORN !!!

migratorypatterns ago

Think we got something there!

It'l be something to keep politicians on their toes and out of dens of iniquity.

doolord ago

Then he better drop that shit before they drop him. I'm so sick of waiting.

migratorypatterns ago

I hear you and I'm right with you on that one.

There are all kinds of negotiations going on behind the schemes. He probably heard the words he wanted to hear.


septimasexta ago

This could be true. Assange is credited with never releasing fake dumps. The Clintons and Podesta NEVER DENIED the emails weren't theirs. If something this explosive is released, Wikileaks might be the only credible source the public would trust. There is a problem though. Wouldn't this video (if real) be CP? How could it be legally viewed by the public? Perhaps it will be released directly to Congress as evidence?

migratorypatterns ago

Well, the child would have to be blotted out .. No doubt. Certain parts censored. It would be more dramatic like that. To have her talking to the child (THIS IS ALLEGEDLY -- THERE IS NO EVIDENCE THIS EXISTS EXCEPT IN A UNCONFIRMED TWEET) and then turning it into something sick ... yeah, it would seem way more genuine and authentic. I would cry if I saw something like that.

RoundWheel ago

Many of the emails were cryptographically signed and have been verified. She can't deny a big chunk of them.

bopper ago

Assange is one of many that possess this tape of Hillary. Not sure how it will be dropped but Qanon says that it will be irrefutable.

"We have it all."

Vindicator ago

"right" are big sinners, looks like those on the "left" are bigger sinners

If there were righteous men and women in Congress, it wouldn't have gotten this bad. They would have stopped it. Counting who the bigger sinners are is like arguing over how many angels fit on the head of pin. The answer to that theological morsel is: "All of them" (being incorporeal, LOL).

SkinnyManAss ago

The Bible says for none is righteous. No, not one. Can I get an Amen?

Vindicator ago

Indeed. "Why do you call me good? No one but God is good."

SebuttYopick ago ? users got shadowbanned for posting on reddit

bopper ago

There are degrees of sin and therefore punishment, so the contention is not in vain. Murder is more heinous than embezzlement. But ultimately yes, all sin is damning.

If there were righteous men and women in Congress, it wouldn't have gotten this bad. They would have stopped it.

So true, that's why it stinks to high heaven. The leaven has totally corrupted the lot of them.

"The righteous perisheth, and no man layeth it to heart."

"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn."

So many other scriptures along this line.

Are_we__sure ago

you're very gullible.

and the NYPD never had Weiner's laptop.

One of the folks who pushed that hoax might be facing jail time for something else.

Earthbalance2 ago

I was outside killary's campaign HQ when NYPD showed and setup a cordoned area and a bunch of them were standing in it like they were protesting. Then some white shirt lieutenants showed up and the apparent protest was shut down. Then I found out a day or two later about the Weiner laptop allegations. My belief is NYPD did have information bad enough for uniformed officers to be ready to protest a Presidential candidate. Next week I saw Huma walking into the building crying... You seem like a shill, and I don't say that often.

darkknight111 ago

Thats because he is a shill. The head shill around here. He's also given death threats to PGers.

Are_we__sure ago

This is a bunch of nonsense unrelated to Weiner's laptop.

Your belief about the NYPD is bonkers.

Earthbalance2 ago

My belief is based on actually being there and seeing that. You still seem like a shill though.

Are_we__sure ago

My belief is based on actually being there and seeing that.

Actually, your believe is based on the hoax story that criminal video of Clinton existed on Weiner's laptop. You then applied this belief to what you saw.

The story was a hoax because it claimed NYPD had the laptop before the FBI away. That is false.

Earthbalance2 ago

Feel free to believe what you like but I was there and you weren't. LOL. Repeating yourself isn't going to convince me...

Shizy ago


atimeandplace ago

I notice your returned presence since the talk of HRC's video surfaced. Definitely means it's legit.

Dickface808 ago

Are_we__sure just yesterday told me that they think the Luzatto blog is innocent and we're insane for thinking otherwise. I think we just might have something here.

derram ago :

✨Qristi✨ 🗣NO SLEEP_TILL GTMO ✊ on Twitter: "Nominated by @realdonaldtrump to MAGA. See @USAO_DC for verified tweets from D.C. Office, led by Jessie K Liu. Fan account tracking child trafficking arrests.…" :

Jessie Liu on Twitter: "After Assange publishes the next Wikileaks dump, everyone will wonder what took the FBI a year to act on the files NYPD recovered from Anthony Weiner’s laptop."

This has been an automated message.

migratorypatterns ago

Awesome, derram! Thanks!

pby1000 ago

I believe that Assange has everything.

Doc_Brown_Lives ago

Q says "you have more than you know". I'm betting its embedded in one of the insurance files and we simply need the key.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Oh my goodness yes!!!!!

Tallest_Skil ago

Q is a hoax, so who gives a fuck.

pby1000 ago

I keep seeing posts which claim the solutions to the MAP can be found using linear algebra. I am not sure I want to spend time on it. Things will unfold the way they will either way.

tholinz ago

Which is one reason I don't trust that man. You can claim he's just hanging onto to it in order to keep himself alive, but if he has true, damning evidence of the Clintons being criminals, pedophilia in Washington DC, or any other major issue like that and he's not releasing it, that makes him an incredibly cynical, self serving individual.

Fun_Crusher_XL ago

Can't speak to the issue of trust, but you need to relealize that you're part of the small percentage of people who realize that Clinton and Obama were garbage and their gov't the second-coming-of-Satan.

You're ready for the arrests - shit so am I.

But the other 98% of mouth-breathers think she's the second coming of Christ. If Trump moved to arrest her, he'd be decried as a tyrant. He needs a Pearl Harbor to do this - he needs an event that inflames the public and moves us to all want to string her up.

Hopefully this movie will be that - although you can see the cointel already starting. Even here at voat with it's /v/deapfake community.

Hortance ago

I'm guessing he has held it because he's been coordinating with Trump....Trump dictating releases in exchange for eventual pardon and continued protection. (How cynical is it, really, to hold on to something that may be keeping you alive?)

You want cynical? Try the FBI, who've had this stuff from the start, and NEVER intended to investigate it.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

I agree Hortance. And I believe Trump and Alex Jones and many other have been planning this for years. Pre empted phone tapping and sent them on a wild goose chase. 5D chess more than we can imagine.

tholinz ago

But that strategy would inevitably come with the very real risk that Hillary could be president right now.

Just because Assange has released information in the past that helped Trump’a campaign does not mean he is ideologically or politically aligned with Trump. He’s playing his own game, one that happened to overlap with MAGA interests.

If he’s been sitting on potentially explosive information about American politicians for years, then yes, I wonder about his motives and what he’s out to accomplish. That’s not to diminish what he’s done, or the fact that his life is in danger.

And saying I don’t trust the guy is not saying that I trust the FBI instead. The FBI has clearly shown itself to be compromised.

Hortance ago

I'm just saying what I think is happening now. Assange needs physical protection and wants legal remedy to (the bogus sex-assault charges levied on him in Europe are long debunked) his "process crime" re: an appearance in a London court/warrant.
Remember Assange got the Hillary emails from Seth Rich, but his source for the video was likely either NYPD or someone working with Trump. I think Trump most likely got his hands on the tape as President and got it to Assange in some way and is directing the drop in conjunction with making Assange's problems go away. The Feds/agencies have been using the Assanges and the Snowdens for this kind of stuff for years now.

TrishaUK ago

I think your answer is great. Remember timing is everything, if it is released too soon, while MSM and all the others still have some control people will believe them, they are being discredited daily, their believably is almost totally diminished. The right courts, prisons etc, all have to be ready because they will scatter like rats when this is dropped.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Yes. Hence letting us all mentally prepare people with #releasethememo then #releasethevideo. I think most here are “conspiracy nuts” anyways so although shocking not surprising. The sheep need some subliminal programming to help accept it.

LAquixote13 ago

Scatter like roaches when the light is turned on!

Vindicator ago

I have to agree with this.

Also, Assange has shown stubborn sagacity in how he releases material. He teases it with riddles for weeks. Remember Vault 7 and clues? Or what about the "phases" of the email leaks? He more than most knows how hard it is to get past the MSM blackout and spin machine. You don't drop Fat Man and Little Boy on some tiny atoll in the S. Pacific and hope people cower and give up just because the weapon was toxic. You bide your time and wait to take out the heart of your enemy's wartime heavy industry. ESPECIALLY when you've got the evidence and know just how foul the people are that you're up against. That one big bomb better be enough.

pby1000 ago

I see your point, but he has to have some leverage to win his release, right?

I think he was going to release a lot on November 9, 2016, but then Trump won. I want to know how he found out. He probably did not believe it, and thought it was a joke.

tholinz ago

I’d like to think that. However, again, that just indicates that the guy is acting out of self-interest and not some greater sense of altruism or doing the right thing. Of course you can’t fault a person for that, but at the same time, wouldn’t offering proof of some international politician pedophile ring be worth risking your life for?

pby1000 ago

Yeah, I am not disagreeing with you or anything. It is hard to say what is going through his mind.

I know that he had several falling outs with people before he ended up at the embassy. It seems like he was not easy to get along with and always wanted to be in the limelight. Could be several reasons for that, including what you say.

If you were Assange, wouldn't you use your position to get some? I mean, you would be world famous with all that power. No wonder Pamela Anderson made a visit or two...

Vindicator ago

I agree.

bopper ago
