WikiLeaksDumpster2 ago

So my other account WikileaksDumpster was deactivated. I can no longer login at all. I told of an experience in where I was molested as a young boy. I immediately thought Voat has to be in on it too and actively monitors this sub. Then I found this. Apparently a Pizzagate mod was defending NAMBLA. Voat is in on it. Their logo is the Goat with Satan's horns. Goat is hugely symbolic in the occult world. I mean this is weird. Obviously I can't say one way or another but it's weird man.

WikiLeaksDumpster2 ago

I can't login on my other account at all anymore. Just says my login doesn't work. Voat CEO's and staff are in on it. Their symbol is the goat with Satan's horns. I knew it all along man. When they ban you is when you know bro.

WikiLeaksDumpster2 ago

Can no longer access my account WikileaksDumpster The system simply wont let me login.

WikileaksDumpster ago

I was molested by my school yard duty in 6th grade. He invited my friend and I over to his house to watch Royal Rumble wresting. He ended up wrestiling with us. While he was wrestling my friend chris his pants came off and kept wrestling. Feeling our bodies and whatnot. This all hits home to me. I told the cops when I grew up and they laughed at me. They got kind of mad at me for reporting it and asked if I was on drugs. In order to arrest me for incriminating myself.

WikileaksDumpster ago

I wouldnt report shit to law enforcement.

They will just think your a pedo in disguise.

Anonymously report it to foreign intelligence.

No lie, the FBI will come and arrest your ass. Especially if the Feds that read it are corrupt.

The Freemasons are in every intelligence agency and serve each other before all else.

Honeybee_ ago

No, I report child porn and exploitation to FBI, police and NCMEC/ICMEC every week using my name, not arrested, they need follow up, nobody cares. But if you don't, they will come after you. JUST STOP.

JohnDGosch ago

I have posted links here to the photographic evidence that clearly proves I am Johnny 6 months ago and nobody has helped me expose anything close to the truth about what happened. or help me answer any of the questions posed by me being Johnny. I have only recently been able to wrap my mind around the fact that my two personalities, Adam and Johnny live in the same body but did not know of each other and the fake kidnapping was how the CIA ended the experiment. Furthermore; telling the group that is running the cover up so they can destroy the evidence is not a good ideal, as witnessed by GWBush destroying most of the NCMEC child pornography while in office, ( in an attempt to destroy the video of him baby raping me when I was about 6 yo )

Honeybee_ ago

DM me

Mirelore ago

@Honeybee_ Thank You for all you do. You are truly making a difference!!

Honeybee_ ago

♡ thank you

Mirelore ago

You're very welcome!! Thank you for all your efforts. They are making a difference!!

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

Thank you so much Honeybee_. You're a hero for sure. 👑

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

And if somebody had a vid of any elites in the act of abusing victims, it would be far more effective to post it anonymously and let the public get truth rolled than to inform the "authorites". Your advice is only good for protecting ones self, not for stopping what is going on. I could see why somebody would not want to take the chance, but the authorites will never arrest themselves and they are the ones behindf the elite pedo ring. I hope you are well intentioned.

YogSoggoth ago

Still a good post. You are correct, but we still have to rely on guidelines available. I have long believed that these laws were made to protect the perverts from the people! It has been proven in court that all our computers are accessible by others with intent, and that anyone, with the ability, can place anything on your computer they wish without you knowing. That pretty much shreds the theme now doesn't it?

Honeybee_ ago

I am posting as a mod and about Voat rules. If people are able to use VPNs and be absolutely anonymous, that's there prerogative, we want people to learn how to do smart research and not get themselves in trouble as well as keep Voat safe. EITHER WAY, can't post CP on here, even if you are anonymous, period.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

The authorities are in on it. Our government was dissolved by the banking act of 1933. They don't work for us, it is poltical fiction. The USA is literaly a corporation and your name on your Birth Certificate is all in capital letters because you are a ficticious corporation. Or your name and social is. Telling people the authorities are legit and informing them is the answer is blatantly misleading. The masses have to be exposed to the truth and wake up, nothing else will work. NASA, FBI,CIA, NSA, IRS, FED all owned by foreign banking entities. Stop selling the legitimacy of the system, and that we just need to work smart within it.

Honeybee_ ago

Not going to encourage illegal activity, sorry. There are ways to share information and not incriminate yourself. If you want to post CP to prove a point, you are just as bad as those posting it for pleasure/money. And as for reporting, you clearly only see the cases where kids go unfound. What about Ashton Talley who I worked closely with her father, Anonymous, and LE with leads and information to get her returned home safely. There are good people trying to rescue children in these esblishments, and there are evil f*cks taking advantage of their power.

Vindicator ago

Great post, Honeybee_. Thank you very much for creating this. I will put it in the sidebar tomorrow. You might stick a link post to it in v/pizzagatemods for posterity as well.

Your edit is not showing for some reason. @srayzie made a thread in v/voatdev about this issue...maybe comment on her thread and ping the Os of that sub?

Honeybee_ ago

Yes, I definitely want to add that link as well, I have tried to add the recent policy you pinned repetedly this evening, and it's not saving changes.

These are the technical issues I'm experiencing at the moment regarding edits of my post:

  • Can't save edits to post, they remain in edit box after saving, so you can press edit again and they are visible, but only there, they do not show on post and others are also unable to see.

  • Votes and comment amounts differ from listing. On my end, for example, my post on v/pizzagate "hot" is listed as 20+ upvotes and 19 comments, but when I click on my post, it says 4 upvotes, 7 views...

  • Edits seem to be accurately recorded in top right corner, but edits are not actually visible.

Can you folks at dev help?

@Atko @PuttItOut @PeaceSeeker

darkknight111 ago

Its good to have the thoughts of a detective on this matter. I think we might have some intel regarding a pedo ring in the Philipines in one of the links (this is a mega thread with stored info from previous threads). Maybe a investigative job for some anons.

Blacksmith21 ago

Addendum crosspost: Refresher on: 18 U.S.C. § 2251- Sexual Exploitation of Children (Production of child pornography)

"and electronically stored data that can be converted into a visual image of child pornography are also deemed illegal visual depictions under federal law."

Honeybee_ ago

For some reason my post edit is not showing up on my end, can you folks see it? I added this to my post:

For more in depth directions on how to post potentially sensitive content see the VOAT POLICY

@Vindicator @Think- @Blacksmith21

Blacksmith21 ago

I felt it

"Alright Honeybee_"

think- ago

Sorry, I can't.

Blacksmith21 ago


Thank you for the excellent post.

Honeypot: A trap. They are going to do whatever they can to discredit this sub. Planing porn does a good job. Personally, I believe that the research done here, will be used by prosecution. There is no better compendium of marginally organized research on the subject of Pizzagate, writ large. Take the back end of the sub and API it into Palantir and ..... joy. Full on 3D relational understanding which can be expressed in an immersive environment.

So happy for the tech upgrade.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Do not trutst the mods here. Speak what you can in the open. Honeybee is advising people give evidence to the corrupted authorities and not show the proof to society. Be scared and let the authorities take it from there. Do not like this advice. There are ways to anonymously dump evidence that can be explained away, that might cause people to wake up.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm a mod. I can be trusted. Reporting CP always runs the risk of having it blow back on you depending on what you dig up and who gets the LE call. Anonymity is the best way to go.

BadGuacamoleTV ago

I know I'm late to the party, but as heavily as this sub is shilled, the other place has it outshilled by a million percent. We actually are the majority here and can keep the narrative on point .

Honeybee_ ago

thank you, we walk a fine line researching this stuff, but its true, the threat is there, especially since FOSTA/SESTA is on the table.

runningbear ago

Good post. I know I am part of the cause of this. I did not mean to get anyone in trouble, cause trouble, or anything else except point researches in a direction that seemed fruitful for the cause...

I sincerely apologize. I don't think anyone was wrong removing these posts, they are just doing what is best to protect the efforts of researchers!

darkknight111 ago

Even screw ups can contribute something great if applied the right way.

My seychilles botch last week ended up producing this:

Remember, antibiotics came from a botched experiment.

Blacksmith21 ago

Correct me if I'm wrong, isn't there something floating around the MSM about Eric Prince's trip to the Seychelles? Notice they always try to pin their sins on others?

Blacksmith21 ago

There are no coincidences. You forced the mods to make a decision and "game a situation" which is going to occur in the future. Your error may be a contribution.

runningbear ago

Fucking up and yet contributing, well it may happen sometimes. lol

wtf_is_happening ago

I sincerely love you Honeybee.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Go to her fan club. That won't ride here. Pozzagate gear and the marketing phase was sent packing. No idol worhsip. Stay on point.

Honeybee_ ago

Honeybee_ ago

Haha, whoever down voted this is suspect... pedo confirmed.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

I downvoted it. Your advice is not good. Yes, we should protect ourselves. But you sell that the authorites are on top of it if we give them the evidence. Bullshit. You have a lot of explaining to do on why you can casually suggest such a thing. FBI criminal complaint form? Are you for real? I have noticed you have some "fans" here. This is not a place for fans and idols. We tear those down here. FBI criminal complaint form? Are you trying to put us back to sleep?

Honeybee_ ago

Are you being serious? I do not trust these institutions, but I do not want innocent researchers going to jail because they stumbled across criminal material and stupidly reposted it to harm themselves and the website, there are ways to direct people to information without literally posting CP or exploitation. You have to report it, period. What you do after is up to you. On this site SPECIFICALLY child porn is not permitted, like every other fucking website. Sit down.

think- ago

Thanks Honeybee_ for this post! I will flair it 'Important'.

Vindicator ago

I'm stickying it ☺

Blacksmith21 ago

Can we add an AWESOME flair?

think- ago

Haha, love it! :-) We could start a 'special flair' collection with some nice memes... ;-) ;-)


runningbear ago

so, I'm ok?

think- ago

Yep. The deletion of your post was correct though, since it was a link post, not a discussion post.

Please see this post by @Vindicator in our sidebar

Official policy for sharing research into purveyors of pedo porn

yurisrevenge ago

Much thanks comrade shit poster