carmencita ago

Found this while trying to help out with research regarding connections to Lithuania Podesta, UAB Hope this helps in some way Does anyone know what this means? I am assuming they have a footprint in Lithuania possibly Uranium?

Are_we__sure ago

The Podesta Brothers were in Lithuania for fashion.

You've provided no evidence for this claim.

jangles ago

Free beacon article puts Chen in podesta group. 2012

Are_we__sure ago

You claimed the Podesta Brothers were in Lithuania and as evidence, you show someone else was in Lithuania.

Also John Podesta is not part of the Podesta Group.

You're stretching the truth.

TrishaUK ago

But your doubting has proved a lot! as usual, you are on the scene to try disprove, this is sure confirmation that we are on the right 'Q' says, these people are stupid! haha

kazza64 ago

since the invention of the internet pedophiles all over the world are in close contact and that situation in lithuania with that one little girl and 240 police is something only a pedophile would dream up because no sane person would feel the need to have a show of power like that only somebody who had a point to prove like a pedophile in power saying you cant beat me i have all the cards and you're screwed the way that child was screaming any sane person would have said clearly this child doesnt want to leave her caregiver we will go away and come back to assess the situation when things have settled down.

TrishaUK ago

100% right! They are sadistic scum! Where is she now :'(

Truthseeker_ ago

I can't reply or message the OP of the post due to lack of points @gumshoe

Hi I can't reply to your thread but I found something

CometCupCake 14 7 maanden geleden I have to say ~> 81423274E__+ 4374n61=743221L5392-0-2162y-71r0033-0-814221T=438174,T2152436241..../233[cCp-UsTUG]....2174+4-3281?___T4232+81743221Ty----4374-212208281}} 82P. <~ 9132-0-42218332-2-S434162-0-21,| \ ]081423274.

could be a joke could not (comments)

TrishaUK ago

The place looks filthy! How on earth could any decent people say its one of their best pizza places to eat? One of the comments about screaming, I must admit it really did sound like 2 agonising screams!

letsdothis1 ago

The email address [email protected] is for Dr. Melanie Loveridge at Warwick University

Melanie Loveridge is a materials chemist with a proven background in new materials development and characterisation in the disciplines of energy storage systems (batteries) and corrosion inhibition in coated metal systems. She completed an Engineering Doctorate sponsored by Akzo Nobel & Tata: An in-situ Scanning Kelvin Probe Applied to Mechanisms of Corrosion-driven Coating delamination in Organic Coated Steels (2004).

Since I've got melanin on the mind due to a previous post, I thought I'd look into any connections with melanin in this area of research and of course, there is.

Melanie has been involved with successful funding applications for EPSRC and TSB grants and collaborated in projects with top UK research groups. A significant time spent within industry (including a university spin-out company) has given her experience of being a specialist, leading teams and generating journal publications and inventions in international patents. Her research background is multi-disciplinary enabling cross-pollination and successes in taking concepts to material realities.

Skin pigment could power safe, implantable battery

Your body may use it to catch a tan, but now the skin pigment melanin has been repurposed for the first time to make batteries. These may one day offer a safer way to power electronic devices that can be swallowed or inserted into the human body for drug delivery or internal monitoring.

Rechargeable lithium-ion batteries are widely used in electronics because they are very efficient and can hold their charge for long periods. But because they contain lithium, these batteries are potentially toxic if used long-term inside the body. So Christopher Bettinger at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, wanted to find a way to build batteries from biological materials.

letsdothis1 ago

Christopher Bettinger at Carnegie Mellon University>>

Collaboration with Ulijn Group (CUNY) published in Science

A product of a collaboration between Prof Rein Ulijn (CUNY) and the Bettinger Group on programmable melanin-like compounds was published in Science.

Polymeric peptide pigments with sequence-encoded properties

Melanins are a group of natural pigments that are the primary factor affecting skin color. Lampel et al. examined a family of melanin-inspired materials based on tripeptides containing tyrosine as precursors for polymeric pigments. They found that the supramolecular organization of the tripeptide assembly is the most important factor for the enzymatic oxidation, with the position of the tyrosine residue playing a dominant role. Thus, simply juggling the order of the peptides allowed tuning of the optical and electrical properties of the resulting polymers.

Short peptides have low barriers to application and can be easily scaled, suggesting near-term applications in cosmetics and biomedicine.

jangles ago

good work! this is what I have been looking for.

TrishaUK ago

Great article jangles! I see that there is another voat post to debunk the whole 'Governmemnt officicals abusing the child and trying to turn it on the childs aunt, who the girl clings too for her life! - by andrevandelft

HOWEVER I am pleased to see the Whitehouse Petition - has a futher 1,000 signatures than it had last night.......hopefully they will reach the target by 4 April and with President Trump in office something MIGHT be done to help this whole sick situation --- WHERE IS THE LITTLE GIRL NOW! This is my question.

There are a few familiar names in some of the above articles, thank you again jangles....highlighted below:

Paper magazine described him as someone who "defies not only categorization, but also the very notion of a 24-hour day."

Foreign Policy noted in 2009 that Chang was "**an example of the new breed of Obama era up-and-comers **who transcend the classical definition of the White House staffer." - It is unclear whether the State Department has sought out Chang’s counsel regarding the bungled handling of the events and circumstances surrounding the assassination of U.S. ambassador Christopher Stevens in Libya.

Chang did not respond to a request for an interview.

Podesta Group clients include bailed out Bank of America; General Electric, which paid no federal taxes in 2010; as well as retail powerhouse Wal-Mart, defense giant Lockeed Martin, and the government of Egypt.

The firm was also paid $590,000 between 2010 and 2011 to lobby on behalf of bailed-out auto company General Motors.

Fancpanz ago

Fellow voaters please post the link to the petition everywhere!

jangles ago


derram ago

jangles ago

More on the Podesta Email:

After Checking the email headers with View Source the return path gives 2 addresses:

[email protected] and [email protected]

[email protected] is an odd format, IT like, and cant find any information on a Mel Albert at Barwick. Renske Doorenspleet is an associate prof who studies democracy, .