ASolo ago

That was a super hard video to watch. Whoa. :'-(

kazza64 ago

that link is coming up as not a secure connection on my computer

andrevandelft ago

There is a different angle to this story. See

goship ago

any mirror?

ssl error - cert revoked

TrishaUK ago

THIS IS THE WORST VIDEO I HAVE SEEN! I feel sooooo sick and SAD after watching it. Where is she now? 😭😭😭😭😭 I don't think I can watch any of the pizzagate related videos that will eventually come out. I will have to rely on everyone here that they are genuine. Wish I had not watched but pray this boy and his mom do NOT get returned. Trump needs to sign an executive order of protection, whatever that would entail.

racmo ago

getting a 404 not found message

Hypercyberpastelgoth ago

240 more dirty pigs who like pizza? All cops are pedophiles. ACAP.

gamepwn ago

Not true at all. I come from a family with alot of Military Veterans and Police Officers. A big chuck of my relatives are NYPD. My one uncle would die for his daughter in a heartbeat.

Oh_Well_ian ago

don't count on it...

I'm certain it varies state to state and Florida and many part of California are ripe with corruption. 60 Navy Admirals ( that's 1/4 the total ) and hundreds of Officers just resigned last year in the Fat Leonard Scandal.

gamepwn ago

It's not everyone. You think your average Soldier and Police Officer is raping kids? There is alot of corruption. Good people are not allowed to follow up on certain cases. This is my cousin Christopher Canale. Off duty he saved multiple people from a burning bus. He made officer of the year. Like I said I come from a LEO family and it's not all of them.

Oh_Well_ian ago

and my son is an Army Corporal and I know he isn't one of them, either.

and in some police forces >> yes... IT IS ALMOST EVERYONE

gamepwn ago

Here's what I don't get. There's legit and good hearted cops like my cousin but then yes there are corrupt sicko's out there. I always wondered to myself how are they able to mix. How good and kind and decent Police Officers and Military can be mixed with the evil ones. Although he's NYPD which is the biggest city in the country. I asked him once about corruption in the Police Force. He's told me alot of things get stonewalled. They get told don't follow certain cases and jobs can get threatened. Alot of these officers have families. He said it makes alot of officers sick and angry. His whole unit voted for Trump in the hopes of actual change. He says he hopes one day they can reform the NYPD. I wonder how they mix legitimate with evil.

FuckReddit69 ago

doubt it.. they are just robots following orders. they do what their told like good goy

Oh_Well_ian ago

bullshit.... these pedo cunts are everywhere and if you are part of the Cult, it's mandatory..

carmencita ago

Signed the Petition. Too many more needed. Hoping for a miracle.

racmo ago

Carmencita --are you following Q anon? Just wondering I've been away from the Voat board a bit....

carmencita ago

No I have not been. I just am too busy now that so many have left this sub. Been doing a few more posts now. There is so much I could be on here 24 hrs a day. As it is I am on here on and off almost all day on and off.

gamepwn ago

Aren't we all? :( God I hope that HRC video drop ends up being real. We'll have an army of awoke red pilled people at that point.

carmencita ago

We can hope, but I am not holding my breath. Sigh. How many promises have been made and then broken. Hopeful.

GreenDell144 ago

Bravo, Matt Agorist. Keep this story alive. The fragments of this family need HOPE. Terrible story. Pls 🙏🙏🙏