VeritaZ ago

240 cops to take one little girl... hmm, seems very strange to me. The priority and resources... Never seen that many cops even for riots or whatever... Clearly this is a HIGH priority case for the government... and a normal "murder case" hardly get that kind of man power...

russpy ago

According to Wikipedia:

Frustrated with the apparent lack of progress in official investigations and convinced that the case was being deliberately stonewalled, Kedys sent out some 200 DVDs to Lithuanian politicians, media outlets, and law-enforcement agencies, featuring homemade video footage of his daughter's explicit testimony against three "uncles". He promised to send out the subtitled version to Members of the European Parliament. Many sources criticized Kedys, who acted as the cameraman, for asking his daughter leading questions and heavily editing the film (it contains some 50 segments filmed over nine separate occasions).

You can see a short clip of footage at the very start of the video posted.

How does that mesh with:

After the murder the child was with his grandparents, and they refused to give the child to the mother. Latter they started claiming that the mother was involved in some sort pedophile ring, anything to avoid giving the child.

If he had fled the country and she had stayed in Lithuania with her grandparents, he couldn't have acted as the cameraman, no?

TrishaUK ago

Great point!

kobold ago

i feel like i should delete the original post with the petition. what do

TrishaUK ago

What the hell? I signed the petition just for the way they treated the child in this anyway. They have used the ABUSE OF POWER to traumatise that child who CLEARLY wanted to stay with her aunt ON BOTH OCCASIONS. Plus I believe that the Government world wide have had the power to do what they want when they want and DO NOT WANT the commoners of the world to have any sense of control or voice. Thank God for people like Donald Trump and Brexit and Italy decision to take back their rights from these blood sucking sickos whos whole aim is to rule you and me! This is my opinion anyway.

think- ago

While it's good to view a story from as many angles as possible (I too, wondered about other takes on this story), what made me thinking yesterday's video could maybe have presented the true story was that several psychiatrists have said that the girl was raped indeed.

Aasb ago

You are right about the fact that we outsiders just know one side of the story. But how can anyone justify the behavior of the police? when I look at how comfortable the girl was being at that home and how authorities forcefully entered the house by breaking the glass, and destroying the door, trying to snatch a minor girl from a family member by force while she screams like hell, over a fucking court decision. Oh no no, its the law right. When the well-being of a child is so important why the fuck do you torment it?

andrevandelft ago

IMO this is often a problem. But who is to blame for the behavior of the police? Is it the police and the legal system, or are it the persons who refuse to cooperate? Every thesis has its antithesis.

So if it would be not done to break the glass, while a young girl is screaming, etc, even not for upholding the law, then effectively the law cannot be uphold. Criminals can then use children to get their way.

This sentence is for me most telling:

So its starts with her brother committing a crime, he killed 2 guys.

Assuming this is true, I think the sad situation for the girl is to be blamed on her aunt+family.

andrevandelft ago

Another comment on Reddit by "rmcoo":

Alright, so as a Lithuanian who has been following this for years let me clear up some things. The problem about if it's real or not is a reallllly big issue here. During the time this was happening the entire country was pretty much divided on their stance. Some people support the Neringa side, while other people declined their allegations.

The girl in question went through multiple psychiatrists, and their decision was very split, some of them believed she was raped, while some decided that Neringa told the girl what to say.

The case quickly picked up pace as multiple very high-end people was involved in it. Some very highly respected Lithuanians joined Neringa's side (most importantly, few of the March 11th declaration of independence signators) The problem is not about if the girl is telling the truth or not, but rather the very very strange deaths of all the suspects. First of all the death of Drasius Kedys, the person who was alleged of killing two of the suspects of pedophilia, he apparently drowned in his stomach juice even though there were visible fighting signs on his body. Then came the deaths of a few very high-end judges, most importantly Andrius Usas, who was found drowned in a small pond after falling down from a 4-wheels motorcycle 3 hours later after denying the protection from the government because he was also a suspect in this case. The story is still unclear and the moment we got the news about Neringa getting arrested all the country got divided again in a matter of second and a lot of news sites are covering the story here. (For reference, the biggest Lithuanian news portal Delfi. lt got over 1000 comments in just two hours on the article about Neringa getting arrested)

A reply:

Ok but this doesn't really tell me which side I should be mad at..


Well that's kind-of the biggest issue with this topic, we do not know either. This discussion has been going for almost 8 years and the people are still as divided now as they were when it originally happened.

IMO it is a trap for persons at far distance (i.c. non-Lithuanians) to take sides in such cases. There is no real way to know who is speaking the truth; therefore I'd recommend not to sign the petition mentioned in the video.

letsdothis1 ago

The girl in question went through multiple psychiatrists, and their decision was very split, some of them believed she was raped, while some decided that Neringa told the girl what to say.

Can you clarify for me how doctors could be unclear as to whether a young girl has been violated or not? It's a simple question of biology.

andrevandelft ago

In general, and also in this case, there may be unknown unknowns.

In case of a split decision, either side could be wrong; for honest and dishonest reasons.

derram ago