letsdothis1 ago

Why was this deleted?

kobold ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2435428 idk what really is the truth, so i tought i will remove it for the time being

letsdothis1 ago

No worries. There are other threads on this very upsetting story. Looking at the video of what happened I think that they are telling the truth.

pizza-party-pooper-2 ago

Oh my goodness, that was so painful to watch. I can't wait for justice. Sick how the guy was trying to remove is birthmark. sounds like he was planning on getting away with something, hmmm?

andrevandelft ago

There is a different angle to this story.

See https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2435428

gamepwn ago

Just signed it! You have my support! Lets take all these sick assholes down!

exposethecriminals ago

Signed. I will share the petition with everyone I can think of. It is almost incomprehensible how openly corrupt the Lithuanian courts and government are -- some of the people, not all, such as your mom and others who stand against child rape. I hope your mom is released immediately and all charges are dropped. And that you both are quickly reunited with Deimantė. I am sending you, your cousin, mom, family, and your mom's and your cousin's supporters thoughts of love, protection, and justice.

Stallmanu ago

Didn't this Drąsius Kedys thing happen over 10 years ago? Why should anyone care about shit that happened 10 years ago?

kobold ago

the petition is now, not ten years ago

kazza64 ago

very.... fucking .....disturbing

Vindicator ago

Giving this a "Share!" flair, Kobold. Signed, and retweeted this on Twitter. :-)

Artlife ago


GreenDell144 ago

This is very important. I hope we can help. Be strong, stay safe, friend. 🙏🙏🙏🙏

kobold ago

description of another, relevant video (not in english - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-auxS9KfcQ)::)

This story is frightening and almost impossible to believe, but it is true! It is about a little girl, then 3yrs old who was molested by well known people in Lithuania. The father, Drasius Kedys, tried fighting for his daughter the legal way - by going to the police, by contacting the Child protective Services, by... Žiūrėti daugiau going to state prosecutors and ... See Moregetting nowhere. He then went public. This story brought a huge public interest and resentment toward the Lithuanian authorities. Later the father disappeared. The same day of his disappearance there were two suspects of molesting this little girl killed. The blame was put on the father, who months later was found dead in a very public place. Witnesses say, there were torture marks all over his body, however, the experts hired by the state released a statement saying he died of natural causes. The main suspect is awaiting a trial, however there is another trial in going on - should the girl be returned to the mother, who knew about the molestation of her daughter and played a big part in it herself! The little girl lives with her father's family right now. This story is full of illogical decisions and incomplete investigations. The media is finding out more and more about this case than the prosecutors (who are obviously covering the pedophile clan) and it is becoming clearer that the arguments presented by the media about the prosecutors hiding evidence regarding this story are true. The decision was made by the court to return the girl to her mother, who sold her daughter to these child molesters for the money and better life. Currently, there people gathering around the house where the little girl is staying in order to protect her from returning to her mother. So we are asking you for help in this case. We need someone to step in and help us to shut this pedophile clan down and bring justice to this girl. Her fathers wish was to never stop fighting for his girls well-being and he is gone! The Lithuanian authorities are not doing their job right. There is corruption going on and it becoming impossible to fight them! Please, get involved!

EricKaliberhall ago

The silence from Brussels (EU) and European MSM is deafening... As expected.

Aasb ago

What do you expect from Brussels. The nobody Marc Dutroux who strangly enough received lots of income from anonymous sources and owned multiple houses, was probably a child handler who brought them to high level politicians. But it was just a conspiracy which led to 27 witness deaths.

kobold ago

this is how things are being done in the eu, the americans should learn and never let go of their ar-15s

Vindicator ago

Don't worry. We will never give up our guns. It's not even close to a possibility and anyone who says so is spending too much time watching the MSM.

EricKaliberhall ago

Spot on brother!

kobold ago

mods suggested to republish the video, so i am salvaging this relevent post from the deleted thread that was submitted by another user:

Vilnius is known as the "paedophiles' capital", and Lithuania as the "paedophile paradise".


think- ago

from the blog:

Lithuania is in a deep social, political and moral crisis; the situation was very accurately put to words by Stanislovas Stulpinas, here: http://www.slideshare.net/ForTheLoveOfMila/courts-honor-translation

The justice system is used to destroy anyone, who tries to fight back, not to punish the criminals; both government and the Security Service (and down on the pyramid of power) people are actively or passively involved in the abuse of children and/or the cover up.

pedophiles have one obsession: power. This is why they are often found in powerful positions, from where they can get access to vulnerable children (typically from single-parent families, orphanages etc. where children are exposed and unprotected) again to feel powerful.

(my emphasis)

kobold ago

SIGN THE PETITION PLEASE! https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/protect-neringa-venckiene-political-persecution-and-extradition And PLEASE SHARE this video! My mom, Neringa Venckienė, a former Lithuanian judge and Parliament member, fled Lithuania with me from political persecution, and we arrived in the U.S.A. in 2013 when I was just 13-years-old. As my mom filed for and has been waiting here for a political asylum hearing to take place, I became more hopeful and at ease because I was not afraid for her safety or mine anymore as was a daily reality back in Lithuania where my uncle (my mom’s brother) was murdered because he was trying to expose pedophiles among high-ranking Lithuanian officials who molested his daughter Deimantė. My mom became a target after she publicly started speaking about the bribery and corruption in the Lithuanian courts, the government and its media did not succeed in intimidating her. My 8-year- old cousin Deimantė, whose father was murdered, was abducted by government forces from my mother’s care. My mother was her legally appointed guardian at that time. The government called it “a child’s return to her mother operation,” but that was actually an elimination of an inconvenient witness operation with the help of 240 special forces and the intimidation of everyone in Lithuania who sought the truth in the pedophilia and murder case (more people were murdered in this case than just my uncle). My cousin was returned to the person she was testifying against. I was really scared and could not even imagine what is going to happen to Deimantė. To stop the anti-corruption and truth movement, government forces had to eliminate my mom because she was not intimidated. The Lithuanian people elected her to Parliament to fight against corruption and to seek the truth. She proposed many laws among which there was stricter punishment for pedophiles, but all of them were blocked by the dominant parties in Parliament. When the prosecutors brought charges against my mom, all of her opponents announced that they'll support the removal of her legal immunity, before the investigation took place. We moved to U.S.A. to find safety and to have a fair hearing, where she would defend herself and expose the terrible crime in Lithuania that the government was seeking to cover up. Two weeks ago my mom was was arrested, and the Lithuanian government is seeking her extradition, before the political asylum case is over.

3141592653 ago

Your mom is a hero

kazza64 ago

i'm sorry this is happening to you and your family i hope by signing the petition and sharing it around we can help

YesImAnAddict ago

It's doing really well on reddit! Hopefully it will redpill the masses! My heart breaks for your cousin and your family! I'm praying this explodes into the mainstream. I just signed!

think- ago

Two weeks ago my mom was was arrested, and the Lithuanian government is seeking her extradition, before the political asylum case is over.

This is sad. I remember the case. I can only hope she won't have to return to Lithuania.