WHAMMO63 ago

This post causes me to seriously doubt the research skills of this community.

First of all, it is old news.

Second, the huge cache of CP dubbed "img src" is because that is/was the name of a Russian CP site (imgsrc.ru). So when you type that in it is like typing in the words CP spelt out. Truth be told, it is mostly not real CP per se, but cringy/questionable stuff like little girls in bathing suits. Nothing that anyone would go to jail for, but icky nonetheless.

And finally, img src is simply an html tag used on every html website with an image on it. Example: <img src="smiley.gif" alt="Smiley face" height="42" width="42"> So since that phrase is embedded in every WS with an image, an image search with those two words will be CP agnostic.

Fateswebb ago

That isn't how they find the stuff, it is just a symptom of the fact that they use image hosting services to share the stuff, and crawlers crawl image hosting services. The people actually sharing it upload it to the image hosting services and then share the links... The people that are "finding it" aren't searching the same way you guys are... They're getting g directly handed the links by other means, like forums, newsgroups, and chat rooms....

Razbitros ago

Yeah, wrote that and nothing happened. But when I wrote "image" instead of "img" and went to images (after turning off the restrictions, as per instructions) HOLY FUCKING SHIT. This is incredibly fucked up.

Dickface808 ago

I just tried it in duckduckgo with safe search off and it says "sorry, no results found"!!! (((They))) MUST be paying attention!

Truthseeker_ ago

Hi I can't reply to your thread @gumshoe but I found something

CometCupCake 14 7 maanden geleden I have to say ~> 81423274E__+ 4374n61=743221L5392-0-2162y-71r0033-0-814221T=438174,T2152436241..../233[cCp-UsTUG]....2174+4-3281?___T4232+81743221Ty----4374-212208281}} 82P. <~ 9132-0-42218332-2-S434162-0-21,| \ ]081423274.

could be a joke could not

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTpSjT077_8 (comments)

Truthseeker_ ago

I have not enough points to start my own thread here but I actually have some interesting info I'd like to share about a local case I have been banned & my threads get deleted in about an hour other anons trying to make the same thread experienced the same thing I think might be related to the big players @pizzagate also for those who want to see the truth:

yahoo = img src duckduckgo =anoword, icdn, vk.ru google = usseek

euroflag bro

BeTidy ago

Obviously a search engine like Google, with all the NSA technology and monitoring, knows exactly what those search terms are and who is using them. Once someone gets into that stuff, they get the choice of either being a controlled asset, or a jail bird.

Authorities like the Police/FBI/Child "Welfare" agencies, absolutely must know all about that stuff. Not to mention all the agencies reading these threads and removing any damaging information from the internet soon after its discovered.

I note those terms still work 1.9 days after you posted. (apart from "euroflag bro") It looks like they will just continue working. In some sense, it likely serves their cause in breaking down society, and finding more people to manipulate, to have this stuff more commonly known (within limits).

draaaak ago

...w t f...

Governor_Lovecraft ago

It's real. This is why God made gas chambers.

evilwhitemale ago

There are a few specific domains that are related to this. I reported them to the FBI and NCMEC a long time ago. Anyone surprised they are still up?

There are a few categories of these, from least guilty to most:

  • Dumb search bot sites that don't filter anything
  • Search/aggregation sites for video and images that don't filter anything and KNOW they're profiting from this stuff
  • Image and video hosts that the above use for their search results and embeds
  • Forums where people post and trade webcam captures from sites like Omegle, many times of prepubescent children on up

I have tried everything I can think of to try and get someone to address this issue - authorities, the Anon Deatheaters who dox pedos and take stuff like this down, all with no luck.

The worst of the sites I have found is an aggregator system for images and videos with multiple domain names across multiple TLDs. jpg4 mp44 and av4 on the us TLD are part of this, please don't go to them unless you are an authority and can take action to take these sites as well as the sites hosting the images and videos embedded down somehow.

Omnicis ago

Well, thankfully enough, when I tried it I did not get CP. The image search was a bunch of young innocent looking girls, mostly coming from usseek.com (which i suspect is CP intentioned).

What really throws me off is ... WHY!?.

"IMG SRC" is a common html tag for including a picture into your page, so I imagine the results would mostly related to web programming.

pby1000 ago

Something about that was posted last year sometime.

Earthbalance2 ago

Confirmed. I didnt load more images but this is a very big black pill. Google is a giant pedo Playland.

Biggest WITAF in a while.

Pllatinum ago

What the fuck. Doing it on Yahoo says it has no results. They know. What is the end game here if they all know?

BeTidy ago

Put double quotes around the search term "img src". It's still working. Obvioulsy the search engines and authorities must know about this, and allow it to continue. It could easily be stopped, and those involved in this could be rounded up.... but its allowed to continue.

Actually img on its own is worse (safe search off). It should just bring up random "img" image files, but its stuff that is obviously pizza gate related, and illegal.

Governor_Lovecraft ago


HuginnOgMuninn ago

just search for 'img', it's worse there than the other places

lucifirius ago

jesus fuck, is there any way to report this to the fbi?

pizzaequalspedo ago

Sorry, the FBI and NSA are too busy spying on Trump.

They do not have the manpower or time to stop the children being victimized right in front of their faces.

gamepwn ago

You can try calling NCMEC even through they are likely compromised. I reported Gaetanne Antat (see my previous post. Honeybee_ and a few others exposed her for running 20 CP websites) to NCMEC. They allow anonymous tips. I don't trust the FBI as they would most likely arrest you for even viewing it. 1-800-843-5678.

IShallNotFear ago

Doesn't Brian Podesta work for NCMEC? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1678736 I'm not saying don't report it, I'm just saying if you do, report as anonymously as possible. @lucifirius

gamepwn ago

The surface web is sadly FULL of it. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2432282

banusaur ago

Why use duckduckgo when Google is such a strong pedo resource?

bdmthrfkr ago

I am actually sorry that I tried that but can confirm. Fucking sick.

TheTrigger ago

It works. This is legit. This is not a drill. Anyone know any conservative voices, with an audience, that can spread this far and wide? It's legit, and now I have to secure-delete my VPN'd throw-away virtual machine. Don't do it unless you want to end up on yet another list.

DOVahKiiN7 ago

I didn't so a bit of detailed description is appreciated.

HST ago

It's cp.. Do you not read titles to shit or what

Fragnostus ago

there's a difference between underage girls in suggestive poses and cp though. One is sick, the other is illegal on top of that. And seeing as I don't want to risk the latter, I'd rather have anon inform me.

HST ago

This is a good point.

bdmthrfkr ago

just Very obviously Very underage girls that are scantily clad and in Very suggestive poses.I didn't scroll down for more images but the thing that struck me was that this innocuous search term bought up a whole hell of a lot of the same thing. Fucking sick people out there.

the_magic_man ago

You mean stuff like this? https://voat.co/v/youngladies

Omnicis ago

that sub is pretty gross, I agree... but how did you come across it, if you don't mind me asking?

the_magic_man ago

Voat is well known for it. As long as it's legal, it's fine.

Omnicis ago

Voat is well known for it

No, no its not at all. I've literally never heard of that sub. I had heard of some CP spamming shariablue was doing a while back, but I think that was to different subs and also had been stopped.

Voat is way more infamous for coontown/fatpeoplehate/anyone that isn't a screeching democrat.

Can you show me some evidence that Voat is well known for the "youngladies" board?

the_magic_man ago

Here's more. You need to open your eyes and get out of your bubble.


Omnicis ago

telling me that this exists has nothing to do with my point at all. Seems quite tangential.

Azzipdoe ago

Don’t know why you’re getting so much shit over posting that.. if you google “voat”, young ladies and pizzagate used to be the 2 subs to come up first, it’s a well known thing on here. No reason to shoot the messenger.

Omnicis ago

if you google “voat”, young ladies and pizzagate

I call bullshit. I do find pizzagate as a result believable, but the young ladies sub not.

I say this because I had googled voat many times in the past. So prove it, give me a screenshot. show me some archive.is or timemachine links.

bdmthrfkr ago

That sub should be nuked. It's not illegal content but is so close to the line that it pushes Voat's dedication to free speech to the limit.

I'm not surprised, however, that you are familiar with that little backwater.

the_magic_man ago

Just pointing out that if you're worried about legal pics of underage girls dressing provocatively, you should take a look a bit closer to home. Inconvenient for users here, I suspect I'll be downvoted and ignored

bdmthrfkr ago

I won't ignore you for this (or DV) but the point of my horror wasn't that there are pictures of young girls on the internet, it was that an obscure search term (which has no relation to any keywords about young girls) turned up so many results. DDG basically just repackages jewgle search results so the cancer begins with them, it's hardly surprising that their CEO quit on the day that President Trump signed an EO which would seize the assets of any company which employed anybody involved with human trafficking.

Schmidt resigned on that day with no explanation. Think about it.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Did you archive?

dontdoxxmefaggots ago

so what does this search term bring up for those of us who don't wanna do it?

Earthbalance2 ago

The generic results are typically instructions on how to use image tags in html. With safe search off, the images are "soft" CP. I did not even attempt to scroll past top hits. I can only imagine what's lurking further down. Truly amazing...

MadBro ago

It seems like it becomes more relevant as you go. Google ranks based on age and links. It seems odd that you wouldn't get just random images from across the web based on how frequently visited or linked too.

Earthbalance2 ago

I kind of assumed the safer stuff would be at the top. The results make no sense from any perspective other than a nefarious one.

MadBro ago

He did say to take off safe search.

If it was just one search engine, I'd say maybe they prioritized someone's site. Seems odd that they all have it. Someone should find out who owns the servers.

FlappyJappy ago

Kids in swimsuits, in bathtubs, some topless girls, some naked older women, nothing I would class as illegal content, but definitely suggestive. This was only on duckduckgo that I tested.

TheTrigger ago

Seached "img" on Yahoo! and it's straight up, 100%, legit, no BS CP. Currently in the process of wiping my throw-away VM.

Mustard_of_puppets ago

We've known about this for months and it's been posted about many times. There are a couple more common phrases too I don't remember them though.

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Just about to say this!

think- ago

@GhostCow, I will flair the post 'NSFW' and also 'Potential Security Risk' due to the content the anon describes.