AJ-Styles ago

It's irritating when people say Pizzagate is a Clinton ran pedo ring in a pizza shop basement. That is NOT what it is.

kazza64 ago

i scroll through reddit on my phone every night and i did notice a lot of anti trump posts more than usual lately

think- ago

from the article:

Lane Davis, who went by the username Seattle4Truth, was a regular on r/The_Donald, sometimes posting conspiracy theories several times a day.

Davis, also a former intern of Milo Yiannopoulos, killed his father last July after accusing his father of being a pedophile, according to his mother in a harrowing 9-1-1 call.

“He’s mad about something on the internet about leftist pedophiles and he thinks we’re leftist and he’s calling us pedophiles. And I don’t know what all,” Davis’ mother Catherine told the operator.

“He just lives on the internet and he gets really worked up about everything that’s going on. He needs an intervention of some kind here.”

Minutes later, Davis stabbed his father, killing him.

Davis later told detectives the fight started when he asked his father “whether toddlers could consent to sex or not.” Davis said his father called him a Nazi and a racist.

Aha, so are we supposed to assume that everybody who points out that there are 'leftist pedophiles' is a madman and will, sooner or later, kill somebody? They really must be desperate.

Funny, btw., that they're only talking about Russian bots, not about ShareBlue bots, isn't it?


The headline is a classic example of mockingbird media trying to frame the narrative. #Pizzagate is much bigger than Hillary Clinton and Comet Ping Pong (though they are near the top of the child trafficking chain). I sum up pizzagate thus: it is the name given to a child trafficking network run out of The White House, 10 Downing Street and both US & UK parliaments, intelligence agencies, law enforcements and mainstream media to destroy their countries populations through paedophilia.

Dickface808 ago

lol they have really latched on to the "But it doesn't even have a basement" thing. That's all they got, that and "It culminated in a crazy going in there with a gun to rescue the kids"...


Pizzagate is a witch-hunt. The accusations made against the people accused were ridiculous. Pizzagate can't really be debunked because it is an amalgamation of half thought out accusations. There are to many claims thrown around to completely 'debunk' them all but the basement was a serious one that has been absolutely disproven. The claim that the emails contained 'known pedophile code words' is completely unfounded. Lots of heinous accusations made can never be backed or have been shown to be wrong.

Dickface808 ago

Hey dickhead, I'll direct you to this tidbit and let you explain it away... And there's plenty more where this comes from https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1648673


"'You can spend time with her online, raw and uncut' WHO SAYS THIS??"

Holy cow you're right. I searched "raw and uncut" in a word-for-word search on google and this is what I found:

THIS COMES FROM THE SICKOS AT SOMETHING CALLED "THE GOSPEL COALITION" It appears to be a missionary talking about her time serving the lord, but I'm assuming that's a cover.

The Gospel: Raw, Uncut & Unheard!

From "Campaign for Bible literacy" "The raw and uncut truth of the word of The Most High..."

http://www.golfchannel.com/video/jim-thorpe-raw-and-uncut/ This is from the DEVIANTS at golfchannel.com (Jim Thorpe: Raw and Uncut)

https://archive.storycorps.org/interviews/raw-and-uncut-with-my-mom/ RAW AND UNCUT WITH MY MOM. GOOD GOD DO THESE PEOPLE HAVE ANY SHAME?!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RfHsPy7TQ4s A lady talking about a purple mattress

http://ucnlive.com/ann-wolfe-raw-and-uncut/ This is about a boxer, but she must also be a porn star or something or else they wouldn't have said 'raw and uncut' in the title

https://www.ocregister.com/2007/08/30/toby-keith-raw-and-uncut/ Toby Keith Raw and Uncut

https://www.clickondetroit.com/sports/friday-football-frenzy/raw-and-uncut-video-pep-rally-at-lake-shore Pep rally

http://www.jolinapetersheim.com/the-magnum-opus-motherhood/ Wait a second here's a blogger who blogs about her life, including her newborn baby, and she uses the phrase like this:

I noted that change, too, Rebekah. I think a lot of that has to do with the fact I don’t have quite as much time to write blog posts. They’re not as polished, but raw and uncut is almost better, I think. Like the rough draft of a novel, and that’s what real life feels like anyway.

http://chantrikeele.com/chantri-keele/post_id Wait a second this is a blog post where a mother is documenting her own children and she also describes her blog as "raw and uncut":

The sudden realization of how important this time is to document truth about life while I'm living is a blessing. I want to do better so one day my kids can turn to these words for strength comfort and joy as they embark on their lives. My goal is raw and uncut, because the world has enough voice for perfection to go around.

http://www.mandicarroll.com/blog/children-photography/minot-williston-bismarck-30/ This one is also a blog featuring photography of kids in which she titled the post "raw and uncut". But that post doesn't seem pedophilia related at all. Is it possible that the Tamera blog post isn't pedophilia related as well?

Maybe the people making the heinous accusations of child abuse on these people actually got it wrong. That the use of the phrase "raw and uncut" was completely innocuous. I can't find anything more about the Tamera blog can you tell me what was in it?

Dickface808 ago

Oh dude this is pizzagate 101 and it's very real. It's what I use to try and red pill people to get them on board. The msm have NEVER uttered her name and they avoid this like the plague because it's so damning. Hence why the only claims they ever mention that we've made/found is the nonsense "Hillary Clinton running a child sex ring from a pizza shop" (which we do not claim!) and that code words were used in the wikleaks emails (which it seems as though they were, though some seem like a bit of a stretch to me, but then some do not at all!) They do this to muddy the waters and desperately get people to not even bother looking into it. Now once you see the rest of the evidence on offer, it really becomes irrelevant if they were using code words at all (they were) because there's PLENTY more substantial evidence to look at and pieces of the puzzle that come together. You say you were unaware of the Luzatto blog so I assume you've never watched the YT documentary "Burnt Pizza"? It's 45 minutes long and essential viewing. You should check it out.


I'm definitely familiar with the root pizzagate claims. Like any conspiracy theory the 'evidence; is a mile wide and an inch deep. I've told people on here over and over to be wary of that. Conspiracy theories grow wider not deeper.

Think about the claims made and whether it is really appropriate to make the very serious claims of child abuse. That post you linked to is ridiculous. The only ''evidence'' for that person being involved in this pedophile sex ring is that title (not the actual content of the blog just the title) and that one email where she says her kids are being ubered to a party.

You seem reasonable I just want you to think about the 'evidence' and whether it is appropriate to scrutinize these people and tear apart their life. While people harass them and claim they are involved in the most heinous acts of child abuse. Just think about what you're involved in here.

Think about the evidence for one person and see how much evidence there is really. People always backtrack when I point out that a specific claim is ridiculous, and say that 'well it's not really about that evidence it's about everything'. But this is totally inappropriate for the kinds of specific claims being hurled at specific people.

Dickface808 ago

I must admit you nearly proficiently had me second guessing myself with your above average gaslighting attempt. Piece of shit look at your history of comments.

Dickface808 ago

You're full of shit it seems.

Dickface808 ago

I just don't get your thinking. It's pretty black and white to me, here's how it goes: Amongst the discoveries of possible pedophilia related themes in the Podesta emails we came upon the email that detailed a pool party in which 3 little girls were being ubered to a pool party for Podesta's entertainment. Now if that's all we had on this I'd get your point, it could be a misreading and we just don't get the context somehow. But couple that with the discovery of Luzatto's blog in which there is clearly something very wrong with the fact she was advertising a 6 month old baby for "raw and uncut fun" (and the blog then linked to the other blog with the "uncensored photos for premium members"), and I find it extremely perplexing that you would say it's not at all damning or that we're silly for thinking something is there. Like it makes zero sense and you are certainly in the minority here with that opinion. Yes it is a "specific claim hurled at specific people", and for good reason, clearly...


. But couple that with the discovery of Luzatto's blog in which there is clearly something very wrong with the fact she was advertising a 6 month old baby (her own grandchild I think) for "raw and uncut fun" (and the blog then linked to the other blog with the "uncensored photos for premium members"),

I linked you to a bunch of examples with the phrase "raw and uncut" used in perfectly innocuous way. In fact if you do a word-for-word search of "raw and uncut" you will have a hard time even finding anything sexual. Which is not to say that the phrase is definitely innocuous but if something sounds odd say it sounds odd until something substantive can be found. Did anyone ever find anything suspect in the actual content of the blog?

The "uncensored photos for premium members" line is, like you say, not apart of her blog. It is also clearly a joke but that's beside the point.

Actually the "uncensored photos for premium members" line was something new I hadn't heard before so I looked it up. I came across this reddit thread that talks about it. The comments in the thread are exactly what most people think of stuff like this. They see these phrases and they can't see the connection to the claims that the pizzagaters are making. The people can see that these phrases are perfectly innocuous. Here's one comment:

This is so ridiculous. If you go to the blogs they are clearly just parents posting photos of their kids like every other parent I know on facebook. The descriptions for the photos all use flowery language making them out to be having big adventures when it's just babies doing normal baby stuff. Yeah maybe using the phrase 'raw and uncut' is a poor choice, but when you read the blog it's just the woman trying to be funny. If that was a friend's blog and they told me to check it out to show off their kid I wouldn't think anything of it. It's only going in with the lens of this is a pedo blog that you can warp one or two sentences (out of thousands) into potentially sounding like it means something sexual. You could do the same with almost any parent's blog.

And the pizzagate claims rely so heavily on these phrases being so out of the ordinary that they are immediately damning if anyone says them. But this is just not the case, people see these things as being normal and utterly mundane.

Look at the evidence for Tamera and really think about what you can say with confidence from that evidence. Approach it with as close to impartiality as you possibly can. What is the evidence that she is "running a private baby pimping blog". As far as I know the evidence for that is:

  1. The tagline of her blog sounds like it might be inappropriate. The tagline is "Evelyn is growing up, soon she will be the Queen of the entire US of A, right now, for a limited time only, you can spend some time with her online, raw and uncut. Take advantage of this now, as in the future she will have the power of life and death over you. "

And as far as I know nothing in the actual content of the blog is suspect, so that is the entirety of the evidence for that claim as far as I'm aware. And the explanation that I would offer for it is that is is simply a joke, like she was making it sound more 'extreme' than it actually was. And I would love to do an actual survey of people asking them whether that sentence sounded in any way suspicious. And I can almost guarantee you that no one will find anything suspicious about it and the vast majority of people will recognize it as a joke.

The other suspicious evidence pizzagaters point to is the 'uber' email. It is also entirely reliant on phrasing that is supposedly so unusual that no one would say it unless they were pimping their kids out. I had a long conversation with someone about that you can read it here. I show how 'the kids are the entertainment' is actually a very common phrase.

Anyway I just hope you appreciate the accusations and treat them with the weight they deserve.

Dickface808 ago

lol didn't even read it, I already busted your shit dummy. Now scram!



Dickface808 ago

You ain't fooling nobody, piss off.


I don;t understand how you ever thought I was gas lighting you. I said in my first comment explicitly that I thought pizzagate is a witchhunt.

also you're a coward for not responding to my comments

Dickface808 ago

Gaslighting me in the sense that you are trying to make us think we're crazy people for seeing something nefarious here... And sorry (if you're legit, which is unclear), I may give them another look. It has nothing to do with being a coward. I've looked at your comment history and you seem to think pizzagate is essentially fake news and that Tam Luzatto's blog is nothing (that's where you totally lose me tbh, why would I bother with your pathetic reasoning and defence of her and that blog?) If you can't even give a little on that then what chance do you have of giving credence to anything else? That's why I'm suspicious of you.

OhRutherfordBehave ago

Hey man, it's incorrect, you heard the man.

Vindicator ago

They waited too long to ban us, huh? r/pizzagate was only in existence for two weeks before the Battle of Wounded Keyboard sent us packing here to the land flowing with niggerfaggots and stubborn goats.

Nunquam-Dormio ago

Wouldn't it be great if this pizzagate thing were actually debunked? It'd be such wonderful news..

carmencita ago

Actually it would be wonderful if pizzagate did not include the horrible abuse and trafficking of children. That is what would be great.

Nunquam-Dormio ago

I think we're each saying the same thing but in slightly different ways. I wish it wasn't real but I know that it is. I wish I could make it stop or go away but I cannot. I've lurked here for a very long time, since the beginning but only just joined and I'm not sure why, I suppose it's because I can see you guys get stuck sometimes and might be able to help unstick you, perhaps. I feel like I know you guys.

carmencita ago

If you feel that you know us, then you will be welcomed to help put an end to the horrid things we read everyday. The fight is long, it will not be easy. We have withstood much up until now, we are called crazy and loons by our own families. But we cannot stop. The children are the reason we keep going. The Awakening of Our Country is what I am hoping for. There has been an Awakening of sorts but they can't fully accept what we have learned. Not yet. This will not stop until the people Rise Up. Think about what you know, and how long it took for you to accept it, how did you process it in your mind. Also remember that we are unusual. We are those type of people that can believe that the world can be so evil. Many cannot. That is the problem.

carmencita ago

What a Bleeping Mess. Muh Russians again. This sounds more like Brock.

Vindicator ago

Doesn't it, though?

carmencita ago

Here's his Twitter. I wonder if someone else is sending out his messages? Other than Twitter there has been nothing. Nada.

carmencita ago

Most def. It's what instantaneously popped into my head. CTR and Share Blue. Now this? Btw where is David Brock? No one has really heard anything from him since his Heart attack which he was suppose to recover from.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/MQiIE :

Reddit Rises Up Against CEO for Hiding Russian Trolls

'Reddit users rebelled en masse against the site’s CEO for concealing Russian troll activity the site now admits it knew about, and for not working fast enough to ban dangerous and extremist communities. '

'Chandrasekharan, who had already been studying extremism in online communities, tracked Reddit’s ban of hate speech communities r/FatPeopleHate and r/Coontown in 2015. '

'Based on that reporting, Senate investigators are looking into opening up probes on the troll farm’s use of Reddit and Tumblr, according to The Washington Post. ', "The CEO was asked by a Reddit user why he won’t ban Reddit’s r/The_Donald, a pro-Donald Trump subreddit that is known to disrupt other communities, ban dissent, and glorify hate speech.“Banning them probably won't accomplish what you want."

'The troll farm’s websites, like BlackMattersUs.com, frequently served as conspiracy content generators for r/The_Donald and the r/conspiracy communities. '

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