JamesGhost ago

Also for those of you that don't know. In satanism there is a hierarchy like in the s&m world but way worse. When you are a child you are the ultimate victim that can have anything done to you. If you survive you get promoted up the ranks. As a young / teen girl you can become a "queen bee" of your church or coven. This is a position where you begin partaking in the torture. Eventually you are no longer the tortured but the inflictor of pain and eventually will literally have the power of life and death over lesser satanist and (if they get there way) the rest of humanity. I fully believe this to be a message to those that understand that this child will likely access the ranks of satanism but for now "you" can "enjoy" her as a child and a victim.

Atlantean120 ago

Damn...how do you know this?

tapsnapornap ago

Damn. Things like this cause me to not come back here for a few days. It makes me sick.

Truthseeker3000 ago

The spend time live and raw and uncut crap to me means she's letting the child(ren) go on Skype with pedos and also pimps them out for services for money. Just vile. She is a psychotic sicko and she's their grandmother. Must be another multigenerational incest family who belong to a satanic cult. Those poor kids need to be taken far away from this.

Wererabbit ago

1642- Sabbatai began the Kabbalistic meditative discipline “Climbing Sephirotic Ladder” (The Lost Messiah page 26)

1707- Rabbi Moshe Chaim Luzzato born. Luzzatto admitted to being influenced by the writings of Nathan of Gaza, Sabbatai Tzvi's "prophet." He claimed that the positive elements of Sabbatai Tzvi's teachings could be separated from the “heretical” elements, but few rabbinic authorities agreed with this opinion, since Sabbateanism was a powerful wave sweeping over the Jewish community. A bitter controversy ensued concerning the verity and propriety of Luzzatto's activities and claims. Luzzatto's house was searched and evidence that he engaged in magical practices was found. He was compelled to cease and desist from teaching Kabbalah.

What if this cult called the Zevites still exists to this day, and is heavily entrenched in all the Centers of power worldwide? They infiltrate all religions and are Cryptos. This lady is a direct descendant of a magick practicing Zevite

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

I remember the first time I saw evies crib I just can't remember how it was connected

thegenericoperator ago

Did anyone look into the followers of this blog?

23eulogy23 ago

Also please remember in the full shot of the blog here :https://archive.is/JGhR6 There are blog sections like Baby Ambien, Bones, psychopath, skull Duggery, and TRANQUILIZERS. Anyone have any open shots of those sections?

BlueBloodNate ago


BlueBloodNate ago

No but I just noticed this site is hosted in Germany?

JamesGhost ago

Why did this go away. The most damning evidence I saw when PIZZAGATE was newish and nobody brings it up. Same woman that emailed about the kids being in the pool for entertainment right?

BlueBloodNate ago

Evelyn is growing up, soon she will be the Queen of the entire US of A

AdmiralByrd ago


I have a 4 month old daughter. A 7 year old son. A house and a pool. This is FUCKED ALL TO HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!! These people are not human beings!


Trump, whatever this fucking FARM is, send in the BEST YOU GOT and KILL these fuckers. I know you know.

VieBleu ago

Proverbs 18:21. "The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit."

crazimal gave a strong take on that phrase - The power to blackmail those who eat of this fruit. Indeed, the power of blackmail. So enjoy the peeps and the camera now, these are freebies. Later your very life will be compromised.

VieBleu ago

Did you see this? I thought it was a pretty good catch. Satanists of course use the bible to invert it -

Wow - Proverbs 18:21. "The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit."

crazimal gave a strong take on that phrase - The power to blackmail those who eat of this fruit. Indeed, the power of blackmail. So enjoy the peeps and the camera now, these are freebies. Later your very life will be compromised.

It's just the kind of bible verse Satanists would grab on to and run with, (I guess)

ugh churns my stomach to have to write this down about the children under this demon viper's control.

4warned ago

So, Tamera Luzzatto and Tony Podesta donate to the same charity. No big deal? Coincidence?

http://www.washingtonenglish.org/Newsletters/Newsletter_Fall_2010.pdf From the LETC website, improving the lives of immigrants, through language. Benefitting Haitians. Fundraiser in the Kalorama DC neighborhood, in the home of a French Ambassador.
Kalorama neighborhood, as we know home of the rich and famous Podesta, Brock, and Obamas

VieBleu ago

I just want to add a couple of thoughts -

The way she holds that child in the pic is no accident, it is an "up diaper" shot. my skin just crawled having to write that.

The other thing is look at the tone - "Evie's Crib" she is SUCH a hipster in her own mind. Making a pun sort of between the slang for "hangout" "safe personal space" and the cradle of infants. "Come by my crib man, it is so chill."

We need to coin a new phrase - Hipster Creep = Creepster.

4warned ago

How about her name "Evie"? As in mother of all children.

Forgetmenot ago

A while back there was a few photos that led some people to believe she is a transgender male. The pictures were from a party at a gallery I believe. Maybe someone remembers and can post?? It was pretty obvious she might have been born male.

ploppy ago

Can someone do and infograph of this with the Podesta email too please.

ploppy ago

a wiki is a good idea.

Freemasonsrus ago

Wha the actual fuck was that line all about? "This is for a limited time only as in the future she will have the power of life over death of you" or something to that effect... These people are at the VERY least completely fucked up in the head and spiritually dead inside.

Forgetmenot ago

Some of their rituals has someone decide if a person lives or dies. Especially if this child is being groomed to be a priestess. I think she means that the child will be able to decide if someone actually dies during the ritual.

ploppy ago

Blackmail. These fuckers know they will be blackmailed but are willing to do this kind of stuff to gain power.

4warned ago

http://archive.is/AQFe9 Tamera Luzzatto and her husband hosted a book signing party. From a Washington Life article May 2012.

l23r ago

hmm you're right. good lesson to not jump to conclusions based on feelings, especially strong ones like shock or disgust.

DustyRadio ago

This is the same person who authored the infamous "pool" email where she said "those girls will be in that pool for sure", right? Or am I mistaken? Edit: yes this sick bitch is the one with the "pool party" email.


heywhatsgoingon ago

We need a wiki for this stuff, all of this stuff has been discovered and forgotten several times already. Thanks for posting this and bringing it back to everyone's attention, its pretty important evidence.

IsThisGameOfThrones ago

How do we know this is Tamara luzzatos page?

srayzie ago

This is the blog http://evelynneaville.blogspot.com/ It is invite only. Are there any hackers here that can get inside?

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Did you try:

[email protected]


srayzie ago


srayzie ago

I thought previously it was a little girl. She was going to show the baby??

RedGreenAlliance ago

The Luzzatto stuff is one of the best Red Pills to hit people with. It's got everything. Ex chief of staff for HRC, PodestaEmail is creepy as hell, and there is no justification for the weird language and running a private invite only blog for raw involuted footage of a baby

Anyone denying there is something here is living in total MSM denial or is stupid as fukc. OR BOTH

VieBleu ago

You are right - 1. Heavily connected to Hillery, Podesta. Any direct connections w/ Hastert? Weiner? 2. Evie's Crib 3. Some of the weirdest most akward half coded stuff in her emails ASIDE from the outright hot tub/kids entertainment stuff. Her "book club" and "Mary Followers" and "Thelema Favors" and "Truckee" stuff and hints of ritual practices,

optionalfrank ago

You forgot paid shill.

srayzie ago

Does anybody know how this was found if it was invite only?

JamesGhost ago

To my knowledge it wasn't invite only till after it broke in regaurds to PIZZAGATE

srayzie ago

Thank you :)

madhatter67 ago

It was initially public for quite some time after the podesta emails came out...Even after the pool email got attention

srayzie ago

Well how can she be so stupid??

madhatter67 ago

I don't think she's stupid....Just thinks she is above the law.....There was a weird arsed bit on the homepage about baby Evie having "power of life and death" over people in the future....Make of that what you will

srayzie ago

I wonder if the parents of those kids know about her offering them to the people at a pool party for entertainment or about the blog offering the raw and uncut sick stuff. They were either in on it, shocked, don't believe it or still don't even know.

madhatter67 ago

Well the mum of the pool party kids is kinda well known! She was Aphrodite in Xena warrior princess....Yep....This stuff is pretty crazy....But it's not fake nrws

srayzie ago

Oh yeah. I forgot about that! Crazy. I wonder what she knows

madhatter67 ago

Guess she thinks it's fake news?

srayzie ago


srayzie ago

Yeah she has to be weird. She even looks weird.

DustyRadio ago

Ugh. Like her blood and organs .

madhatter67 ago

More read to me As luzzato imagining her granddaughter as some kind of future Hillary queen of death....But neither is an appealing thought....And why on earth would you imagine your baby grandaughter as anything other than benevolent in the future....Farmer tam is one of the keys to this puzzle and a fucked up lady I'm surw

redditsuckz ago

She is offering up her child for ritual abuse. And the people she offers her children to rape babies...

Pedophile Criminal Networks of the World Exposed


formatist ago

This is crazy shit. How in the hell do you explain this in any other way?

AreWeSure ago

There's nothing disgusting about that phrase. You're reading into it.

In video production, raw footage, uncut footage is used to give the idea of the whole picture, the good and the bad, not edited to conform to a point of view.

C-Span presents itself as providing raw, uncut footage of Congress.

DarkMath ago

"nothing disgusting about that phrase."........Oh absolutely, I agree. It's like the South Park movie which had the words "Bigger, Longer and Uncut" in the title. People kept thinking it had something to do with sex. Weird. Idiots were probably Deplorables.

Hi ya!

Gee I sure wish you'd apply the same investigative zeal to watching the Clinton Foundation movie or any of the George Webb videos.

That'd be the truly dispassionate and objective way to go about things. Weigh both sides against each other. Wasn't there some old pagan god that held a scale in her hand to symbolize the previous point?

Fuck I can't remember her name.......

Crunch43 ago

Are you mental or just a Soros/Brock troll?

DarkMath ago

"or just a troll"......I'm pretty sure troll but I gotta be honest, @AreWeSure may have a closed head wound which would explain a lot.

Freemasonsrus ago

If that's a shariablue troll they aren't sending their best folks!

FriesischShipping ago

He's here trolling for Media Matters.


fucking PLEASE..

Atlantean120 ago

who the fuck has a paid blog so people can view their newborn? fuck off shill.

DarkMath ago

"**** off shill.".........I see you've met our old friend @AreWeSure. Yes, he's a shill. Or he has a closed head wound. I'm going with shill.

People tend to shy away from using words with sexual connotations when referring to children. It goes way back. It's like hard coded in the human brain. Children and Sex should never be near each other. When you add in the word "film" or "movie" you get the trifecta. Then when FOUR WORDS are seen together "baby" "raw" "uncut" and "film" your stomach should churn.

But if you're a Pedophile or a Sociopath or a Psychopath then you can hear those words used together all day long and not think twice about it.

That about right @AreWeSure?

reasonedandinformed ago

When AreWeSure cautions, DIG! When AreWeSure attacks, as he does often against Trump, then you know the opposite is true, meaning that it is the best confirmation that Trump is on our side against these sicko pedos.

Dressage2 ago

LOL I was wondering if you saw this post, @DarkMath

AreWeSure ago

What put it in your head it's paid? It's on blogger.

It's invite only. Invite only doesn't mean paid. Gee, I wonder why. Could it be that a bunch of lunatics started scrapping the site looking for evidence of child trafficking.

Atlantean120 ago

correction-invite only. still weird.

DarkMath ago

"still weird".......Oh it is weird. Don't listen to @AreWeSure. He/she's one of the more vigorous shills that hang out here.

To understand AreWeSure's skepticism you need to assume rich white people are incapable of committing crimes.

Another way to explain it:

  1. Is Tamera Luzzatto white?
  2. Is Tamera Luzzatto rich?

If either are true then she couldn't have committed a crime. Sorry.

Dressage2 ago

You forgot, Does she know HRC and Podesta? Move along nothing here!

reasonedandinformed ago

WeAreSure that AreWeSure is a CTR troll.

Dressage2 ago

!!!! So true

FriesischShipping ago

That is a shill with multiple accounts and possibly runs bots too. Even admitted he designed "software".

4warned ago

Tamera Luzzatto is former chief of staff for Hillary Clinton, as Senator of New York. Clinton keeps company with people who seem to have weird ( sick) relationships with children. http://www.n-magazine.com/hail-to-the-chiefs/

BlueBloodNate ago

Tamera, a handler for MKUltra? "Evelyn is growing up, soon she will be the Queen of the entire US of A"

LA_Trump ago

This is new information.

PGTAway818949 ago

This is from November actually but it certainly needs to be heavily scrutinized. Any hackers out there think they can reach the private area?

grlldcheese ago

Also odd that she was chief of staff and early on there was endless internet presence about her and her husband being major power players in DC.

If you look at Wikipedia right now, she sounds like nobody office staff in Hillaryland. Someone tried to brush her under the rug.

justforthissubverse ago

Right. They also use home birthing services. Think. No birth certificates....

Mbailey63 ago

OMG I got the sickest feeling in my stomach when I read that. justforthissubverse your right and it is evil and sickening.

duhiki ago

I know people who would rather give birth at home than risk a hospital and them pushing for unneeded medical interventions. With a good midwife, it's safe (else humanity as a species would have died out long ago) ... but yeah. There are nefarious reasons, too; an ethical midwife/dr would have the birth certificate with them so it could be filled out and signed after delivery.

Also think about the Safe Haven law; it allows a parent of a baby 72 hours or less, to surrender the infant with no legal reprisals if they are unable to care for it adequately. Aimed toward keeping newborns from being found dead in dumpsters and toilets by mothers unable to cope with their reality, the sites can be found at hospitals, fire departments, and social services offices. https://duckduckgo.com/?q=safe+haven+law&atb=v41-7a_&ia=web

Essentially infants handed over become wards of the state. After that...? Adopted out, supposedly.

I know a woman who surrendered her 2 day old baby via the Safe Haven law because she didn't have the resources or support available to raise it herself and wanted her kid to have a better life. It still eats her alive because she doesn't know what happened to her baby, if the (now) kid is happy or even alive. I feel for her because that's a hard pill to swallow, especially with all the Pizzagate revelations.

VieBleu ago

Yeah, I bet it does. My first impulse is to scorn her, but in reality, women in this situation may be confused, afraid, hurt, not thinking straight. Also I feel they may recieve a lot of undue pressure from places that want to get their hands on children. They are vulnerable to these pressures. I feel sorry for your friend, that would really eat away at you, not being able to know anything about how it turned out.

justforthissubverse ago

By no mean was I saying that using a midwife is a bad thing. Just that it is a convenient way for them to sidestep the law if they so desire.

ansipizza ago

So... future Presidents?

justforthissubverse ago

Absolutely not! Everyone knows our last president had a valid Kenyan BC.

NikitaVerite ago

Oh god.

ConcernedParent2 ago

This is disgusting. I have three children. Never in all my years as a parent have I ever used the phrase "raw and uncut" to describe them. I can't think of any context that would be appropriate to use that phrase when talking about your kids.

BlueBloodNate ago

"Evelyn is growing up, soon she will be the Queen of the entire US of A"

Is this what happened to Hillary? Was she a total MKUltra manchurian candidate from birth?

NikitaVerite ago


l23r ago

and who calls their baby a "new toy"?!

Alois_sticklgruber ago

You aren't a satanist who has zero morals or soul.

Congrads your normal, now can we kill these freaks and end this already -Me