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argosciv ago

John Podesta | 9/11 | WCC - Freeh's Self-Whitewash | Can't archive because wapo & Podesta...

Article opens:

Freeh's Self-Whitewash

By John Podesta

Sunday, October 16, 2005

During his tenure as director of the FBI, Louis Freeh presided over a series of blunders and failures that brought the bureau to a low point in its history. From the embarrassment of the Russian mole Robert Hanssen to the bungling of the Wen Ho Lee investigation to the wasting of hundreds of millions of dollars in a failed attempt to build a modern, computerized case management system, the bureau under Freeh's leadership stumbled from one blunder to the next, with little or no accountability. The nadir, as the nation knows too well, was reached in the astonishing string of failures that helped leave America vulnerable to the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

In the face of this record, Freeh has now published "My FBI," a book distinguished by its shameless buck-passing. Nothing, it seems, was ever Louis Freeh's fault.

Why so mad, John? Why you 9/11 signalling, John? What's up, John?

Hmmm... So, right next to Foxstone Park, we have Westwood Country Club(Vienna, VA)... Looking up Westwood Country Club on wiki:

Westwood Country Club is a country club in Westwood, Missouri, in central St. Louis County, Missouri.

Westwood Country Club is one of the top two elite St. Louis area country clubs, being the historically Jewish counterpart to the WASP St. Louis Country Club, and, with Old Warson Country Club and Bellerive Country Club, one of the "big four" elite St. Louis clubs.[1] Membership is about 650 families, mostly (although no longer entirely) Jewish.[2]~~

Bellerive Country Club

Bellerive Country Club is a golf country club in the central United States, located in Town and Country, Missouri, a suburb west of St. Louis. With the Old Warson, Westwood, and St. Louis country clubs, it is considered one of the "big four" old-line elite St. Louis clubs.[2] The course has hosted two major championships: the U.S. Open in 1965 and the PGA Championship in 1992. A third, the 100th PGA Championship, is scheduled for 2018.



Current location

~~The 1999 U.S. Mid-Amateur was held at Old Warson, and Bellerive was used in the 36-hole stroke play qualifying portion. In 2001, the course was ready for the WGC-American Express Championship in mid-September, but it was cancelled after the September 11 attacks,[5] which occurred during the Tuesday practice round. The U.S. Senior Open, a senior major, was held at the course in 2004 and won by Peter Jacobsen.[6][7][8]~~

argosciv ago

^ I've added a mention to your comment in the previously deleted thread, @The_Real_Wahrheit

Thought you might want to see the 2nd iteration, although it's already deleted - see main body and other comments for changes.

new4now ago

Freeh was the guy who did the Sandusky investigation at Penn State for the FBI

Would have to look up, but remember he was part of the cover up of more people involved

argosciv ago

I don't remember the details off the top of my head either.

You're correct, by the way.

Here's this for reading material:

The Board of Trustees commissioned an independent investigation by former FBI director Louis Freeh and his law firm. The Freeh Report stated that Spanier and Paterno, along with Curley and school vice president Gary Schultz, had known about allegations of child abuse on Sandusky's part as early as 1998, and were complicit in failing to disclose them. Freeh found a "total and consistent disregard by the most senior leaders at Penn State for the safety and welfare of Sandusky's child victims", which "empowered" Sandusky to continue his abuse.[8]:14[9][10]

new4now ago

Spanier has ties to Franklin Cover up

He was really good friends with someone from Nebraska State, who was fired, and who tied in solid with Larry King

argosciv ago

Do you mean Graham Spanier from the Penn State wiki? If not, who's Spaniel? lol...

new4now ago

Yes, thats the one

The guy at Nebraska was very high up

Would have to look up, too damn early to think

argosciv ago

Yeah I checked wiki on that one but no hits for Larry King. Too bad this isn't visible to the subverse feed anymore :/

new4now ago

Sorry, but you can always use your link in comments when needed

argosciv ago

Neh, apparently what I post is just too much. Y'all are just gonna have to figure it out without me.

Kinda funny, I had a whole other topic(+ peripheral topics) lined up to hit WaPo again and a host of others like a tonne of bricks - I wonder if anyone else has the spare time and energy to put it all together...

Probably not, though. Ah well, the spamaleks will continue sliding and shitposting, their posts left up while genuine effort is shat on; people will keep upvoating them and get nowhere... clap clap

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall

Vindicator ago

Ah well, the spamaleks will continue sliding and shitposting, their posts left up while genuine effort is shat on; people will keep upvoating them and get nowhere... clap clap

Please cite a spamalek shitpost that has been left up?

argosciv ago

I mentioned it in a dm to the mods/owners, not long after mine was deleted within about an hour of being posted.

I don't feel compelled enough to link it in public, this thread is deleted anyway so it's not like anyone would see it. I'm not even gonna make a post about this in v/pizzagatemods or v/pizzagatewhatever, the spamaleks can throw their little party now, you won't have to worry about me anymore.

argosciv ago

Neh, apparently what I post is just too much. Y'all are just gonna have to figure it out without me.

Kinda funny, I had a whole other topic lined up to hit WaPo and a host of others like a tonne of bricks - I wonder if anyone else has the spare time and energy to put it all together...