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argosciv ago

Opus Dei and politics

Allen states: "two of the most visible Opus Dei politicians in the world—(Paola) Binetti (a senator-elect) in Italy, and Ruth Kelly, the Minister of Education in England—are now women who belong to center-left parties," [1] "still there is a sociological reality that the kind of people attracted to Opus Dei tend to be conservative, theologically and politically."

Ruth Kelly

Secretary of State for Education and Skills

Sex offenders in schools controversy

On 9 January 2006, it came to light that Kelly’s department had granted permission for a man, Paul Reeve, who had been cautioned by police for viewing child pornography images and who was on a sex offenders register, to be employed at a school in Norwich on the basis that he had not been convicted of an offence. He, and an unknown number of others on the sex offenders register, were not on the DfES prohibited list, "List 99".[25] On 13 January, Kim Howells, a Minister of State at the DfES, admitted that it was he who had actually made the decision, in accordance with advice given to him by civil servants that the "person did not represent an ongoing threat to children but that he should be given a grave warning". In response to the critical media coverage surrounding the issue, Downing Street issued a statement confirming their confidence in Kelly and denying rumours that she was to be replaced.[26]

There was further controversy when it transpired that another teacher, William Gibson, 59, who had been cleared to work at Portchester School in Bournemouth despite the fact that he had been convicted in 1980 for indecent assault on a 15-year-old girl and had been previously removed from three schools. A letter from the Department for Education that suggested the Secretary of State had considered his case and found that although his past actions had been unwise and unacceptable, he had undertaken teaching work to good effect since.[27]

Pizzagate relevance: Hanssen | Opus Dei | Ruth Kelly | Paul Reeve

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall

24hr flair no longer needed?

Vindicator ago

Pizzagate relevance: Hanssen | Opus Dei | Ruth Kelly | Paul Reeve & William Gibson

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall

24hr flair no longer needed?

@argosciv, what's still missing here is a concise statement of your "Pizzagate premise" tying these names together. This is very scattershot and hard to make sense of. Is your premise that Q is saying the Russian spy guy is connected to international child trafficking? To remove the flair, we'd need something along those lines.

argosciv ago

Condensed main post a bit, added the following:

Pizzagate crumbs: Lunev | GRU | Hanssen/CIA/FBI | Opus Dei | Ruth Kelly | Abstract(see comments): Clintons | John Podesta | 9/11

Pizzagate premise/theory: Q seems to be pointing out Stanislav Lunev and "The BRIDGE" as a reference to Robert Hanssen and the place of his arrest, which is likely due to curiosities surrounding Hanssen and other pizzagate-related persons/elements. My theory is that Robert Hanssen's activities as a spy, may have also included some form of connection to institutionalized child abuse and/or the cover-up thereof, facilitated by Opus Dei, at the behest of Podesta/Clinton et al.

The history & founding of Opus Dei is also mired in controversy, including accusations of support for Nazis/Hitler - incidentally, Opus Dei is also known for being opposed to Hitler per their support for Communism. This kind of schismatic support/opposition indicates an underlying agenda to "play both sides", to myself; Links between Opus Dei and Robert Hanssen, seem very deeply rooted in WW2 and Cold War espionage - coupling this with the sex-abusers in schools controversy which has surrounded Opus Dei member & UK politician, Ruth Kelly - it seems even more apparent that ties between Opus Dei & politics touch on corruption, espionage and child abuse.

Curiosities pertaining to John Podesta's suspiciously angry article which opens with 9/11 signalling, Foxstone Park and the surrounding area(nearby Westwood Country Club) and 9/11-related incidents/elements also indicate 9/11 as peripheral to Hanssen/CIA/FBI...

Vindicator ago

My theory is that Robert Hanssen's activities as a spy, may have also included some form of connection to institutionalized child abuse and/or the cover-up thereof, facilitated by Opus Dei, at the behest of Podesta/Clinton et al.

Okay...but how does that connect to the guy Q mentioned? Also, I am not seeing the evidence supporting the Hanssen connection to institutionalized child abuse/cover up. This post is making my head spin.

Maybe what you should do is try doing a post on a smaller part of this info -- making sure you can plausibly link it to child sex trafficking. If you broke the whole thing down into parts, each of which is supported, then you could link to each individual post as you built your case for the larger picture. Sorry...having a rough time following the trail of crumbs here.

argosciv ago

This post is making my head spin.

You and me both, I assure you. I'll try to boil it down a bit here.

Okay...but how does that connect to the guy Q mentioned?

Alrighty, so from Q: "Stanislav Lunev. The BRIDGE."

Stanislav Lunev was "the highest-ranking GRU officer to defect from Russia to the United States", while reading about the GRU, I came across the story of Vyacheslav Baranov, "who had betrayed GRU for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and agreed to spy for it." and who was "exposed to the Russians by a mole in either the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) or the CIA" - "The identity of the mole remains unknown to this day, but speculation has mounted that it could have been Robert Hanssen."

Stanislav | GRU | CIA/FBI | Hanssen

Yes, it jumps rather abruptly away from the person Q mentioned, but, looking into Hanssen:

FBI counterintelligence unit, further espionage activities (1985–1991)

"Ellis" dead drop site in Foxstone Park used by Hanssen, including on the day of his arrest

^ "The BRIDGE"?

I'm suggesting at this point, that the "Ellis" dead drop site, is the bridge(or one of possibly a few) that Q is referring to, due to running themes of bridges and espionage (per also the 'bridge of spies', which someone else has raised on twitter).

Further examination of Hanssen points in a few directions, not least of all, Opus Dei - wherein politics, religion, war, corruption, cult-like behavior, etc, seem to merge - incidentally the topics of WWII, Nazis/Hitler, Communism/Russians/Cold-War are all brought up yet again, including Ruth Kelly, a UK politician surrounded by controversy involving registered sex offenders being allowed to teach in schools, under her watch(so to speak).

Cursory searches for anything relating to Hanssen/Clinton/Opus Dei, gave interesting results: The nytimes article and the podesta article, wherein we learn that for some reason or another, Hanssen was making regular searches of FBI databases for anything Clinton - Podesta chucking a hissy fit 4 years after Hanssen is arrested, 9/11 signalling in the process...

The odd behavior by Podesta and Hanssen(including Hanssen taping his own wife without her consent), along with other curiosities regarding Hanssen's arrest in 2001 and 9/11, etc, all strongly indicate to me that the Clinton/Podesta(et al) group that are strongly pg-relevant, are involved with what Hanssen was doing.

So, while the person that Q mentioned doesn't seem directly relevant to what I'm looking at just yet, I feel that the peripheral subjects have common ground in this whole issue of Russian/CIA/FBI espionage/corruption. Many links between "the elite" and the CIA/FBI have already been well established here, also.

The reason I haven't seen anything directly relevant to Stanislav Lunev, is because I am yet to look into him in more detail, as my attention was caught by this whole Hanssen thing...

Vindicator ago

Thank you for explaining that. So many tantalizing tidbits, but so far, no direct link to child sexual abuse that I can see. Make sure you ping all of us if you come up with a direct connection.