Rgusraper ago

you won't have to worry about me anymore.

nigger @argosciv, not only do we hope the door hits you in the ass, we hope it hits you in the back of the head and knocks you face first into the concrete.

Rgusraper ago

butthurt, tastes like chicken


Rgusraper ago

The Legion can smell your butthurt frying and the Legion is enjoying it :)

Rgusraper ago

You did hit on an intriguing clue but you don't realize what it is. It is a connector that links things together but you don't understand it. I do understand it. If you were not a treasonous shit head I would tell you what it is. But you are a treasonous shit head so I will not. It is something that is sewn all through the subjects that are discussed in the dark world and it is staring you right in the face. But fuck you I will not point it out to you.

Rgusraper ago

I'm not trying to subvert the purpose of the 24hr flair, the point of it is to encourage the author to improve their post and the way in which they present their proposed connections/claims.

Wrong shit head. This is not a writing class for you to bring your garbage and hope people are impressed while you struggle with it because it is garbage. You burned your bridges with your interference in the mod changes and you are an outcast from the Village. Accept that you are a treasonous dog and go hang out with your own kind.

Rgusraper ago

Dude... you could have 24hr'd again and waited for 'a higher power'...

Screw it, I'm out.

Read as: "can't you see that I was sucking up to our pro Q mod Vindicator and that I was hoping for a big Storm Watch Q flair for pretending to have a relevant thread? I deserve to have special double flair privilege for cluttering the board with my genetic sink hole nonsense."

Why don't you go hang out at a heavy metal music board with your homies where you belong, shithead?

argosciv ago

John Podesta | 9/11 | WCC

washingtonpost.com - Freeh's Self-Whitewash | Can't archive because wapo & Podesta...

Article opens:

Freeh's Self-Whitewash

By John Podesta

Sunday, October 16, 2005

During his tenure as director of the FBI, Louis Freeh presided over a series of blunders and failures that brought the bureau to a low point in its history. From the embarrassment of the Russian mole Robert Hanssen to the bungling of the Wen Ho Lee investigation to the wasting of hundreds of millions of dollars in a failed attempt to build a modern, computerized case management system, the bureau under Freeh's leadership stumbled from one blunder to the next, with little or no accountability. The nadir, as the nation knows too well, was reached in the astonishing string of failures that helped leave America vulnerable to the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

In the face of this record, Freeh has now published "My FBI," a book distinguished by its shameless buck-passing. Nothing, it seems, was ever Louis Freeh's fault.

Why so mad, John? Why you 9/11 signalling, John? What's up, John?

Hmmm... So, right next to Foxstone Park, we have Westwood Country Club(Vienna, VA)... Looking up Westwood Country Club on wiki:

Westwood Country Club is a country club in Westwood, Missouri, in central St. Louis County, Missouri.

Westwood Country Club is one of the top two elite St. Louis area country clubs, being the historically Jewish counterpart to the WASP St. Louis Country Club, and, with Old Warson Country Club and Bellerive Country Club, one of the "big four" elite St. Louis clubs.[1] Membership is about 650 families, mostly (although no longer entirely) Jewish.[2]~~

Bellerive Country Club

Bellerive Country Club is a golf country club in the central United States, located in Town and Country, Missouri, a suburb west of St. Louis. With the Old Warson, Westwood, and St. Louis country clubs, it is considered one of the "big four" old-line elite St. Louis clubs.[2] The course has hosted two major championships: the U.S. Open in 1965 and the PGA Championship in 1992. A third, the 100th PGA Championship, is scheduled for 2018.



Current location

~~The 1999 U.S. Mid-Amateur was held at Old Warson, and Bellerive was used in the 36-hole stroke play qualifying portion. In 2001, the course was ready for the WGC-American Express Championship in mid-September, but it was cancelled after the September 11 attacks,[5] which occurred during the Tuesday practice round. The U.S. Senior Open, a senior major, was held at the course in 2004 and won by Peter Jacobsen.[6][7][8]~~

argosciv ago

^ I've added a mention to your comment in the previously deleted thread, @The_Real_Wahrheit

Thought you might want to see the 2nd iteration, although it's already deleted - see main body and other comments for changes.

new4now ago

Freeh was the guy who did the Sandusky investigation at Penn State for the FBI

Would have to look up, but remember he was part of the cover up of more people involved

argosciv ago

I don't remember the details off the top of my head either.

You're correct, by the way.

Here's this for reading material: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Penn_State_child_sex_abuse_scandal

The Board of Trustees commissioned an independent investigation by former FBI director Louis Freeh and his law firm. The Freeh Report stated that Spanier and Paterno, along with Curley and school vice president Gary Schultz, had known about allegations of child abuse on Sandusky's part as early as 1998, and were complicit in failing to disclose them. Freeh found a "total and consistent disregard by the most senior leaders at Penn State for the safety and welfare of Sandusky's child victims", which "empowered" Sandusky to continue his abuse.[8]:14[9][10]

new4now ago

Spanier has ties to Franklin Cover up

He was really good friends with someone from Nebraska State, who was fired, and who tied in solid with Larry King

argosciv ago

Do you mean Graham Spanier from the Penn State wiki? If not, who's Spaniel? lol...

new4now ago

Yes, thats the one

The guy at Nebraska was very high up

Would have to look up, too damn early to think

argosciv ago

Yeah I checked wiki on that one but no hits for Larry King. Too bad this isn't visible to the subverse feed anymore :/

new4now ago

Sorry, but you can always use your link in comments when needed

argosciv ago

Neh, apparently what I post is just too much. Y'all are just gonna have to figure it out without me.

Kinda funny, I had a whole other topic(+ peripheral topics) lined up to hit WaPo again and a host of others like a tonne of bricks - I wonder if anyone else has the spare time and energy to put it all together...

Probably not, though. Ah well, the spamaleks will continue sliding and shitposting, their posts left up while genuine effort is shat on; people will keep upvoating them and get nowhere... clap clap

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall

Vindicator ago

Ah well, the spamaleks will continue sliding and shitposting, their posts left up while genuine effort is shat on; people will keep upvoating them and get nowhere... clap clap

Please cite a spamalek shitpost that has been left up?

argosciv ago

I mentioned it in a dm to the mods/owners, not long after mine was deleted within about an hour of being posted.

I don't feel compelled enough to link it in public, this thread is deleted anyway so it's not like anyone would see it. I'm not even gonna make a post about this in v/pizzagatemods or v/pizzagatewhatever, the spamaleks can throw their little party now, you won't have to worry about me anymore.

argosciv ago

Neh, apparently what I post is just too much. Y'all are just gonna have to figure it out without me.

Kinda funny, I had a whole other topic lined up to hit WaPo and a host of others like a tonne of bricks - I wonder if anyone else has the spare time and energy to put it all together...

argosciv ago


nytimes.com - Agent Who Betrayed F.B.I. Cites Its Laxity | https://archive.is/hVONJ

Article opens:

A veteran F.B.I. agent who spied for Moscow for more than two decades has said that security at the bureau was so lax that it amounted to ''criminal negligence'' and that even file clerks had easy access to classified national-security information stored on the bureau's computers, according to a report by a special Justice Department panel that was released today.

The confessed spy, Robert P. Hanssen, also told the panel's investigators in a series of interviews that his motivation for spying was money and that he had originally planned to ''get a little money'' from espionage and then ''get out of it.''

Instead, Mr. Hanssen, a 57-year-old father of six, remained a spy for 22 years, collecting an estimated $600,000 in cash and gems from the Russians in exchange for American secrets, including the identity of Russian agents working for the United States who were later executed because of Mr. Hanssen's treachery.

The juicy part:

Mr. Hanssen told the investigators that he had little fear that his computer hacking would attract the attention of his superiors, given the lax supervision of the computer system. ''If I had been a more malevolent spy than I was,'' he is quoted as saying, ''they would have had a very difficult time finding me.''

The panel's report noted that because there was so little monitoring of intrusions into the computer system, Mr. Hanssen was not detected even when he began running computer searches on files involving Louis J. Freeh, the former F.B.I. director, and President Bill Clinton's family.

''On more than 20 occasions, he ran searches containing the names 'Hillary Rodham Clinton,' 'Hillary,' 'Chelsea' or 'Clinton,' '' the report said. ''He ran at least one search on Director Freeh. Had the F.B.I. been aware of these searches, it seems likely that auditors would have found this activity peculiar.''

Was he trying to make sure nobody was looking into the Clintons?

argosciv ago

Hanssen | Opus Dei | Ruth Kelly

Robert Hanssen

Emphasis in the following, added by myself.

Early Life

Hanssen was born in Chicago, Illinois, to a family who lived in the Norwood Park community.[7] His father Howard, a Chicago police officer, was emotionally abusive to Hanssen during his childhood.[8][9] He graduated from William Howard Taft High School in 1962 and went on to attend Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois, where he earned a bachelor's degree in chemistry in 1966.

Hanssen applied for a cryptographer position in the National Security Agency, but was rebuffed due to budget setbacks. He enrolled in dental school at Northwestern University[10] but switched his focus to business after three years.[11] Hanssen received an MBA in accounting and information systems in 1971 and took a job with an accounting firm. He quit after one year and joined the Chicago Police Department as an internal affairs investigator, specializing in forensic accounting. In January 1976, he left the police department to join the Federal Bureau of Investigation.[8]

Hanssen met Bernadette "Bonnie" Wauck, a staunch Roman Catholic, while attending dental school at Northwestern. The couple married in 1968, and Hanssen converted from Lutheranism to his wife's Catholicism, becoming a fervent believer and being extensively involved in the conservative Catholic organization Opus Dei.[12]

Personal life

According to USA Today, those who knew the Hanssens described them as a close family. They attended Mass weekly and were very active in Opus Dei. Hanssen's three sons attended The Heights School in Potomac, Maryland, an all-boys preparatory school.[58] His daughters attended Oakcrest School for Girls in Vienna, Virginia, an independent Roman Catholic school. Both schools are associated with Opus Dei. Hanssen's wife Bonnie still teaches theology at Oakcrest.[59]

A priest at Oakcrest said that Hanssen had regularly attended a 6:30 a.m. daily mass for more than a decade.[60] Opus Dei member Father C. John McCloskey III said he also occasionally attended the daily noontime mass at the Catholic Information Center in downtown Washington. After going to prison, Hanssen claimed he periodically admitted his espionage to priests in confession. He urged fellow Catholics in the Bureau to attend mass more often and denounced the Russians, even though he was spying for them, as "godless".[61]

However, at Hanssen's suggestion, and without the knowledge of his wife, a friend named Jack Horschauer, a retired Army officer, would sometimes watch the Hanssens having sex through a bedroom window. Hanssen then began to secretly videotape his sexual encounters and shared the videotapes with Horschauer. Later, he hid a video camera in the bedroom that was connected via closed-circuit television line so that his friend could observe the Hanssens from his guest bedroom.[62] He also explicitly described the sexual details of his marriage on Internet chat rooms, giving information sufficient for those who knew them to recognize the couple.[63]

Hanssen frequently visited D.C. strip clubs, and spent a great deal of time with a Washington stripper named Priscilla Sue Galey. She went with Hanssen on a trip to Hong Kong, and on a visit to the FBI training facility in Quantico, Virginia.[64] He gave her money, jewels, and a used Mercedes-Benz, but cut off contact with her before his arrest, when she fell into drug abuse and prostitution. Galey claims that although she offered to sleep with him, Hanssen declined, saying that he was trying to convert her to Catholicism.[65]

In the media

The story is mentioned in Ronald Kessler's book The Secrets of the FBI, both in Chapter 15, "Catching Hanssen," and Chapter 16, "Breach."[citation needed]

Eric O'Neill's role in the capture of Robert Hanssen was dramatized in the 2007 film Breach, in which Chris Cooper played the role of Hanssen and Ryan Phillippe played O'Neill.[66]

The 2007 documentary Superspy: The Man Who Betrayed the West describes the hunt to trap Robert Hanssen. Hanssen also was the subject of a 2002 made-for-television movie, Master Spy: The Robert Hanssen Story, with the teleplay by Norman Mailer and starring William Hurt as Hanssen. Robert Hanssen's jailers allowed him to watch this movie but Hanssen was so angered by the film that he turned it off.[67]

Hanssen is mentioned in chapter 5 of Dan Brown's book The Da Vinci Code as the most noted Opus Dei member to non-members. Because of his sexual deviancy and espionage conviction, the organization's reputation was badly hurt.[68]

Hanssen's story is reviewed on season 2, episode 4 of Mysteries at the Museum. Actual footage of his arrest by FBI agents is included. His story is the last segment of four included in this episode.

The American Court TV (now TruTV) television series Mugshots released an episode on the Robert Hanssen case titled Robert Hanssen - Hanssen and the KGB'.[69]

Opus Dei

Controversies about Opus Dei

Allegations of aggressive recruiting

The Jesuit priest and writer James Martin wrote that Opus Dei puts great emphasis on recruiting, and pointed to Escriva's writings which say "You must kill yourselves for proselytism."[11] David Clark, a consultant who specialises in helping people leave cults, claimed in 2006 that Opus Dei used a cult-like recruitment technique called "love bombing", in which potential members are showered with flattery and admiration by members of the organization in order to entice them into joining.

Opus Dei and politics

[John L. Allen, Jr.] states: "two of the most visible Opus Dei politicians in the world—(Paola) Binetti (a senator-elect) in Italy, and Ruth Kelly, the Minister of Education in England—are now women who belong to center-left parties," [1] "still there is a sociological reality that the kind of people attracted to Opus Dei tend to be conservative, theologically and politically."

Ruth Kelly: Secretary of State for Education and Skills: Sex offenders in schools controversy

On 9 January 2006, it came to light that Kelly’s department had granted permission for a man, Paul Reeve, who had been cautioned by police for viewing child pornography images and who was on a sex offenders register, to be employed at a school in Norwich on the basis that he had not been convicted of an offence. He, and an unknown number of others on the sex offenders register, were not on the DfES prohibited list, "List 99".[25] On 13 January, Kim Howells, a Minister of State at the DfES, admitted that it was he who had actually made the decision, in accordance with advice given to him by civil servants that the "person did not represent an ongoing threat to children but that he should be given a grave warning". In response to the critical media coverage surrounding the issue, Downing Street issued a statement confirming their confidence in Kelly and denying rumours that she was to be replaced.[26]

There was further controversy when it transpired that another teacher, William Gibson, 59, who had been cleared to work at Portchester School in Bournemouth despite the fact that he had been convicted in 1980 for indecent assault on a 15-year-old girl and had been previously removed from three schools. A letter from the Department for Education that suggested the Secretary of State had considered his case and found that although his past actions had been unwise and unacceptable, he had undertaken teaching work to good effect since.[27]

argosciv ago

Pizzagate premise/theory: Q seems to be pointing out Stanislav Lunev and "The BRIDGE" as a reference to Robert Hanssen and the place of his arrest, which is likely due to curiosities surrounding Hanssen and other pizzagate-related persons/elements. My theory is that Robert Hanssen's activities as a spy, may have also included some form of connection to institutionalized child abuse and/or the cover-up thereof, facilitated by Opus Dei, at the behest of Podesta/Clinton et al.

The history & founding of Opus Dei is also mired in controversy, including accusations of support for Nazis/Hitler - incidentally, Opus Dei is also known for being opposed to Hitler per their support for Communism. This kind of schismatic support/opposition indicates an underlying agenda to "play both sides", to myself; Links between Opus Dei and Robert Hanssen, seem very deeply rooted in WW2 and Cold War espionage - coupling this with the sex-abusers in schools controversy which has surrounded Opus Dei member & UK politician, Ruth Kelly - it seems even more apparent that ties between Opus Dei & politics touch on corruption, espionage and child abuse.

Curiosities pertaining to John Podesta's suspiciously angry article which opens with 9/11 signalling, Foxstone Park and the surrounding area(nearby Westwood Country Club) and 9/11-related incidents/elements also indicate 9/11 as peripheral to Hanssen/CIA/FBI...

If you still think there's no potential relevance, so be it, I won't repost if you delete it(or request it be deleted)

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @think- @ben_matlock @Blacksmith21

PS: Incoming comments with extra info, will update links in main post - posting the premise/theory^ first. (oh christ, sorry for typo ben)

EricKaliberhall ago

@argosciv my brother... You are casting one hell of a wide net... You are presenting a shit load of presumptions. I'm going to delete this... If you don't agree with decision, take it up with a higher power then me... I'm just the Janitor.

argosciv ago

Dude... you could have 24hr'd again and waited for 'a higher power'...

Screw it, I'm out.

EricKaliberhall ago

Dude I 24hr'd it yesterday... It don't work that way. Your post is highly interesting, it just needs a clear connection. Keep fighting!

argosciv ago

I'm not getting into an argument with you, suffice to say, I think the dots are very much there and connected, far-reaching though it may be.

You disagree, that's fine, I'm not gonna continue putting the energy into reposting it.

I'm not trying to subvert the purpose of the 24hr flair, the point of it is to encourage the author to improve their post and the way in which the present their proposed connections/claims.

I'd say this is at least a major improvement on the previous iteration and puts Podesta and WCC and Washington Post and Hanssen/GRU/FBI/CIA/Clinton(all previously established as pg-related(WaPo as deliberate disinfo and supporting 'the elite'), except GRU, Hanssen and WCC) right in the spotlight with plausible connections to Sept 11th 2001, given that Hanssen was arrested in February of that same year... I don't see it as that large of a leap and I think this time I've provided at least 2 solid inter-connecting ways of making the leap work.

Again, you disagree, okay.

That's all from me.

Are_we_sure ago

Can you summarize this in a short paragraph?.

argosciv ago

More likely the buyers of the property formed an organization specifically to buy that property.

I wouldn't put that outside the realm of possibility myself, but, it still begs the question of why choose a name identical to the WCC in Westwood, Missouri?

On that note:

What's the deal with Missouri anyway? You don't mention why that is important.

To be fair, I didn't say(or mean to imply) that it(the place abroad, not the WCC there, yes?) is important in the context of this submission. I do recall it coming up in previous research of mine and I think a few submissions by others in v/pizzagate... if there's a relevance here, from Missouri abroad, I'd be interested.

Are_we_sure ago

it still begs the question of why choose a name identical to the WCC in Westwood, Missouri?

Why is there a Westwood in CA and NJ and NY and CO and IL and KY and ..

argosciv ago

As in Westwood Country Club?

Are_we_sure ago

Just towns or neighborhoods it's just a popular name. I have found other Westwood Country Clubs too.

I think you might be someone for whom coincidences seem really important. It's a common name.

argosciv ago

Oh righto. Well yes, I do look for that stuff, but if I jumped on every Westwood at once, my own head would start to hurt xD

That said, Westwood popping up as towns/neighborhoods and multiple country clubs, makes me wonder. I'd have to go looking at all of them to see if there's anything to the curiosity, not gonna go doing that any time soon lol(if nothing else, getting late on this end).