Arrvee ago

Where the 9/11 terrorists drank and slept (Hollywood, FL in Broward County)

YogSoggoth ago

And a couple trained at Venice airport where I was living at the time. Meanwhile, Dubyah was reading the friendly goat to little kids at Sarasota's own most black school, which he had never done before or after. Pictures show him reading the book upside down, but that may be him telling jokes or listening to an earpiece because he can't read. I imagine he fled out of SRQ since that is the closest airway that can go anywhere if the plan messed up.

srayzie ago

Wow. That place sure has a past.

rooting4redpillers ago

@srayzie - a BIG THANK YOU, for ALL of your posts about FL. A lot of time well-spent. That’s all for now. A+++... Also, to all the rest of you here...

srayzie ago

Awww thank you!

Are_we__sure ago

You seem to know the rape allegation is fake. Because let's get real, if there was anything to the rape accusation, you wouldn't need list another reason.

These fake videos were paid for and put out just a few days before the 2012 election by a supporter of Israel's opponent.

Can you tell when someone is reading her lines off a cue card?

I thought y'all were experts in crisis actors.

Here's her work

Here's her lying about losing weight without exercising by using green coffee beans

Here's her losing weight using PaleoBurn

Want clean unwanted files and junk from your Macintosh? Here's her review of the best Mac Cleaner out there.

Want to get rid of tonsil stones? She's your gal.

Here's another product she loves! Mobile Monopoly is a COMPLETE LIFE SAVER! I love Mobile Monopoly!

srayzie ago

I ordered this for you. I need to know where to send it.

srayzie ago

if there was anything to the rape accusation, you wouldn't need list another reason.

Oh that’s brilliant. Just make a post but don’t look any further? Just so you know you scrawny little faggot, I’ve been posting about the suspicious inconsistencies I have found about the school shooting and about the crisis actors for a few days now in the GreatAwakening sub. When it comes to the Sherriff, I made a post about him BEFORE I even found out about the girls allegations. I found that later and added it. Because of that and him being a crooked Sherriff in an area where human trafficking runs rampant, and how it was Wasserman Shultz district, I decided that maybe I should post it here too. If people disagreed and thought there was nothing to it, then they could move to the next post.

Obviously, people disagree with you because it got 165 upvotes. It wouldn’t have gotten even near that much if I didn’t list everything else that I found and added other people’s findings to the post. Why don’t you try making a post instead of policing everyone else’s? That just screams of shill. Why do you go thru so much trouble and research things only to try to dispute someone’s post? You are dull and depressing and are paid. I could never be paid to shill groups that are trying to make a difference.

Are_we__sure ago

You're not trying to make a difference, you're a propagandist with no concern for truth and I just caught you using fake videos to attack your political enemies.

And you lie about me.

srayzie ago

I have no reason to lie. I’m here everyday because I give a shit. Not because I’m getting paid like you are. So go to hell faggot.

Matt_Helm ago

He's a zionist jew a bad guy part of the corrupt swamp in florida I hope he gets prosecuted for being such a dirty bastard.

srayzie ago

LOL. Look at what Lynn Rothschild said...

srayzie ago

On the top, I put the 2 posts I made of the suspicious “survivors.”. Well look at this! David Hogg has an ear piece! I’m going to add it to that post.


bopper ago

Wow !

InnocentAngels ago

Have you ever seen this? It was from 2014, but he had big bucks backing him for that position.

YogSoggoth ago

Tyler has a pad on Longboat Key. Is this Pereira, of Ridgefield, gets 12 months, 1 day for investment ..., the guy mentioned in this article?

InnocentAngels ago

I don't know if it is the same man, but if it is, wow, a partner in a wire fraud hedge fund scandal.

YogSoggoth ago

That would explain the huge donations too.

InnocentAngels ago

Or a pic with Richie Supa, since he connected idol rock star to sheriff.

YogSoggoth ago

Has to be a made up name. Whatever happened to Rickety Rocket? He changed his name to Supa. Anyone can do it with a written form to the S.S. office. Took about a week or two in the mail in the old days.

InnocentAngels ago

Exactly. You know another one that has a home on the key? Stephen (the writer) King. I've been to that area 2 or 3 times. Closest I got to Longboat was St Armands Circle. That whole area smells like money.

YogSoggoth ago

King has a pad on Casey Key. That is just south of there. He thought he was in Maine and was walking in the road, reading a book to steal ideas for his next book, when someone almost killed him with a vehicle. They had brakes, and he survived. His book flew straight up and hit him square in the forehead. He said that the book hurt him more than the car accident. Instant Karma. We locals call his resort Castlevania. Oprah was right up the street also living on Bird Key for a while right next to Jerry Springer, Hulk Hogan and across from lead singer of AC/DC Brian Johnson. I worked for Brian Johnson's wife and that might need a new thread. Money? Naples was the most concentrated area of millionaires in the late 80's when a millionaire still meant something in monetary talk. Think huge cell phones. Sarasota County took that over long ago for many reasons.

InnocentAngels ago

That's funny about the karma with the book smacking him. I remember reading about him writing his book, The Dunes(?) while he was recovering from the accident. He seems like a blood sucker, so the Castlevania fits perfect. Lol. I love the Sarasota area, so beautiful. Saw a shark out in the bay on the Ringling Expressway bridge. There was a guy out in his canoe right by it and I was hoping I wasn't about to see my own version of Jaws. I imagine you saw a lot of juicy stuff while working for Johnson's wife. You should make your own thread if it can pass the mods rules.

YogSoggoth ago

No thanks. We call it Castlevania because of the old video game. Sarasota is a shit hole now thanks those stupid yankees in their kayaks, jetskis, pleasure boats, sailboats, and yachts. Message to the rest of the World is we hate you all with every fiber of our being and we wish you harm! Oh, and don't come here.

InnocentAngels ago

Hey, I understand, you live it, I was just a tourist. I was just looking from the outside in, you look at it from the inside. I knew I wouldn't fit in anyway.

YogSoggoth ago

Just so you know the real rules. Yes Sir, and Yes Maam. Yes'm if your not sure. We still hold doors open for people. Know your route, and do not set out in rush hour traffic in any tourist town in the world. You will do just fine, but a real Florida experience is not had here anymore. We natives vacation out of town.

InnocentAngels ago

I saw some of "old" Florida when I was a kid. My dad was in a car accident in Key West. I was like 8 or so. The memories of the roadside fruit stands and being pulled around in a raft by dolphins have stayed with me. The naval base with the ships in the harbor too. Can understand why you would vacation elsewhere. When I said I knew I wouldn't fit in there is I could see you need to be worth millions to be accepted there.

YogSoggoth ago

Easy. Get any one of these many Satanic bastards on pic/tape for months and make backups. Could be minor things. Could look like nothing, but put a time and a date attached? Election time is closer than you think because the price goes up in the last year. You could afford a round the world trip.

InnocentAngels ago

Haha! Now that's a dream that I would like to see as a reality. You should have done this yourself. Just to be able to take down the "Satanic bastards" would make me happy now.

bopper ago


Amazing really. And very strange. All the fuss over a sheriff? You should make a post. I had heard about the Aerosmith guitarist helping the sheriff but Tyler himself. Shaking my head. I don't know if others even know about this.

InnocentAngels ago

Another one about the dear sheriff. He should step down just for this. I saw him on CNNN with Fake Tapper today stating he wasn't going anywhere. I will have to say Fake did hit him pretty bad. I was really shocked by that alone.

bopper ago

I was too, and I think Tapper was being sincere, he was quite frustrated, no honor among thieves and whatever is going on, it's fun to watch ... I think there is a breakdown in communications between the media and the other players.

InnocentAngels ago

I enjoyed it too. Are they seeing him as a liability now? And what the crap was that he was doing with his mouth? I thought he was going to lick his lips off.

bopper ago

Haha, I don't remember his mouth I'd have to watch again, I probably am trying to do too much at once. Yeah I think the sheriff is toast now. Remember the young Kennedy thing w/ the chapstick problem? Don't feel obligated.

InnocentAngels ago

Lol, I remember the young Kennedy with his lips looking shiny white. He looked like he had rabies, haha. What a distraction for anyone watching. Bet he doesn't do that again.

bopper ago

Rabies, yeah, that made me laugh.

InnocentAngels ago

Great! I like to make people laugh.

bopper ago

Myself !

InnocentAngels ago

One of the best things in life!

bopper ago

It is :)

InnocentAngels ago

I was looking at an old thread about the ? basement in the Viper room because of a post by Viperguy on preview Voat recently. Viperguy hadn't really posted since that time. He was stating why he thought Voat was shut down. I will link it to you if you want to see it. Anyway, I was glancing through comments and saw one you had about some of the old rock bands, including Joe Walsh. I thought I would leave this for you just for fun. This was a great stoner song. It was much better that way, lol.

bopper ago

Haha, yeah I like Joe Walsh, he's a straight shooter. That song is on youtube, them doing it live, hilarious.

InnocentAngels ago

Blast from the past is fun sometimes. Thought you might like. Good times!!

bopper ago

Yes, good times, and before all this technology :(

InnocentAngels ago

I hate it for young people today. So many of them have no idea how to interact with someone one on one, in person. It really did change so much. That's why we see what we see today. That and so many feel entitled to whatever they want without having to earn it.

bopper ago

Yep, it's a pity. (Just think, people before us had no TV and before that no radio.)

InnocentAngels ago

Oh, that would have been so boring, but you don't miss what you have never known. My kids and I talked recently about our days of picking out movies at the Blockbuster stores. They enjoyed just walking around looking at them. Malls will be a thing of the past soon too.

bopper ago

Exactly, you don't miss what you've never known.

I can get pretty nostalgic sometimes...and also wish I could turn back time, so many mistakes. Lol, not happening.

Goodnight, I'll see you 'round :)

InnocentAngels ago

Know what you mean. Life's a journey, the good with the bad. It can be a lot of laughs though too! See ya later.

InnocentAngels ago

I thought the same thing. Why would he have these mega dollars pouring in over a sheriff position? I wonder if anyone knows anything about Pereira? All you guys are better at this research than I am. I'm just putting it out there.

bopper ago

Exactly, such big money and celebs? Makes no sense. Something stinks w/ this guy.

InnocentAngels ago

Look at Yogsoggth post on this thread. Could it be the same man (Pereira)?

bopper ago

Thanks, if you have the link to the post or comment that would be good. I'm under the weather if I don't get back to you right away. Yuk.

bopper ago

Wow, well why wouldn't it be the same guy. Very interesting. I feel terrible but I read it cause of the name. Thanks, talk later.

InnocentAngels ago

Hollywood Vampires are Alice Cooper, Johnny Depp and Joe Perry. Just strange how all these people connect, isn't it.

InnocentAngels ago

Saw where you posted today, so thought I would show you one connection I made. I couldn't find anything else about Pereira and if the hedge fund wire fraud guy was the same as the sheriff's friend, but I did find this. Pereira is a Portuguese name that was often changed to Perry upon immigration. So Joe Perry that was once part of Aerosmith must be related to the sherrif's friend Pereira.

bopper ago

Wow, that's fascinating. Yes they probably are related, that would explain the connection. Weird, saw your other comment too.

InnocentAngels ago

I understood the money factor after that. Just wonder what favors they want in return for their donations.

bopper ago

You know they want something.

Trump insider "Qanon" is posting after several days absence if I disappear. It's over in the Great Awakening forum.

You may or may not be interested.

InnocentAngels ago

I'm sure they want something out of that deal, esp. with that area being so corrupt. Drugs? Who knows, but I'm sure they didn't do it out of the goodness of their heart. Lol. As far as Q goes I'm not a believer. Wish it was true, but usually things that are to good to be true are not true.

bopper ago

I understand, no problem, I've gotten so involved over there. I didn't even think of the drug angle! Probably correct.

InnocentAngels ago

I believe everyone is entitled to their opinion, so no problem here either. Iv'e been looking into this creepy commercial that I saw recently. I found it on Youtube and by the comments I'm not alone about the creep factor. The company is out of San Fran. Seems some believe the company is not legit. Complaints about delivery dates, returns. Trying to found out who owns it. The only people who would REALLY enjoy this commercial are pedos or the adult diaper fetish types.

bopper ago

What the heck. Will wonders never cease? That was creepy!

InnocentAngels ago

I know ! First time I saw it on TV I thought that's just plain freaky. That's why I want to find out about the owners.

bopper ago

Yeah I was gonna google the website but got distracted.

InnocentAngels ago

I looked on their Facebook, but didn't sign in. I hate knowing they track us. I don't really use it because of that. That's where I saw the comments with complaints.

bopper ago

I know, I'm on facebook but I hold my nose ... it's so I can talk to people involved in JFK shooting. A forum. Had I seen that ad on TV I think I would have slid out my chair, so gross. What's the matter with people, nuts.

InnocentAngels ago

So many people are so deep into it they miss everything else going on in the world. Several people I know are this way. They can't go a day without looking at it. Yeah, you never know what you will see on the TV tube now. I was watching some of The Divided States the other day... Episode on Portland and the protests. They were displaying The Patriot Prayer group as an alt- right white supremacy group. It pissed me off so much. Iv'e seem videos of these guys. They are just mainly a veterans group standing up for freedom of speech. They always group and attach names to people. Just tired of it.

bopper ago

I'm tired of it all too, total propaganda.

InnocentAngels ago

Yes it is . Hard to fight when the media has so much control.

bopper ago

Indeed, I'm hoping for changes.

InnocentAngels ago

Me too. Have seen Gen Z may be Libertarians which would be a good balance. I don't believe the Republicans will ever survive and the Dems are going so far to the left. This country could use a Libertarian president. I know or think you are a Republican, but that party needs to merge more to the Libertarian side. That way the Dems would have a harder time winning. I changed over to Independent from Dem. Dems are cray cray now.

bopper ago

I would have liked having Ron Paul tho he wasn't perfect. You may remember Ross Perot, I liked him cause he was an outsider. Yeah I'm conservative but these repubs, none are any good, I liked Trump cause I want him to go kick some butt lol, so tired of it all. The Dems are indeed wacko, radical left. Back in the day my folks were democrats cause they were in unions. I may log off soon. I'm in Texas right now.

InnocentAngels ago

Yes, none on the left or right are worth it anymore. Yes, I know of both Ron and Ross. Ross was a little whacko. I just say that because my father in law was a big fan, and he was whacko, lol. See you later on the forum.

bopper ago

Lol, Perot was a trip, so funny. There's a video of a guy named Chip Tatum saying Bush asked him to "neutralize" Perot and that's why Perot quit. Not kill him, just threaten. Same guy that was involved in bringing down Gary Hart via honeypot. Okay, catch you later.

InnocentAngels ago

Yog is looking for pic connections.

InnocentAngels ago

Get better soon. Here's the thread.

InnocentAngels ago

I agree.

srayzie ago

He’s definitely crooked

InnocentAngels ago

Looks like it to me. Favors for some?

srayzie ago

Yeah exactly

Neskuaxa ago

The above reason is why I am posting this in pizzagate. Add in all the other criminal activity and Debbie Wasserman Shultz, I think it’s likely there is child trafficking going in there too.

They are opting to tear down the school and rebuild fresh to wipe away the memory of the shoot shooting. Given the extreme lax given to the school by the police department and the amount of gangs operating out of there. I don't doubt something more is at play.

The sheriff and police chief could always deny the violent acts (assaults, rapes, beatings etc.) were being ignored; that's why the good guys in the police dept gave the evidence of the stolen merchandise. That physical evidence couldn't be ignored and proved the scheme.

I bet there is probably some damning evidence stored on the school grounds itself.

srayzie ago

Yeah, rebuilding the school makes NO SENSE.

YogSoggoth ago

Sure it does, if the contractor is already set up. Remember, this is the East Coast. Not so easy on the West, but I have noticed these guys moving in, in the same pattern.

Neskuaxa ago

I hope that the military gets to investigate the building prior to it being torn down. Isn't Trump initiating a Military investigation into this?

srayzie ago

Yes! I hope so too.

Horizonprinter ago

One would think to look for people without suspensions backgrounds. This guy has more skeletons in his closet than the average Joe.

senpaithatignoresyou ago

You guys do know that the 8chan boards that were researching this were heavily barraged by child pornography.

Apparently there is a LOT to this, including the broward county sheriffs department covering up for gang activity.

new4now ago

Alex Jones got a strike on a video he did on this story

the one were Hoggs forgot his lines

YouTube took it down and gave Alex a strike

Guess YouTube has a new policy

3 strikes with in 3 months, the channel will be deleted

used this link because it is text not a vid

Arrvee ago

A bit about deputy Scot Peterson

Peterson is mentioned as part of a 2016 social services agency investigation into Nikolas Cruz, the 19-year-old identified by police as the gunman. According to a Florida Department of Children and Families report detailing that investigation, Peterson was approached by investigators and "refused to share any information . . . regarding [an] incident that took place with" the teenager.

There could be a procedural reason for refusing to share this information. The kid was a minor. There are probably privacy laws. It could have been illegal to share the information. This is not damning by itself, but it's more info to consider.

2deepstate4u ago

I think the shootings are real in a sense that people will die and the shooter will go to the prison. Now here is the question: how do they make the shooter to think "it's better to spend the rest of my life in prison than oppose these guys"? Will the shooters get eventually bailed out? Did they get tricked?

Birddirt ago

Mk ultra. I've read somewhere that these shooters are on psychoactive drugs. they all claimed to hear voices in their heads. There's also a conspiracy theory that correlates to this which is a mild radio wave via cell phone that mixed with these drugs can alter your brain waves and make you controllable. But this is all conspiracy theory.

srayzie ago

He was mentally ill and autistic and spent time in the mental hospital.

carmencita ago

Cruz went to 5 or 6 different schools. They love handing out pills like candy for ADHD. Some schools get money for each kid they get to take these pills. It 's disgusting. Also that 's why he fell through the cracks as well, LE as we now know, were ignoring crimes committed by them, to gain state and federal funds. Letting children get away when young will only make matters worse. Giving them pills they don't need only intensifies the mental issues. Broward is a Cesspool and it's DWS's fault. @InnocentAngels

InnocentAngels ago

Yes, I believe there is a link with mental illness, even depression, anxiety and ADHD. Some people are thinking it's the SSRI's causing these people to become violent. I have one article about it, but also saw something on CBS the other day about a young gunman stopped by a friend that was going to shoot up a school. Guess what same problems with mental illness. I will see if I can find that one too.

Herbvendor ago

They just strong arm them into a plea deal and make it look like best option, not very hard to do cops do it everyday ,esepcially when teh civil defense attorney isnt on the defendants side necessarily...

QuestionEverything ago

Democratic Solution is stolen from futurama: the BRANIGAN solution.

Wave after wave.

YogSoggoth ago

Again with Ron Meyer.

srayzie ago

On a luxury yacht owned by a friend and campaign supporter. 🙄

Hootydog ago

Look at Hollywood for an example. Jews are nasty, degenerate creatures. There is a reason why the world hates them.

arniecuntingham ago

his last name makes him suspicious. OY!

ninjajunkie ago

I bet we only need to draw-and-quarter a couple of these assholes before this shit stops.

Gothamgirl ago

I know someone that works there, or did a few years ago, now she is a paralegal, not sure about then. I am just going to say I realized after some time, she knew all the white collar crimes, they couldn't be arrested for and prosecuted for, and the only way for a company to go after them, was in civil court. Well well versed scammer makes lots of money, works as a team to. With a whole rack of lawyers on call.

Dade and Broward county are like America's sodom and gomorrah. Honestly, I believe Florida's system is the worst in the country, when talking about pedophilia and false flags.

srayzie ago

Gosh. I had no idea it was so bad.

TrishaUK ago

I did not realise you had posted this about the police father giving his son a bullet proof vest. I just mentioned it in a different post. There is so much to catch up on, I had friends over for a long weekend and there is soooo much news! Thanks for all the pings, I am going through them now :)

YogSoggoth ago

Remember the Finders, and the Children of God cult? Pretty sure I was approached by the latter last year. Older woman with a 12/14 Year old girl in a Publix. Old lady was her pimp/handler. Young girl made eye contact and smiled,. I smiled back. They waited right outside the door until I left. I smiled again and walked right past both of them. The young girl seemed confused and the old lady said maybe he doesn't like Punta in French, like she was consoling her. They got into a fancy car and drove away. That lady did not know I took French in H.S.

srayzie ago

Do you mean the girl was surprised that you smiled but kept walking instead of using her.? Because she’s not used to that?

YogSoggoth ago

That is the impression I got. They hurriedly walked off in front of me straight to the vehicle, like I might be a cop. I initially thought French prostitution ring, but then I quickly remembered that Canucks speak that language. I ruled out Cajuns immediately because of the accent and ... well, they just kill people that do that with or without LEO support.

srayzie ago

That’s so sad.

YogSoggoth ago

Well, yes, but not really, all we need is a few coon asses to round this marais up real quick. Just like as an experienced English speaker in America, I can do different accents, so can a Cajun, in Francois. They are great at hand to hand combat and munitions too.

Blacksmith21 ago

Oh and I think this one zipped past us in the fall.

This is Polk county, about 90 minutes away...

srayzie ago

I don’t think Scott Israel would be a part of that since it’s so far away.

Blacksmith21 ago

I would have to wholeheartedly disagree with you on that. Sheriff association, LE groups, conferences, all tie them together. 95 is a massive traffic route as is I-4. Human traffickers have to coordinate their shipments with each other, passing through multiple jusrisdictions. Israel is in DWS district. I'm sure she hooks up her fellow pedopols when the visit the Sunshine State.

srayzie ago

Ok 👍🏻

ESOTERICshade ago

Isn't this the same county that Timothy Holmseth has reported for have a baby selling ring?

srayzie ago

Is it??

ESOTERICshade ago

Here it is. Broward is mentioned in this link as being tied up in Timothy's case somehow.

srayzie ago

Thank you. I’ll add it. I’ll listen to some of his videos today to see if this is the place he mentions so often. Maybe you can listen too if possible.

ESOTERICshade ago

I’ll listen to some of his videos today to see if this is the place he mentions so often. Maybe you can listen too if possible.

I'm not sure where Broward fits in. Timothy's case includes people from several different jurisdictions and states I think. After looking, oddly enough, Broward may have made an injunction letting him enter some evidence or something, which would be odd for Broward because that is Wasserman's district and we know she is a snake.

srayzie ago

Ok should I delete it?

ESOTERICshade ago

OK, i see what you mean. You mean Timothy's case. Not sure because I don't know enough about how Broward fits in.

ESOTERICshade ago

Ok should I delete it?

Your thread? i don't see any reason to do that.

srayzie ago

No. I put your link.

ESOTERICshade ago

Here it is. It looks like Broward is suppressing Timothy's evidence and saying that he cannot publish it. Right? Which means Broward is hindering his investigation?

PETIONER possesses, and has herein submitted to the Court, journalistic work product that the Broward Court ordered not be published by PETITIONER, which contains information that Attorney ***** L. ***** is a professional criminal, kidnapper, child sex trafficker, cyber criminal, and extortionist whose expertise is using her law license, and/or connections acquired thereby, to illegally change the custody and/or take unlawful possession of a child through illegal means for purposes of financial enrichment, child pornography, witness intimidation, and/or sex trafficking.

ESOTERICshade ago

Is it??

Maybe not. Might be Putnam county. Still looking but I thought Broward was tied in somehow.

argosciv ago

Blowback's a bitch, Scott...

Well fuckin done, srayzie :)

lolol @Crensch <3

srayzie ago

Lol thank you

derram ago :

ScottIsrael2012: The Real Scott Israel for Broward Sheriff - Take 3 - YouTube :

Susan Israel's Statement on Sheriff Al Lamberti's Lies - YouTube

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