darkknight111 ago

Crispin Glover, Arthur C Clarke and the studf about Nambla caught my interest.

PedoStomper ago

Mr. Gunk is the shit. His videos are extremely informative; I share them with friends/family frequently. The way he puts it all together, combined with his smooth, non-threatening voice, it just comes together for a very informative viewing experience.

TrishaUK ago

Haha guessing you are a younger voater, I read your first statement and thought you hated Mr. Gunk! After all this time I still don't get the 'good is bad or wicked' thing lol

PedoStomper ago

I'm 30, it's just a phrase I've used all throughout my life, I'm sure I picked it up from a movie or a rapper or something when I was a lad.

TrishaUK ago

Yep a youngster in my dictionary, my children are around that age. lol

PedoStomper ago

Well it's nice to know that we have a mixture of younger and older folks here. We need people from all walks of life joining in this fight. These perverts raise their children to be as sick at them, so we have to try our best to raise righteous children who stand up for truth. I do not have any kids yet, but I hope that when I do, they will not be brainwashed normie sheep.

TrishaUK ago

Fantastic, I 100% agree with you. A breath of fresh air to hear it. :) Impressed with your passion for the right causes, we are winning! perves going down.

millennial_vulcan ago

Mr Gunk obviously reads or is a contributor to Voat/Pizzagate.

A lot of his dialogue is lifted DIRECTLY FROM VOAT POSTS. Particularly his video on Madeline McCann.

Not complaining; he/she needs to give credit where its due though.

@Vindicator @darkknight111 @Carmencita @migratorypatterns @Mad_As_Hell

Vindicator ago

Someone ought to comment on his video to that effect.

carmencita ago

Yes. I remember us talking about that before. Daily Mail and others read here and the next thing we know after a Powerhouse Post, Boom, mysteriously they do an article on our post. Hmm. Must just be coincidence.

Joe10jo ago

I remember too, Carmencita.

carmencita ago

Yes. Amazing. But I guess when it comes down to it, we should be glad they are helping our cause. But, Geeze can't you send out your own people to get stories. Sigh.

TrishaUK ago

I always give the credit where credit is due. I know its a lot of work researching and its not nice for people to copy and paste,but if it reaches a wider audience, I would be glad they are at least using correct information. Mr.Gunk has 25,000 followers, I dare say a lot of them are not voat users. carmencita have you, @millennial_vulcan or any others that feel this way about Mr.Gunk asked him to add you as a source? Maybe hes not aware that you feel this way since there is no copywrite on your articles. Just trying to see it from both points of view. 👍🏻😁

new4now ago

Did you know you can Google your Voat name and your history, what would come up if we clicked on a name here, comes up?

Bad enough shills get us here, but I don't want one coming here looking specifically for me

But I agree, others shouldn't use the work someone put time in

Agree with millennial Vulcan

Credit Voat user

millennial_vulcan ago

there's no excuse for it. He needs to just CREDIT VOAT. Its not my article but its an article by a VOAT USER that he has used WORD FOR WORD and is probably earning AD REVENUE for, so he needs to do the right thing.

Of course, great and all of that, that he's putting it out there. Noones contesting the positives of that. But the fact remains, its plagiarism.

TrishaUK ago

I understand.

carmencita ago

Oh, my only fear is when they stretch the truth the other way. But if they are spreading the word, that is good. It would be nice for voat to get a little credit once in a while. I don't care about myself getting the credit, just our cause or site. We all should share in it.

TrishaUK ago

Yes I understand.

millennial_vulcan ago


millennial_vulcan ago

You spelled Spielberg incorrectly in your subject line.

TrishaUK ago

Sorry I am dyslexic, I usually try check everything, especially my Subject Headings. I did check it and thought it was right. Sorry, this is one reason I am reluctant to post sometimes.

millennial_vulcan ago

don't let that stop you from posting. They are always really interesting posts and we all need the UK perspective.

The more the names are spelled correctly, the better chance they have of popping up in searches and leading folk to this site. Its ok though.

TrishaUK ago

I know, but sometimes when I look at it and even check it, it looks right to me. I will have to maybe give it a short break and come back, then post it. Sometimes its worse if I have been on typing so much. :)

21yearsofdigging ago

Lived and worked in Hollywood for 20 years. Back then, the shear mention of his name would cause people to shutter. He is obviously not thug or big bruiser but he had SO MUCH POWER!!! He still does and I can promise you, many of you already know, that people working in that industry will just look the other way. They are cowards! I HATE THEM!! What they did to me and others, SCUM!! You can become the enemy overnight for a loose lip comment about Spielberg. The Spielbergs of Hollywood don't do the dirty work., Oh no, but they have a tribe of muscle . PR engines and expensive suits cleaning up whatever might leak out.This goes for the Brad Pitts as well. These people have been forced on us and they are billion dollar enterprises. BOYCOTT THE OSCARS!!! That is a start. Get bumper stickers made with that rhetoric.T-shirts as well. "Hollywood is Complacent " with this discription underneath. "showing smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one's achievements."

Shizy ago

We have to starve the beast to destroy it. Unfortunately, our society is so dumbed down and has been taught to idolize these "celebrities". Most people know more about what is going on in the life of whatever trendy celebrity/singer/whatever than they know about many of their family members. It's so sad and they are too stupid to see it's all a distraction, and an illusion. Too many will never wake up to the truth, but I continue to be happily surprised that so many are beginning to see through the bullshit for what it really is

Baichu ago

Yes, starve the beast is probably the only way to destroy it. It is so unfortunate that the new hollywood is now filtering into Netflix. Netflix is being fed ferociously by people, so the stupidity continues by people who think they are waking up, yet are still throwing their money at more nonsense.

PedoStomper ago

They also want people to strive to "make it big in Hollywood," when in reality, if you move there and have no family or business connections whatsoever, you'll be working at a Denny's and going to auditions for 4am TV commercials for the rest of your miserable life. Unless you already have connections, or go to Hollywood and go STRAIGHT into trying to join the Masons/Eastern Star/etc., you won't get anywhere. But they keep pushing the "if you just work hard enough" narrative, the American Dream nonsense, and it works. I lived in L.A. for five years and saw so many people in their fucking 50's working part-time at restaurants, living in studio apartments, and trying so hard to "make it," having no clue whatsoever how useless their attempts are. Fucking sad.

millennial_vulcan ago

lord, that sounds so depressing. PStomp, you need to write a book. Yep I too have a few friends connected to the industry and of course its all who you sleep with. 'Woke' folk have known that forever, but I guess the sheeple know it now too. Question is, will anything really change or will there be some fake feeble attempts at some movements for about two seconds because life there goes right back to how it was...

TrishaUK ago

Wow, so sorry to hear all of this. Hopefully and prayerfully, this is all going to come crumbling down AND the 'bigger they are the harder the fall'. People will start turning on each other to cover their own butts. Please let there be enough spaces for these scumbags in prison, or on the gallows! The public are awakening and this behaviour is coming to light and will not stay hidden. Bless you my friend, I hope we see the good guys united and bringing this criminal behaviour into the open very soon. Thanks for sharing.

21yearsofdigging ago

Just to add that we should not be using the word ELITE when referring to them. We are winning and we are gaining ground. ...'expose these elite pedophiles.', how about "expose these DELETE pedophiles"

TrishaUK ago

I agree "elite" would be a better way to write it, as people know who we are talking about, but the inverted commas would give a sarcasm to the word.

bungled ago

Weird detail about Spielberg and this topic:

In Raiders of the Lost Ark, Indy's live interest Marion (or whatever she's called) was supposed to be only 12 years old when she first slept with a much older Indy.

The actress who played her became Spielberg's wife.

Shizy ago

Wrong about who married Spielberg- it was Kate Capshaw not the actress who played Marion. I have heard before about the original storyline including Indy having a relationship with a very young teen. When it was discussed Spielberg allegedly didn't see any problem with it but did end up making her older so the audience wouldn't be upst

bungled ago

You're right, I got it wrong.

Shizy ago

It's ok, I hope I didn't sound rude.

millennial_vulcan ago

No that's incorrect. Karen Allen who played Marion did NOT marry Stephen. That was the actress from Temple of Doom: KATE CAPSHAW. His wife before that was AMY IRVING best known for the film CARRIE.

bungled ago

Oh ok whoops. Thanks for that.

TrishaUK ago

I never knew that.

kazza64 ago

people dont want to believe that somebody like spielberg who has brought us all so much joy could be a pedophile ...... every time i post something about michael jacksons pedophilia i cop it from his fans ... the truth is you can have creative genius and also have a sexual desire for children ... whats more important ..... the childrens welfare is number one priority and thats where turning a blind eye in the industry has resulted in high profile abusers remaining unprosecuted

TrishaUK ago

I know, its unbelievable. Something like the parents that do not listen to their children, because they want them to be famous! Total derelict of duty. As a parent your no 1 priority is to bring them up in a safe and healthy environment, and guard them with your life! I watched this documentary today on ITV in the UK, ( https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2405133 - Boarding Schools: The Secret Shame - Exposure - https://www.itv.com/hub/boarding-schools-the-secret-shame-exposure/2a5293a0001 - courtesy of a ping from @Mad_As_Hell thank you - ) - don't know how I missed it, as I saw the preview and thought I would watch. @carmencita @srayzie @darkknight111 @Cc1914

millennial_vulcan ago

that link doesn't work outside of the UK

carmencita ago

Posting This Again and Again: https://78.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lmp3731VNT1qeve6qo1_400.jpg picture of SS with Heather O'Rourke and Drew Barrymore. I am sure Drew has many stories to tell. Too bad Heather can't identify her abuser. She died at the age of 12.

TrishaUK ago

So sad :'(

carmencita ago

I know. He is the one I want to go first. WA is already on his way. We have to keep posting about these guys. People will keep reading and finally it may sink in.

carmencita ago

Thank You!

migratorypatterns ago

Hey, great post.

UpVoat for bringing down that PedoWood cabal.

TrishaUK ago

Thanks. Thought it would be a good post, Mr. Gunk is great, and easily understood. :)

millennial_vulcan ago

yes but he/she needs to credit voat as he lifts directly from posts here.

@ 22.28 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_0AuBVd7NjM

LIFTED WORD FOR WORD from: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1611153



carmencita ago

Plagerism! We should have something in our rules about that. A kind of warning. If that is at all possible.

millennial_vulcan ago

I mean, did you compare? WORD FOR WORD!!!!!!

carmencita ago

Yes! But is there a way to stop them, Idk. I guess we should be glad they are spreading it as long as it is in our favor or the good of spreading PG.

kazza64 ago

spielberg is a big domino

TrishaUK ago

Deep sigh....just want all this to be over and children to be safe.

darkknight111 ago

https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2347086 My investigation into the incident regarding Judith Barsi. Speilberg is #1 suspect.

TrishaUK ago

Thanks for adding that link, you are another great researcher. I will check it out soon. :) Keep up the good work, its too late, and too vast for them to hide it anymore. Just pray for the right judges preside in the courts and give these sickos the harshest punishments available.

Oh_Well_ian ago

If they're tied to human trafficking, they are going to GITMO.

Military Tribunals not controlled/corrupt courts.

TrishaUK ago

That would be great.

TrishaUK ago

I did read this when you posted last month. Why on earth is there so little interest in your post? it has only 15 votes, I think people are sleeping, or don't want to admit these 'talented' people responsible for great movies can be involved in these heinous crimes. Sad :'(

derram ago

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=7C7mL6oOZFo :

The Dark Side of Steven Spielberg & Hollywood - YouTube

https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=ydggZ6Yy1e8&t=467s :

THIS is why I believe PizzaGate is real! TRUE STORY! - YouTube

https://hooktube.com/watch?v=Jaj21dF2Y2Q :

Five Creepy Facts About the PizzaGate Street in DC. - YouTube

https://hooktube.com/watch?v=VW0kF8ZVkO8 :

Five Suspicious & Creepy Facts About James Alefantis #PizzaGate - YouTube

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