think- ago

@heygeorge will know.


bulletproofaquarium ago

ITV put this on quite late knowing that it would have a small audience in the UK. Its like they had to allow this to be broadcast but didnt want to....

I looked over UK media this morning (GMT time) and there was ZERO mention of this anywhere on the morning news or radio. Its like the London Media Scum just cant cope with the truth anymore...

smokemirrors ago

Is it because most of the London Media Scum lol all went to boarding school? They all sound very upper class privileged queen language.

Narcissism ago

My parents wanted to send me to a boarding school in the 70's. I just told them straight "Unless you chain me to the bed I won't be staying one night". They went off thought about it for a few days and then came back and said "Maybe it wasn't suitable for me...". My brother went to a boarding school and while there was no actual abuse, there is always a level of psychological abuse at those places. I can't define it, but it definitely changed his personality.

smokemirrors ago

Sorry to hear, Narc. Same with military schools in the USA. Hothouses of abuse on the fragile psyche of young kids. So terrible.

Boarding schools and childrens homes in the UK. What a total mess :-(

Narcissism ago

My parents wanted to send me to a boarding school in the 70's. I just told them straight "unless you chain me to the bed I won't be staying one night". They went off thought about it for a few days and then came back and said "Maybe it wasn't suitable for me...".

GassyMcGasface ago

It's not abuse, it's Sharia. You fucking racist.

think- ago

We should all remember why pedophilia is so widespread in the UK - many members of the elites were abused in boarding schools when they were kids.

smokemirrors ago

@think- So very true. Those British boarding schools all look like a perverted Hogwarts.

Also, a lot of young boys going through puberty while in boarding schools often 'lose their virginity' to a male peer. This must mess them up, sexually.

bulletproofaquarium ago

Dont forget Boarding School Syndrome either. Boarding School destroys the parent/child bond due to extended periods apart. Its quite horrible what it does to the child.

smokemirrors ago

oh god how awful. I cant imagine. As another poster said, it is no wonder so many turn out to be deviants. They are emotional and sexual zombies.

kazza64 ago

steven fry talks about this he describes being raped by an older student and then defends the action saying it wasnt rape

smokemirrors ago

I like him. I think milo yiannopoulos said same thing, but the poor guy is obviously very messed up.

PedoStomper ago

It all starts with Freemasonry, and the UK has more Freemasons per capita than any other place in the entire globe.

ClairesDeLuney ago

Exactly. Furthermore, these sickos are rewarded & climb the ladder as they are "knighted". The entire Freemasonry web needs to be demolished with a blow torch!

carmencita ago

Sexual Abuse at Eton has been a Right of Passage. This needs to be Blown Sky High.

think- ago

Agree, @Carmencita, that's really sad. The initian rites in places like Eton and other elite boarding schools should be looked into. Also, the older boys will ask the younger boys for 'sexual favours', even when they have passed these rites.

And once the 'younger boys' have become the 'older boys', they will start abusing the younger new pupils. It's a chain of abuse that is passed from generation to generation.

smokemirrors ago

@carmencita I will tell it like it is. Cover your ears. I have a successful quite wealthy British friend. When he was at boarding school at about age 8 or 9 (he has blanked from mind) he had to perform a sex act (Ill let you guess which one) on the music teacher (age 50 or so.) A few other teachers were gay and would have sex within ear shot of the young boys dormitories, knowing full well the boys would tip toe out to watch and would 'get off' on it.

My friend makes a lot of jokes about these kinds of things and matter of factly states it was just normal. Is this normal for British schools? It was not Eton but an expensive school, and not a famous one.

think- ago

Is this normal for British schools? It was not Eton but an expensive school, and not a famous one.

I'm afraid it is indeed, at least at boarding schools. It is very sad.

My friend makes a lot of jokes about these kinds of things and matter of factly states it was just normal.

This is how it has always been in Britain, @smokemirrors. 'Keeping a stiff upper lip' and regarding these things as normal.

When I'll have the time later today, I will link to an article about a deceased teacher and housemaster at Eton, who has swapped nude pictures of children with other adults. It was published only a couple of days ago.

Also, last year a 17yr. (!) old Eton pupil was convicted (to attend some 'therapy sessions'....), because he had produced the most horrible child porn imaginable. Basically, they let him get away with it. LE never even tried to find out where he got the children from he filmed, since he was from an elite family.

@Carmencita @Piscina @TrishaUK @DerivaUK @UnicornandSparkles

TrishaUK ago

Thanks for the heads up, checking it out. @think-

smokemirrors ago

wow thank you for letting me know this. I did not know this Eton story. And this is where Prince William and Prince Harry went? This is unbelievable. It has really made me think about some of our Elitest Prep Schools over here and what goes on behind the scenes. Sickening. And the joking about it isn't cool or funny, its just really sad.

think- ago

Welcome. Yes, it's unbelievable, isn't it?

I'll ping you when I've had time to find links, but there is currently a post on v/pizzagatewhatever about the former Eton teacher and headmaster. Maybe you would like to check it out in the meantime.

I'll have to dig to find the story about the Eton pupil who got convicted last year.

DerivaUK ago

I remember that and it possession me off to the high heavens. That ‘Exposure’ programme did the same. What was worst for me was the guy who said’ they get into your brain so that it becomes so normal that in the end they get you wanting them to do it’. This is the part of child abuse that is rarely discussed; the orgasm factor, and is how these evil bastards convince themselves that the child actively seeks out the abuse and the abuser. Likewise the teacher that convinced himself that his victim approached him and initiated the sex “he asked me to do it”. I hope the bastard’s time in jail was painful, but there he was, now free and still with an unchanged attitude. And the parents who refused to let the abused children speak to the investigators, and who cares more about possible jeopardising their son’s place in the school rather than take care of his emotional need. Personally I feel that those who’d abandon their children to boarding school should never have children. I think they’re hateful and evil, and as bad as abusers in some instances. But this abuse is not just applicable to boarding schools, but schools in general. But we must be thankful that all elite school masters have this predilection or the preparedness to turn a blind eye. It was one old schoolmaster, Charles Loxley who first gathered a dossier into abuse at his school and conducted an investigation that led him to secretly infiltrate the Paedophile Information Exchange and then passed his files on to MP Geoffrey Dickens to expose them. Yes, the same files that Leon Brittan, the then Home Secretary conveniently “mislaid”. I bet he did. But it was such investigations that eventually led to the same eyes onto the activities and elite child abuse in places like the Elm Guest House and others. From here we started to learn of just how far the establishment, police and judiciary were actively involved in both the abuse and the cover ups. And good old Jimmy Savile running around ensuring the supplies of young children, mainly boys, never dried up. Who does Savile’s job now, I wonder?

TrishaUK ago

mmm....that is very insightful....Your final question is very interesting, I wonder who it is? Did I read on voat recently that there was mention of Meghan Markles father trafficking? I might be wrong.

smokemirrors ago

I would like to watch this. Hopefully I can find it on youtube. Yes that is a GREAT question: who is now the heir to the Jimmy Saville throne. It could only be Prince A, being best buds with you know who and using government money to fly around the world being the main broker for trafficking doing god knows what. Amazing how Epstein got it in the neck a little, but Andy got off scott free. @think-

think- ago

It could only be Prince A, being best buds with you know who and using government money to fly around the world being the main broker for trafficking doing god knows what. Amazing how Epstein got it in the neck a little, but Andy got off scott free.

Wow, interesting hypothesis! Somehow Prince A has managed to stay under the radar, since he is protected by his family.

And remember, Savile was a good buddy of his brother, Prince Ch.

smokemirrors ago

Oh yes, I remember reading that! Also, there was a blind a while back about how Andy has always pimped out both his daughters to his adult friends. I am sure the ex wife does the same as she is a shameless hustler. I don't understand how he is protected? Noone likes him and didn't the British newspapers publish far worse stories about Charles, Diana, Fergie etc

I am just sick of all these arrogant creeps getting away with so much. I think if there exists a pic of Andy with the Molestas, Clement Freud, Hollywood Producers or any DC types, it would be such a smoking gun.

think- ago

@DerivaUK, that's a great comment, thank you.

Would you consider making a discussion post about it? You'd just had to include some links. This would be awesome.

=> 'Who does Savile’s job now, I wonder?' Yes. Somehow nobody in the MSM or in the public seems to ask.

carmencita ago

Well, I certainly hope it is not the norm. But I will tell you this. Those boys will think it is the norm. Your friend does and jokes about it. He thinks so too. Until this changes, it will keep on happening. It is all about how we raise our sons and what we pass on. By the way, don't worry about sparing me, I have read just about everything you can thing of and then some. It is all very disgusting but necessary to know if we are to understand how evil they are. We must start teaching our boys to respect themselves enough to tell on such horrid things. I would pull my child right out of that school. Baloney on Tradition.

carmencita ago

I know. Like a dog chasing his tail. A vicious circle. Never ending until they are all exposed. This would be the time to spill the beans. The people are restless and very angry over the Oxfam Issue. There is so much of it, the supply is endless and day after day it needs to Bleed Out. It will hurt, but then starts the healing. It is the only way.

think- ago

Here's a summary:

An ITV documentary has revealed the true extent of sexual abuse at the UK’s boarding schools, with hundreds of people accused of carrying out sexual attacks in recent years and dozens of ongoing police investigations.

In the Exposure programme to be broadcast on Monday, journalist and author Alex Renton - who was sexually abused as an eight-year-old by his teacher at one of the country’s top boarding schools - investigates the private schools that appeared willing to disregard children’s safety, with some failing to take action against predatory paedophiles who groomed and assaulted young boarders repeatedly - sometimes getting away with it for decades.

@Mad_As_Hell, since this is an article link (at least I consider it to be one, ahem), it doesn't require a short summary. Many users will be grateful however, if summaries are provided by OPs.

Would you consider providing a short summary in a comment in your future submissions, please? That would be great! :-)

Thank you, keep up the good work! :-)

Mad_As_Hell ago

Will do @think-, thanks for the feedback!

think- ago

You're welcome! ;-)

new4now ago

You know @think- , your making it awfully hard to be pissed at you for a screwy post, :)

Glad you took the job, if you don't mind, I think we all want to keep you 🤗

think- ago

Awww, @new4now, how kind of you to say this! :-) :-) :-)

I would like to say that it is wonderful to mod pizzagate, and to be a part of this great community!! :-) :-) :-)

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm glad you guys sorted this out. I didn't want to go Citizen-Narc again today.

think- ago

Haha, @Blacksmith21, I think we really should have a discussion about expanding Rule 3 (like @millenial_vulcan suggested) and require summaries for article posts, too.


Vindicator ago

Another way of saying this is: ban Link posts altogether and only allow Discuss posts.

I had another thought. Everyone has to fill out a "form" in order to make a submission. We added a red box at the top a long time ago reminding people to read the rules in the sidebar...but I wonder if we could change the form itself to directly ask "What is this about and how is this related to the sexual abuse of kids by the global elite?" or "Pizzagate Premise"? Maybe instead of the title? @kevdude @heygeorge...thoughts? Sure do wish we could edit titles.

think- ago

Another way of saying this is: ban Link posts altogether and only allow Discuss posts.

Yes, but my take on this is, as you've said some time ago, that link posts are a good way to let users contribute who don't have the time to do discussion posts....imo we shouldn't neglect this.

but I wonder if we could change the form itself to directly ask "What is this about and how is this related to the sexual abuse of kids by the global elite?" or "Pizzagate Premise"? Maybe instead of the title?

Excellent idea, Vin!!

I'd opt to include the full sentence:

"What is this about and how is this related to the sexual abuse of kids by the global elite?

The beauty of this proposal is that we could do that in no time.

@kevdude @heygeorge

@heygeorge - btw., would you see any chance of enabling us to give more than one flair at a time?

We have this new 'Edit Warning' flair, and found that some posts need to be flaired 'NSFW' and/or 'Possible Disinfo' as well, which is currently not possible.

heygeorge ago

More than one flair? Only in one special case (which is one you asked for): You don't need to add a NSFW flair. Nowadays there is an option in posts to "toggle nsfw" and that will take care of that.

Vindicator ago

Does that mean we can remove "NSFW" from our flair list and use the spot for something else? Is it built into the system, now, like "toggle sticky"?

heygeorge ago

Yes, this is 100% correct.

think- ago

Ah ok, thanks!

But do you think the maximum number of flairs (no matter which) could be changed to three? There's enough space left in headlines, so this might not be a problem?

@Vindicator @kevdude @ben_matlock @Honeybee

heygeorge ago

I am not aware of a way to flair individual posts multiple ways.

think- ago

I am not aware of a way to flair individual posts multiple ways.

Ok, so we'll have to think about other solutions then.

@Vindicator @kevdude @ben_matlock

ben_matlock ago

I agree that we should keep the link posts. They are especially useful for those wanting to share breaking news from a smartphone on the fly.

Also, a final, gentle reminder for users to keep in mind the relevancy of their post with respect to pizzagate is a solid idea.

think- ago

Ben, please see parent. @Ben_Matlock.

Blacksmith21 ago

I pushed to ditch links in the title and a basic description of all links/videos and relevance to PG. That's it. Notice the shill activity has dropped significantly?

think- ago

I pushed to ditch links in the title and a basic description of all links/videos and relevance to PG. That's it.

Yes, please share your thoughts again when we have the rules discussion.

Notice the shill activity has dropped significantly?

Amazing, isn't it? Maybe they're all on a holiday together, lol?

Blacksmith21 ago

It's like playing whack-a-mole.