InnocentAngels ago

This was the thread I was thinking of.

migratorypatterns ago

Yes, there's that.

Thanks It's a good picture for us to carry around in our mind.

InnocentAngels ago

Here you go ! I remember someone bringing up International Red Cross. Oh, by the way I really enjoy your writing style. You have me LolLolLol sometimes.

migratorypatterns ago

Hey, thanks for this.

You do wonder why these people get into humanitarian work when they're scumsuckers, but I guess that's the point. If there are disadvantaged people, you have the vultures circling above.

InnocentAngels ago

They are disgusting humans(?)that prey on the weak. I did notice they didn't say if the victims were adults or children. I would say a combination of both. All of those organizations are filled with predators that suck the life out of those that are just trying to survive.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks for the reply. Children were mentioned.

Underage girls were also asked to pose naked for pictures and rooms were rented for sex, the report by Save the Children and the United Nations High Commissioner For Refugees (UNHCR) reveals.

But taking advantage of anyone in that situation is deplorable.

InnocentAngels ago

Thanks. I'm not sure how I missed that or maybe I did see it. Just like a minute ago I pulled up the video on the post about SS, but somehow I had this other video playing. The SS one played after it. You should watch this if you haven't seen it. This will change everything you know is the title. Blew me away. He admitted creating a monster, that is Fakebook and the damage it has had on society. He even bravely talks about the evil ones that control our world. Shocked! What's really weird is the audience thinks he's joking. I see suicide in his future.

migratorypatterns ago

It's sad. These social media platforms are evil because they're run by evil men.

InnocentAngels ago

I found it interesting when he said he doesn't use it or allow his kids to use it either. I see a man with deep regret.

migratorypatterns ago

Completely. But evil people would just use something else. They always existed.

InnocentAngels ago

True. There will always be someone else willing for the right price.

Shizy ago

Now it makes sense

TippyHome ago

When mm started running her mouth about everything against Pres.Trump, I started reading and looking into her. Just like with Michael Moore, Robb Reiner, Chelsea Handler, if you scratch away on the surface, her evildoings will be evidenced. Won't be watching this wedding, just like no nfl, no Olympics and no award shows. They all are Lucifarians. Charlie Daniel said his hit wasn't just any Ole song. I believe him, I believe him.

migratorypatterns ago

I won't either. They all have that injection of propaganda in the script to warp our opinions.

Narcissism ago

The extent of the PEDOCRACY just boggles the mind. Its like everywhere you turn or look there is another group of Pedos in a position of power. How did they get there and why did we not know about it?

migratorypatterns ago

It really seems to adhere to what went on in Bavaria and documented in the writings of Adam Weishaupt.

A secret society where members put the agenda of taking over the world first. To accomplish the ruination of individual countries and establish global domination, they've been pushing ahead fellow members, and selecting them to infiltrate all levels of society. That includes positions of the highest echelons of power. Hence, the election of president and, yes, secretaries of state.

Narcissism ago

Interesting, thanks.

boekanier ago

Shameless 'elites'. What's going on in those circles?

migratorypatterns ago

If we know this, you can only imagine the rituals and abuse other children, and adults, are subjected to.

Vindicator ago

Giving this the "Share!" flair, MP.

migratorypatterns ago



flyingcuttlefish ago

related - Clinton Foundation video (begs for comments) -

migratorypatterns ago

I jut puked.

All I can think of is Chelsea's skanky wedding dress.

millennial_vulcan ago

The wedding paid for from earmarked Haiti funds?


migratorypatterns ago

I know.

Bottomless pit.

A free fall.

millennial_vulcan ago

totally. when will this nightmare end. Staying thankful for the daily redpill revolution though!

millennial_vulcan ago

Said it before and Ill keep saying it! THE DAD AND BROTHER ARE SKETCHY AS ALL HELL AND NEED OUTING/INVESTIGATING STAT Absolute links to drug running, gang banging and no-proof-yet-but-sure-it-will-come-out-seeing-as-Cali-and-mexico-are-involved, human trafficking.

to be honest, knowing how investigative journalists work, I am sure they already know what the jig is but because of strict British reporting laws and threats from power lawyers (MADELINE MCCANN syndrome) they cannot print anything.

I would give my right arm to know what the deal with the dad is. I truly don't understand how those folk think anything can be kept a secret in this day and age.

Brits/anyone, any insights...??

@carmencita @TrishaUK @DerivaUK @think-

TheBuddhaAtKamakura ago

Are there any leads / suspicious things to go on? I'm willing to look, but all I've seen so far about her dad is that he was some director, won an emmy. Does he own shipping businesses? Point me in the right direction plz

millennial_vulcan ago

NOT a director; a lighting guy. DID he win an emmy? Why hasn't this been shown so far? Seems weird.

Just google the dad.He's never met Harry; he lives in seclusion in Mexico; he was pictured with $250K in cash by claiming he won the lottery but there is no record of it. Dig dig

TheBuddhaAtKamakura ago


Duffy1958 ago

I saw on Twitter moments “Meghan Markle confirms her father will not be at the wedding.” It didn’t mean anything to me so I didn’t screen grab it.

migratorypatterns ago

Hopefully, an investigative genius on this site will get busy ...

millennial_vulcan ago

you've not let us down so far mp. Go for it.

migratorypatterns ago

Will do.

:) Thanks for the support.

millennial_vulcan ago

V/PG seems like a much calmer productive place with the new mods and rules in place. Seems like folk are being a lot more collaborative and positive already.

So great!

migratorypatterns ago


The tension has been taken out of posting. And the posts seem all to be spot on.

think- ago

to be honest, knowing how investigative journalists work, I am sure they already know what the jig is

You bet!

millennial_vulcan ago

@ASolo see above. Yes she is yacht girl/golddigger/escort/ho !

ASolo ago

She is a professional 'yacht girl' so of course the royal family is just eating her up. All is not as it seems that's for sure. It's perplexing when they look so normal.I really think thats what separates us from them, they are able to act like, or truly, don't care. I think most of us were bred with so much EMPATHY that we can't imagine how this could happen in the world, but it does, and we gotta try to do our best to stomp these motherfuckers down.

migratorypatterns ago

Definitely right.

Most of us use the Golden Rule in navigating the troubled seas of living on this planet. I would never think of wtholding food from someone to get what I wanted. I just wouldn't. It abrogates that individual having a choice. It's the same as holding a gun to someone's head. That's not choice either.

But then we have these scumsuckers with no morals, scruples, or problem with forcing others to do their bidding by whatever means necessary.

Yes, I would not have believed a human being could act that way. Now? Now I've been redpilled and would believe anything.

letsdothis1 ago

Someone just left this comment on the article:

Tim Costello is an Australian Baptist minister and the current Chief Advocate of World Vision Australia. Costello is the brother of Peter Costello, the former treasurer of Australia . Most V.I.P pe do rings are connected around the globe and reportedly, most notable charities are C.I.A infiltrated who help facilitate the procuring of children for these rings ..

migratorypatterns ago

Hey, thanks for this.

Crazy that the people in power to help are the ones taking advantage.

letsdothis1 ago

That's exactly how it works. Predator class.

migratorypatterns ago

Yes. And they have us fighting each other.

We are superior. We're just not predators and that's our downfall. We want to be happy. We want everyone to be happy. It's why we're satisfied being home, eating chips, and watching the telly or playing a game. We don't want to control anyone, but here we are ... fighting the evil.

Shizy ago

And to add to all of that- normal people just naturally assume that other people are generally good like they are and have a very difficult time understanding that there are such sick deviant and evil people in the world

letsdothis1 ago

Yes, indeed.

srayzie ago

It’s especially sick to me when a parent is involved. They are supposed to be the ones to love and protect you.

By the way, I love how you always tell it like it is...

Wondering how the whore nothing burger Meghan Markle got to be selected to marry into the royals?

LOL tell it like it is.

migratorypatterns ago


I'm trying to make up for the press not doing it.

srayzie ago

They need people like us 😂

migratorypatterns ago

Yes, but if we were ever hired, we'd be out of a job in about two seconds flat.


We would not stand idly by and watch kids get molested.

srayzie ago

Of course

Oh_Well_ian ago

Need to get this going on Twatter. With all the nonsense about the impending Unholy Union, it would be perfect timing.

#RoyalPedoWedding #UnholyUnion #ElitePedophiles

think- ago

While security forces pooled cash to have sex with children, aid workers withheld provisions for children unless sex was given.

Let that sink in...

millennial_vulcan ago

Truly vomitous.

don't worry Think. Once these disgusting beast are behind bars, fellow pisoners will do the same. What is that saying? Eye for eye, punishment fitting crime?? @carmencita

think- ago

I can't tell you how unnerved I am by this wedding and everything connected to it.... rolls eyes

millennial_vulcan ago

shes so CHEESY! I feel so bad for brits. Couldn't give a flying flick about her race. For me, this chick is SO DESPERATE. STOP TRYING TO BE DIANA, idiot. You literally just arrived. What a total tacky valley girl. Oh Harry, what did you do! this will not end well :( And somebody put me out of my misery and tell me what is UP with the sketchariffic dad.

migratorypatterns ago

The level of predation and depravity are shocking.

huhWHAThuh ago

What to say when there's nothing left to say. Words don't come close. Weak and pale compared to the situation to describe. Maybe Travis Bickle, the De Niro character in "Taxi Driver" got about as close as anybody could:

Listen, you fuckers, you screwheads. Here is a man who would not take it anymore. A man who stood up against the scum, the cunts, the dogs, the filth, the shit. Here is a man who stood up... Someday a real rain will come and wash all this scum off the streets.

I hope it doesn't take the same turn he took. But that rain will come. I'm convinced without any doubt. Since I'm still at a loss for words, i'll let the Scripture finish the thought: Lev.18[25] And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants.

migratorypatterns ago

I think this level of depravity is incomprehensible to most. It's another reason why this is so difficult to uncover and make people see what is actually going on.

Yes, it's faith time. It's the only thing that keeps me going, but even then ... when I read what is happening to the most vulnerable ... I feel despair.

DoJustice ago

No matter how bad you think it is, in reality it's always many times worse

migratorypatterns ago


Yes, there is no bottom ... none. But you know, they're locked in their own hell. This game they're playing, for all the money and power and privilege, I would never wish to be any one of them. There's nothing the world could give me that would ease my conscience in taking part in such atrocities. It's not in me ... not in my heart ... and thank the Lord it's not.

DoJustice ago

Amen to that.

Vindicator ago

They are more enslaved than their slaves. It's true.

flyingcuttlefish ago

a picture worth a thousand words -

migratorypatterns ago

Oh, dear God, I just threw up in the back of my mouth!

As if these children don't have enough problems ...

flyingcuttlefish ago

I hope everyone blogs this etc.!!1

migratorypatterns ago

Me, too.

It's a legitimate source and seems to be a good start to redpill those reticent to believe the evil going on in the world.

carmencita ago

Wow! and here is another one I just posted in another thread Please Open and Take a LOOK. BC holding the hand of a cute little girl in Haiti and LOOK who is with him FG. It Blew My Mind.

carmencita ago

Oh Thank You! That should never be lost. Now it is on the Internet Forever!

Cc1914 ago

Wow 😲 they all Look like vultures ..

carmencita ago

This picture has been Haunting me for months. I can't get it out of my mind. Each time I look at it, I ask my self where She is. Where is She? We will never know.

Cc1914 ago

Exactly ! And all those poor girls look like they may know what's in store for them . They look half scared . Can you imagine being that little and having to go along with everything ? I'm sure the children have heard " boogie man" stories and Clinton and Frank G certainly fit the description.

carmencita ago

I have secretly wished I could reach into my laptop and pull her out of that picture. I would take her in a second and raise her as my own. She is so precious. I can't help it, I love all children. No matter where they come from. What scares me is that we can raise our children well, try to give them a clean and wholesome life, not much is needed. A few outfits, clean simple food, lots of love, but then they get hold of them. We have to keep them out of their mitts. Bet BC and FG could not wait to get their mitts on that Little Girl. Stomach Turns

Cc1914 ago

Everything is so bass ackwards ! There are so many loving , caring people who are willing to care for these kids and give them a life like you mentioned .. simple simple simple ! Children are a gift from God and we are supposed to be gently and loving towards them . That picture could be interpreted that way " oh look how sweet BC cares about children " , when his mind is thinking something far different .

carmencita ago

Oh yes, and you and I both know what he is thinking. I will not print it here, for it will get locked in our minds. Yes, they have Hijacked our whole Child Welfare System. God, if we only had known what they were up to years ago. I hated the Clintons starting after the Monica trials because I started hearing other things. And her! Standing next to him. It was from then on that I knew they were Partners in Crime. Only I did not realize that our children were part of it. My mind could not go down into that abyss. Now it has.

Cc1914 ago

Yep same here! The day I heard about BC and ML I lost all respect for him ! Not because he made a mistake but HE was the POTUS and that broke my heart back then . But now I know that they are all in it together and it's them against us.

carmencita ago

My problem with him was that he had the Gall to do what he did in the Oval Office. The Office of the People. A huge Bro Slap in our face. I want to Witch Slap Her.

Cc1914 ago


carmencita ago

That's my cleaned up version. I also got tired of it being so feminized and added the Bro Slap. You should see the faces!

Cc1914 ago

Haha your funny ! I know that's your cleaned up version but imagining you ( even though I have no idea what you look like ) saying that made me laugh 😂

carmencita ago

Well after about a Pound of Pancake Make Up I don't look half bad! I have to scrape it on this afternoon. Celebrating Valentine's Day today. The older I get the heavier my Makeup Bag gets!

Cc1914 ago

Haha your killing me 🤣 Just last night my daughter did my makeup for a wedding we went to and when I got home I was like wth? I felt like I had clown make up on but everyone said I looked good lol !

carmencita ago

Yes, by the time it ages out, the makeup I mean, yes it does end up looking like A Frightening Mess. Off to the Showers and Makeup Room for me.

TrishaUK ago

Sorry to butt in your convo, but laughing so much at this little tete-a-tete. You both are so funny!

carmencita ago

Tee-Hee! Glad we could lighten up your day :))

Mad_As_Hell ago

Like kids in a candy store 🤢

carmencita ago

There are more and more people finding out about this and them but yet no word from the MSM. They have not only been paid off, but are under the Penalty of Death, imo. They know what will happen to them if they open their mouths. Yes, I truly believe Haiti is like their Candy Store. Yes, I can just imagine Bill and Hillary's eyes when they first laid eyes on Haiti on their Honeymoon. Like Kids in a Candy Store.

millennial_vulcan ago

yes just like Ben Swann who, wait, where is he again???

carmencita ago

Now you see him, now you don't. He keeps popping up and disappearing. Very Odd Indeed.

flyingcuttlefish ago

note how USA press is ignoring this HUGE UK charity pedo scandal.

carmencita ago

Yes. I know. As usual Mum's the Word. Lips Sealed, and all that. A Few Tweets might be in order.

millennial_vulcan ago

I absolutely noticed that too. Not. One. Peep.

LMAO: just keep tweeting, youtubing and memeing...where most folk go these days anyway! @flyingcuttlefish

TrishaUK ago

Hey whats with the bias about the UK? Here are just SOME of the news articles here in the UK regarding this Sex Scandal....It IS in the news!

1) Charity sex scandal: UN staff ‘responsible for 60,000 rapes in a decade’ - 2) Oxfam workers could face UK prosecution over sex crimes - 3) SEX FOR AID Charity backed by Meghan Markle admits workers swapped food for sex with Haiti quake survivors - 4) The prostitution claims surrounding Oxfam don’t surprise me. I’ve seen it all before with charities across the world – and the UN - 5) Oxfam scandal: UN aid agencies fear backlash - 6) An extra just for you - UK IS EXOSING PEDOS!! BBC News 3 hours ago! - - Dark web paedophile jailed for 32 years @Cc1914 @carmencita @srayzie

carmencita ago

YES! That is what I am saying. UK is all over this but here in the US, Mum's The Word. Nothing. Bupkiss and Zilch. Nada. The MSM is as quiet as a mouse.

TrishaUK ago

Oh sorry I read it as no one is talking here lol - is millenial_vulcan the same as Millennial_F? I was really thinking of M_F because he seems to not like the UK and I thought that was the same name whoops!

carmencita ago

No millennial_vulcan is a member and is not nor ever has been M_F. I know I used to get corn-fused too. I am glad I don't have to type MF anymore!

TrishaUK ago

Yes, its annoying cause you can't type it without the swear words going your mind! Plus he annoyed a lot of people incl me.

carmencita ago

Yep. I fully agree. Thank God that part is over. :)))))

Oh_Well_ian ago

Jump through this hoop with me and it will begin to make sense:





carmencita ago

Oh yes, and if I may add to the Mix the Vatican is running the SRA as well. The RCC with the Blessings of jorge bergoglio are raping and torturing children across the globe. I believe these horrid crimes are sometimes taped and sold off as Snuff and CP. SRA is their Dirty Little Secret they never want discussed.

11954486? ago

Why not sex with fully grown women?

hels ago

They have the money that they could get whatever they want with adults. The only reason they wouldn't is because they are all true deviants who get pleasure from the suffering of others.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

A child's fear manifests some of the most powerful energies for use in manifestation of a certain reality.

Emotions are energy, and reality reflects it.

FuggBenis ago

It's all about taboo, power. One-upping on your previous deviant act. More, more, more.

Soulless fleshbags is what they are.

GuyIDisagreeWith ago

Harming children is a very serious taboo. Even the most extreme forms of prostitution involving an adult is pedestrian by comparison.

migratorypatterns ago

WHAT?!!!! Why would The Cannibal Elite want to rape women when they could be raping children?

They're so fucking sick ... sick, sick, sick. Who the hell would take advantage of vulnerable people willing to sell out their own kids?

Baichu ago

Unfortunately, the club is massive.

migratorypatterns ago

And Harry was always in Vegas was he not?

Thanks for the link. So many sick connections that it's had to know where to begin. Markle's dad needs looking into also.

millennial_vulcan ago

tbh, I think party boy Harry was probably in LV for hookers and cocaine

migratorypatterns ago

No doubt.

Well, MM will be able to fill the first need since she is one ... probably the second one also.

derram ago :

Aid workers 'traded wheat' for sex with children in Africa | Daily Mail Online

This has been an automated message.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks, derram.