DerivaUK ago

I’ve seen this before but what in this clip links it to Haiti? Also the Red Cross have denied knowledge of the cash and lambasted this apparent ‘misuse’ of their emblem recently.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Red Cross denying criminality is like Clinton saying 'I did not have sexual relations with that woooooman...'

GreenDell144 ago

SGT report used a clip with boxes of money, stating it came from a Red Cross employee, last week.

carmencita ago

Please post the link for the article when possible. I would greatly appreciate it. TY :)

carmencita ago

Just read it. Wow & Thanks again.

goodguy1367 ago

You're welcome! He writes pretty interesting articles and he does claim to be friends with the "good" Rothchilds and some pretty high up people so I'd say what he writes is very close to truth. This is his most recent one and he should have another out tomorrow or the day after.

carmencita ago

Thank you. I will make note of it. Hard to find really good writers.

carmencita ago

TY! Will take a look right now :)

carmencita ago

That picture was enough for me to say YES! It is disgusting enough to make me sick. I can't wait to be done writing so I can not see it. There is no way I can look any further. Ugh. Who the heck is that Sick Perverted Nut!

ElaboratePlan ago

It's Milo at a pro-trump rally.

carmencita ago

WHAT? The guy in the bathtub is Milo? How was he at a Trump Rally in a bathtub. I can't wait to hear the answer to this one.

ElaboratePlan ago

It gets worse Carmencita...

Here is Milo wearing a "True Religion" jacket in front of a pizza...

carmencita ago

The point is that it is too much of a red pill for normies I find it hard to believe he was at a Trump rally in a tub. Hmm.

Ho-Lee-Fuk ago

Yay! Let's all go pay taxes!

dontmindthemess ago

Switzerland should be nuked to extinction to show how much we can’t stand someone who can’t take a side.

GreenDell144 ago

A drinking buddy once told me a long time ago that Switzerland had a campaign where they euthanized and sterilized all of the people in their country that didn’t meet productive standards. Before WW2, and not based on racism, but IQ, congenital illnesses, hereditary conditions and quasi-scientific stuff like ‘mania’... and he claimed that gave their economy a boost, because they haven’t had a welfare class for a few generations. I only remember his comments now because of the topic here. I would like to look into those claims and see if they’re sustained by facts.

letsdothis1 ago

Sorry but that's just nonsense.

GreenDell144 ago

Probably so.

YogSoggoth ago

Not saying that everything about the Clinton's and pals is pure evil. I am not so sure about the BF info. The locks looked like they were actually painted on. Shakiest video ever, like they did that on purpose. There are no clear shots even accidentally. BF is a shill front in my opinion. The purpose is to get people to look at a problem that is real and make a mockery of it by putting out fake news. That is double disinfo. Triple disinfo is what these guys are trying hard to get at. Quadruple disinfo is pretty much end game because of the short attention span of the purposefully dumbed down average human.

NoPatience4UrShit ago

Every video I take is shakey as hell too. Doesn't necessarily mean it's on purpose or fake, some people just can't hold shit still lol

ChildOfSatan ago

@Synthicide @unclassified @ErrantCognition @HugoWeaving @Ho-Lee-Fuk

Does it matter if Ben who posted the video was friends with rockefeller?

angry_mob ago

makow is DEFINITELY NOT a source that i trust. he basically makes shit up constantly. fulford i'm not sure of, i'm still on the fence.

YogSoggoth ago

Probably just a coincidence, right? Great find, and thanks for bringing that to the forum. At least I know my BS detector still works.

Synthicide ago

Lol. Those locks are not painted on. Painting on locks doesn't make damn sense even if this is a staged video. Locks are cheap, especially if bought in bulk. Why spend all this time and effort setting up all these boxes and showing fake money, but then decide "oh well, I better paint locks on these boxes because using real ones would be too much trouble.."? Shit, painting on fake locks takes way more time and effort opposed to just using real ones in the first place. You're crazy dude.

I'm not claiming this video is real or fake and your not wrong about the disinformation stuff, but your painted lock claim is retarded...

YogSoggoth ago

Look again. I should have typed some of the locks, because you can clearly see some of them, but the others on the left are really blurry. Really does not matter as I do not trust the source.

ErrantCognition ago

The locks are very clearly not painted on.

unclassified ago

I don't know about your theory but it looks to me that the locks are real.

GreenDell144 ago

Is that Milo Younannapolis? I couldn’t say. It’s sick and weird. Could be a goof. Could be fake satanism, like those hair bands in the 80s. Could be real evil.

Matt_Helm ago

The video is real so are the boxes but we don't know if every single box is full of $100 bills even the boxes we see open might only have $100's on the top row and one dollar bills under them or just plain white paper cut to size. If each box has a million dollars in $100's then it's obviously a CIA or Mossad operation they have the printing presses and the paper and the ink you need to make perfect dollars that are totally real. So do the Russians and Chinese and North Koreans it's easy to do if you have the right equipment then you can print as much real money as you want that's what this looks like perfect notes.

think- ago

(The current hiding place of the Rothschilds and their top agents).

Isn't the centre of the Rothschild empire in Britain (Buckinghamshire)?

darkknight111 ago

The banking empire is indeed in London, the compound for the Rosthchilds themselves is in Zug Switzerland.

think- ago

the compound for the Rosthchilds themselves is in Zug Switzerland.

Interesting, thanks!

ElaboratePlan ago

The Rothschild family are the legal representatives of Wikileaks.


HugoWeaving ago

Thanks for sharing.

vastrightwing ago

Interesting that they'd have to be deceptive. Go figure.

dontmindthemess ago

Milo, the attention whore. Yes, I’ve seen it.

yurisrevenge ago

Yesh comrade shit poster this old news

fuck-spez ago

I have seen this before, but I don't remember where.

dassaer ago

Yeah , i'm sure i had seen it but in relation to Gaddaffi and his multiple caches of money secreted around various countries in Africa. If i recall correct, not only included the same exact clip, also showed other houses with these secret stashes of cash -all in those red cross boxes. Evidently Some deal was done, whereas one of Gaddaffi's surviving son's gave up a document showing the exact locations (mostly private residences) of multiple secret caches, all filled from floor to ceiling of red cross boxes filled with US dollars. Multiple millions all over Africa and South Africa.....

dassaer ago

Edit: Can not find the original article /video but here's CDAN briefly explaining it (the entirety of the story becomes a bit involved - simple = better).

goodguy1367 ago

Probably nothing suss going on here but, I'd say its just the money they raised at a charity event and door knocking LOL

yurisrevenge ago

Da fuk

pby1000 ago

Well, I do not doubt it.

HugoWeaving ago

Sooooooo much history we were never taught in schools. But it's all there in plain sight when you research. The Vatican/Swiss/Hitler connection is DEEP and DISTURBING. Some historians believe Hitler used the rat lines from the Vatican to escape to South America where he lived out the rest of his life in peace and prosperity. So much for remaining neutral.

Votescam ago

First, the Vatican "catapulted" Hitler to power. Vatican/RCC underpins Elite-Patriarchy. Hitler was recruited by American and International Elites and funded by them thru Sullivan & Cromwell, Allan Dulles' law firm, with assistance of Prescott Bush thru front companies -- including Holland America Line. When it became obvious two years before the end of WWII that it was over, higher ups in Hitler's military began visiting our Pentagon, and planning was made to morph OSS into CIA. Operations were drafted - First, to destroy our free press here: Operation Mockingbird and Phil Graham/Washington Post was used to carry out the recruit of network executives, and newspaper owners. Also see: Operation Paperclip/200,000 ex-Nazis brought in to US, used to found the CIA, funneled into the FBI and other government agencies and to "hot spots" around the world. Also see: Operation Gladio - program to put only right wing in power in nations over which US had influence and control at end of WWII -- Japan, Germany, France, Italy. All to ensure the rise of the Fourth Reich.

John Stockwell, former CIA -- and CIA whistleblower, relates that the CIA is "Catholics In Action."

"Hunting Hitler" is an interesting program on History Channel which makes clear that Hitler left Berlin probably at least a week before his alleged suicide. Likely South to Italy where many left via Vatican ratlines. Also ex-Nazi operations in Norway to produce Heavy Water .... taken to Argentina where they could produce plutonium by combining Heavy Water and Uranium to make it.
CIA knew Hitler had escaped and were tracking him.
Most of this info has been out for a very long time, but our CIA/corporate press ignores it.

angry_mob ago

interesting, thx.