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heygeorge ago

My biggest suspicion about the mod complainers is that there was another sub set-up, v/pizzagatewhatever, as an anything goes sister sub.

Why not post there with incomplete leads? It's the clear route, and doesn't start dividing up the researchers into tiny sections. I rarely see this happen, and think it's an underutilized spot.

ESOTERICshade ago

My biggest suspicion about the mod complainers is that there was another sub set-up, v/pizzagatewhatever, as an anything goes sister sub.

Why not post there with incomplete leads? It's the clear route, and doesn't start dividing up the researchers into tiny sections. I rarely see this happen, and think it's an underutilized spot.

That sub never really caught on. It did for a while but the problem is with quality posts being deleted in this sub.

heygeorge ago

If I remember correctly, the complaint at that point was the lower visibility. That struck me as shallow.

Edit: I didn't mean to ignore your statement about the deletions from the main sub. Obviously that is the reason this post was made.

ESOTERICshade ago

If I remember correctly, the complaint at that point was the lower visibility. That struck me as shallow.

Some of the great posts that get deleted literally take weeks to prepare, the really good ones that is. People that are that smart, dedicated, and can "see" well enough to make those associations, and then even present it and make it understandable get seriously irate when it gets deleted and relegated to the back water.

For instance this post right here, the one @crensch calls a piece of shit done by an idiot.

Well, the "idiot" that figured a lot of that out is @swordfish69. Swordfish is almost legendary for his ability to make associations that most people cannot see. pizzagate is a freaky world and it takes a special eye to spot this level of connection and it takes years to learn to see it.

@letsdothis1 understood it well enough to pick up on it and add to it. So @crensch comes along and calls it a piece of shit, tells everybody that anybody that disagrees with him is always wrong, and then insults everybody that ties to reason with him. @crensch does not have the skills to see it. crensch said he would hand over the keys to this place to somebody we choose. Great. Hand us the password to the main name that started this sub. I will go in and change the password and nobody but me will be able to get in. I will fire everybody that needs to be fired. I will pick three mods starting with with @think- and @vindicator and @Asolo if he wants the job. I will pick one or two more.

I can straighten this sub out. I know I can. I can pick me some mods that understand pizzagate, want to mod, and put this place on autopilot so that I don't even have to do the modding myself.

@crensch made the offer. Cough up the keys crensch. We will be rid of you and Falcon both. Its the best idea you have ever had.

heygeorge ago

What is clear is that this whole thing has evolved, yet the rules and moderation have not. @Crensch do you have a link handy to the last rules thread?

ESOTERICshade ago

What is clear is that this whole thing has evolved, yet the rules and moderation have not.

The rules should serve as a set of guidelines for someone with common sense to use to make the forum function properly in a way that suits the community. Falcon is not capable of using the guidelines we have to make the forum function in a manner that suits the community.

There is nothing wrong with the rules. The rules are fine. We have been through rule discussions before. The community is sick of the people that are squatting on this sub and holding it hostage and that is EXACTLY what is happening. Done watching @crensch hold court and act like a beligerent power tripping asshole.

Like @Asolo said:

Crencsh the little Dutch boy with his finger in the dyke, too little too late after the damage is done still debating about getting rid of an incompetent mod. You internet geeks are amazing how you stick up for each other when it's clear the moron should have been let go within the first month of this investigation.

@crensch is 100% responsible for this mess. You guys fucked this up so bad we just want you gone. You are hostage takers on a power trip. Its like you feel like you have some little ants in a jar that you torment with a magnifying glass.

@crensch acts like this is fucking rocket science or something. Its not that complicated. We don't want you here anymore. You don't care about this sub and you have said so many times. You don't do shit around here except squat on the name "v/pizzagate" to soothe your power trip. It makes you feel important. We want you gone. This sub will prosper without you. With you here the problems will continue. @Millennial_Falcon should have been gone months ago.

Why do either of you want to hold the sub captive when people hate you so bad? Why don't you just do the honorable thing and walk away. I don't mean change the names on the sidebar and hide behind new names. I mean go away. Period.

You both got your ass handed to you in this mod thread @crensch started.

You are expired. There is no confidence left for you here. Most people are just watching this thread knowing with you here nothing will ultimately change, and hope that you will just leave, finally.

@crensch, obviously we are done watching you hold court like a malignant narcissicist and Falcon you just need to go. Are you guys not humuliated by how badly people want you to just go away and leave this place alone? I would be humiliated as hell if I were you.

Done with your games and fake peace offerings. You had a whole year and the only thing you have done is run this sub into the ground. Let somebody rebuild it, walk away.

ASolo ago

Yeah I mean, like what's their INVESTMENT? Why are THEY so concerned with this sub, why are THEY fighting so hard for THEIR position like it's fucking Congress or something like everything has to be diplomatically considered in the court of fucking VOAT when, just like the fucking Supreme Court these cocksuckers stack the deck against you and since they got all the keys they rattle them at you from way up on their bench....

Just walk away dudes, you pimples on a horses ass.

Just fuck off. Wise ass comments and moderation tricks and just plain fucking weirdness. Sick of wrestling with internet pieces of shit over what I can say and how I can say it.... Eat shit and die.

ASolo ago

Here Here. Seconded. Make these assholes walk the plank Arrrrrrr

heygeorge ago

I don't see how a rational mind would perceive our short & civil discussion as handing my ass to me. Your final statement was that you were not going to comment in this post I pointed you to, because you felt it would make no difference.

I don't have any say as to what this sub does or does not do. I help with Voat-centric technical questions when asked, or help with CSS when asked.

I am not making any peace offerings. I am trying to understand you. What is ironic about you spouting off at Crensch is that even though he hurts your feelings, he is in reality the person who can pull the ripcord on the whole mod team (outside of kkww)

ESOTERICshade ago

I don't see how a rational mind would perceive our short & civil discussion as handing my ass to me.

That was not aimed at you george it was aimed at crensch. Sorry I didn't specify. You seem rational unlike crensch.