heyyouwho2 ago

@asolo Do you have any guess as to what may be the Arizona Church?

DerivaUK ago

Another great post @ASolo as always. Top researcher and I open your posts with enthusiasm. Sgt Report is one of my favoured YT contributors. Great work linking it all together

GeorgeT ago

I saw the video. My worst suspiciouns confirmed. Charity foundations are all frauds or have been infiltrated to some degree.

septimasexta ago

LOCK THEM UP! As someone who has followed the corrupt Clintons since the '90's, this comment sums it up: "Pollyanna Pangloss 20 hours ago I think I'm getting accusation fatigue. I am 47. I have been hearing accusations against the Clintons since the 90s. The imminent arrest of the Clinton crime circle has been perpetually imminent for almost three decades. I don't think the date of the Rapture has been predicted as many times--and that happens at least a few times every decade.

In a way, just making accusations has become its own industry. Arrests are unnecessary. The accusers make a living accusing, and the accused make their living doing accusable things. It seems to work pretty well for both sides. Everybody is getting paid. This arrangement seems highly profitable for both sides. Look how large and profitable InfoWars has become since 2004 (when I first heard of it). Look how rich the Clintons have become. Both sides continue to grow in wealth and influence.

Both sides not only get to make lots of money but they become "rock stars" in their own right. Alex Jones is famous now on a global scale. So are the Clintons. The people they bring into the fold also become wealthier and more well known. Both sides profit so much its hard to see how either one would want any of this to end.

This relationship between the "deep-state/globalists/illuminati/term-of-your-choice" and the community of "truth seeking patriots" is about as symbiotic as it gets. They really need each other at this point, given what a profitable arrangement it has become. Both sides appear to be getting exactly what they want, without getting "exactly what they want" in a way that dries up the relationship.

For those of us watching, it is starting to look like something out of ancient mythology. The eagle visits its prey, disembowels, and eats the guts. They grow back the next day, and the whole thing repeats itself--ad infinitum." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHkHDCgvpE4

Perhaps we should use the ancient Greek method of removal: Citizens would gather and throw rocks at the corrupt politician until they were run out of town. SIMPLE. DIRECT. EFFECTIVE.

letsdothis1 ago

Excellent comment. Couldn't agree more.

darkknight111 ago

I take your proposal and raise you one "Monokuma style very special punishment". Take the bastards and punish them in an extremely ironic fashion related to either who they are, or their crime. Fully public too.

Lew1024 ago

Denuding of wealth, of course. Extreme physical punishment is inhuman, we should not do that to ourselves. Public humiliation is OK. I advocate bringing back stocks and taking people like Podesta town square to town square, all day in stocks, for the rest of their lives.

No throwing things, it could be unsanitary. No spitting, unsanitary.

Urine, however, is sterile. Direct application is most sterile. Towns need more urinals anyway.

Narcissism ago

That could describe the whole criminal justice system where they all feed of each other - criminals, police, defenders, prosecutors, judges... Thats why in these capital cases I'd be for Military Tribunals and fast sentences. The less attention we give these people and the faster we move on the better... else it just becomes another form of media entertainment.

Cc1914 ago

Your comments are so very helpful. People really need to learn this . I was reading that there is some " narcissism" in everyone. What do you think? Is there a "healthy" form of it?

Narcissism ago

As Sam Vaknin explains there is such a huge difference between health Narcissism and Pathological/ Malignant Narcissism that they could do well to be called different names.

Monsters are Made - Sam Vaknin https://youtu.be/dQM1sOk57xM

Cc1914 ago

Haha ! That's where I heard it , I watched this before when you posted it . This guy is great. Thanks

Narcissism ago

Welcome! Vaknin is the guru on the subject, some of his videos are real mind blowers - like his video on Projective Identification.

2impendingdoom ago

YES. and the bad, violent ones are given lenient sentences, so they are free to re-feed the court system. The harmless ones (pot smokers) are kept in to prop-up the prison system.

Voatwontletmesignin ago

I have been using SGT Report to redpill my family and friends lately. I like your style ASolo!

TimeOutofJoint ago

Is this a "pizza related map" or the map Q is talking about when saying "learn to read the map" or are they both the same thing?

abcdefg222 ago

Great post!! Thank you!

Narcissism ago

The perpetrators posing as the saviours - as Sam Vaknin says charities are always Narcissistic in nature. Even if they start out with the right intentions they will always be targets for infiltration by intelligence agencies.

GeorgeT ago

Marqis De Sade himself delivered tirades against charities!

GeorgeT ago

'.....it's tentacles weaaving into places we've never dreamed of....' Phenomenal intro/PG summary worthy of John Grisham. Great post.

carmencita ago

Whew! I am Blown Away by your Report! 1K Upvoats4U! I believe there are going to be some CDAN at Voat too. Thank you for spelling it all out in one post and adding the links to some very important evidence found by some very industrious diggers. We are so very grateful to you and to our hard workers. I can't wait to see and hear the response after you drop THIS THREAD! Thank You! Hallelujah!

Joe10jo ago

So proud of all you guys! I rarely comment but check in about 15x a day for updates to share. The work that y’all do doesn’t go unnoticed, rest assured! ;-)

ASolo ago

Such very kind words from everyone, thank you, they are much appreciated.

carmencita ago

We all do what we can. It is all appreciated. Thank You.

Samime ago

Hawaii is pizzagate

millennial_vulcan ago

A Hawaiian pizza will never be the same again. Used to be my fave kind.

Phenom post @ASolo @Carmencita . Mind is spinning. Will be sitting down with grande café to process it all


carmencita ago

I found a pic of a hot dog stand on Alii Dr. and sent it to our Island Girl Waiting for answer. Hope it is it. If it is will send you link.

millennial_vulcan ago


carmencita ago

This is the owner of island olonoa grill Chris Colby His pic on facebook is super creepy Here is link for his facebook I can't get in, do you have an acct? https://www.facebook.com/chrisjcolby/about he serves dogs from Chicago and his favorite baseball team is the Chicago Cubs. Could he have an Obama/Chicago connection?

carmencita ago

That place sells Hot Dogs from Chicago a place called Vienna Beef!! They are closed on Wed. Chicago Connection. What a Lark. I think we need to check on this place.

carmencita ago

Have not had any time to look into this but here it is http://www.islandonoloagrill.com/ Our Island Girl that gave us the tip does not know if this is it or not. Says she was held there a long time ago. Very bad memories. I told her we would check it out and let her know if anything pops up. The owners are important. And should be researched. Do you want to help?

Samime ago

I was hoping someone could tell me the name... I was held hostage there with no power... you really don’t understand. I don’t know the name ... only semi location...

carmencita ago

No problem. We will look into it and see if it plays out. You are a Darling. Thank You.

Samime ago

I just never was told the name... I was held hostage... no freedom at all.

carmencita ago

Oh No. Do not go into detail if it so upsets you. That is our purpose here. To stop the suffering. Thankful for your help.

Samime ago

Thank you. Leaves me to do positive things with my brain... like calling congress every 15 to demand they release the memo!!!!

carmencita ago

They are wasting our money on all sorts of things. It is our money. They act as if they should not give it back to us. Medicare and Soc. Sec. are Insurance Policies. They act as if they are charities. As if they are giving us a Hand Out. Here we see Loads of Cash. It is all going to them. Sick.

Samime ago

You are the sweetest person on this board.. I appreciate you very much

carmencita ago

Thank you. I appreciate your kind words. I am trying to figure out how to post what I have found but am not getting any advice. Still working on it.

Samime ago

There is a very iconic hotdog stand on Alii Drive near Kailua-Kona Big Island. I don’t dare ask anyone to go and get pictures. Run by gays. Right on the beach. Been there for many years. I can’t do google earth on my phone. Should be easy to locate for your experts.

carmencita ago

HELLO! Is this the Place? http://www.islandonoloagrill.com/ Please let me know. If not maybe you could be a clue about it.

Samime ago

I don’t know. I only heard about it... never went... too afraid.

ASolo ago

Not the Puka Dog is it?

carmencita ago

I have posted the info of the place I found in this thread. I sent info to 2 others and have not recd. response. I need help looking into the owner of the place since I am not on facebook. I know there is a tie in to Chicago and the hot dogs come from there too. I also got the name of the street from our Abuse Victim who I now call Island Girl. She knew the name of the street and this is the one that came up. Please help if you can. Here are my two comment posts.

Have not had any time to look into this but here it is http://www.islandonoloagrill.com/ Our Island Girl that gave us the tip does not know if this is it or not. Says she was held there a long time ago. Very bad memories. I told her we would check it out and let her know if anything pops up. The owners are important. And should be researched. Do you want to help? AND

This is the owner of island olonoa grill Chris Colby His pic on facebook is super creepy Here is link for his facebook I can't get in, do you have an acct? https://www.facebook.com/chrisjcolby/about he serves dogs from Chicago and his favorite baseball team is the Chicago Cubs. Could he have an Obama/Chicago connection? It is possible, but I need help.

ASolo ago

Interesting lead. How does one go from chicargo to arizona to just owning and operating a small eatery in hawaii, you'd think that would be a locals business pursuit. Must be the special hot dogs. It seems as though you have a legitimate source for some kind of claim, I would hope as your witness calms down and is willing to open up more you might learn more we can work with.

carmencita ago

She knows of this hot dog place because of her background but she was not held there during some horrid things they did to her. She had problems even discussing it. I have talked to quite a few Victims and know that they can become physically sick which can trigger some very bad psychological reactions. So, I don't know if she will have any info on this. I just hope this does not just float away. I can't check this guy and his friends out, cause I don't have a FB acct. Hopefully someone will see it.

millennial_vulcan ago

you are a goldmine! welcome!

Samime ago

Just overcoming an entire lifetime of abuse, targeting and unusual life experiences... there are no coincidences. Wish I could tell all. People need to tear Warner Brothers studios apart... name by name from it’s inception. Especially the animation department.

derram ago

https://hooktube.com/watch?v=TaPWeRmc7SQ :

The Clintons, The Red Cross & BOXES OF BILLIONS IN CASH - YouTube

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