millennial_vulcan ago

CHESTER BENNINGTON was in and out of the PASSAGES MALIBU REHAB CENTER five or six times over a period of about 6 years, starting from about 2007....

Friend of a good friend used to work there. I guarantee this info is 100% accurate. I have mentioned this many times on Voat.

PLEASE can someone investigate this. Chris and Pax Prentiss - owners of Passages - are as sketch as FUCK!

Did Skippy ever go visit Chester when he was in this rehab? What did Chester reveal to his in house therapists when he was receiving treatment there??

Just at the end of last year, a whistleblower from Passages won a close to $2m payout for a wrongful termination....she had spoken out about a suspicious death of an in-house patient and was fired soon after.

I'm trying to link the links. If anyone here is 'in the know', please help/research/share/post

Thank you! @ASolo @Carmencita @Migratorypatterns @Samime @Plan1988

carmencita ago

I think that place is a Gold Mine of Evidence. Those two are Guilty as can be. I think I posted about that dead body found in there. Can you imagine it not making the news? Who was that dead person? Yeah, I don't know how we can find out if JP was ever there. He certainly would never register there for rehab. His kind don't think there is anything wrong with them. It certainly needs More Eyes.

migratorypatterns ago

Yikes, another great lead.

This most definitely should be looked into.

Thanks. UpVoat.

Plan1988 ago

I sure will see if I can find anything!!

ASolo ago

Good to see someone finally collated this material and was able to put it in digestible form. Enty seems to have piled the deck up with so much shit it's getting difficult to wade around in let alone breath. I'm having a hard time accepting the fact that Enty and the himmms are dragging their feet revealing these atrocities that have been happening for decades while one half of the CDAN crowd bitches about Enty getting too graphic and no fun anymore. I've been caught in this realm of suspension along with disbelief that there is so much inaction and apathy here, there and everywhere. Road blocks like ddos attacks, bot armies and straight up dumbasses drag any serious discoveries back into loony land at every turn, ignorance abounds. Somethings gotta break.

Maybe that's what I'll do is show up at CDAN later and demand some closure.

corerp ago

I find the use of the Dream City and Dreamworks names by Geffen interesting!

That plus the fact that he's funding these Dream City Church guys through secret companies says to me that something's going on between them. What's really weird is that the Pentecostals are supposed to be super Fundamentalist and against gays, but here they are taking money from one of the most famous gays in the country. Maybe that's one reason they're not an official part of the Assemblies of God anymore? LIke they say though: money talks!

So Geffen is funding them, and they've got a system going to get rich guys into a pedophile center away from the eyes of LEOs. I guess that might explain why they're working together.

Factfinder2 ago

Short Creek Dream Center article a great find.

MichaelClayton ago

This whole thing that Chester and Cornell didn't know what was happening and started to investigate is total bullshit and controlled opposition. Give me a break. They knew. They all knew. And they were most likely involved in the trafficking.

They saw the disbelief in the murders and used the internet theory to cover their guilt. Wake up.

And by the way, John Podesta went on a road trip out west in the weeks before Chester's death and tweeted his locations.

He stopped tweeting after arriving Colorado on July 10th. (I can't see if made replies because I don't have a twitter account)

Chester died July 21st.

Podesta resumed tweeting July 27th.

I suspect he had to ritually sacrifice his son, Chester, to save his own skin.

Oh_Well_ian ago

I'm in total agreement. Cornell had deep ties to Disney and their work is full of Satanic imagery.

I would even guess that some famous deaths may even be faked and these people could have went underground.

MichaelClayton ago

Disney? Don’t know about that. Can you say more?

Oh_Well_ian ago

he wrote songs for at least 2 Disney movies

can you guess the sex of his children? Notice the butterfly wings and spirals.

MichaelClayton ago

Ugh. Thanks.

Oh_Well_ian ago

sure... here is more

WTF is the baby doing in this video? Look at Cornell smirk and almost wink . check the tats on the bassist... notice the twin pillars in the background...

CuriousCat258 ago

I thought that was the bassist's son.

MichaelClayton ago

I never liked that song. What is that baby doing in the video is right.

angry_mob ago

looks like more ideas have come forth on this blind since i was over there. great work! i didn't read at that time that anyone had narrowed down the city & that it has that airport. what a freaking hornet's nest there. yikes! plz keep us posted on any new info, thx!

HardCorps ago

I dont bet, but if I did, the dead Linkin Park fella being Podestas son - I'd bet the house.

carmencita ago

Around the time he died there were a myriad of posts here about it. Very long posts. I was going through a real long one like mad and in it someone posted a link with a Tweet from Chester to John Wishing him a Happy Birthday. I did not know how to archive so when I went back to find it it was gone. Someone else told me they saw it to, but again it disappeared. My feeling is that when he dated his mother he raped that boy over and over and over thus possibly creating another mini John. I believe Chester realized what happened and he and Chris wanted to turn things around. Make something good out of evil. They discovered what was going on in that little town and that the pastors were leaving the country and returning with refugees to stock the city. They also knew who was behind it, David G. Also they rape the girls make them pregnant to replenish the supply. In the meantime they also create more pedophiles, imo. So that is my story as I see it. I completely agree with you. Che$ter was John's son.

kazza64 ago

i read a story about chester where a very young fan went backstage to get his autograph and he took her into a room and raped her ..... i mean ..... its likely he was an abuser

carmencita ago

I have read about his possibly realizing what happened to him because of his being horribly abused. He was not raped once. He was abused to the point of turning him into an abuser as well. I believe he recognized what he had become. We have no proof of all of this but it is a possibility. It is a horrid thing to consider.

Mad_As_Hell ago

Is there any evidence to suggest that Chester's mother knew Podesta? The physical resemblance is startling but not proof of anything

migratorypatterns ago

He wouldn't have had to know the mother or have met the mother. In my thread on Marlon Brando, the connection to Michael Jackson springs up. Why? Well, it seems when Michael Jackson was contemplating having children, he took himself out of the process for being considered as a prospective dad. Instead, he asked a number of friends for sperm in which to impregnate the surrogate mom. These included Marlon Brando, Uri Geller, Mark Klein, Macaulay Culkin and Corey Feldman. It's a definite hint that others were doing the same so parentage in PedoWood and LaLaLand is dicey. Here's the link:

carmencita ago

There is a really odd connection with Shinoda and Bill Clinton in Haiti too that was discovered. He is invested in a Co. in Haiti. Very odd indeed. So they have a Haiti Connection. This stuff can't get any more bazaar, imo.

carmencita ago

I remember that someone found she was a nurse At some point, I believe she had Chester, she had an affair with someone, we have never found the proof when she met him or that he was in Arizona where they lived, but I can't remember anyone denying the resemblance. I can never forget the bond that Chester and Chris had. I never listened to their music nor heard of them before, but after researching and hearing about them I was consumed with their connection. It was amazing. I believe there was a reason they became even more connected. They discovered the secret that some powerful mogul was guilty of. Here is what is in his Wiki: Bennington's death occurred on what would have been Chris Cornell's 53rd birthday.[63] Cornell, who was a close friend of Bennington, had also committed suicide two months prior.[63] Bennington commented on Cornell's death on Instagram by stating, "I can't imagine a world without you in it."[63] Shinoda noted that Bennington was very emotional when the band performed "One More Light" in his honor on Jimmy Kimmel Live,[64] where he could not finish singing the song and started getting choked up during both the rehearsal and at the live performance setting.[65] The band was due to record a live performance of their single "Heavy" on the show, but decided instead to play "One More Light" after hearing the news about Cornell's death because the song is about the loss of a friend.[65] Bennington sang Leonard Cohen's song "Hallelujah" at Cornell's funeral.[63] He was also the godfather of Cornell's son Christopher.[63] It also says this about his abuser: Years later he revealed the abuser's identity to his father but chose not to continue the case after he realized the abuser was a victim himself.[11] Now we will never know what that person was.

angry_mob ago

wow. yeah, really all you have to do is look at side-by-side photos & it's just obvious chester was his son.

carmencita ago

I know. I have seen the side by side many times. Spitting Image.

Limpness ago

Women were recruited from LDS church for Waco, by David Karesh. When the girls turned 12 David Karesh sexually abused all of them. My neighbors in the Appalachian mountains of NC were recruited.Or rather my neighbor's ex wife and 3 adult children went. 2 women and one man. The man was killed in the fire. The govt. kept his body for 2 years unrefrigerated , and then returned it to the family. One of the women left when her daughter turned 12....but she still believed in him and the church.

Blacksmith21 ago

Friend...learn how to put the important shit up front in three sentences. No one is reading this wall of text.

millennial_vulcan ago

I would agree normally, but somehow I ALWAYS read the entire texts of @ASolo !

carmencita ago

ReddittRefugee ago

Thanks for the link @carmencita

Lots of good information in that thread

carmencita ago

YW. Just trying to do what I can. We have to keep posting this stuff. There is always new info added.