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chabon ago

Just saw this too. Comments talked about Colorado City, the one founded by FDLS' Warren Jeffs -- but I found a city founded by a group that splintered off from Jeffs' group in the 1980s: Centennial City, Arizona.

Apparently Lisa Ling did a documentary on the city for Oprah's channel:

The Centennial Park group was profiled on the ABC television program Primetime in a story entitled "The Outsiders", and also on The Oprah Winfrey Network's Our America with Lisa Ling.

Here's the wiki on the City itself, citing a median age of 15!:,_Arizona

Back to digging... Here's a creepy photo page from their blog:

O, yeah, and there's this: The initials of the city are CP.

(Edited to clarify Warren Jeffs' as founder of Colorado City -- and add note about CP)

fogdryer ago

Great find

Disgusting They sure don’t quit !

carmencita ago

I think this is what Cornell and Bennington found out that Geffen was doing. Remember the kids that Cornell found about? This is what was going on. They are being brought in through this nonprofit Church. Brought in by pastors for the A List Elite.

AgainstPedos ago

Remember when a computer hacker found a massive amount of child porn on Comet Pizza's website? After talking to local police and FBI who did nothing to assist, he was threatened and intimidated by thugs who blew out his truck's tires. Stated he found out they were part of FLDS. Didn't understand how this connection came about as the 2 entities seem very different, initially.

millennial_vulcan ago

this needs to be a stand alone thread instead of being buried here!!


carmencita ago

I agree, but am still stunned from a Shocking experience last night. Am trying to keep head on straight for today. I would like it to be done with all those Purple stand outs and I don't know how to do that presentation Nor is my brain ready to compile information today. Tomorrow I will be AWOL most of the day. You are such an expert at Posts.

millennial_vulcan ago

what happened last night Carm??

carmencita ago

Can't go into detail. Am involved in a group and it involves something that would make a big difference that we are working towards, and someone put a big kibosh on it and it has immensely put our endeavor in danger of just basically going down the tubes. Now a few of us are ready to bail out because of this one person that is engineering a power play. I am very disappointed. This person is throwing our activism under the bus for one stupid vendetta towards one person in the group. She called him an abuser which he is not. She called off a meeting last night because he would be there. I had to walk 5 blocks in the cold to the bus and wait 20 min. Walk 3 more blocks in the icy cold only to get there and find she had called off the meeting. I am livid. Sorry to clog up this thread with this. AARRGGHH!

millennial_vulcan ago

urrghhhh sorry that happened. you should start a blog

carmencita ago

I know. I hardly ever do. I may just delete that.