Matt_Helm ago

Arizona home state for evil John McCain he knows all about this shit he makes money from it for sure.

carmencita ago

He probably has a special room reserved just reserved for himself. Nothing surprises me about McCain after reading the Rolling Stone article. It can be found on the internet and is really worth reading. It really turned me against him even way before finding out about all this. Horrible.

millennial_vulcan ago

I wonder how many other zillionaires have funded churches, huh Carm? The PERFECT faux-do-goodercover/tax shelter/pedo farm.

Urghh, this is a full time job!

KIC8462852 ago

lots of zillionaires have funded (or donated to) churches. lots of church "founders" have become zillionaires by applying their own cult-of-personality/brand to a religion. two of the three dominant religions permit and possibly encourage paedophile behaviors including child-marriages=pedo. the christian sects which espouse(d) polygamy openly were ostracized in western society until the second great enlightenment when Joesph Smith wrote it back into Mormonism as the 1st president of his "new" religion; infusing it with the thinking of a Freemason meshing Talmud/Muslim non-suppressed polygamy and pedo with a christian flair. for ALL of them it is PERFECT.

carmencita ago

This occurred to me yesterday as I was reading the thread over again. It is a really scary thought, and one that should be kept in mind when researching any Church.

millennial_vulcan ago

yes indeed. Maybe a journalist or blogger can pick this up....

carmencita ago

Does anyone have a Connection to Daily Mail or Zero Hedge? It seems they are picking up some tidbits from here. Wonder if we could just send them the Whole Shebang. The Whole Thread and ask them to compile it in an article. Is that Legal? Is this even a Good Idea, Idk.

millennial_vulcan ago

Dont worry, I think the DM guys are smart enough to follow the crumbs! They - and many others - no doubt have assigned researchers and editors to read through every submission and comment on here.

Obviously they can and will only print what they would consider to be the less 'hearsay' items, LOL! Irony being, NONE of it is heresay!!!!

Psalm144-1 ago

Ya'll VOAT'ers in here need to be giving those upvoats! This thread has 180+ comments and only 43 upvoats? Cmon now! Show some love to the OP for crying out loud!

carmencita ago

Did not post for voats, but when given they are much appreciated. At least we did a lot of digging and learned a lot of new facts! Thank you.

millennial_vulcan ago

Was thinking the same thing @Psalm144-1

a LOT of good stuff is beign buried in this thread!

thewebofslime ago

The cult inside the Mormon church is known as "The School of the Prophets." They are also tied to serial killers and forgeries.

carmencita ago

See my new post on Lyle Jeffs being arrested by the FBI This is good news. We can hope.

migratorypatterns ago

This post triggered another thought last night.

Could the Hillsong Church be set up along these lines? It's run by pastor Carl Lentz and it's where Justin Bieber hangs out and "worships". It was originally based in Australia ... ????

chabon ago

Could the Hillsong Church be set up along these lines?

Hillsong "Pastor" Brian Houston's father, Frank, admitted to multiple counts of child sexual abuse. Hillsong was founded when the pedophile father "transferred" all of his followers to Brian's new church, Hillsong:

KIC8462852 ago

same theme different wrapper - said of their Hillsong City Shine Care (for girls):

"inappropriate for troubled young women, that the under-qualified facilitators are reinforcing gender stereotypes and that some parents have not been properly informed" and that "the program encourages girls to be subservient by teaching them that they need to be attractive to men". ABC AU

millennial_vulcan ago

WHY is this thread buried here! Needs to be a stand alone!

migratorypatterns ago

I'll take that as a definite yes.


chabon ago

Ya. Hillsong is thoroughly corrupt at so many levels. Brian's insistence that he only found out about his father's pedophilia in 1999 is suspect. And the "church" continues to protect child sexual abusers.

migratorypatterns ago

Wonder why it hasn't been raided and shut down by now.

Could it be that someone is protecting it? The same way the pedos in PedoWood are?

chabon ago

Could it be that someone is protecting it? The same way the pedos in PedoWood are?

I imagine so. Hillsong's HUGE. International. All the big names. All the money. All the usual reasons.

Ugh. This world tho.

migratorypatterns ago

I know. People make some bad choices. Money, fame, fortune, they're fine, but not when you lose yourself.

carmencita ago

If Bono attended this Church I have very little faith that Bieber is making this decision on his own. Hmm.

migratorypatterns ago

Exactly. Not sure when Bono jumped on over to the Evil side. Was he always that way? Seemed like such a nice guy,.

I tell you, you can't go by appearances, just can't. And Bieber is lost right now. Have no idea how they got into that kid's head, but I wish his family would hold an intervention and get him deprogrammed.

carmencita ago

His family is the problem. Before he started making money I believe they were extremely poor and I think I remember him being on David Letterman and saying they were on food stamps or going to food pantry. I would not be surprised if he was one of the kids sold off by the parents, or at least looking the other way. His mother I believe is screwed up and the Dad is not any better. They are probably both tooling around in sports cars. And to think two years ago I though Usher was hot. Ugh. Right after that started the Red Pilling.

migratorypatterns ago

So his family is screwed up. It's not how the mother presented herself.

I actually feel sorry for him. He seems like a nice clueless sort of person that wouldn't have gotten into this type of shit on his own. Damn! I'm hating on these families. They're as bad as the Cannibal Elite.

carmencita ago

Hmm. Bieber was baptized by the pastor of Hillsong Church, Carl Lentz. Must be a pretty big deal and I think there is something funny about that. Lots of odd stuff going on in Australia and that is where the church came from and with Bono being connected. Wonder what other famous members belong.

millennial_vulcan ago

Australia. This brings us all back full circle.

Australia, Nicole Kidman's pedo dad (when will this ever come out in MSM), discussed lots of times on Voat, the Ninth Gate pedo ring etc etc @migratorypatterns

migratorypatterns ago

Yes, yes, and yes.

carmencita ago

I have seen it on Data Lounge I believe as a comment and also once someone Red Pilled people on an Enty Blind. I was so pumped up over it. These two sites are really Red Pilling people Big Time, because a lot of people are reading them, especially now after the Daily Mail article.

migratorypatterns ago

Good question.

He needs to give everything up. Just give everything up and run away from those people. Fame is not worth his soul.

carmencita ago

Yes, well they are not always capable of making good decisions and especially when they are in fear for their life. They know what can happen.

migratorypatterns ago

Yes, but it doesn't seem like they have it that cushy being a glorified slave to an ominous master.

They're screwed. Better to be free.

carmencita ago

They are prey for the Cannibal Elite. They are really good at picking them out. Any one almost that is down and out. Maybe the ones where the Mom or Dad reflect more upon themselves than their kids. Bingo! Perfect Candidate. They probably hold tryouts for bands and such and go from there. Really Sick. Btw, the shills are out in full force. They are trying to stick in their two cents on things while some are slacking off here due to the holidays.

migratorypatterns ago

Totally correct.

As for the shills, thanks for the heads up. I have most of them blocked and don't even see their ranting and ravings. It's funny that the official narrative is that pizzagate is a lie. So if it's a lie, why are they here? Why are they trying so goddamn hard?

Me? I'm looking for Assange to play Santa this year. Come on, Assange! Give us the present we most desire!!!!


carmencita ago

Assange is busy. He has Pam Anderson sitting on his lap.

migratorypatterns ago

Ha! UpVoat for making me laugh. WikiLeaks has been featuring her new lingerie shots. Wikileaks, what are you thinking?

A chill went up my spine when I heard she was trying to get into see Pence. OPEN MESSAGE TO PENCE: Do NOT see that woman!!!! Especially not alone!!!!

migratorypatterns ago

Yeah, no. Just an attempt to smear him. No evidence. None.

millennial_vulcan ago

well see :)

carmencita ago

MP? Yes, I knew that. Many here though will Blow Sky High if it is brought up. You better Duck if you bring that up on here. Be ready for war.

millennial_vulcan ago

Not me who thinks that! I'm just quoting the internet!

carmencita ago

PENCE Beware! Watch out for what Little Pam Riding Hood has in that Picnic Basket.

migratorypatterns ago

Yes! Hope he follows his policy of never being alone with females other than his wife.

carmencita ago

That sounds safe, but really it kind of tells me that he believes himself to be somewhat weak? Should he not have some strength. This is the old idea of men are sex machines and well, it just ain't their fault. Believe me I have had some moments while married and I know exactly when to stop it. People need to learn how to practice self control. I don't know how he has avoided women all this time. Yeah, he better just turn her down altogether.

migratorypatterns ago

That sounds safe, but really it kind of tells me that he believes himself to be somewhat weak?

No, it should tell you he's smart. No possibility of some heifer/skank alleging sexual harassment or groping. And now that false allegations swung an election, they're going to use this tactic again.

carmencita ago

Yes, well I do admit that there are those Fem Fatal Sirens that would be out to set a Trap. Best to Stay Clear anyway especially Pam, CIA.

migratorypatterns ago

Oh, yeah!!!!

I always liked Pam, but then I saw her with Maria Abramovic and it was like, Pam you suck. That was it.

millennial_vulcan ago

Pammy needs the money for her coke habit. @carmencita and general upkeep. She aint getting any from Tommy Lee (her ex, also the ex of HEATHER LOCKLEAR, discussed on Voat, recently.....)

Such incest in PedoWood

carmencita ago

Today's CDA is about Judith Barsi (Idk her) and many are again bringing up SS. It is an awful one. He seems to be popping up a lot. Wonder if this is done by Enty on purpose. I hope it continues.

millennial_vulcan ago

Absolutely done deliberately. This is an avalanche. I do think it keeps folk distracted from other shit that's going on but for now, I'm glad the world is waking up from their slumber and can see how truly evil these powerful people are

carmencita ago

Right now DL is featuring the Enty Blind The Church. Check it out a little later, there were only 6 replies at the time. This should be good.

millennial_vulcan ago

cant wait!

carmencita ago


carmencita ago

Walking up those porch steps to the Embassy did it for me. It spoke volumes. :)

migratorypatterns ago

There's always that moment.

carmencita ago

Heh Heh, Yes. :)

realityisinsanity ago

Most of Colorado City is severely inbred.

carmencita ago

That sounds about right. They are screwing up our kids. Royals have been doing this for centuries. Bleeping Zombies.

ASolo ago

Fucking heavy man. There's no doubt now that heads are gonna roll eventually when our internet sleuths track this place down. Someone said it earlier in this thread the depravity of this rabbit hole just keeps getting deeper and deeper. Now one of the major corksoakers stands to make millions more from his latest installment of brainwashing. All of it, this sick twisted parable of a life among these body and mind fuckers... so done with it.

millennial_vulcan ago

Its worth your while @ASolo to read every single thread in this post. Its MIND BLOWING @carmencita has done a fabulous job

carmencita ago

I know. I am sick of all this too, but there is no choice for those that believe the glass is always half full. I am hoping for people to be spreading what they read on CDAN and that it will make a difference somehow. The fact that Daily Mail is helping out be spreading our news is an added plus. We are hoping they are working together. Excuse me while I clean my Rose Colored Glasses.

blackfyre_rebel ago

Colorado doubts about that! My friend went through there and said no one goes outside, just looks at everybody from the windows. I saw a doc on cults and they did warren jeffs cult and interviewed boys that were kicked out of the church. They were all raped by Jeffs when they were boys and chastised. They went to SLC and had heroin problems and became children prostitutes. Warren Jeffs owns property near my town in Colorado. Definitely without a doubt FLDS (Fundamentalist Mormons) that still practice polygamy and usually with children.

carmencita ago

I think it is up in the corner there so that it is a tri-state area. Right where three points meet. Utah Col. and Ariz.

migratorypatterns ago

Remember that Arizona is Ed Buck's state. He came to prominence by getting involved in a recall election and has had a hand in politics ever since.

millennial_vulcan ago

AND Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona just announced running for Senate seat. WTF is going on?! This is fishier than fish :(


carmencita ago

What? I said yesterday that Arizona is turning into a cesspool.

migratorypatterns ago

Why? Do you suspect Arpaio? I would think he'd be trying to clean things up given his hatred for the Cannibal Elite.

total_winner ago

My guess is that to know the truth about Arpaio you'd have to go back to his DEA days in Central America. Whatever his motives as sheriff they had to be an offshoot of that period in his career. I want to believe the best about Arpaio, I even hired him to speak at a dinner for my professional organization way back in the early 90's when he was just becoming known. But then I think about the relationship with Zullo and Montgomery....stuff that no normal sheriff would be wrapped up in, as well as the whole battle with the judges here including Murray Snow, and I just have to wonder...who was this guy?

migratorypatterns ago

The thing is, there's no such thing as a perfect human being. You take them how you get them. We aren't simple; we're complex. That's the problem. So you'll be hearing me talking about compassion and in the next minute, berating someone at work for making a mistake. What I'm saying is that I'm sure there's a reason, but we don't know the motivation for including very diverse and sometimes opposing views in one's arsenal. Consequently, we end up befriending a guy who steals, or sells drugs, or whatever. Do we know they're a bad guy? Yes, but there's something there that clicks and damn if they're not our friend.

I'm not giving Arpaio a pass for any wrongs he's committed, but he did stand up and say what most of us were thinking. Trump also. So maybe he's flawed. It could be that. The thing to figure out is his motivation. What's the agenda? If you can figure that out, you can excuse the rough spots.

total_winner ago

you're exactly right, and I still hope Arpaio is a total white hat.....

migratorypatterns ago

Me, too.

migratorypatterns ago

No, this is not correct. What the hell was the problem? I'm trying to remember, but it doesn't surprise me that he was slurred by false reporting.

Oh, it had to do with human trafficking! Yes, from what I remember Arpaio was very aware of human trafficking and, unfortunately, many of these sex crimes were associated with human trafficking. When he went to follow up on the reports, some women wouldn't cooperate, but most couldn't be found. The handler whisked them and the children into the night and there went the case. I tried to find the article I read, but Google has it buried ... somewhere ... but I see where you're getting this now.

chabon ago

Ok, thank you! If you can find anything to corroborate, that'd be really helpful. Because, as you can see, all the usual suspects -- from the NYT to the Guardian -- are smearing him.

migratorypatterns ago

I will pass it along. I happened to run across it and I was like, is that what happened! Made so much sense with the amount of human trafficking and illegal immigration in that state.

chabon ago

Yes. More ugh. TY!

carmencita ago

Yes. And who picks their last names, you can't make this stuff up. Isn't he the one that was arrested in Cali and was a big Hillary supporter? Some how they are always involved.

migratorypatterns ago

Yes, he hired young black men so he could shoot them up with drugs. Then he'd watch and film them.

Gemmel Moore was found dead in Ed Buck's apartment. It was ruled a suicide, but pressure made the LAPD open up an investigation. They found tons of drug paraphernalia.

carmencita ago

Yes, he sure did and I believe more came forward. Again connected to the Clintons. Really. Does it ever stop? This stuff keeps coming up when we have to post links here over and over and still people act like we are making this stuff up or they are too clouded with their games and neflix binging. Sigh.

migratorypatterns ago

It's just to discourage us.

They're getting desperate. They know their time is short.

carmencita ago

Hope so. The stuff is coming out now but not loud and clear. Only on the internet. But our members here have increased phenomenally since I joined. The more Red Pillers the better.

migratorypatterns ago

I hear you.

A member red pilled me about Corey Feldman. Nicest thing anyone can do is wake someone up. :)

millennial_vulcan ago

when will he and Macauley Culkin stop protecting Jacko?

I don't even want to think about what Macauley has been through not just Jacko but lord knows who else. He was the best looking kid, 'prize' if you will, of them all...

VOMIT @carmencita

migratorypatterns ago

I know. Macaulay must have been put through the proverbial wringer, much like Haim.

He had an abusive father, and dishrag mother, and then probably a gaggle of pedos using and abusing him and passing him around. Maybe he, too, went to MJ for protection. Maybe MJ was one of those "nice" pedos that actually believes he's helping the kids he's raping?!!! Maybe that's what pissed off the cabal because the cabal shares little treasures.

It's all so sick, but I would love Macaulay to just tell the truth. He's been on drugs and every other kind of thing. He's completely miserable and none of it was his fault. But I don't know if he got his mind spun around and became an abuser or at least participate in those pizza parties.

So sad. He was a GREAT kid.

millennial_vulcan ago

GREAT comment, MP.

migratorypatterns ago

Wow, thanks!

carmencita ago

Kind of like Healther O'Rourke in a way, although he did not die. He was a really cute little kid that they ruined from the Inside Out. Yes, it makes someone want to Vomit and turn away. But we here are of a different fabric. We may Vomit and then brush ourselves off and keep on going. Keep on Going for Macauley, Heather and Thousands of Others. I have more sympathy for MC than CF. He is not Seeking the Limelight. CF should just stop with the BS.

millennial_vulcan ago

totally agree Carm. but CF is so so damaged and acting out in a different way to MC. It is so awful

carmencita ago

I know. It is hard to feel complete anger at him, because anyone that has been abused, is damaged for life sometimes. It sucks.

millennial_vulcan ago

I feel like crying everytime I see him on tv. He just looks so damaged and broken, I barely hear what he says most of the time. You can see all the pain in his face. Macauley too.

Hope all pedos rot in hell

carmencita ago

SS and DG and Disney

carmencita ago

Yes! :)

new4now ago

The Meadows Wickenburg Announces New Gentle Path Staff

The Meadows trauma and addiction treatment center in Wickenburg, Ariz., is pleased to announce the addition of new staff members to their Gentle Path at The Meadows program for males 18 and older struggling with a sexual addiction.

carmencita ago

Gentle Path is for Men Only I believe it says so the women are going elsewhere. In the DM article it said Harvey Weinstein also went to the Wickenburg where Spacey was. 36K must include some very interesting Amenities.

new4now ago

Gentle Path at The Meadows exists to heal your trauma and provide you with tools to transform your life.

Safe, Confidential Treatment For Men The Nation’s Premier Inpatient Treatment for Sex Addiction Gentle Path at The Meadows


carmencita ago

There is a phone # listed for their Medical Treatment Area Very Surprising Indeed.

new4now ago

Wearing a hoodie and shades, Kevin Spacey tries to go incognito as he jogs on a desert trail while at $36,000-a-month sex-rehab clinic in Arizona

Read more: /Kevin-Spacey-goes-jogging-Arizona-sex-rehab-clinic

The Meadows: What it's like where Kevin Spacey, Harvey Weinstein reportedly are being treated for sex addiction

shows 10 people who have done rehab in Arizona

Selena Gomez spent 2 wks there

was she a plaything for the men? just throwing it out there

has names of other rehab places


carmencita ago

Whoa. DM is Stoking The Embers of this Fire. They are playing right along Amazing. @millennial-vulcan @chabon

millennial_vulcan ago

always good to read comments section too. Some gems in there.

Blacksmith21 ago


carmencita ago

Yes. DG.

millennial_vulcan ago

CHESTER BENNINGTON stayed at the EXTREMELY CORRUPT PASSAGES, MALIBU many times, at least three or four.

THIS HAS BEEN POSTED ABOUT BEFORE ON VOAT!! I will find and add links. The private owners of Passages are extremely corrupt and tied to all sorts of creepy shit. Again, this has been posted about on Voat before!

PLEASE GOOGLE owners of Passages, Chris and Pax Prentiss....many internal lawsuits and a hushed up suspicious patient death.

CuriousCat258 ago

Chris stayed there once before too

carmencita ago Pax Prentiss with his tanned Marketing partner and Dad Chris Prentiss are making a killing on the pseudo treatment of addictions, ruining lives and bankrupting families, with their high cost scam. With no qualification in addiction or no medical background, the Prentiss empire has made an estimated $50 million in books, room stays and appearances, based on their claims of curing addiction. Pax Prentiss net worth was $15 Million in 2013. @chabon @new4now

new4now ago

Gee...corruption everywhere

carmencita ago

It boggles the mind. I am going to try to read the whole thread over again. Which means I will get sick all over again.

millennial_vulcan ago

Carm, this topic has woken up a sleeping dragon....ALL REHABS NOW LEAD TO BE LOOKED AT!!!

What about that SUPPER CREEPY CIRQUE LODGE IN UTAH....where Mary Kate Olsen went for her insane drug habit and alcoholism anorexia

new4now ago

did you know Kirsten Dunst first movie was a Woody Allen short?

she was 6 yrs old

she was 11 or 12 when she did Interview With A Vampire

she was 3 yrs old and signed with Ford Models and Elite Model Management

I have a feeling her Mother was a horrible one

no wonder she having so much trouble

millennial_vulcan ago

oh what a coincidence. She's now pregnant.

...interesting timing. Now she can dodge questions about being pedo-ed as a kid, to talk about stupid baby shit instead.


new4now ago

Geez, is she mentally fit to be a Mother?

She sure has had her share of trouble

finska ago

Also "rehab" is where celebrity MK is said to be topped up when their programming starts to break down...think Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, Kanye West etc etc

Blacksmith21 ago

This ties back into the entire narrative of Straight, Inc. The hardcore version of rehab. Lots of stories as well.

millennial_vulcan ago

Carm, it is no coincidence that the Daily Mail put the CDAN website as their headline news story last week. You can tell by the type of ads that are now on that site that advertisers are paying big bucks. God knows what the traffic numbers the millions now.

I'm not sure what my point is here. I am ecstatic that more and more people are being redpilled and these stories are being outed to the masses but...does DM own CDaN do you think to get around libel laws for stories they cant print on MailOnLine?

These blinds are getting bigger and crazier by the week. Something is going on. I wonder what shit is going to come out about the shock death of corrupt Ed Lee, just-deceased Mayor of San Francisco....SOMETHING WEIRD IS HAPPENING I TELL YA!

new4now ago

agree, and the timing, whoo hoo

with this stuff breaking and stuff in the news, it's going to be a busy season

millennial_vulcan ago

Bunch of CNN freaks about to be exposed next, apparently!

Blacksmith21 ago

Did you think the DS was the only one to have a "heart attack gun" <8^)

new4now ago

this just might be like Clinton's closing of loose ends

have to check deaths a little before Cornell and Bennington up till now

stay tuned and watch for more

chabon ago

...does DM own CDaN do you think to get around libel laws for stories they cant print on MailOnLine?

Interesting theory. CDaN's definitely opening the floodgates -- both ways: more stories and more readers. The blinds are written like Enty has personal contacts about all these events -- but it would make sense that someone -- like DM -- might be forwarding contacts to Enty that they can't touch/report.

CuriousCat258 ago

Sorry to butt in, who is DM?

millennial_vulcan ago

Mail On Line might have bought Enty out....

Don't get me wrong. NOT complaining!

carmencita ago

I am wondering too about all the Airing Out of Filthy Dirty Laundry. I think too that Something Weird Is Happening. If Geffen is exposed it will put a Big Stick In Their Spokes!

new4now ago

Colorado City, Arizona

Most of the property in the town was owned by the United Effort Plan, a real estate trust of the FLDS,_Arizona

2016 annual report of The United Effort Plan Trust

1 At the present time, the Board consists of seven members:

Greg Barlow, DeLoy Bateman, Arnold Richter, Don Timpson, Shirlee Draper, Jean Allred, and Ramona Barlow.

The court initially empaneled the Board on December 17, 2014, when it appointed Greg Barlow, DeLoy Bateman, Margaret Cooke, Arnold Richter, and Don Timpson to serve terms of varying lengths.

On October 28, 2015, the court added two additional trustees, Shirlee Draper and Jean Allred. In 2016, following the resignation of Margaret Cooke, the Board selected Ramona Barlow as a replacement trustee.

On January 3, 2017, the court entered an order approving the appointment of Ramona Barlow and adjusting the terms of the remaining Board members, such that the terms of Greg Barlow and DeLoy Bateman shall expire in December 2018; the terms of Don Timpson and Arnold Richter shall expire in December 2020; and the terms of Shirlee Draper, Jean Allred, and Ramona Barlow shall expire in December 2022.

carmencita ago

Jean Allread Sets Off Alarms. Am checking.

new4now ago

Colorado City Mayor Joseph Allred

carmencita ago Found this. There is one way at the bottom

new4now ago

Gloria the Lawyer lived in PA, CA, NY

what I was trying to say , Is the DynCorp Allred related to the Mayor of Colorado City who is an Allred and someone on the board of United Effort Plan

am sure Board Member and Mayor related, probably married

new4now ago

Gloria the lawyer lives in PA, LA,-CA, NY

grew up in PA, schooling, worked as teacher there

got offer for LA were she met William Allred, she went to school for law

opened law firm in NY

was wonder if the Dyn Corp Allred was related to the mayor of Colorado City

the Dyn Corp Allred went back to Utah

sry for confusion

if these Allred related, it would have to be through William, because she , the lawyer, was a bloom, then a bray

new4now ago

she would have to be related to Glorias second husband William

The marriage lasted 18 years. In 1985, when his wife was already the most famous woman lawyer in Los Angeles, William Allred came under investigation for selling the U.S. government counterfeit parts for C-130 cargo planes. Allred and his codefendants were accused of manufacturing them using blueprints stolen from the company that actually held the license. Though the couple separated before he was indicted, Allred, Maroko & Goldberg served as cocounsel in his defense. After William was convicted on federal fraud charges, his estranged wife asked for a divorce

did you know she graduated from Penn state and that her first husband, who also went there, committed suicide in 1961, must have been just after Lisa was born

trying to find more on first husband, Gloria has said something of his Blue Blood

not sure if this Allred related, Just wanted to get these names up, fell on them by accident lol

carmencita ago

I forgot the thread, but someone posted just recently about how Gloria was MK Ultra and that they involved her in the Patricia Hearst case as her big Dynamo Case. It was history from there on. Penn State keeps popping up. This family is like the rest of them. They are all in on it. Very Lucrative for them.

new4now ago

that's for sure, been looking heavy on her, Penn state, first hubby sucide, they say he was bi polar, very good looking with Family connections

then she goes to NY, teaches

then off to LA, all before becoming a lawyer

interesting, with all kinds of niggling going on in my head

you want me go back look for rehab?

carmencita ago

Saw this from the info you posted on the Medical info. The Gentle Path at The Meadows program is based on the groundbreaking work of Dr. Patrick Carnes’ Thirty-Task model which has been empirically validated to be an effective form of treatment for sexually compulsive behavior. Gentle Path is scheduled to open November 1, 2013 at The Meadows’ newest property, Vista, located two miles from the main campus and offering a 27-bed facility in an exclusive and confidential setting. SO. I may look into this Dr. Carnes Thirty Task model and him.

chabon ago

Awesome work you two!! Wow. On both Allred and Meadows. Thank you!!

carmencita ago

TY. Don't sell yourself short. You added a chunk too!

chabon ago

No short-selling here :) Just cheering on allies :)

carmencita ago

Did you see the part in the Blind where it said they keep the teens pregnant so they can have a never ending supply? What a Red Pill. PEDO FARM.

carmencita ago

This is one of the Retreats at The Meadows There are others listed way at the bottom. In the comments of the Blind, someone noted that Kevin Spacey is raping kids at the Meadows right now. I don't know if that is true, but lots of people mentioned The Meadows and that Naomi Campbell went there and Selena Gomez and others.........

new4now ago

Naomi went to Cottonwood for rage problems

carmencita ago

That's their name for it. They call it whatever they want and then they go for you know what.

jealoushe ago

The blind says no women go there. Can't be the meadows.

finska ago

Are they really women? Some could be trans?

jealoushe ago

lmao anything is possible these days

carmencita ago

Yikes! You could be right. This world is really getting crazy.

carmencita ago

Yes @millennial-vulcan just posted

Kate Moss, Rush Limbaugh (RUSH!! What a fukin CREEPO!) Tiger Woods, Elle McPherson.... are you thinking that only the men are pedos? There are women going there too.

millennial_vulcan ago

Kate Moss, Rush Limbaugh (RUSH!! What a fukin CREEPO!) Tiger Woods, Elle McPherson....

carmencita ago

Just went back and read the Blind. Something jumped out at me. They keep getting the teens pregnant so they can have a never ending supply. Evidently of children and teens. Then they will turn into Pedos just like them. THIS IS A PEDO FARM.

carmencita ago

They are all creeps of the worst kind. Children. I wonder if that is why Tiger's wife really left him....she may have found out about the kids.

chabon ago

The Trinity church has some interesting things happening

Agree this org, and Mark Whatshisname, looks highly sketch (I noticed all the kids references, too), but it doesn't fit the blind, unless Enty doesn't know AZ geography. Scottsdale is central AZ.

jealoushe ago

Thanks, I didnt pay attention to that.

chabon ago

I still can't find a "new church" up in the northern part of the state though -- and Enty isn't exactly a straight-reporter :)

carmencita ago

There are a lot of these in AZ. It is a Cesspool. Most of the A Listers have been sent to The Meadows

jealoushe ago

The blind said no women go there though.

carmencita ago

I read that Naomi Campbell and others went there as well.....

jealoushe ago

to the meadows?

chabon ago

I missed the part about no women going there -- must be another "rehab" facility, not Meadows? Didn't know that so many in Epstein's black book ended up at Meadows, though. Ugh.

jealoushe ago

probably all related somehow

chabon ago

Ya. Worth digging deeper into Meadows even if it's not the one mentioned. I'm nauseatingly sure we'll find more horror.

new4now ago

In the comments

John Doe said... I posted about this on yesterday's blind about Geffen and the murders of Bennington and Cornell and the Geffen connection. Geffen is the mogul. The interviews and research that Bennington and Cornell were doing with those teens led them to find out about this child trafficking ring---which has strong ties to the Clinton Global Foundation, the Red Cross, and other children's charities. These charitable foundations are feeder organizations for the racket that is operated by the mogul. They grab children abroad and smuggle them into the USA for sex. Its a huge child prostitution ring. Lots of business people, politicians, and big shots from overseas fly in to have sex with the children. Its part of something else that I'm not going to post about anymore.

I will continue to pray for those children.

Things are about to blow up from what I have heard and read. Providence, it seems, has intervened on behalf on these kids. The end of this racket is nigh. And some of the people who facilitated it politically suddenly are dropping out of public service and there will be others. I will not mention any names but you can look them up yourself. The info is out there.

Some of these pregnancies...the babies are sacrificed. Samael + Lilith = Baphomet. The shit is real, people! Choose not to believe it if you want to. But it IS real.

There is more to this story. A LOT more.

carmencita ago

In this town yes, they are stocking it with children too. But my question is, where are the sending Weinstein and the other A Listers there? They are surely partaking of these benefits in this town or they are being brought in to them. I smelled The Rat Geffen right away. He Reeks.

KIC8462852 ago

they might need to stock it with new bloodlines as theirs has to be genetically flawed from the limited pool given their closed community. prima facie for me when i saw on google maps the label of "child cemetery." having a designated child cemetery seemed odd given the small communities and then i read this:

"The lot is unmarked and unremarkable. There is no sign. A scrappy white wooden fence runs the length of it along Canyon Street. It is bordered to the north by a well-maintained lot where there sits a stately red brick home with UEP (United Effort Plan, the church trust which is now controlled by the state of Utah in the aftermath of Jeffs' conviction) spelled out in white brick on its south-facing side. At the lot's northwest corner, a metal gate—the kind you might find on a cattle ranch—hangs open on its hinge. The baby cemetery is a mess of overgrown weeds and dry, cracked dirt, home to hundreds of infant and toddler-size graves, not all of them marked. Many of the souls interred here lived not longer than a day, some just two days, two weeks, or two years. Some feature more expensive-looking gravestones, and include, beyond names and dates, terms of endearment such as: "Sweet baby girl," "Our son," and "Heaven's very special child." Still more, rather cryptically, feature child-size palm and footprints."

carmencita ago

This is so beyond sad and sick. It is obvious to us, is it not? Some would think nothing of it. Thinking it has been there hundreds of years, etc. So some were valued and some were not. Wonder how the treated those that were not. We can suspect it was horrible. I will read the Vice article. Thank you.

KIC8462852 ago

welcome. it is obvious to those in-the-know or who care to invest in understanding non-revisionist history and religion. horrible is a very applicable term. the FLDS society is still under the spell of jeffs - he still controls the sect from jail. he is beyond a menace to society. he should be in 24 solitary at ADX Florence not cavorting with wives of his who have microphones hidden in their watches. the only sex allowed in his sect is apparently with designated seed providers. and "marriages" are on hold.

carmencita ago

I think there has been good news. I will ping you to my post about Lyle Jeffs. He was the mouthpiece for his brother.

KIC8462852 ago


carmencita ago

:) This is one way to keep this going. We have to keep posting about this connection. The more that read about it the more will be Red Pilled ans so on......

new4now ago

do you remember a place called the Ranch in AR?

not sure if it has anything to do with it, but came across it

do you remember what it was about?

looking at sex addict places and men only places

the ones I finding up on border to the east seem to be Indian related

think reservation up there

took a time out looking Allred name up

with go back to rehab

hope your search comes up with something

Gloria started out as a teacher and something with underprivileged kids

with her ties in LA, she could have ties with Geffen

not sure if I should stay with Allred or go back to rehabs lol

carmencita ago

I think millennial posted that there were women that went to these places too. Kate Moss was one.

tholinz ago

There have traditionally been a number of rehab facilities in Arizona that cater to celebrities. There used to be one just north of Tucson, which is a day spa now but operations have been moved elsewhere. My bet is that you’d find it in the Sedona area. Celebrities just love that place.

carmencita ago Anne: Well that’s what Centennial Park might say, then FLDS would say the other. It’s whoever you’re talking to. In other words, they separated. Two of the members of the priesthood council in Colorado City started the priesthood council that became Centennial Park. Many of them started a new community another mile or two south there in Arizona, and many of the Centennial Park people had homes in Colorado City/Hilldale, so they stayed there. They are there to this day but they are considered the Centennial Park group.

chabon ago

Just saw this too. Comments talked about Colorado City, the one founded by FDLS' Warren Jeffs -- but I found a city founded by a group that splintered off from Jeffs' group in the 1980s: Centennial City, Arizona.

Apparently Lisa Ling did a documentary on the city for Oprah's channel:

The Centennial Park group was profiled on the ABC television program Primetime in a story entitled "The Outsiders", and also on The Oprah Winfrey Network's Our America with Lisa Ling.

Here's the wiki on the City itself, citing a median age of 15!:,_Arizona

Back to digging... Here's a creepy photo page from their blog:

O, yeah, and there's this: The initials of the city are CP.

(Edited to clarify Warren Jeffs' as founder of Colorado City -- and add note about CP)

Mstruthserum ago

I have been reading up and following and I haven't finished this thread yet but I will. I never post but here goes..... I have been researching the whole pizzagate thing for many years now before it was known as pizzagate. To make a long story short, I became suspicious of the FLDS when they were busted several years ago for abusing their children/marrying the girls as young as 12 to pedophiles. They made the news and over 400 children were removed and placed into care from their sprawling 1,700 acre Yearning For Zion ranch in Eldorado, Texas.

Anyone remember? The women and little girls wore 19th century style prairie dresses and hairdos seemingly color coded in some strange way. The women and mothers took to mainstream television pleading for the return of their children very timidly and eerily in a robotic manner as if severely brainwashed. They all sounded exactly the same pleading for the return of their children and refused to answer any questions. The men or husbands rather, were never seen. Mind you many women have escaped before and after this even and have since were interviewed many times with their stories.

Children were reportedly found often with broken bones and young girls as young as age 8 were being secretly married to older men. Reading up on survivors of MKUltra and SRA they usually mention one of many sources perpetrators get their baby 'sacrifices' are from 'breeders', women held in captivity who give birth just for this sole purpose. The FLDS would be perfect candidates for this. Why? Because this particular group YFZ are in the middle of nowhere. If anyone tried to escape it would be such a challenge since they are literally miles from nowhere for one.

Another strange thing often mentioned associated with the FLDS is the 'Lost Boys' where male children are sent away and made homeless because the older men look at them as competition when obtaining multiple wives, but I am not buying that story. Where are all those men today speaking about being involved with the FLDS and sent off? Like I mentioned before, there are many young women and girls who have left and spoke out. I have a strong feeling the 'boys' are sold off for sex slavery or sacrificed. I hope I am wrong about that.

Warren Jeffs was and still is the leader or 'prophet' of this cult and has been jailed for sexual abuse of minor children of YFZ ranch. Apparently, another man by the name of Winston Blackmore with his 27 wives split off to another FLDS community in Bountiful, BC because of Jeff's conviction. Interesting the name Bountiful same as in Utah (bountiful as in procreating?). Anyway, have a gander at this interview. Skip to 26:30 for the juicy part where the interviewer asks a surprise question of his involvement with trafficking children and he acts completely weird and guilty

I believe their is much more than meets the eye with the FLDS. I just wanted to share my two coppers on the matter since it has been discussed here. I also think that the Turpins couple in California may have been using their daughters as breeders and maybe that is where they received funding all those years. Don't be surprised if they discover that some of those girls gave birth before. Hope that isn't the case though.

Apparently a wife that was married to Warren Jeffs is still missing.

Okay I am going to copy this and paste into the newest thread about this. Peace.

notdivided ago

mormons have been sex traffickers from the very beginning. Their founder was known for taking very young brides (14) by coercion and in secrecy. Even today the mormon fundamentalists are being convicted of it as we speak. They used to keep a wife in each country, mexico, US, and Canada, in order to flout the laws.

If you are interested in Centennial Park there are significant polygamist outposts in alberta canada, montana, texas, and many other places.

I was born into mormonism and my family went with the mainstream church- even still more than 1/3 of my direct female mormon ancestors meet the definition of sex trafficking. Even multiple cases of international sex trafficking. We're only barely making inroads into these communities, and only because it has gotten really really bad there.

chabon ago

Thank you for this.

I was reading comments on a site yesterday (don't remember where in my wanderings now) -- but a very educated and informed Mormon person with the handle "John Galt" was disputing the fact that Jos. Smith had sexual relations with his younger brides. One of the brides wrote in at least one book, and her personal journal, that she had been sealed to Smith for "eternity" but not "time and eternity." Apparently (and perhaps you can help me understand this?) families are sometimes sealed "for eternity" through marriages that are not consummated? Whereas marriages "for time and eternity" are understood to exist for the creation of families (i.e. include sexual relations).

"John Galt" insisted there was no historical evidence for Smith having relations with his younger brides, and no one in that forum could come up with such evidence. Understand, I am no defender of Mormonism -- I believe it to be a reworking of Masonism within a pseudo-Christian framework.

We're only barely making inroads into these communities, and only because it has gotten really really bad there

Who is "we?" Is there working being done on this front? And are "these communities" the outposts in alberta, montana and texas that you mention? Might you have links to stories on any of this?

Thank you in advance.

new4now ago

Colorado City was were Warren Jeffs was going to set up shop

Carolyn Jessop's said in article...

It was getting very scary, the things that Warren was talking about.

He was talking about moving people to what he called "The Center Place." I knew Warren well enough to know what he had up his sleeve, and I knew he was going to move us into compounds and separate us from family, friends and relatives.,8599,1675126,00.html

sounds like Colorado City doesn't it?

chabon ago

I don't know enough -- just started looking into this -- I thought they were in Colorado City?

Malignment ago

Centennial park & Colorado City appear to basically be one in the same, or right next to each other. I was just looking at them on google maps satellite view and there appears to be a lot of graphic anomalies and weird huge circles ... can anyone confirm?

chabon ago

Agreed, that is very strange. Has anyone seen anything like this elsewhere? Is it a farming technique?

realityisinsanity ago

Yes, that is very strange.

reasonedandinformed ago

Lisa Ling is one of the two people who Bill Clinton flew to North Korea to release in 2010. She is pictured with a friend amd little girl at Comet ping-pong just a few days later, as an attachment to this famous Podesta email entitled pizza.jpg:

EvaEverywhere ago

Laura Ling. It's not obvious to keep all the names straight but it helps.

reasonedandinformed ago Their appearance in the pizza.jpg image that was part of the Podesta emails was not a coincidence.

reasonedandinformed ago

Thank you.

letsdothis1 ago

They are sisters.

carmencita ago

The thing that Stuck Out for me was A MEDIAN AGE OF 15. This should be a Huge Message.

AgainstPedos ago

FLDS, the cult that is an LDS offshoot, glorifies the idea that a man in good standing should have multiple wives, lots of kids, and therefore the ability to establish his own Kingdom in Heaven. Teens kicked out of the cult, as they're seen as unwanted competition, have regularly reported sexual abuse and rape starts about the age of 4 or 5 years by the cult's leaders. Anywhere you have all of the power in the hands of a very few you will see rampant abuse.

CDAN Blind implied FLDS was getting large financial donations for tolerating the "retreat" near to their city.

fogdryer ago

Great find

Disgusting They sure don’t quit !

carmencita ago

I think this is what Cornell and Bennington found out that Geffen was doing. Remember the kids that Cornell found about? This is what was going on. They are being brought in through this nonprofit Church. Brought in by pastors for the A List Elite.

AgainstPedos ago

Remember when a computer hacker found a massive amount of child porn on Comet Pizza's website? After talking to local police and FBI who did nothing to assist, he was threatened and intimidated by thugs who blew out his truck's tires. Stated he found out they were part of FLDS. Didn't understand how this connection came about as the 2 entities seem very different, initially.

millennial_vulcan ago

this needs to be a stand alone thread instead of being buried here!!


carmencita ago

I agree, but am still stunned from a Shocking experience last night. Am trying to keep head on straight for today. I would like it to be done with all those Purple stand outs and I don't know how to do that presentation Nor is my brain ready to compile information today. Tomorrow I will be AWOL most of the day. You are such an expert at Posts.

millennial_vulcan ago

what happened last night Carm??

carmencita ago

Can't go into detail. Am involved in a group and it involves something that would make a big difference that we are working towards, and someone put a big kibosh on it and it has immensely put our endeavor in danger of just basically going down the tubes. Now a few of us are ready to bail out because of this one person that is engineering a power play. I am very disappointed. This person is throwing our activism under the bus for one stupid vendetta towards one person in the group. She called him an abuser which he is not. She called off a meeting last night because he would be there. I had to walk 5 blocks in the cold to the bus and wait 20 min. Walk 3 more blocks in the icy cold only to get there and find she had called off the meeting. I am livid. Sorry to clog up this thread with this. AARRGGHH!

millennial_vulcan ago

urrghhhh sorry that happened. you should start a blog

carmencita ago

I know. I hardly ever do. I may just delete that.

fogdryer ago

Absolutely sickening Someone said follow the money the donors who Gave the most—- Buffett—— Johnson

The top donors are key NSA 2. Men politicans United Nations —- two men

Sick !

carmencita ago

Warren Buffett is gay. I saw an article about him and Lawrence King. Also there was an article about him and some Italian Bus. man buying a Greek Island. It was very sketchy in that he said it was for a bus. venture but he bought it Personally not through B Hathaway. Bet he goes to this place too.

millennial_vulcan ago

YES. I mean, he just LOOKS gay! Remember we talked about all this before? How in the world has that jilliionaire stayed scandal free till now. He literally flies under the radar. How has no one worked out that he, as an infamous Omaha resident, might just be connected to Franklin? Has it really taken us this long to be redpilled. WAKE UP EVERYONE!

millennial_vulcan ago

Christ alive. CDAN is slowly killing me. There is no end to this pedo rabbit warren!

carmencita ago

There was that article from DM in Nov. about Spacey going for a run and I wonder if that is keeping things in the Limelight while things are being dug up. I too think there are teams working together on this. It is uncanny Enty came out with this. He must have some Solid Security.

Blacksmith21 ago

I've seen tv commercials for Passages for years. I thought it was a drug rehab.

AgainstPedos ago

A lot of rehab places for the elite are little more than luxury spa retreats. That's the only way many will agree to go. Of course this does work for some in that it isolates the user from his social network of similar addicts and partiers.

Still it's not the intense psychological therapy really needed that became popular with the Betty Ford Clinic. There users are assigned cleaning chores and cannot opt out of any assigned counseling. No one is treated like a celeb in traditional drug/alcohol/sex rehab.

carmencita ago

It just might be too. Who knows. They have to cover somehow. Just going over everything. This has been one heck of a Blind. Enty really outdid himslef. Somehow it seems to be possibly correlating with DM Articles. Hmm,

chabon ago

Here's an article about Colorado City, Hilldale and Centennial Park:

Mentions the backstory of the splintering, and also how residents are trying to lure tourists in the post-Jeffs days. Maybe it's Colorado City?

carmencita ago Saw this mentioned in one of the comments on CDAN. They treat Sexual Addiction We should look into this. They have a section for Military Families as well.

carmencita ago

OH Thank You! This is amazing. I was shaking as I was posting it. I am going to dig too. I will use your link as a Start. Remember that Lisa Ling was in NK and was rescued by Bill Clinton and I think was it Steve Bing on his airplane and her picture was also on CPP Instagram with another woman and a little girl. Oprah is for sure hooked up with all this. Her and Gail. Yikes!

KIC8462852 ago

i thought i recalled reading somewhere Doug Band was with Clinton in NK.

carmencita ago

Could be. I am sure Clinton has made other trips there. Some were reported and some where not I am sure. I remember Chelsea was really mad at Band for his dealings with Teredo (sp).

KIC8462852 ago

good memory - teneo (huge can of worms in and of itself.) and yes, chelsea picked a fight with band, et al, when she realized the gargantuan horror the CF was. braverman was also in her crosshairs. band, because she was competing with the 'pseudo-son-of-bill' status he had & braverman, who directed with nastiness to which she was affiliated by name. unclear her desire to protect CF ... brand preservation so the CF could continue or legit concerns about wrongdoing. chelsea knows the depth of corruption in the foundation. braverman bolted and now works for eric schmidt's foundation. ergo, another can of worms considering the predilection jigsaw has for massively anti-social and invasive behaviors in pursuit of an agenda not good for a healthy future of the planet. good talking to you - respect your thoughts, ideas, and dedication.

millennial_vulcan ago

WHY is this being buried? Please make this a new, stand alone thread...

@carmencita @elephantdoesntforget @chabon @new4now @Blacksmith21

new4now ago

I've done a post on Eric Scmidt

He was one of the guys went with Aston Kutcher to Russia

He has a partner who went too

These guys started the digital government

Will give ya link when I get home

carmencita ago

Thank you. I think I misspelled that name, but whatever, yes, I believe they are grooming Chelsea to takeover some day, if they ever leave. Epstein is heavily invested in Eternal Life Research. What a disgusting thought.

millennial_vulcan ago

Gayle and Opry lesbians? Heard so much about this over the years. Think they'e part of the 'group' mentioned a while back where Kelly preston, maybe jada pinkett are part of?

fogdryer ago

O pry was raped twice Without help she can’t have sex. Same with Liza Minnelli’s. She kept marrying gay men for a reason. Stedman is also gay

new4now ago

Obamas took a little trip with Gayle and Oprah and others on Geffens yacht

you should see all the people who took trips on that huge thing

elephantdoesntforget ago

Oprah is an international drug dealer.

Geffen's yacht is used to traffic drugs and people.

millennial_vulcan ago

well SOMETHINGS UP with that yacht. cant see Oopy as a smuggler tho.

elephantdoesntforget ago

Oprah is 100% a drug trafficker.

Her cookie cutter public image is all fake. Bitch is a fucking nightmare drug trafficker.

millennial_vulcan ago

oh come on!

elephantdoesntforget ago

I stand by what I said. Talk to South American / Central American people in the know long enough, and you will get the same information.

carmencita ago

I know! I remember seeing that on the news. I think Valerie Jarrett went too. Oh my God. I shudder to think what happened on that boat. We know that Oprah was abused as a child. I wonder how abused.

new4now ago

she supposedly had a kid if I remember correctly

carmencita ago

You just reminded me. I vaguely remember. It was a boy right? Wow. She solves everyone's problems and gets so many together and she can't make peace with her own child. Something Stinks.

new4now ago

Oprah never did marry her beard Stedman Graham

carmencita ago

Just remembered I saw Gayle on Rachel Rae and there was a slip of the lip. They were talking about entertaining and Rachel said she things that Oprah would serve this. Then Gayle blurts out, Oh, we serve that all the time, or words to that effect. Now my husband believes it too, Finally! If you look at the old Johnny Carson Tonight Show with Oprah guesting, look how she dresses. Very different than now. Just Sayin'. Yes, all the Biggies belong to that group.

carmencita ago

Listen, this is something I forgot about and you just pulled it out of me, I was watching Rachel Rae and

chabon ago

Ya. Ling's name jumped right off the page at me.

I can't find anything about the town itself -- to see if any new churches/non-profits have been established there -- any ideas?

carmencita ago

It is an off shoot of the FDLS Members that left and started their own group so it is still connected but not quite. There bylaws are similar to the Mormons but I think there are "secret bylaws" about pedophilia. Of course they will not be listed. If we can find a Board of Directors that would be good. But I saw there is not a name listed on the site. I will keep checking. I will not stop. This is where they sent Weinstein and some of the others. No wonder.

chabon ago

This is where they sent Weinstein and some of the others. No wonder.

I was wondering about this -- think I (so far) agree with some CDANers that the rehab facility might not be in the actual city. Could be the Meadows in Wickenburg -- and from there child rapists could be easily flown north to the city... #justatheory

new4now ago

posted some stuff on this, you'll have to check in and read comments :)

chabon ago

Ya! I saw! Excellent finds!! The blind item does mention a city in the northern part of the state, though -- and Wickenburg is still central -- and it's also not known, I don't think, as a FLDS city.

Plus, Wickenburg and Centennial Park/Colorado City do both have airports. I'm just looking at Wickenburg's now because there are a few curiosities about it.

new4now ago

I was checking on Colorado city

Windows forcing an upgrade on me so not sure what will be left in favs

Last time I got totally wiped out

carmencita ago

Yes, they are doing it some how. I have not read all the comments and will do that now. I imagine they will be flowing in quickly now. This needs MORE EYES.

chabon ago

Centennial Park is adjacent to the Colorado City airport.

carmencita ago

I am sure that is how they are brought in. Scum. I am checking out Jean Allread someone included the name as connected.

chabon ago

Wickenburg (pop. 5000) also has an airport. In 2008 there were 140 flights/day over the previous 12 month period. Can't find current figures -- but that's a curiously high number for a town of that size. It's a tiny little "historic" town in the middle of nowhere about an hour's drive outside of Phoenix.

elephantdoesntforget ago

Wickenburg is a little town that people go to gold prospect or see wild donkeys... not much going on there.

It is on / very near a river that goes all the way through Arizona... and there are drug traffickers that use the river to move product. Also many Indian casinos / reservations all along the river, near Wickenburg.

carmencita ago

Thank You! Very important. Seems a lot of people coming and going in and out of that little town. Wow.

new4now ago

Colorado city surrounded by reservation

Think that's why they chose it, read something about it

carmencita ago

Gee this sounds like the gift that keeps on giving. This is one of those Perfect Storm situations. No wonder.

chabon ago

This needs MORE EYES

Yes. Need to get to the deeper layers.

millennial_vulcan ago

I am just as speechless as you.

carmencita ago

I know. This is Shockingly Amazing. I don't know what will come of this. I am hoping the Daily Mail or Zero Hedge picks up on this. Wow.

carmencita ago

Someone on the site said the wanted to vomit. I am glad I am too busy digging, or I could too. Just Disgusting.

carmencita ago This is connected to Pizzagate because it exposes the Elites that are abusing and raping our children. This also includes sex trafficking which we know they are doing. Click on the link and read the article and comments. THIS IS A SHOCKER!

carmencita ago

They learned their lessons and waited until everything was in place. The church is a non profit and their biggest donor is a shell company which is part of another shell company which is owned by the same A+ list mogul we have seen time and time again in all of these stories. This is where things get a little interesting. Because of the racial makeup in the community, and wanting to make sure everyone blends in, they had to get the tweens and teens from Europe. Specifically they found some orphanages in Eastern Europe. How did they get them all into the country? Well, every church needs religious workers. The church hired twenty "pastors" and got them in as special immigrant religious workers. Each of these "pastors" had between four and six children they brought in with them, and of course their wives, many of whom had their own children too. Of course, none of these pastors or wives really have any kids they brought, but almost overnight, what these people have created is a fully functioning, safe from prying eyes place where these kids are being abused. Apparently, much like their protectors, they want to ensure a never ending supply, by having the teens get pregnant as often as possible. WHAT do they think they are doing? Enty has Found Them Out.

AgainstPedos ago

Don't forget Hillary, DG, and a major US drug co doing medical testing were all prominent elite in former Satellites of the USSR now battling Putin's control. DG arranged for the purchase of Modern Art sales for his associates. He also was producing music written by one of the foreign power houses.

Border skirmishes and strife always results in major economic hardship for many. Likewise there's a surplus of both orphans and economically desperate mothers willing to give up their children. Same thing happened in Syria with ISIS supporting fighters by selling kidnapped kids to whomever for whatever.