HardCorps ago

More fuel for the fire here. See my comment below calling these sickos welfare leeches.


carmencita ago

Former members of the sect claimed that Jeffs and other leaders used the money from the scam to dine on “shrimp and lobster” while others in the community starved. THE GALL. These Gluttons feast and others starve. This is the way of the elite. Also, they are dirtying the welfare program. We need to change this program, for I am sure the elites have tailor made it to their benefit. I remember decades ago, people could line up and receive cheese, bread, cereal, etc. Plus a small stipend. It has totally mushroomed.

carmencita ago

In 2006, Warren Jeffs, then the president and prophet of the FLDS, was arrested and charged with accomplice rape, for just two of the underage marriages he had arranged. In 2011, Jeffs was sentenced to life in prison, plus 20 years. Through his brother Lyle—Bishop of the FLDS and mouthpiece for his imprisoned brother—Jeffs enacted a Judgment wherein FLDS members were asked a series of bizarre personal questions; their answers were judged, and the most righteous were welcomed into the United Order of FLDS elite. Those who did not make it into the UO were separated from their families, placed in patchwork homes of other UO "orphans," and told to repent. THIS was from an article sent by another member. It states Lyle Jeffs is BISHOP of FLDS and the Mouthpiece for his brother while he is in Prison. He was in control of everything! This is taking him off the streets. Is this how they are starting to SHUT DOWN the FLDS?

KIC8462852 ago

nice summary ! thanks for the cite.

darkknight111 ago

Relevant info: The book " Shattered Innocence" is basically an expose of FLDS pedophilia from a victim. The very same victim involved in helping take Warren Jeffs down.

To think a book I read over a decade ago is becoming relevant again.

FLDS are scum. Important take down.

carmencita ago

I think it is very important for us to keep posting heavily about these arrests. Not to forget. Keep at it. So much happening people dart from one post to another when they come searching, but I feel that if they keep seeing posts on these scumbags over and over, Something Will Sink In.

ESOTERICshade ago

I would have expected Jeffs to have a big wad of cash on him. Maybe he squandered it all or somebody in the organization still has it all...

FBI officials announced the capture Thursday morning with a tweet: "#ARRESTED: FLDS leader Lyle Jeffs in custody after nearly a year on the lam." Authorities followed a tip that led them to Jeffs,who was living out of his silver pickup truck. Police caught up with his vehicle at a recreation-area marina after Jeffs stopped to use the bathroom. He surrendered without incident while at a traffic stop.

carmencita ago

You would think they had a lot of money, who knows what they are up to while in hiding. Sex with children costs a lot of money and don't have access to the compound. Also, being near that marina sounds a little sketchy and suspicious. Could he have been aiding them in their help, bringing in more trafficked children? Idk, I am just always on the lookout.

new4now ago

another one you can look into is Joseph Smith Jessop

The name Jessop is almost synonymous with polygamy. Patriarch Joseph Smith Jessop led the split with the Mormon Church decades ago. In the polygamist strongholds of Colorado City and Hilldale, nearly everyone is related to the Jessops, who are considered among the most devout followers of their now incarcerated leader Warren Jeffs.

"Jacob Jessop is one of Warren Jeffs loyalists, and one of his money men, if you will," Flora Jessop said.

In recent years, several polygamist outposts have popped up in Southern Nevada, drawn by explosive growth. Records show Jacob Jessop's construction firm, JNJ, is licensed in Nevada but based in Colorado City.

Since 2004, it has earned more than $7 million on nine projects commissioned by the Las Vegas Valley Water District, including ongoing work at the massive Springs Preserve operation. JNJ has also won contracts with the city of Las Vegas and Clark County.

Flora Jessop alleges that one reason polygamist companies win competitive bids is the use of unpaid child labor. Residents of booming Mesquite say they often see boys as young as ten working on housing projects.

"These children are not children. They are currency. One hundred percent of their pay is turned over to Warren Jeffs to continue his rampage," Flora Jessop continued. 


carmencita ago

Will do. Getting ready to head out to a really long meeting. Will keep this on my list. Another one to check out in connection with all this, I feel, is Mitt Romney. His family goes way back and I still think he is involved in this somehow. Will check out way later tonight or tomorrow. Joseph Smith Jessop.

new4now ago

he is the Main man, The big dog as I see it

carmencita ago

I believe it. Will check on him later.

ESOTERICshade ago

FLDS needs to go down.

carmencita ago

I completely agree. Could this be a start? I hope so, but am still sitting on the fence.

chabon ago

Looks like FLDS has been expanding in South Dakota -- could this be the northern location in the CDAN blind yesterday?


new4now ago

I think they were expanding in Las Vegas too

geez, wonder with Jeffs in jail, who taking over?

HardCorps ago

They have been in Vegas for a LONG time. I knew a ex mormon from there a while back. FLDS has a zeal only compared with Scientology in my opinion. They build and live in fortified (literally) communities and any outsider that comes in will leave or be made to leave. Sweetwater Tx - there is a compound related to the Jeffs family with walls and armed guards. All of Mormonism is born from satanism and freemasonry. Kids are ritualistically abused by them. They are also welfare leeches that do nothing productive. They are always looking for new land to move to and set up shop to escape the rumors and law enforcement (the LEO's that they cant buy off) raids.

new4now ago

Have to look up Waco

We're these same people, maybe different religion?

Can't remember

HardCorps ago

Waco was different but similar in ways. David Koresh was leading a group of Branch Davidians (spinoff of Seventh Day Adventists) in the Waco Compound. They were absolutely a cult and David Koresh actually had alot of parallels with Charles Manson before Manson went full murderous retard. Koresh was a wannabe rockstar, and declared himself the second coming of Jesus Christ. He liked to bang young girls and he liked guns too. ATF decided he had some illegal guns and drugs, and planned a raid that kicked off a huge clusterfuck. FBI came in, tried to starve them out, didnt work, so they got in firefights, FBI dead, Branch Davidians dead, then the place went up in flames. FBI then posed for pictures with charred bodies in background. Sad on so many levels.

new4now ago

I think I read where 3? Of the agents were shot by the good guys

Not sure where I read it,

carmencita ago

“As locals, we know what is going on in there and we don’t want to see it expand,” one neighboring landowner wrote in opposing the water rights expansion. “We value our 12 year old girls in South Dakota. Help us!” I think the Govt. is doing their best to fight this within the law. Also they do not want to create another Waco, as the article says. They are now going to start evicting those that will not pay their taxes. So, they want to nip this in the bud, but don't want to kill people There have to be many children in that area, as we know. I am hoping they are finally starting to Take A Stand Against FLDS.

carmencita ago

My exact thought. I saw on my news that he is getting about 5 years. Maybe they are going to try to get as many of them Locked Up as they can and then try to clean the place out. Idk, that is what I am hoping for at least. The location in CDAN was about the Meadows, but my thought is that they are trying to possibly kill the FLDS and then shut these places down.

carmencita ago

He escaped and got out of the Angle Cuff and has been on the run. No More. This is a RICO Case. Prosecutors accused Jeffs and other sect leaders of instructing followers to buy items with their food stamp cards and give them to a church warehouse where leaders decided how to distribute products to followers. They say food stamps were also cashed at sect-owned stores without the users getting anything in return. The money was then diverted to front companies and used to pay thousands for a tractor, truck and other items, prosecutors say. HE is a member of the FLDS and they have been linked to polygamy and sex abuse of minors and Warren Jeffs is in jail right now serving a Life Sentence. This is connected to Pizzagate because we know there have been articles and posts on here connecting them to sexual abuse and rape of children. http://www.foxnews.com/us/2017/06/15/fugitive-polygamous-sect-leader-lyle-jeffs-arrested-in-south-dakota.html

new4now ago

oh they bilked Food stamps and WIC

since only one wife was recognized in household, the other wives collected on Government programs

carmencita ago

They really are good at Screwing Over the Govt. These people can turn a well meaning program into an asset for their nasty operations. I think the FBI and the Sheriffs around there are getting smarter. Using different tactics now. Using the Law. What a Novelty!

new4now ago

it was tax invasion that sent Capone to the hokey

also saw when Jeffs got busted, think that's when they changed name from Centennial to Colorado City, The trust that owned the land got busted too

you know this group will bounce back somewhere

I'm looking into DynCorp


his professional beginnings


and Paddock and maybe Epstein

also wonder if this guy had anything to do with the women and children in Warren Jeffs harem

ALLRED lol Gloria out of this picture, but her husband isnt

carmencita ago

Yes, I think a lot of the players in different operations could possibly be involved in other places and crimes as well. They always use the ones the can trust and have blackmail info on.

new4now ago

the webs always have a start point

argosciv ago

/me spills popcorn

Well shit the bed... this is getting interesting...

carmencita ago

Yes! I am not totally convinced, but I am Taking Notice and will keep check on these Rico Arrests. Hopefully there will be more!