MichaelClayton ago

Excellent post yet again. I came across an article about the Chandler-Jackson story and a paragraph struck me.

Evan did not realise why the star was at such pains to befriend him - until he went into his son's bedroom one night to find Jordan being cradled from behind by Jackson, whose hand was cupping his groin.


There is a rumor that Michael was castrated at a very young age to maintain his high pitch singing voice as well as it being a satanic offering.

Now this may sound crazy, but what Michael was doing makes me think that he was pretending he had his genitals back.

YogSoggoth ago

“The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb." Am I the only one who read that in context? WEEOOOH! There's your sign.

migratorypatterns ago

True enougth.

Feldman, want to talk about the blood covenant you entered into?

YogSoggoth ago

You are not implying that I am Corey, are you? That came out as weird, if such. I am a Florida Cracker. The real kind.

migratorypatterns ago

What? No

Absolutely not.

YogSoggoth ago

Sorry, it was just worded ... well, you know type is different than meeting people in real life.

migratorypatterns ago

Yeah, it's fine.

YogSoggoth ago

True enough, I am a Floriidia Cracker that will break someones arm off in an arm wrestl''n contest. I ain't got time for fools. The most Omega 3 in the Gulf of Mexico can be obtained by eating Mullet.

elephantdoesntforget ago

mp, you are brilliant. I have some insight for you.

Re. Joe Jackson's bizarre message to Bigi: it appears the message was intended for Prince Michael, who a week or two prior, had fallen off his motorcycle while riding, and Tweeted about it. (Why the heir to a multi-million dollar fortune would ever feel led to ride a motorcycle on a daily basis is beyond me, but very risky, especially given the people in the picture)

The thing with Katherine giving up guardianship seems odd in a few ways. There are several articles in the last year about how Katherine virtually disappeared from the house in Calabasas where Prince Michael and Paris live. She would be moving from hotel to hotel, and spotted at diners during late hours, surrounded by characters. Another set of articles talked about how a relative who was serving as her 'driver' was shaking her down for big money. Trent, big guy, very intimidating. She said she did not feel safe at the house in Calabasas anymore, and was disappearing as stated above, staying in hotels etc. It further complicates everything, especially since the Jackson brothers and sisters had allegedly kidnapped Katherine to Arizona several years ago, to which Prince and Paris had Tweeted they felt something fishy was going on, and demanded to talk to her immediately. The Jackson clan played it off as nothing, and a not so convincing Katherine 'played along.'

This leaves TJ Jackson as the guardian. He is the son of Tito Jackson and lives at the Calabasas house with his own family. There has been a lot of controversy about Jackson relatives living in homes meant for the children, Prince, Paris, and Blanket. This includes Hayvenhurst which had Child Protective Services called over several times when the relative children were apparently running around chasing Bigi around the house with a taser. Alejandra Jackson and several kids were living at the house, and even given its huge size, was getting too small to house all the different Jackson brother's wives and children. Another report talked about how the relative children and Jackson's brothers were using Prince, Paris, and Blankets estate allowance to benefit themselves. Often going on huge shopping sprees with the family card, or going to extravagant dinners with 10-20 family members. Basically living high off the hog at the children's expense. Remember, the Jacksons are furious Michael didn't leave them a dime, and basically left his entire inheritance to three un-biologically related children, and Katherine, who they have been shaking down so bad that she has been MIA, and now stepping down as a conservator.

Another thing worth looking into, is that Paris is very good friends with Miko Brando's daughter Prudence, who is of similar age as Paris, and lives nearby in Cheviot Hills. Another very interesting thing, is that Miko Brando's home has been in and out of default for the last year or two. Miko Brando is apparently hurting for money. Are they using Paris as a meal ticket? Questions abound.

Bottom line, there is a shakedown for the estate money and it appears the Jackson brothers and relatives are all over it, trying to get their hands on ever dollar they can. Katherine is appearing to be a victim trying to remove herself from the picture... possibly to shield the kids? As guardian she received a monthly stipend of around $40-50k. It seems the Jackson brothers and relatives were squeezing her for a big portion of that, and likely very little was making it to Prince, Paris, and Blanket. Michael himself always complained he avoided his brothers like the plaugue because they were money hungry, and always trying to take from him.

Touching on the murders you wrote about, Delores has been a known hit, but somehow always kept out of the MSM.

Evan Chandler was another oddly timed murder to silence. Amazing how victims and the victims families of Michael Jackson have to hide, move, assume new identities while the perps walk around freely.

But the Jackson clan are involved in many murders, many high profile. Look how Stasi, the writer of the article re. Delores, never wrote about it before recently. All this gets covered up and never sees the light of day.

Re. the sperm donations. It's obvious Jackson liked to surround himself with Jews, and many of his victims were Jewish boys. I have heard from reputable sources that only a few know the real lineage of the children, and that if the lineage was revealed it would expose their child pornography operation.

millennial_vulcan ago

Paris Jackson is too busy shooting up heroin with Macauley (oh the irony....) and her dealer, Jared Leto, to care much about all of this.... interesting read. thanks.


migratorypatterns ago

Oh, Christ! Best way to control someone is get them on drugs.

millennial_vulcan ago


migratorypatterns ago

Thanks. The rabbit hole goes deep.

Neverland Ranch. Alice in Wonderland. The White Rabbit. The rituals contained within are being used against children. Invoking the name Neverland ... it's saying, "Lost Boys". I'm going to do more dumpster diving as time permits.

Thanks for the info and an UpVoat for you.

elephantdoesntforget ago

As the song says ....

Michael Jackson- The Lost Children
For all the lost children
This is for all the lost children
This one’s for all the lost children, wishing them well
And wishing them home

Home with their fathers,
Snug close and warm, loving their mothers
I see the door simply wide open
But no one can find thee

So pray for all the lost children
Let’s pray for all the lost children
Just think of all the lost children, wishing them well
This is for all the lost children
This one’s for all the lost children
Just think of all the lost children
Wishing them well, and wishing them home

YogSoggoth ago

First is, they are almost talent less in that age in time. Here is another example. White Lion - When The Children Cry - YouTube www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUR86bnKLaI. This was an effort. Real metal was already being replaced by corporate means by the late 70's with some hiccups.

elephantdoesntforget ago

Sure, I agree. The point was to show Jackson's singing about 'lost children,' which is ironic since he contributed to so many children disappearing and being abused.

That said, he also wrote songs about being high on Demerol.

My theory about metal and rock being replaced for a while now, is because people identify too much with patriotism, independence that much of the music was about. They would rather the Top 20 hits be pop easy to digest, mostly about having sex, gang violence, or something frivolous.

YogSoggoth ago

Note the date of origin. JUDAS PRIEST - ISLAND OF DOMINATION LYRICS This later song is about an experience and how the lead singer got his chance. I used to be into music.

migratorypatterns ago

Beyond creepy when put into context.

ASolo ago

Great threads. That one's a deep pandoras box delving into Brando, then Jacko. The veracity of the term 'the truth is stranger than fiction' comes into full focus in this aspect of Hollywood. Brando was a full on FREAK.

They were all, and still are, out of control sexual deviants and their lifestyle bled through their work and the world has been transformed by it EXPONENTIALLY.

EXCLUSIVE: Marlon the master and James Dean his slave: Stars had 'secret master and slave S&M relationship' as Streetcar Named Desire star stubbed out cigarettes on his younger lover


millennial_vulcan ago

WOW. That IS a great find..thanks @ASolo

ASolo ago

The book, called James Dean: Tomorrow Never Comes, also claims Dean had a gay threesome with Walt Disney and My Fair Lady director George Cukor.


ASolo ago

They were ALL down low homosexuals, sometimes, and it seems most often, the most loathsome kind, sadistic and so uncomfortable in their own skin they have to take it out on someone less able to defend themselves.

migratorypatterns ago

OMG! UpVoat for that find.

Besides the conspiracy of silence that keeps things hidden, there's the plain fact that we don't think like that! It's easy to guess what a neighbor like us is doing ... where he's going ... but these freaktoid pervs?

How does someone ... a big fat slob someone ... have the right to destroy their child's life because of a sexual perversion? I guess evil gives them that right.

YogSoggoth ago

Freaktoid pervs. Can you use that more often?

ASolo ago

It seems MOST well known actors since the BEGINNING of Hollywood got where they got based on 'other' 'talents' and willingness to do things others wouldn't, or were groomed into the industry at an age where they had no other choice. But there seems to be something more going on here, it seems as though every single one of them has this same aura. Yes we all know theater people have always been strange, exuberant, lofty, self-centered and dramatic, but always willing to protect everything in the name of the 'art', and usually very open minded and willing to try anything - lending to a very colorful cast of characters. But, it seems, presently, that there is not one personality that is VERY well known that doesn't have this aura and it's turning out now, physical proof these activities are happening. This is a MASSIVE program of vetting and shoulder-tapping and only the willing get to make the box office hits. And the more I look at Hollywood and the idols we have espoused there isn't one Hollywood star I could look at and NOT SEE exactly the way I see how James Dean made it to the 'big time' -by waiting and standing on the sunset strip waiting for the next Hollywood producer to drive by that hopefully has a clean dick.

ASolo ago

I also find it disconcerting and troubling in this new chapter of the Feldman saga and this thread only re-ignites those old thoughts about Feldman and Jacko. Something is giving me the feeling that Feldman's entire charade is designed to keep people at bay for his involvement in the Jackson episode, but if we really look at the scope of it all, Jacko seems to be the one who has had the most significant impact on the shitshow we see inside Feldman right now. I mean the guy is so steeped in Jackson's cheese that it doesn't look like Michael Jackson is fighting to get in to Corey Feldman it's looking more like now he's fighting to get out of Feldman nowadays.

So now Corey AND the LAPD find the old recordings, how convenient, now after Corey fans flames, drops lame names, then disappears again? No. Corey needs to come to terms with the fact that he's one fucked up dude. His band is a delusional nightmare, he's trapped in some morphed 80's through the 90's retro vomit, he believes that poorly mimicking old tired Jackson moves are still in style (along with dyed leather and fedoras), and he's a total misogynist and abuser, that much is 100% psychologically viabley PROVEN just by watching Wife Swap (ANY psychologist in the world would know that show is video proof Feldman runs a man's CULT).

We need Feldman and Caulkin to even up the story, its obvious as hell by their appearance and demeanor that their experiences alone are enough to suck the life out of you.

elephantdoesntforget ago

Culkin seems like such a lost cause. His band is literally called something something 'pizza.'

He obviously was badly abused.

As much as Feldman and Culkin seem important, they are dually held back their celebrity. (What celeb wants to risk being blackballed, sued into oblivion, and / or losing royalties on their movies?) Maybe time to look more closely at the non-celebrity victims of Jackson?

2impendingdoom ago

Who could ever forget blanket? He was the one dangled over the balcony.


ps, great post once again.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks so much.

Yeah, he's languishing on his own. Who the heck leaves a fifteen-year-old without supervision? It's crazy. And his sister is so concerned, but not concerned enough to move there, or get involved, or have him move in with her ... or something!

millennial_vulcan ago

see my other comment about her being too busy shooting up with Culkin and Jared Leto (her dealer) to care....

elephantdoesntforget ago

Question comes to mind, what did they do to Paris?

Kids don't try to take their arms off with a cleaver like that out of the blue. It appears she is victim of mind control. Lately she is all into spirituality on her Twitter. Chakra, tarot, all that new age stuff that victims of mind control frequently find themselves engaged in. And she is hanging around Will Smith's kid, Willow. Can't be good....

She also admitted recently that she was raped by a close family member. Why does she protect him? So much is going on here.

migratorypatterns ago

Why does she? What's the point of protecting a pedo? So they can rape more?

I ran across an article that alleged the children were brainwashed. I'll have to try to find it again.

elephantdoesntforget ago

It goes without saying they were brainwashed... the kids go around saying MJ was their biological father, when it's obviously not true.

What sort of brainwashing did he achieve with them... he had them walking around with masks for a better part of their childhood. Why was MJ so intent on hiding their facial appearance? Who did they resemble?

Don't know why Paris would protect the pedo in the family, but obviously something stinks. It seems the Jackson family has spent years bullying the kids for their own gain.

argosciv ago

Forgive my shameless self-promotion for a moment, but, I think it's justified in this case...

Root of Corruption - Q 2: "Godfather III": Ruddy + Brando + Hamilton + Johnson?

Fleeting: "Apocalypse Now", "Cheyenne"; Fallout: New Vegas?

Cheyenne Brando - see all

Worlds collide...


Vindicator ago

Is it any wonder LA is being burnt to a cinder? Good Lord what a shitshow.

carmencita ago

Rupert Murdoch's home burned down to the ground. Saw it on my local news, so this is verified I predict others will go down as well. I also heard on the news that there are 4 separate fires. Will they be in just the right places? Remains to be seen.

ASolo ago

Haha, Murdoch wants to shelter Disney investors in this merger. That fucking corporation is going to be worthless once everyone gets wind of the mind control programs they have instituted not only in their films but every theme park as well. It has become painfully obvious that the Disney Prince and Princess Occult programming, right from the start with Fantasia, that their entire organization was geared around implanting ques and familiar themes into their movies that would have a general overall ambient conditioning aspect to it similar to the concentrated program of one on one mk-ultra trauma conditioning. There are a million triggers that could be deciphered from Disney's 'art' that can be identified as having severe psychological effects on the population.

YogSoggoth ago

Please forgive me for accentuating myself in any way. I was an artist, and could be even today. They took a group of artists, and then put in another artists inserts, to do that, to quell the conservative times. Before modern technology they actually had to have skills, even with tracer paper. Fantasia certainly is a ride today. I read off computer (paper reading) that the artists got paid poorly and did not save that and died.

carmencita ago

No wonder half the country is asleep and so hard to Wake Up. I believe they are going to be really angry when they find out they have been controlled all this time, not to mention finding out they have been doing this to their kids too. I can't wait.

ASolo ago

Well, unfortunately that conditioning had been extended into generalized programming right along with Disney but Disney just has a particular patent on his brand of mk-ultra, he creates a particularly lofty, flighty, more colorful and aloof kind of character conditioning. His brand inculcates in individuals an imagination that becomes dangerous, yet, once we begin to examine other programming that most of us have been exposed to you will start noticing the programming in everything. One thing to take special notice of is how television attempts (and has succeeded for generations) to manipulate emotion. The two most common emotions that are on repeat over and over are "Vengeance" and "Sentimentality" -with those two repetitively replayed in a thousand shows and movies over and over there grows within the populace an innate aspect of being, an almost unrecognizable egregore of behavior that translates to many different aspects of American life, including a 'yearning' for when 'times were good' and 'America was great ', combined with the overwhelming desire to not let anyone 'get away with it' and let 'justice be served', among other extremist convictions. It was and is, in EVERYTHING. Lifestyles of the rich and famous to make you envious, the hulk to make you angry, little house to make you feel good and yearn for wholesomeness, ER to help create doctors and nurses, on and on, not many of us escaped it. Combine that with the Frankfurt model Rockefeller/Carnegie funded public schools each and every one of us used to and most still do, swing in an abyss created by THEM, all of it, satanic garbage.

Ambient Mk-Ultra, that's why their are so many whack job stories every single day is because these people are slipping their programming and going bonkers, all preplanned and part of the package.

carmencita ago

This is why I do not watch any of the new program sitcoms. Some are full of smart mouth kids talking back to their parents, really dirty sex talk and yes some pedo stuff too. Has anyone seen the Goldbergs? Where the mother can;t stop biting or eating her son's ear while she is saying how delicious he is? Then the father, every night he comes home drops his pants at the front door and does the whole show in his Jockeys. What a waste of time and slap in the face. Absolutely disgusting. I do not watch the program, that was all in just the promo.

millennial_vulcan ago

are you kidding? urghhhhhhh. I have never heard of this show. What channel?

carmencita ago

Here you go. Enjoy. The mom is from Everybody Loves Raymond and The Middle. Gag Me With A Spoon. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2712740/

Shillaxe ago

Burning evidence.

millennial_vulcan ago

yep! my submission on this got removed!

migratorypatterns ago

It really is.

God only knows what happened on that ranch ... or at The Brando. His daughter was literally being murdered a step at a time and no one helped her? But the connections are the most damning. That's how pizzagate made so many valid connections proving to be true. You see who knows who and who frequents each other company. So in this case, Brando is hanging out with MJ because they're NOT alike? Or because they are exactly the same?

elephantdoesntforget ago

Birds of a feather flock together. I think compared to Brando, MJ had a lot more money. Maybe Brando saught funding, or a piece of the child porn business.

migratorypatterns ago

Now THAT would be it! If they could find the cache of videos taken at the ranch .... and featuring celebrities?

That would be TICK TOCK AND KABOOM!!!

elephantdoesntforget ago

That's what they do. The blackmail videos go very far up the food chain.

argosciv ago

Good Lord what a shitshow.

Yurp... starting to get interesting now, ey? ;)

In This Moment - "River Of Fire" (Official Audio)

azlyrics.com - In This Moment - River of Fire

Let it rain

Let it rain

Oh won't you let it rain

Let the storm rage

Let the water run higher

Let it rain

Let it rain

Oh won't you let it rain

Baptized in a river of fire

The storm's here

I'm so high

Thunder's calling me - I'm going outside

The sky cracks

The wind stings

I want to feel you strike me down with lightning

Yuke ago

All sounds very speculative to me, and Blanket looks like he could actually be MJ's, he has his eyes. Now if you want to talk about Paris, who in my opinion is in no way MJ's offspring...

migratorypatterns ago

Partly speculative, but then everyone is guessing at the parentage of MJ's children ... and for good reason.

The connections are solid. You have a known pedo, Brando, staying at MJ's ranch. That is solid evidence. It's the same type of connection pizzagaters made with Comet PP and the like. As for the children, we don't know. To me, none of the three resemble each other even though, supposedly and allegedly, Paris and Prince have the same birth mother. Different facial structure and body type. And we have a friend of MJ saying MJ would never use his sperm and that's why he collected his friend's.

Obviously, I have no idea what went on in the sperm collection or the choice of who was chosen to father these children. But it's a glimpse into the bizarre, strange, fucked up world of MJ and the rest of those sickos.

elephantdoesntforget ago

It's a known fact MJ hated 'his own kind.' He could not stand his own family, and often held a jaundiced eye towards other blacks.

MJ's ranch was Grand Central Station for pedophilia.

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

The Brando pics are very cool, but I think Cheyenne gets a lot of her looks from her mother. What about the other Brando sons? A couple of them could have been old enough to uh donate and pass along those Tahitian looks to Blanket. Unless Jacko chose a Tahitian mother? I gotta say the resemblance with Cheyenne is creepy AF.

migratorypatterns ago

I don't think Brando's sons have enough panache to be accorded the honor, but Brando?

I believe the problem is that we're thinking like "us" and not "them". Their reasons for doing things are all their own. But Feldman and MacCaulay Culkin were part of this. Hence Culkin's band. Talk about hiding in plain sight. And Feldman? All he' done is stonewall investigations.

carmencita ago

Feldman is Guilty as Sin. Lying is one. I am hinting at handling, abusing, and let me say this is all alleged. I have always felt that Feldman and Culkin were lying. They are part of this that is for sure. But how they are involved is the question. Who is bank rolling both of them. Neither one of them is making money with those bands. Bank Roller. Indeed.

millennial_vulcan ago

They are both such bad liars, it isn't even interesting anymore. Both Feldman and Culkin were destroyed by Jacko's 'Jesus Juice' and I have no idea why Feldman doesn't tell on the biggest pedo of them all. Culkin is just a lost cause at this point.

carmencita ago

Culkin is the one I feel more sorry for. Feldman had his chance. It is over.

migratorypatterns ago

But how they are involved is the question.


Would be nice to know, and I'm positive at the end of this, we'll know.

carmencita ago

I think you know who controls most of what goes on in Hollywood. He was just mentioned on CDAN.

migratorypatterns ago

Yes. The same person that used to control The Oval Office and the puppet in it.

carmencita ago

I believe it is someone with the initials DLG.

migratorypatterns ago

So you have someone different in mind and that is a pretty good guess.

He has been tied to pretty big scumbags so it could well be.

carmencita ago

People that have that much money pretty much know someone out there will do what ever they want for a price. They just have to find the right people. Geffen, from what I have read has the power to be running pretty much of the nasty operations in LA. Where there is money to be made, believe me these people are involved. Think sex trafficking, money laundering etc.

migratorypatterns ago

I have no doubt they're all raking in billions and have been for quite some time.

Their day of reckoning is coming though. They'll have to stand in court and answer for what they've done.

carmencita ago

I can't wait. Oh God I can't wait. They need to be Taken Down. One by One.

migratorypatterns ago

I know. They're so arrogant I can't take it. Like Alec Baldwin getting a new show to mock someone who took the enormity of this task on and is suffering the worst barrage of propaganda any president/politician has gone through. And Jennifer Lawrence saying she'd throw a drink in his face. Oh, but Weinstein had his paws on her and was like a "father" to her.. And Franken, Pelosi, the Pedostas, The Cannibal Queen .... the list goes on ...

carmencita ago

You just wonder who the good ones are. There are some, but not many. I have read in reports on here that there could be as many as 60% compromised. Who are they other 40% ?

migratorypatterns ago

There definitely are. They'll be sorted out when the charges start coming.

carmencita ago

I sure hope so. There have been so many accusations and only lawsuits, but not trials and jail time. Something has to Break Soon.

derram ago

https://archive.fo/k3O1h :

Brando became close friend of Michael Jackson | World news | The Guardian

https://archive.fo/aktPZ :

STASI: Michael Jackson's ranch was a private pedophilia institute - NY Daily News

https://files.catbox.moe/q9kwi3.jpg :

https://files.catbox.moe/8n98u4.jpg :

https://files.catbox.moe/eec1c5.jpg :

This has been an automated message.

migratorypatterns ago

Here’s more evidence of MJ's guilt including how the charges of pedophilia began.


FBI releases files on Michael Jackson

A Toronto woman told investigators probing allegations against Jackson in 1993 that she and her husband — both social workers in children’s services — were aboard a train March 7, 1992, during a visit to California and that the singer and his entourage had four compartments near them. She said a 12- or 13-year-old boy — identified as Jacko’s “cousin” to anyone who asked — was with the singer at the time. “Jackson was very possessive of the boy at night,” the woman told cops, adding that she and her hubby grew even more suspicious of the star’s behavior when they “heard questionable noises through wall,” according to one FBI file. “She was concerned enough to notify the conductor of her suspicions,” authorities wrote at the time. The woman’s comments were part of the probe into allegations that the singer had molested Jacko mini-me Jordie Chandler, a young hanger-on who had been traveling with the star.