crashing_this_thread ago

Don't trust this guy at all.

ESOTERICshade ago

For those that have eyes to see...

This is how hard we got played by the Q agenda. Remember the "purge" of the "bad Saudis?" I spoke against that numerous times and tried to point out that there are no good Saudi princes.

Supposedly the "good Prince" is the remaining Prince Salman soon to be the new king. He bought a painting from Christi's auction house of "Jesus" supposedly painted by Da Vinci. "Supposedly" Paid 450 Million dollars for it.

This is the painting. Notice how demonic "Jesus" looks? Notice that hand signal "Jesus" is making? Look familiar? It should. It is the hand signal of Baphomet, the Horned Goat Baphomet.

Anti Christ Jesus pic Prince Salman the "good" Prince bought for 450 Million Dollars.

Pic of Baphomet:

NEVER trust high level Freemasons and Jesuits. Always assume their intention is opposite of what you see and hear and you will end up, in the end, being correct almost all the time. Who visited Israel two months before the Saudi Purge? Prince Salman. Who did one of the biggest weapons deals in history with the Saudis just before the "bad Saudis" got purged? President Trump.

Notice the hand signal Ivanka is giving? Two middle fingers together. That is a Marrano (crypto jew) hand gesture.

Famous Marranos in history. Ivanka may be your first woman president, who knows.....

This pic is same as web archive link just above, and its huge, 36 megabytes.

Saudi "Bin Salman" Purchases PICTURE of THE ANTICHRIST? + THE SAUDI "PURGE"

Published by The Black Child on Mon, 18 Dec 2017 18:23:32 GMT

Phenomenonanon ago

There was q post just today

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Lift the Veil is a shill. If Defango is admitting he used to be one of them, he is still one of them. There are no ex spooks. Cicada is a spook opperation. True or untrue, Defango is discredited by asociating with a shill and by admitting to have formally been part of Cicada. Q is definately a spook opperation, and that is why the mods have stickied Q threads in the past. But Defango cannot be used as a source any more than George Webb can. Spooks are spooks. There are no friendly ghost.

Gothamgirl ago

I am going to say the thought of Cicada, Defango and also Quincy Michaels has definitely crossed my mind. I think Cicada is the NSA or wikileaks.

Narcissism ago

De Fango is a grandiose self promoting grease ball. No one should listen to a word he says. Likely he works for the Deep State as a agent of disinfo.

defango ago

You LTV watcher's are stupid and clearly have the same auditory selective hearing Nathan prescribes to.

  1. Wrote some questions ---> Pastbin Questions
  2. Told whistleblower an idea
  3. Q is referenced by cicada in june --> Q.mp3
  4. Cicada ends after defcon Aug Defango share his idea for a whistle blower information dump. FYI Defcon is not government idiots, That's Blackhat in june
  5. In Nov q posts. I make a video on how I think its cicada related. Crickets --->
  6. Qanon Goes viral, all the YouTube are losing there shit. Defango makes more videos telling the business, crickets -->
  7. Defango gets angry at all the trolls missing the point. doxd' Q and asks cicada contacts "hey what the fuck, this you?. Cicada is like "not a puzzle just helping, info good". Def says "cut it out"
  8. Trip goes dark and signs off 4chan. End real q -->
  9. Cbts + bakers happens then 8ch move enter fake q and youtuber campaign.--->
  10. Defango shocked at bullshit and cicada puts out message saying "idiots didnt get the point and became fanatics, peace out fuckers"
  11. Enter shillstorm + 250 cbts threads . defango just chills
  12. Contact sends dox confirm email, more YouTube cbts shilling
  13. December 23 defango outs q's name, nobody cares. Tells people his q info. Crickets.
  14. ???? Waits
  15. Defango shares the info again on BOTWA Awards, shitstorm starts. -->
  16. Then all of a sudden its a larp and LTV is on the warpath sharing disinfo

What involvement did I show other than noticing that it was similar to something I told somebody about. I figured out the information and put it out before all the shillstorm and not a single one of you cuck's looked that it. So I had zero involvement other than being the first to expose what was happening, found out who Q actually was and shared it with the world.

Now what MF

paulf ago

Cbts + bakers happens then 8ch move enter fake q

Fake Q? No. Same trip, same passwd, same ability to predict the future.

This has nothing to do with either you or Cicada. The sooner you admit that, the better for your reputation in future.

cutelobster ago

Defango, here's a transcript of what you said on the original audio:


"So after I went to Defcon and dropped off the stuff they did a round of recruiting. That was supposed to be it although they were talking about doing this thing, this QAnon thing, saying they were going to do it and it was the next thing coming. They wanted to have the Socratic method of teaching - they were trying not to put the focus fully on them - but they wanted to see if they could maybe entice other people, start using their mental facilities to do things. Seemed like it ended up being very good in the beginning but people got really fanatical about it I guess - look at the all the goddamn youtube channels that keep making videos after videos, obviously just freaking out. But, literally,what I've been trying to say, this whole charade - like I've been a part of it, I wrote half the questions that this dude asked on the message board - I didn't type them out and put them in myself but you know this was a group of people that worked together to see what we could do with individuals online. All the information is correct, all the information is good and it's been sourced from the right people."


I think "I've been a part of it" and "I wrote half the questions this dude asked on the message board" equate to an admission of personal involvement. People can read that and decide for themselves the level of your involvement but, to me, it seems rather far from "zero". Anyway, the more important point is that what you said confirms that Q was/is linked to Cicada and is a project and a deception. Q was/is presented, here and elsewhere, as something very different from that.

Gothamgirl ago

Number 5, I to have noticed the connection on timing with wikileaks and cicada. Cicada drops clues here just before wikileaks releases.

ESOTERICshade ago

It does not matter anymore who Q is because all it did was spread a bunch of lies and create a false belief that a political party is our savior, and its not. Until Americans stop believing in the false right/left paradigm Americans will be slaves. Ben Garrison said it best in one simple graphic.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Nailed it. But it gets to a point where you have to realize why we have to remind people of this daily. This place is infested with disinfo shills. Are_We_Sure is not even a problem in here. It is those pretending to be fighting this but constantly posting disinfo in an attempt to mislead people to have a false impression of the reality of the situation. As always, we do something or nothing gets done. Nothing. They are already moving on agenda 21.

Indigo9 ago

You couldn't be more correct. Love this sentiment. It's all a big, expensive show. This vs. That... all 6 to one half dozen to another.

edblings ago

why would 'geniuses' decide to use a tripcode like "Matlock" ? makes no sense. defango is a queer bull shitter

awake4646 ago

I'm unclear as to why the CIA would start a campaign to show everyone how corrupt they are and why they need to be dismantled completely.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

The illusion of legitimacy. The allusion of a working system where they could be investigated and punished. It does not exist. They are selling you that it exist and maybe will happen. Can't happen. CIA , like all spook agencies, work for the banking cartel, not the country they reside in. One of their functions is to control the countries citizens through propaganda, social engineering, mind control, manipulation of events. To completely mislead the citizens about the reality of the government and the world and how things work and who is in charge. So the CIA being brought low is a laugher. They do what they are made to do. Their masters would never punish them for it.

Random101 ago

Q distinguishes between good CIA & bad CIA. The overall tone of Q's posts is that the "ourguys" within the US security apparatus have got it covered.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

There are no good CIA. They are all trained as occultist, trained by the Nazis. That is the point. Lying is their trade. Once somebody is identified as a spook, they are uselsess as a source of anything but lies. The good guys vs bad guys is a fabrication. They have to fabricate this, because their is no evidence of this, so they have to say it is a secret battle that you can't see, but the will give you daily play by play. Act like adults people. This is idiotic.

Random101 ago

IMO the biggest problem with this subject is a culture like "The Donald is our God Emperor and Q is his prophet". Q's use of the Socratic method suggests positive intent, but it's easy to use it to direct the cbts culture in a direction which suits your agenda.

cutelobster ago

The message pushed by Q, and by those behind him, is that Trump is our saviour - he is about to drain, or is currently draining, the swamp. If, however, Trump is not our saviour (perish the thought) but instead part and parcel of the same cabal as much (or all) of the CIA then the intended effect of Q would be pernicious. There are plenty of examples of other limited hangouts - Q could easily be another or these - albeit a particularly lurid and entertaining iteration.

think- ago

albeit a particularly lurid and entertaining iteration.

'Q' might have been entertaining, but he (they) unfortunately pushes a false narrative (Trump vs. Deep State) and distracts investigators.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

There is not a major politician on the political stage that is not theirs. They would never allow your name on the ballot. You would have to be a write in. You would never be allowed media interviews, and a seat at the debates.

Random101 ago

Sure. Just look at the references to GEOTUS (God Emperor of the Unites States). The United States is fundamentally about statism, which could well explain why US politics serves the interests of Theodor Herzl's Zionist state of Israel. It's about the subversion of nationalism and patriotism to racism and fascism and the devolution of theism into humanism.

ESOTERICshade ago

If, however, Trump is not our saviour

He is not. Until Americans stop believing in the false right/left paradigm Americans will be slaves. Ben Garrison said it best in one simple graphic.

Psalm144-1 ago


woadowl ago

Q-Anon is a descendant of Tay. It is an animated entity alive in the Internet. It has access to every phone, computer, microphone, satellite, and anything attached to the web.

DankKeyhote ago

Fuck your gay Socratic method. Talk about pedophiles LMAO does it get any worse than ancient Greece?

I drop knowledge, full stop. You can either confirm it and accept reality or be a little faggot and cry about it. "Not all Jews tho!!" <--- nobody cares bitch

argosciv ago

derram ago :

Q Identity Revealed #QAnon #TheStorm | Lift the Veil - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

topletbomb ago

Positive factions within NSA and US Military also influence Trump to a certain degree.

QAnon leaks originate from the positive faction within NSA and are about 70% correct. Trump is NOT QAnon.